▌ Discover Fabro
{“translation”:[{“lang”:”it”,”content”:”Fabro è la meta ideale per quel turista che predilige le bellezze paesagistiche ed i soggiorni rilassanti. E’infatti possibile organizzare nel verde che circonda il paese, delle lunghe e salutari passeggiate e aver così la possibilità di attraversare quelle terre la cui fertilità dona spontaneamente il pregiato tartufo umbro. All’interno del paese sono degne di nota la Chiesa parrocchiale di San Martino, eretta nel XIX secolo, e l’ottocentesco Palazzo Comunale, il cui progetto viene attribuito all’architetto perugino Guglielmo Calderini.
“},{“lang”:”en”,”content”:”Fabro is the ideal destination for the tourist who prefers beautiful landscapes and relaxing sojourns. It is infact possible to organize within the greenery that surrounds the village, lengthy and healthy promenades, having thus the possibility of crossing those lands whose fertility spontaneously donates the presitigious Umbrian truffle. Noteworthy inside the town are the San Martino parish Church, erected in the XIX century, and the eighth century Town hall, whose project is accredited to Guglielmo Calderini, architect from Perugia.
“},{“lang”:”es”,”content”:”Fabro is the ideal destination for the tourist who prefers beautiful landscapes and relaxing sojourns. It is infact possible to organize within the greenery that surrounds the village, lengthy and healthy promenades, having thus the possibility of crossing those lands whose fertility spontaneously donates the presitigious Umbrian truffle. Noteworthy inside the town are the San Martino parish Church, erected in the XIX century, and the eighth century Town hall, whose project is accredited to Guglielmo Calderini, architect from Perugia.
“},{“lang”:”de”,”content”:”Fabro is the ideal destination for the tourist who prefers beautiful landscapes and relaxing sojourns. It is infact possible to organize within the greenery that surrounds the village, lengthy and healthy promenades, having thus the possibility of crossing those lands whose fertility spontaneously donates the presitigious Umbrian truffle. Noteworthy inside the town are the San Martino parish Church, erected in the XIX century, and the eighth century Town hall, whose project is accredited to Guglielmo Calderini, architect from Perugia.
“},{“lang”:”fr”,”content”:”Fabro est la destination idéale pour cux qui privilégient la beauté des paysages et les séjours relaxants. Il est en effet possible d’organiser dans la verdire qui entoure le village de longues et salutaires promenades et d’avoir ainsi la possibilité de traverser ces terres dont la fertilité donne spontanément la précieuse truffe d’Ombrie. A l’intérieur du village il faut souligner l’église paroissiale de Saint Martin, construite au XIXème siècle, et le Palais Communal du XIXème siècle, dont le projet est attribué à l’architecte de Pérouse Guglielmo Calderini.