uova Edizione di Visioninmusica a Terni
Un traguardo storico. Così viene Accolto l’arrivo della quindicesima edizione dell’atteso festival Visioninmusica. Dal 24 Gennaio al 14 Aprile la musica si fa protagonista a Terni grazie all’edizione 2020, con il suo ricco cartellone di spettacoli ed artisti. Il festival miscela ed offre al suo pubblico immagini ed emozioni, attraverso i linguaggi del panorama musicale contemporaneo.
“Far volare la mente esplorando nuovi percorsi” è il motto che in una sola frase può riassumere lo spirito di Visioninmusica.
Visioninmusica tra concerti ed iniziative per i giovani
Visioninmusica propone 7 concerti dal grandissimo valore artistico.
Si esibiranno artisti del panorama nazionale ed internazionale, che hanno caratterizzato questa stagione poliedrica e densa di stimoli, con progetti che spaziano dal pop al rock, dal jazz alle sonorità brasiliane, passando per il Nord Europa e il Sud America.
Ma il festival Visioninmusica non sarebbe tale senza le iniziative giovanili della Visioninmusica Scuola: l’aspetto didattico e divulgativo della musica fra i giovani è nella missione originale dell’associazione sin dagli esordi. Il cartellone concertistico si arricchisce allora di 4 appuntamenti speciali dedicati ai ragazzi delle scuole elementari, medie e superiori del territorio, un’occasione importante per avvicinarsi a progetti musicali di elevata qualità in modo autentico e accessibile.
Ecco allora di seguito tutti gli appuntamenti della rassegna!
I 7 concerti di Visioninmusica 2020
24 GENNAIO 2020
Jazz vocalist, musicista, produttore, compositore, ma anche giornalista, autore, personaggio radiofonico e televisivo Gegé Telesforo ha attraversato 30 anni di storia della radio e della televisione italiana con garbo, leggerezza e incondizionato amore per il jazz: vissuto con professionalità, allegria e ritmo. Gegé Telesforo ha sempre dimostrato uno spiccato talento nel far incontrare il miglior jazz italiano e internazionale, realizzando collaborazioni di altissimo livello.
07 FEBBRAIO 2020
Giuseppe Albanese diventa in breve tempo tra i pianisti più richiesti della sua generazione. Nel 2015, ancora su etichetta DG, incide Après une lecture de Liszt: un disco interamente dedicato al compositore ungherese. Invito alla danza (2020) è il suo ultimo lavoro e costituisce un affascinante excursus tra celebri pezzi di musica per balletto (Tchaikovsky, Debussy, Stravinsky) trascritti per pianoforte solo grazie ad un’infinità di virtuosismi e idealmente racchiusi tra l’Invito alla danza di Carl Maria von Weber (1819) e La valse di Ravel (1919).
21 FEBBRAIO 2020
La band si è formata nel 2011, dopo l’incredibile successo di un concerto che era stato preceduto da una sola prova. L’alchimia sprigionata da quel primo incontro ha avuto seguito e dura tutt’oggi. You Know What…? (2019) è la loro ultima uscita. Registrato presso i Brotheryn Studios di Ojai (California), questo quarto album contiene nove brani, di cui �” secondo tradizione �” ciascun membro della band ha composto e prodotto un terzo.
06 MARZO 2020
Pilar si rimette in gioco e fa uscire allo scoperto la sua natura di cantautrice, con canzoni che mettono al centro una vocalità più asciutta e un suono narrante, crepuscolare e nudo. Il suo percorso artistico si intreccia da sempre con il jazz, la canzone d’autore e la poesia. La sua liricità è intima e tagliente, rivestita di arrangiamenti acustici caratterizzati questa volta dalla presenza di tre strumenti a fiato (corno, flicorno e trombone) e imperniata su testi che raccontano il dualismo, la sospensione e la doppia identità.
20 MARZO 2020
Ciò che accomuna Matthias Bartolomey (violoncello) e Klemens Bittmann (violino e mandola) è la passione per la ricerca di nuove sonorità, unita al profondo rispetto per il suono dei loro strumenti. Possiedono entrambi una formazione musicale accademica di altissimo livello, conseguita presso le Universität für Musik di Graz e di Vienna rispettivamente.
Con il progetto BartolomeyBittmann stanno tracciando un nuovo percorso e aprendo nuovi orizzonti sonori per un duo tradizionale come quello violino violoncello.
03 APRILE 2020
Il pianista Michel Reis, il bassista Marc Demuth e il batterista Paul Wiltgen sono tre elementi di spicco del vivo panorama musicale jazz lussemburghese.
La loro vicenda artistica inizia nel 1998 quando ai tempi del liceo si riuniscono in trio, dandosi il nome Reis/Demuth/Wiltgen e cominciando ad esibirsi in tutto il Lussemburgo. Dopo un periodo di pausa, durante il quale completano la loro formazione personale, dedicandosi a numerosi progetti, come solisti e in altre formazioni, tornano insieme nel 2011 e debuttano nel campo discografico pubblicando il loro primo album, intitolato semplicemente con i loro nomi
17 APRILE 2020
Le storie di Alfredo Rodriguez e Pedrito Martinez possono sembrare simili: entrambi sono nati a L’Avana, città che ha forgiato il loro talento musicale prima del loro trasferimento negli Stati Uniti.
Lì hanno esposto la musica della loro terra ad una grande varietà di influenze, dando così vita a uno stile personale e lontano dagli stereotipi. Il percorso dei due musicisti è stato tuttavia molto diverso. Alfredo Rodriguez è nato in una famiglia di tradizione musicale, ha studiato pianoforte al Conservatorio Amadeo Roldán e successivamente presso l’Instituto Superior de Arte, oggi Universidad de las Artes de Cuba.
Programma completo, Biglietti e informazioni ——————> Sito ufficiale
From 20th January to 21th April, music becomes protagonist in Terni thanks to the 2017 Edition of Visioninmusica and its rich schedule of shows and artists. At its XIII Musical Season, Visioninmusica combines and offers to its audience imagines and emotions, through the languages of contemporary musical scenery.
“Let fly your mind exploring new paths” is the slogan that in only one phrase can resume the spirit of 2017 Visioninmusica.
Among national and international artists
Visioninmusica proposes 7 night concerts and 2 workshops especially dedicated to guitar, held at the same time of the festival by two great names as Guthrie Govan and Paul Gilbert.
National and international artists are the protagonists of this multifaceted and intense edition, with projects from pop to rock music, from jazz to Brazilian sounds, from North Europe to the ancient atmosphere of Armenian music.
ratterizzano questa stagionr poliedrica e densa di stimoli, con progetti che spaziano dal pop al rock, dal jazz alle sonorità brasiliane, passando per il nord europa e le antiche atmosfere della musica armena.
Here all the events of the festival!
20th January 2017
Excellent show with Erri De Luca and Stefano Di Battista Quartet, with the voice of Nicky Nicolai and musics of Maurizio Fabrizio. Reflections, songs, musics, finally a complete theater show.
2nd February 2017
Night with three super musicians: Faso and Christian Meyer, rythmic frame of the famous Elio e Le Storie Tese, and Alessio Menconi, one of the most talented and appreciated jazz guitarists. Trio Bobo will present its last album, Pepper Games, where original songs and cover songs are combined with great ability, while spicy musical notes research a unique, powerful sound.
17th February 2017
An awaited return for this group, that presents itself in a new version with a stronger rock accent, also thanks to two new musician: Denis Barthe, famous drummer of Noir Désire and producer of the album, and Olivier Mathios (The Hyènes), the bass player. Their music is an essence of pure vitality: powerful, simple, beautiful, universal.
10th March 2017
This artist is considered the best current bass player of Poland, an authentic revelation and enfant prodige. Kinga Glyk played with many great musicians, and she is evaluated as an arising star of jazz and European blues music.
17 Marzo 2017
Excellent pianist, the Armenian Tigran Hamasyan proposes a crossing of rock, Armenian folk, metal and jazz. Coming back in Armenia after a long and profitable American parenthesis, he obteined many important prizes and international awards, as for example, Montreux Jazz Festival’s Piano Competition, in 2013, Thelonious Monk International Jazz Piano Competition in 2006 and Echo Jazz Awards 2016. Really original piano player, he will propose to his audience in Terni an unforgettable atmosphere that will bring across a unique experience.
7th April 2017
Naming as its leader, the Greek pianist Magda Giannikou, this French group is composed by various musicians from many different countries. It proposes an electronic and sophisticated sound in a mix of genres and styles: samba brasiliana, jazz manouche, traditional Greek dances and Colombian cumbia will create a formidable and enchanting mix that will satisfy also the most exigent listener.
21th April 2017
Brilliant musicians from Puglia, in a continuous harmonious discordance, will close the festival introducing their third work “Note da Oscar”, ready to bring the audience in a luna park of imagination where to daydream is still possible.
All practical informations
Visioninmusica 2017 is held in the city of Terni and the shows are organised in Auditorium Gazzoli or in the Centro Multimediale (Teatro A). Concert is starting at 9 pm
Below all the prices:
SEASON TICKET FOR 7 SHOWS: Euro 99,00 (available from 24th November 2016)
FULL PRICE TICKET: Euro 25,00 and REDUCED TICKET*: Euro 22,00 (show of 20th January)
FULL PRICE TICKET: Euro 20,00 and REDUCED TICKET*: Euro 17,00 (shows of 2nd and 17th February, 17th March, 7th and 21th April)
FULL PRICE TICKET: Euro 15,00 and REDUCED TICKET*: Euro 12,00 (show of 10 March)
Single tickets for the shows will be available from 5th December 2016.
The workshops, from 5 pm to 7 pm, will held in Auditorium Gazzoli.
Available in Terni at: New Sinfony – galleria del Corso, 12 – Terni
Available online on: www.vivaticket.it
From 20th January to 21th April, music becomes protagonist in Terni thanks to the 2017 Edition of Visioninmusica and its rich schedule of shows and artists. At its XIII Musical Season, Visioninmusica combines and offers to its audience imagines and emotions, through the languages of contemporary musical scenery.
“Let fly your mind exploring new paths” is the slogan that in only one phrase can resume the spirit of 2017 Visioninmusica.
Among national and international artists
Visioninmusica proposes 7 night concerts and 2 workshops especially dedicated to guitar, held at the same time of the festival by two great names as Guthrie Govan and Paul Gilbert.
National and international artists are the protagonists of this multifaceted and intense edition, with projects from pop to rock music, from jazz to Brazilian sounds, from North Europe to the ancient atmosphere of Armenian music.
ratterizzano questa stagionr poliedrica e densa di stimoli, con progetti che spaziano dal pop al rock, dal jazz alle sonorità brasiliane, passando per il nord europa e le antiche atmosfere della musica armena.
Here all the events of the festival!
20th January 2017
Excellent show with Erri De Luca and Stefano Di Battista Quartet, with the voice of Nicky Nicolai and musics of Maurizio Fabrizio. Reflections, songs, musics, finally a complete theater show.
2nd February 2017
Night with three super musicians: Faso and Christian Meyer, rythmic frame of the famous Elio e Le Storie Tese, and Alessio Menconi, one of the most talented and appreciated jazz guitarists. Trio Bobo will present its last album, Pepper Games, where original songs and cover songs are combined with great ability, while spicy musical notes research a unique, powerful sound.
17th February 2017
An awaited return for this group, that presents itself in a new version with a stronger rock accent, also thanks to two new musician: Denis Barthe, famous drummer of Noir Désire and producer of the album, and Olivier Mathios (The Hyènes), the bass player. Their music is an essence of pure vitality: powerful, simple, beautiful, universal.
10th March 2017
This artist is considered the best current bass player of Poland, an authentic revelation and enfant prodige. Kinga Glyk played with many great musicians, and she is evaluated as an arising star of jazz and European blues music.
17 Marzo 2017
Excellent pianist, the Armenian Tigran Hamasyan proposes a crossing of rock, Armenian folk, metal and jazz. Coming back in Armenia after a long and profitable American parenthesis, he obteined many important prizes and international awards, as for example, Montreux Jazz Festival’s Piano Competition, in 2013, Thelonious Monk International Jazz Piano Competition in 2006 and Echo Jazz Awards 2016. Really original piano player, he will propose to his audience in Terni an unforgettable atmosphere that will bring across a unique experience.
7th April 2017
Naming as its leader, the Greek pianist Magda Giannikou, this French group is composed by various musicians from many different countries. It proposes an electronic and sophisticated sound in a mix of genres and styles: samba brasiliana, jazz manouche, traditional Greek dances and Colombian cumbia will create a formidable and enchanting mix that will satisfy also the most exigent listener.
21th April 2017
Brilliant musicians from Puglia, in a continuous harmonious discordance, will close the festival introducing their third work “Note da Oscar”, ready to bring the audience in a luna park of imagination where to daydream is still possible.
All practical informations
Visioninmusica 2017 is held in the city of Terni and the shows are organised in Auditorium Gazzoli or in the Centro Multimediale (Teatro A). Concert is starting at 9 pm
Below all the prices:
SEASON TICKET FOR 7 SHOWS: Euro 99,00 (available from 24th November 2016)
FULL PRICE TICKET: Euro 25,00 and REDUCED TICKET*: Euro 22,00 (show of 20th January)
FULL PRICE TICKET: Euro 20,00 and REDUCED TICKET*: Euro 17,00 (shows of 2nd and 17th February, 17th March, 7th and 21th April)
FULL PRICE TICKET: Euro 15,00 and REDUCED TICKET*: Euro 12,00 (show of 10 March)
Single tickets for the shows will be available from 5th December 2016.
The workshops, from 5 pm to 7 pm, will held in Auditorium Gazzoli.
Available in Terni at: New Sinfony – galleria del Corso, 12 – Terni
Available online on: www.vivaticket.it
From 20th January to 21th April, music becomes protagonist in Terni thanks to the 2017 Edition of Visioninmusica and its rich schedule of shows and artists. At its XIII Musical Season, Visioninmusica combines and offers to its audience imagines and emotions, through the languages of contemporary musical scenery.
“Let fly your mind exploring new paths” is the slogan that in only one phrase can resume the spirit of 2017 Visioninmusica.
Among national and international artists
Visioninmusica proposes 7 night concerts and 2 workshops especially dedicated to guitar, held at the same time of the festival by two great names as Guthrie Govan and Paul Gilbert.
National and international artists are the protagonists of this multifaceted and intense edition, with projects from pop to rock music, from jazz to Brazilian sounds, from North Europe to the ancient atmosphere of Armenian music.
ratterizzano questa stagionr poliedrica e densa di stimoli, con progetti che spaziano dal pop al rock, dal jazz alle sonorità brasiliane, passando per il nord europa e le antiche atmosfere della musica armena.
Here all the events of the festival!
20th January 2017
Excellent show with Erri De Luca and Stefano Di Battista Quartet, with the voice of Nicky Nicolai and musics of Maurizio Fabrizio. Reflections, songs, musics, finally a complete theater show.
2nd February 2017
Night with three super musicians: Faso and Christian Meyer, rythmic frame of the famous Elio e Le Storie Tese, and Alessio Menconi, one of the most talented and appreciated jazz guitarists. Trio Bobo will present its last album, Pepper Games, where original songs and cover songs are combined with great ability, while spicy musical notes research a unique, powerful sound.
17th February 2017
An awaited return for this group, that presents itself in a new version with a stronger rock accent, also thanks to two new musician: Denis Barthe, famous drummer of Noir Désire and producer of the album, and Olivier Mathios (The Hyènes), the bass player. Their music is an essence of pure vitality: powerful, simple, beautiful, universal.
10th March 2017
This artist is considered the best current bass player of Poland, an authentic revelation and enfant prodige. Kinga Glyk played with many great musicians, and she is evaluated as an arising star of jazz and European blues music.
17 Marzo 2017
Excellent pianist, the Armenian Tigran Hamasyan proposes a crossing of rock, Armenian folk, metal and jazz. Coming back in Armenia after a long and profitable American parenthesis, he obteined many important prizes and international awards, as for example, Montreux Jazz Festival’s Piano Competition, in 2013, Thelonious Monk International Jazz Piano Competition in 2006 and Echo Jazz Awards 2016. Really original piano player, he will propose to his audience in Terni an unforgettable atmosphere that will bring across a unique experience.
7th April 2017
Naming as its leader, the Greek pianist Magda Giannikou, this French group is composed by various musicians from many different countries. It proposes an electronic and sophisticated sound in a mix of genres and styles: samba brasiliana, jazz manouche, traditional Greek dances and Colombian cumbia will create a formidable and enchanting mix that will satisfy also the most exigent listener.
21th April 2017
Brilliant musicians from Puglia, in a continuous harmonious discordance, will close the festival introducing their third work “Note da Oscar”, ready to bring the audience in a luna park of imagination where to daydream is still possible.
All practical informations
Visioninmusica 2017 is held in the city of Terni and the shows are organised in Auditorium Gazzoli or in the Centro Multimediale (Teatro A). Concert is starting at 9 pm
Below all the prices:
SEASON TICKET FOR 7 SHOWS: Euro 99,00 (available from 24th November 2016)
FULL PRICE TICKET: Euro 25,00 and REDUCED TICKET*: Euro 22,00 (show of 20th January)
FULL PRICE TICKET: Euro 20,00 and REDUCED TICKET*: Euro 17,00 (shows of 2nd and 17th February, 17th March, 7th and 21th April)
FULL PRICE TICKET: Euro 15,00 and REDUCED TICKET*: Euro 12,00 (show of 10 March)
Single tickets for the shows will be available from 5th December 2016.
The workshops, from 5 pm to 7 pm, will held in Auditorium Gazzoli.
Available in Terni at: New Sinfony – galleria del Corso, 12 – Terni
Available online on: www.vivaticket.it
From 20th January to 21th April, music becomes protagonist in Terni thanks to the 2017 Edition of Visioninmusica and its rich schedule of shows and artists. At its XIII Musical Season, Visioninmusica combines and offers to its audience imagines and emotions, through the languages of contemporary musical scenery.
“Let fly your mind exploring new paths” is the slogan that in only one phrase can resume the spirit of 2017 Visioninmusica.
Among national and international artists
Visioninmusica proposes 7 night concerts and 2 workshops especially dedicated to guitar, held at the same time of the festival by two great names as Guthrie Govan and Paul Gilbert.
National and international artists are the protagonists of this multifaceted and intense edition, with projects from pop to rock music, from jazz to Brazilian sounds, from North Europe to the ancient atmosphere of Armenian music.
ratterizzano questa stagionr poliedrica e densa di stimoli, con progetti che spaziano dal pop al rock, dal jazz alle sonorità brasiliane, passando per il nord europa e le antiche atmosfere della musica armena.
Here all the events of the festival!
20th January 2017
Excellent show with Erri De Luca and Stefano Di Battista Quartet, with the voice of Nicky Nicolai and musics of Maurizio Fabrizio. Reflections, songs, musics, finally a complete theater show.
2nd February 2017
Night with three super musicians: Faso and Christian Meyer, rythmic frame of the famous Elio e Le Storie Tese, and Alessio Menconi, one of the most talented and appreciated jazz guitarists. Trio Bobo will present its last album, Pepper Games, where original songs and cover songs are combined with great ability, while spicy musical notes research a unique, powerful sound.
17th February 2017
An awaited return for this group, that presents itself in a new version with a stronger rock accent, also thanks to two new musician: Denis Barthe, famous drummer of Noir Désire and producer of the album, and Olivier Mathios (The Hyènes), the bass player. Their music is an essence of pure vitality: powerful, simple, beautiful, universal.
10th March 2017
This artist is considered the best current bass player of Poland, an authentic revelation and enfant prodige. Kinga Glyk played with many great musicians, and she is evaluated as an arising star of jazz and European blues music.
17 Marzo 2017
Excellent pianist, the Armenian Tigran Hamasyan proposes a crossing of rock, Armenian folk, metal and jazz. Coming back in Armenia after a long and profitable American parenthesis, he obteined many important prizes and international awards, as for example, Montreux Jazz Festival’s Piano Competition, in 2013, Thelonious Monk International Jazz Piano Competition in 2006 and Echo Jazz Awards 2016. Really original piano player, he will propose to his audience in Terni an unforgettable atmosphere that will bring across a unique experience.
7th April 2017
Naming as its leader, the Greek pianist Magda Giannikou, this French group is composed by various musicians from many different countries. It proposes an electronic and sophisticated sound in a mix of genres and styles: samba brasiliana, jazz manouche, traditional Greek dances and Colombian cumbia will create a formidable and enchanting mix that will satisfy also the most exigent listener.
21th April 2017
Brilliant musicians from Puglia, in a continuous harmonious discordance, will close the festival introducing their third work “Note da Oscar”, ready to bring the audience in a luna park of imagination where to daydream is still possible.
All practical informations
Visioninmusica 2017 is held in the city of Terni and the shows are organised in Auditorium Gazzoli or in the Centro Multimediale (Teatro A). Concert is starting at 9 pm
Below all the prices:
SEASON TICKET FOR 7 SHOWS: Euro 99,00 (available from 24th November 2016)
FULL PRICE TICKET: Euro 25,00 and REDUCED TICKET*: Euro 22,00 (show of 20th January)
FULL PRICE TICKET: Euro 20,00 and REDUCED TICKET*: Euro 17,00 (shows of 2nd and 17th February, 17th March, 7th and 21th April)
FULL PRICE TICKET: Euro 15,00 and REDUCED TICKET*: Euro 12,00 (show of 10 March)
Single tickets for the shows will be available from 5th December 2016.
The workshops, from 5 pm to 7 pm, will held in Auditorium Gazzoli.
Available in Terni at: New Sinfony – galleria del Corso, 12 – Terni
Available online on: www.vivaticket.it
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