A Terni il dal 4 al 7 Ottobre 2018, scopri il primo e unico Festival Green dell’Umbria!
Vivi un lungo fine settimana speciale all’insegna della sostenibilità e dell’economia verde, potrai approfondire importanti temi relativi a salvaguardia e valorizzazione dell’ambiente e partecipare a serate magiche grazie agli spettacoli previsti. Il festival ospiterà infatti vari artisti, per momenti musicali legati al tema.
Nelle giornate del Festival, tantissimi interessanti appuntamenti con esperti, giornalisti e ricercatori, per fermarsi a riflettere e discutere su temi importanti legati alla sostenibilità. Accanto a questi incontri, la possibilità di toccare con mano tutti gli aspetti legati al mondo green con laboratori, pedalate naturalistiche, spettacoli teatrali.
L’Umbria Green Festival è inoltre un evento da vivere in famiglia: tantissimi gli appuntamenti appositamente pensati per i bambini, perchè l’importanza del rispetto dell’ambiente è un valore da imparare fin da piccoli.
>> Non perdere questo evento unico, prenota ora il tuo soggiorno a Terni! Clicca qui per i migliori hotel, agriturismi e b&b della città
Anche quest’edizione dell’Umbria Green Festival è incentrata sul tema della sostenibilità come perno di una nuova economia, da divulgare e sostenere. Il nuovo orizzonte proposto intende basarsi su una produzione di qualità, oltre che sulla valorizzazione del territorio e del paesaggio, promuovendo uno stile di vita più consapevole capace di salvaguardare dall’inquinamento e dal consumo indiscriminato di risorse il nostro mondo e in particolare la nostra Umbria, nota non a caso con l’appellativo di “cuore verde d’Italia”.
La manifestazione si propone come punto di incontro tra aziende e consumatori, con lo scopo di rendere entrambi sembre più attenti alla qualità e alla sostenibilità dei processi produttivi e dei relativi prodotti. Al festival partecipano infatti le migliore strutture ricettive affiliate alla Community di Umbria Green Card, i consorzi turistici, le agenzie di viaggio e le associazioni di imprese incoming della regione, le aziende virtuose dei settori dell’energia e dell’ambiente.
Con i tanti incontri, approfondimenti, laboratori e spettacoli, il Festival intende creare un’esperienza collettiva, una vera e propria festa per cittadini e famiglie tra divertimento, conoscenza e cultura.
Per questo una particolare attenzione è rivolta ai più piccoli, con spettacoli ed eventi specialmente dedicati ai bambini.
>> Partecipa all’Umbria Green Festival e approfittane per trascorrere qualche giorno nel verde della Valnerina… noi ti suggeriamo i migliori agriturismi della zona!
Programma Umbria Green Festival 2018
Ecco allora il PROGRAMMA provvisorio dell’Umbria Green Festival, che si svolgerà in vari luoghi della città di Terni, da Piazza della Repubblica a Piazza Solferino, dalla Biblioteca Comunale a Palazzo Gazzoli, e che coinvolgerà per la prima volta anche la cittadina di Narni.
L’ingresso al festival e agli spettacoli è interamente GRATUITO, un’occasione da non perdere!
Acquistando poi la card annuale del Festival, si potrà effettuale un di prova dell’auto, degustare ottimi vini, thé, tisane e consumare un pasto Bio e a Km 0 nell’area ristoro a prezzi scontati. Inoltre, si potrà godere per tutto l’anno degli sconti presso le strutture convenzionate in Umbria (hotel, ristoranti, musei, etc…)
Di seguito il PROGRAMMA:
GIOVEDI’ 4 Ottobre 2018
09:30 Laboratori ludico-didattico-scientifici. TERNI / Caos, Sala Carroponte. Laboratori per bambini e ragazzi su: Educazione Ambientale e Agroalimentare a cura dell’Istituto Ciuffelli Einaudi di Todi con la collaborazione dell’Associazione Geometri della Media Valle del Tevere; Ambiente, Chimica Verde e Energia a cura dell’Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico ITT Terni.
11:00 Progettazione circolare. TERNI/ bct biblioteca comunale,Caffè Letterario. Università degli Studi di Perugia: presentazione del curriculo in Progettazione Circolare, Facoltà di Ingegneria Industriale.
12:00 Digital Eco Brand Manager: il lavoro del futuro. TERNI/ bct biblioteca comunale, Caffè Letterario. Comunicazione Ambientale: Digital Eco Brand Manager: il lavoro del futuro, con Luca Garosi Caporedattore RaiNews 24
15:00 Sapori di Flora. TERNI/ bct biblioteca comunale, Chiostrina. Inaugurazione Mostra: Sapori di Flora di Susan Cox
16:30 Cerimonia inaugurale di Umbria Green Festival. TERNI/ bct biblioteca comunale,Caffè Letterario. Saluti delle autorità.
18:00 Cortellessa presenta: Pro e Contro Natura. TERNI/ bct biblioteca comunale,Caffè Letterario. Giulio Ferroni “Rimediare alla civiltà”; Gianfranco Marrone “Addio alla natura”
20:00 Inaugurazione delle Esposizioni. TERNI / Caos. Mostra dell’opera di Abel Herrero; Presentazione video di Giuseppe Sterparelli a cura di Andrea Cortellessa.
VENERDI’ 5 Ottobre 2018
09:30 Laboratori ludico-didattico-scientifici. TERNI / Caos, Sala Carroponte. Laboratori per bambini e ragazzi su: Educazione Ambientale e Agroalimentare a cura dell’Istituto Ciuffelli Einaudi di Todi con la collaborazione dell’Associazione Geometri della Media Valle del Tevere; Ambiente, Chimica Verde e Energia a cura dell’Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico ITT Terni.
09:30 I segni del vero. Virgilio naturalista. TERNI/ bct biblioteca comunale,Caffè Letterario. A cura di Nicola Giardini.
10:00 NAHAR Il fiume Nera tra archeologia e natura. TERNI / Museo Archeologico. A cura di CEA (centri educazione ambientale Comune di Terni) 165 MARMORE FALLS Sistema Museale della Città di Terni Coop Sociale ACTL Coop Sociale ALIS. Percorso cittadino: visita alla sezione preromana del Museo Archeologico di Terni, per scoprire l’importanza del fiume Nera nella vita del popolo dei Naharki. Di seguito un trekking urbano condurrà dal Museo Archeologico al Parco Fluviale S.Martino Giardino delle Farfalle (uno dei 4 CEA del Comune di Terni). Lungo il cammino si osserverà l’ecosistema del fiume. Il parco S. Martino presenta una varietà di specie botaniche particolarmente amate dalle farfalle e qui si entrerà nei segreti del loro affascinante mondo.
10:00 Premio Scuola Digitale, Liceo Classico Tacito
10:30 Discussion Game: Energia e Sostenibilità
11:30 Verde Futuro. TERNI/ bct biblioteca comunale,Caffè Letterario. A cura di Stefano Mancuso.
14:30 Convegno: “Terzo Millennio: Ambiente e Salute un connubio inscindibile”.
TERNI / Caos, Sala dell’Orologio. Organizzato dal GARDEN CLUB TERNI. Sono previsti crediti formativi per l’Ordine dei Medici. Parte prima, Moderatori:
Dr Giacomo Giovannelli Consigliere OMCeO Terni. Parte seconda Moderatori: Dr.ssa Patrizia Signori Vice Presidente OMCeO Terni Dr. Luciano Sani Specialista in Igiene e Medicina Preventiva Medicina Psicosomatica e Psicoterapia. Conclusioni Dr. Gigi Scardocci Direttore Teleterni
16:00 Presentazione di Aula Verde: “Un Laboratorio per l’Ambiente”
17:30 “TRASHION” Riciclo alla moda. TERNI / Caos Sala Carroponte. Il settore MODA dell’IPSIA S. Pertini di Terni abbraccia l’eco-sostenibilità, proponendo abiti pensati con materiali riciclati e biodegradabili, rispettando i canoni tradizionali di bellezza ed eleganza, ma con uno sguardo al futuro ed alle nuove tecnologie. La sezione di DESIGN METALLI ED OREFICERIA del LICEO ARTISTICO O. METELLI di Terni, propone, inoltre, una collezione di gioielli realizzati interamente a mano. Da oggetti di uso comune ormai dimenticati e in disuso, da materiali di scarto, da materiali naturali, da materiali innovativi, nascono veri e propri eco-gioielli.
18:30 “Sorelle mie rondini, avete parlato abbastanza”. TERNI / bct biblioteca comunale, caffè letterario. Le biografie di Francesco d’Assisi non mancano di raccontare il suo rapporto speciale con gli animali: non solo lupi e uccellini, ma anche api, agnelli, pesci, leprotti, cornacchie, falchi, fagiani… Tiziano Scarpa alterna letture dalle fonti francescane con poesie e brani dai suoi libri, popolati di creature d’ogni specie.
21:00 “Bello Mondo”: rito sonoro di Mariangela Gualtieri e omaggio a Giovanni Pascoli. Teatro Secci, Terni.
SABATO 6 Ottobre 2018
09:00 Convegno: Mobilità Sostenibile per la città del Futuro
09:30 Laboratori ludico-didattico-scientifici. TERNI / Caos, Sala Carroponte. Laboratori per bambini e ragazzi su: Educazione Ambientale e Agroalimentare a cura dell’Istituto Ciuffelli Einaudi di Todi con la collaborazione dell’Associazione Geometri della Media Valle del Tevere; Ambiente, Chimica Verde e Energia a cura dell’Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico ITT Terni.
09:30 Rifuti d’autore, Laboratorio di riciclo creativo
10:00 NAHAR Il fiume Nera tra archeologia e natura
10:30 Discussion Game: Energia e Sostenibilità
11:00 Il trauma della Grande Guerra: il paesaggio ferito. TERNI / Caos Sala dell’Orologio. Con Andrea Cortellessa, Matteo Giancotti e Niccolò Scaffai
16:00 Presentazione del volume: “Valnerina. Invito al viaggio” di Simonetta Neri. TERNI / bct biblioteca comunale, Caffè Letterario. Interviene l’autrice con Attilio Brilli, scrittore, e Roberto Mugavero, Edizioni Minerva.
18:00 Resteranno i canti. TERNI / Caos Studio 1. Reading di Franco Arminio
DOMENICA 7 Ottobre 2018
11:00 Tavola rotonda: Letteratura e ecologia. TERNI / bct biblioteca comunale, Caffè letterario. Tavola rotonda Letteratura e ecologia dal libro di Niccolò Scaffai, interverrà l’autore con Ludovica del Castillo, Matteo Meschiari e Pierluigi Pellini. Coordina Andrea Cortellessa.
18:30 Insurrezione e Natura. TERNI / bct biblioteca comunale, Caffè letterario. Evento conclusivo: Insurrezione e natura. Un’idea per un film su Leopardi di Antonio Moresco
>> Cosa aspetti?! Vieni in Umbria e scopri ora tutte le offerte in scadenza!
In Terni on 23th, 24th and 25th September 2016, discover the first Green Festival of Umbria !
Live a special weekend dedicated to the sustainability and the green economy ! You will know important issues related to the preservation and the enhancement of the environment. You will be also part of magical evenings thanks to the scheduled performances.
The festival will host some exceptional artists:
- Roberto Vecchioni, in concert on Friday 23th September at 9pm
- Jacopo Fo, son of the Nobel Prize Dario Fo and Franca Rame, on Saturday 24th September at 9pm
- The show of the musicians of Francesco Guccini, in concert on Sunday 25th September at 9pm
Umbria Green Festival is an event to live with your families: many appointments are especially designed for children, because the importance of respecting the environment is a value to be learned from an early age.
The 2016 Edition of Umbria Green Festival focuses on sustainability as the hub of a new economy, to be disseminated and supported. The new horizon proposed intends to rely on a quality production, as well as on the enhancement of the territory and the landscape, promoting a lifestyle more conscious. A lifestyle capable of protecting from pollution and from indiscriminate consumption of resources our world, and especially our Umbria, not surprisingly known by the nickname of “green heart of Italy”.
The event is a meeting point between companies and consumers, with the aim of making both of them always more attentive to the quality and the sustainability of production processes and their products. In fact, the participants of the festival are the best accommodation facilities affiliated to the Community of Umbria Green Card, tourist associations, travel agencies and incoming business associations of the region, the virtuous companies of the energy and environment sectors.
With so many meetings, discussions, workshops and performances, the festival will create a collective experience, a real feast for citizens and families between fun, knowledge and culture.
This is why a special attention will be dedicated to youngest, with shows and events especially thought for children.
Here it is the PROGRAM of Umbria Green Festival, which will take place at the park “La Passwggiata” and at the Roman Amphitheatre of Terni.
The entrance at the festival is free, while there are paid admission tickets for the evening events.
Buying the annual card of the Festival, you will also obtain a guide tour with the car, tastes of good wines, tea, herbal tea or organic products at Km 0 in the dining area at discounted prices. In addition, you will enjoy all year of many discounts about affiliated facilities in Umbria (hotels, restaurants, museums, etc …)
16:00 Opening Festival
16:00-00:00 Opening Area Refreshments
16:00 Church of the Carmine
UMBRIA GREEN FESTIVAL PRESENTATION , with the participation of authorities and institutions
20:00 Roman Amphitheatre Gardens
21:00 Fausto Amphitheatre
10:00 Opening Festival
10:00 – 24:00 Opening Area Refreshments
10:00 to 13:00 Church of the Carmine
Presentation of projects related to tourism and environmental sustainability by institutions and companies. Educational meetings aimed to the press.
15:00 to 18:00 Gardens Area
Laboratory of Environmental Energy Chemistry with Einstein Island
16:00 Church of Carmine
Round Table “From the Music of Mogol to the Green Cinema: a new culture for sustainability” with Mogol, Karl Ludwig Shibel, Marco Gisotti, Gabriele Salari, Simonetta Blacks
16:30 Children Area
Performance with Matthew Cionini, “From here I go not” freely adapted from “Il Barone Rampante” by Italo Calvino. Afterwards, Teatro La Fonte Maggiore presents “The Three Little Pigs”
19:00 Amphitheatre Area
Recycled Circus Musical in concert. The “Rcm” using recycled materials and everyday objects to build instruments of all kinds, from the classic and contemporary as cassettarra, bassolardo, buzzeria, to the more traditional-ethnic as stirofon, sgambé or barattolao, up to the creation and invention of new tools such as medusa and lavandaizer.
21:00 Fausto Amphitheatre
Jacopo Fo on stage
10:00 Opening Festival
10:00 – 24:00 Opening Area Refreshments
10:00 Church of Carmine
Conference “Electric Mobility: green heart of Italy” with Jacopo Fo, Valerio Rossi Albertini, Sergio Ferraris, Roberto Romano, Michele Dotti
10:00 Gardens Area
Rally Electric Cars
10:00 to 12:00 Area Children
Laboratory Bittarelli: children will make mosaics with legumes and cereals, to raise awareness of the importance of healthy eating
13:00 Children’s area
Laboratory of Saltapanchi Company “The City of Dreams”: we give life to a splendid city, seen through the eyes of children, creating an installation that speaks of urban beauty and open minds to the imagination. By the creative “re-use”, children are made aware of the use of materials considered at the end of their cycle, through a manipulative-creative process to promote environmental awareness that can transform the waste into a resource.
17:00 Former Church of Carmine
“Dream and be awake! I was changing the world … and I forgot the pot on the fire”: a meeting between words, musics and images on the possible choices to protect environment, peace and human rights, create jobs and improve our quality of life. With Michele Dotti
16:00 Exhibition area
Saxopedia in concert
18:00 Children’s area
Teatro La Fonte Maggiore presents “All History in one go” by R. Coats
19:00 Amphitheatre Area
Aperitif with music green
21:00 Fausto Amphitheatre
Musician of Francesco Guccini in live concert
For more informations about the event, look at the official site of Umbria Green Festival
For buying tickets about the events of the festival, lool at the TicketItalia site
In Terni on 23th, 24th and 25th September 2016, discover the first Green Festival of Umbria !
Live a special weekend dedicated to the sustainability and the green economy ! You will know important issues related to the preservation and the enhancement of the environment. You will be also part of magical evenings thanks to the scheduled performances.
The festival will host some exceptional artists:
- Roberto Vecchioni, in concert on Friday 23th September at 9pm
- Jacopo Fo, son of the Nobel Prize Dario Fo and Franca Rame, on Saturday 24th September at 9pm
- The show of the musicians of Francesco Guccini, in concert on Sunday 25th September at 9pm
Umbria Green Festival is an event to live with your families: many appointments are especially designed for children, because the importance of respecting the environment is a value to be learned from an early age.
The 2016 Edition of Umbria Green Festival focuses on sustainability as the hub of a new economy, to be disseminated and supported. The new horizon proposed intends to rely on a quality production, as well as on the enhancement of the territory and the landscape, promoting a lifestyle more conscious. A lifestyle capable of protecting from pollution and from indiscriminate consumption of resources our world, and especially our Umbria, not surprisingly known by the nickname of “green heart of Italy”.
The event is a meeting point between companies and consumers, with the aim of making both of them always more attentive to the quality and the sustainability of production processes and their products. In fact, the participants of the festival are the best accommodation facilities affiliated to the Community of Umbria Green Card, tourist associations, travel agencies and incoming business associations of the region, the virtuous companies of the energy and environment sectors.
With so many meetings, discussions, workshops and performances, the festival will create a collective experience, a real feast for citizens and families between fun, knowledge and culture.
This is why a special attention will be dedicated to youngest, with shows and events especially thought for children.
Here it is the PROGRAM of Umbria Green Festival, which will take place at the park “La Passwggiata” and at the Roman Amphitheatre of Terni.
The entrance at the festival is free, while there are paid admission tickets for the evening events.
Buying the annual card of the Festival, you will also obtain a guide tour with the car, tastes of good wines, tea, herbal tea or organic products at Km 0 in the dining area at discounted prices. In addition, you will enjoy all year of many discounts about affiliated facilities in Umbria (hotels, restaurants, museums, etc …)
16:00 Opening Festival
16:00-00:00 Opening Area Refreshments
16:00 Church of the Carmine
UMBRIA GREEN FESTIVAL PRESENTATION , with the participation of authorities and institutions
20:00 Roman Amphitheatre Gardens
21:00 Fausto Amphitheatre
10:00 Opening Festival
10:00 – 24:00 Opening Area Refreshments
10:00 to 13:00 Church of the Carmine
Presentation of projects related to tourism and environmental sustainability by institutions and companies. Educational meetings aimed to the press.
15:00 to 18:00 Gardens Area
Laboratory of Environmental Energy Chemistry with Einstein Island
16:00 Church of Carmine
Round Table “From the Music of Mogol to the Green Cinema: a new culture for sustainability” with Mogol, Karl Ludwig Shibel, Marco Gisotti, Gabriele Salari, Simonetta Blacks
16:30 Children Area
Performance with Matthew Cionini, “From here I go not” freely adapted from “Il Barone Rampante” by Italo Calvino. Afterwards, Teatro La Fonte Maggiore presents “The Three Little Pigs”
19:00 Amphitheatre Area
Recycled Circus Musical in concert. The “Rcm” using recycled materials and everyday objects to build instruments of all kinds, from the classic and contemporary as cassettarra, bassolardo, buzzeria, to the more traditional-ethnic as stirofon, sgambé or barattolao, up to the creation and invention of new tools such as medusa and lavandaizer.
21:00 Fausto Amphitheatre
Jacopo Fo on stage
10:00 Opening Festival
10:00 – 24:00 Opening Area Refreshments
10:00 Church of Carmine
Conference “Electric Mobility: green heart of Italy” with Jacopo Fo, Valerio Rossi Albertini, Sergio Ferraris, Roberto Romano, Michele Dotti
10:00 Gardens Area
Rally Electric Cars
10:00 to 12:00 Area Children
Laboratory Bittarelli: children will make mosaics with legumes and cereals, to raise awareness of the importance of healthy eating
13:00 Children’s area
Laboratory of Saltapanchi Company “The City of Dreams”: we give life to a splendid city, seen through the eyes of children, creating an installation that speaks of urban beauty and open minds to the imagination. By the creative “re-use”, children are made aware of the use of materials considered at the end of their cycle, through a manipulative-creative process to promote environmental awareness that can transform the waste into a resource.
17:00 Former Church of Carmine
“Dream and be awake! I was changing the world … and I forgot the pot on the fire”: a meeting between words, musics and images on the possible choices to protect environment, peace and human rights, create jobs and improve our quality of life. With Michele Dotti
16:00 Exhibition area
Saxopedia in concert
18:00 Children’s area
Teatro La Fonte Maggiore presents “All History in one go” by R. Coats
19:00 Amphitheatre Area
Aperitif with music green
21:00 Fausto Amphitheatre
Musician of Francesco Guccini in live concert
For more informations about the event, look at the official site of Umbria Green Festival
For buying tickets about the events of the festival, lool at the TicketItalia site
In Terni on 23th, 24th and 25th September 2016, discover the first Green Festival of Umbria !
Live a special weekend dedicated to the sustainability and the green economy ! You will know important issues related to the preservation and the enhancement of the environment. You will be also part of magical evenings thanks to the scheduled performances.
The festival will host some exceptional artists:
- Roberto Vecchioni, in concert on Friday 23th September at 9pm
- Jacopo Fo, son of the Nobel Prize Dario Fo and Franca Rame, on Saturday 24th September at 9pm
- The show of the musicians of Francesco Guccini, in concert on Sunday 25th September at 9pm
Umbria Green Festival is an event to live with your families: many appointments are especially designed for children, because the importance of respecting the environment is a value to be learned from an early age.
The 2016 Edition of Umbria Green Festival focuses on sustainability as the hub of a new economy, to be disseminated and supported. The new horizon proposed intends to rely on a quality production, as well as on the enhancement of the territory and the landscape, promoting a lifestyle more conscious. A lifestyle capable of protecting from pollution and from indiscriminate consumption of resources our world, and especially our Umbria, not surprisingly known by the nickname of “green heart of Italy”.
The event is a meeting point between companies and consumers, with the aim of making both of them always more attentive to the quality and the sustainability of production processes and their products. In fact, the participants of the festival are the best accommodation facilities affiliated to the Community of Umbria Green Card, tourist associations, travel agencies and incoming business associations of the region, the virtuous companies of the energy and environment sectors.
With so many meetings, discussions, workshops and performances, the festival will create a collective experience, a real feast for citizens and families between fun, knowledge and culture.
This is why a special attention will be dedicated to youngest, with shows and events especially thought for children.
Here it is the PROGRAM of Umbria Green Festival, which will take place at the park “La Passwggiata” and at the Roman Amphitheatre of Terni.
The entrance at the festival is free, while there are paid admission tickets for the evening events.
Buying the annual card of the Festival, you will also obtain a guide tour with the car, tastes of good wines, tea, herbal tea or organic products at Km 0 in the dining area at discounted prices. In addition, you will enjoy all year of many discounts about affiliated facilities in Umbria (hotels, restaurants, museums, etc …)
16:00 Opening Festival
16:00-00:00 Opening Area Refreshments
16:00 Church of the Carmine
UMBRIA GREEN FESTIVAL PRESENTATION , with the participation of authorities and institutions
20:00 Roman Amphitheatre Gardens
21:00 Fausto Amphitheatre
10:00 Opening Festival
10:00 – 24:00 Opening Area Refreshments
10:00 to 13:00 Church of the Carmine
Presentation of projects related to tourism and environmental sustainability by institutions and companies. Educational meetings aimed to the press.
15:00 to 18:00 Gardens Area
Laboratory of Environmental Energy Chemistry with Einstein Island
16:00 Church of Carmine
Round Table “From the Music of Mogol to the Green Cinema: a new culture for sustainability” with Mogol, Karl Ludwig Shibel, Marco Gisotti, Gabriele Salari, Simonetta Blacks
16:30 Children Area
Performance with Matthew Cionini, “From here I go not” freely adapted from “Il Barone Rampante” by Italo Calvino. Afterwards, Teatro La Fonte Maggiore presents “The Three Little Pigs”
19:00 Amphitheatre Area
Recycled Circus Musical in concert. The “Rcm” using recycled materials and everyday objects to build instruments of all kinds, from the classic and contemporary as cassettarra, bassolardo, buzzeria, to the more traditional-ethnic as stirofon, sgambé or barattolao, up to the creation and invention of new tools such as medusa and lavandaizer.
21:00 Fausto Amphitheatre
Jacopo Fo on stage
10:00 Opening Festival
10:00 – 24:00 Opening Area Refreshments
10:00 Church of Carmine
Conference “Electric Mobility: green heart of Italy” with Jacopo Fo, Valerio Rossi Albertini, Sergio Ferraris, Roberto Romano, Michele Dotti
10:00 Gardens Area
Rally Electric Cars
10:00 to 12:00 Area Children
Laboratory Bittarelli: children will make mosaics with legumes and cereals, to raise awareness of the importance of healthy eating
13:00 Children’s area
Laboratory of Saltapanchi Company “The City of Dreams”: we give life to a splendid city, seen through the eyes of children, creating an installation that speaks of urban beauty and open minds to the imagination. By the creative “re-use”, children are made aware of the use of materials considered at the end of their cycle, through a manipulative-creative process to promote environmental awareness that can transform the waste into a resource.
17:00 Former Church of Carmine
“Dream and be awake! I was changing the world … and I forgot the pot on the fire”: a meeting between words, musics and images on the possible choices to protect environment, peace and human rights, create jobs and improve our quality of life. With Michele Dotti
16:00 Exhibition area
Saxopedia in concert
18:00 Children’s area
Teatro La Fonte Maggiore presents “All History in one go” by R. Coats
19:00 Amphitheatre Area
Aperitif with music green
21:00 Fausto Amphitheatre
Musician of Francesco Guccini in live concert
For more informations about the event, look at the official site of Umbria Green Festival
For buying tickets about the events of the festival, lool at the TicketItalia site
In Terni on 23th, 24th and 25th September 2016, discover the first Green Festival of Umbria !
Live a special weekend dedicated to the sustainability and the green economy ! You will know important issues related to the preservation and the enhancement of the environment. You will be also part of magical evenings thanks to the scheduled performances.
The festival will host some exceptional artists:
- Roberto Vecchioni, in concert on Friday 23th September at 9pm
- Jacopo Fo, son of the Nobel Prize Dario Fo and Franca Rame, on Saturday 24th September at 9pm
- The show of the musicians of Francesco Guccini, in concert on Sunday 25th September at 9pm
Umbria Green Festival is an event to live with your families: many appointments are especially designed for children, because the importance of respecting the environment is a value to be learned from an early age.
The 2016 Edition of Umbria Green Festival focuses on sustainability as the hub of a new economy, to be disseminated and supported. The new horizon proposed intends to rely on a quality production, as well as on the enhancement of the territory and the landscape, promoting a lifestyle more conscious. A lifestyle capable of protecting from pollution and from indiscriminate consumption of resources our world, and especially our Umbria, not surprisingly known by the nickname of “green heart of Italy”.
The event is a meeting point between companies and consumers, with the aim of making both of them always more attentive to the quality and the sustainability of production processes and their products. In fact, the participants of the festival are the best accommodation facilities affiliated to the Community of Umbria Green Card, tourist associations, travel agencies and incoming business associations of the region, the virtuous companies of the energy and environment sectors.
With so many meetings, discussions, workshops and performances, the festival will create a collective experience, a real feast for citizens and families between fun, knowledge and culture.
This is why a special attention will be dedicated to youngest, with shows and events especially thought for children.
Here it is the PROGRAM of Umbria Green Festival, which will take place at the park “La Passwggiata” and at the Roman Amphitheatre of Terni.
The entrance at the festival is free, while there are paid admission tickets for the evening events.
Buying the annual card of the Festival, you will also obtain a guide tour with the car, tastes of good wines, tea, herbal tea or organic products at Km 0 in the dining area at discounted prices. In addition, you will enjoy all year of many discounts about affiliated facilities in Umbria (hotels, restaurants, museums, etc …)
16:00 Opening Festival
16:00-00:00 Opening Area Refreshments
16:00 Church of the Carmine
UMBRIA GREEN FESTIVAL PRESENTATION , with the participation of authorities and institutions
20:00 Roman Amphitheatre Gardens
21:00 Fausto Amphitheatre
10:00 Opening Festival
10:00 – 24:00 Opening Area Refreshments
10:00 to 13:00 Church of the Carmine
Presentation of projects related to tourism and environmental sustainability by institutions and companies. Educational meetings aimed to the press.
15:00 to 18:00 Gardens Area
Laboratory of Environmental Energy Chemistry with Einstein Island
16:00 Church of Carmine
Round Table “From the Music of Mogol to the Green Cinema: a new culture for sustainability” with Mogol, Karl Ludwig Shibel, Marco Gisotti, Gabriele Salari, Simonetta Blacks
16:30 Children Area
Performance with Matthew Cionini, “From here I go not” freely adapted from “Il Barone Rampante” by Italo Calvino. Afterwards, Teatro La Fonte Maggiore presents “The Three Little Pigs”
19:00 Amphitheatre Area
Recycled Circus Musical in concert. The “Rcm” using recycled materials and everyday objects to build instruments of all kinds, from the classic and contemporary as cassettarra, bassolardo, buzzeria, to the more traditional-ethnic as stirofon, sgambé or barattolao, up to the creation and invention of new tools such as medusa and lavandaizer.
21:00 Fausto Amphitheatre
Jacopo Fo on stage
10:00 Opening Festival
10:00 – 24:00 Opening Area Refreshments
10:00 Church of Carmine
Conference “Electric Mobility: green heart of Italy” with Jacopo Fo, Valerio Rossi Albertini, Sergio Ferraris, Roberto Romano, Michele Dotti
10:00 Gardens Area
Rally Electric Cars
10:00 to 12:00 Area Children
Laboratory Bittarelli: children will make mosaics with legumes and cereals, to raise awareness of the importance of healthy eating
13:00 Children’s area
Laboratory of Saltapanchi Company “The City of Dreams”: we give life to a splendid city, seen through the eyes of children, creating an installation that speaks of urban beauty and open minds to the imagination. By the creative “re-use”, children are made aware of the use of materials considered at the end of their cycle, through a manipulative-creative process to promote environmental awareness that can transform the waste into a resource.
17:00 Former Church of Carmine
“Dream and be awake! I was changing the world … and I forgot the pot on the fire”: a meeting between words, musics and images on the possible choices to protect environment, peace and human rights, create jobs and improve our quality of life. With Michele Dotti
16:00 Exhibition area
Saxopedia in concert
18:00 Children’s area
Teatro La Fonte Maggiore presents “All History in one go” by R. Coats
19:00 Amphitheatre Area
Aperitif with music green
21:00 Fausto Amphitheatre
Musician of Francesco Guccini in live concert
For more informations about the event, look at the official site of Umbria Green Festival
For buying tickets about the events of the festival, lool at the TicketItalia site
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