▌ Discover Montecchio
Montecchio si trova alle pendici del Monte Croce di Serra in posizione panoramica dal quale si vedono i sottostanti laghi di Alviano, di Corbara, Orvieto. Le origini etrusco – romane della cittadina sono testimoniate dai reperti rinvenuti nella zona della Necropoli che oggi, dopo essere stata organizzata in percorsi visitabili, è uno dei poli di maggiore interesse turistico della zona.
Nel centro storico si trova la Chiesa Parrocchiale di Santa Maria, la cui costruzione è supposta anteriore al 1400. La facciata ha subito diverse trasformazioni; in origine non aveva l’odierno campanile a torre ed era costituita da una sola navata. Il campanile fu aggiunto nel 1616. All’interno grandi tele con episodi riguardanti le confraternite.
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Sul borgo della frazione di Tenaglie svetta Palazzo Ancajani che fu costruito i primi del ‘700 da Filippo Ancajani, cavaliere gerosolimitano e sergente maggiore dell’esercito pontificio, sulle fondamenta di un antico castello.
Splendide sono le passeggiate sulle pendici del monte Croce di Serra dalla cui sommità si può godere di un ampissimo panorama.
“},{“lang”:”en”,”content”:”The Etrusco-Roman origins of the Montecchio village are evidenced by some discoveries found in the Necropolis Area which today, after being arranged along routes that can be visited, is one of the major tourist attraction sites of the area. Splendid are the promenades on the slopes of the Cross of the Serra Mountain, from whose summit one can enjoy a wide panoramic view. In the surrounding area are well-preserved the Carnano Castle and the Ancajani Castle, while the San Biagio Church at Melezzole, which dates back to the year 1112, experienced enormous transformations around 1600.
“},{“lang”:”fr”,”content”:”Les origines étrusques – romaines de la petite ville de Montecchio trouvent de nombreux témoignages dans les vestiges retrouvéd dans la zone de la Nécropole qui aujourd’hui, après avoir été organisée en parcours de visite, est l’une des attractions touristiques majeures de la zone. Splendides sont les promenades sur les versants du mont Croce di Serra à partir du sommet duquel on peut jouir d’un très large panorama. Dans les alentours sont très bien conservés le château de Carnano et le château Ancajani, alors que l‘église de San Biagio à Melezzole date datant de 1112 a subi de profondes transformations aux alentours de 1600.
“},{“lang”:”es”,”content”:”The Etrusco-Roman origins of the Montecchio village are evidenced by some discoveries found in the Necropolis Area which today, after being arranged along routes that can be visited, is one of the major tourist attraction sites of the area. Splendid are the promenades on the slopes of the Cross of the Serra Mountain, from whose summit one can enjoy a wide panoramic view. In the surrounding area are well-preserved the Carnano Castle and the Ancajani Castle, while the San Biagio Church at Melezzole, which dates back to the year 1112, experienced enormous transformations around 1600.
“},{“lang”:”de”,”content”:”The Etrusco-Roman origins of the Montecchio village are evidenced by some discoveries found in the Necropolis Area which today, after being arranged along routes that can be visited, is one of the major tourist attraction sites of the area. Splendid are the promenades on the slopes of the Cross of the Serra Mountain, from whose summit one can enjoy a wide panoramic view. In the surrounding area are well-preserved the Carnano Castle and the Ancajani Castle, while the San Biagio Church at Melezzole, which dates back to the year 1112, experienced enormous transformations around 1600.