Torna come ogni anno l’allestimento natalizio del Pozzo della Cava, quest’anno in una versione più estesa che renderà possibile ammirare il presepe dal 23 Dicembre 2018 al 13 Gennaio 2019: non perdere il tradizionale Presepe-Evento di Orvieto, situato nei suggestivi sotterranei del pozzo.
Per permettere la visita al presepe, apertura straordinaria del pozzo tutti i giorni con orario continuato dalle 9:00 alle 20:00 (ultimo ingresso alle 19:45)

Il Presepe del Pozzo, per una passeggiata nei sotterranei di Orvieto
La straordinarietà del Presepe nel Pozzo sta certamente nella sua collocazione unica, all’interno del complesso archeologico del Pozzo della Cava, nel cuore medievale della città di Orvieto.
Il Pozzo della Cava è un luogo eccezionale nel suo genere, ricco di ritrovamenti archeologici, cunicoli e suggestive grotte. In particolare nell’ultima grande sala, una grotta etrusca alta ben 14 metri, si dipana un percorso a spirale dal basso verso l’alto che permette di ammirare il presepe vero e proprio in tutta la sua grandezza.
Si tratta di una visita originale, un’esperienza affascinante oltre che una scoperta inusuale dell’Orvieto sotterranea e dei secoli di storia che l’hanno attraversata.

Visita al Presepe del Pozzo
Il Presepe del Pozzo e il ciclo tematico dei Testimoni per il 2018
Oltre alla location davvero suggestiva, altra importante particolarità del Presepe del Pozzo è la scelta ogni anno di un diverso tema per l’allestimento. Il Presepe viene infatti preparato secondo un tema conduttore ben preciso, certamente legato al Natale, ma che mescoli ogni volta in maniera originale testi sacri, verità storiche e tradizione.
Il 2018 sarà il terzo anno dei “Testimoni”, un ciclo scenografico e narrativo in cui la Natività viene raccontata da personaggi secondari, sulla base dunque del loro specifico e spesso insolito punto di vista. Questo 30° allestimento seguirà dunque la narrazione di Raziel, l’angelo dei segereti di Dio dalle cui mani Maria mangiava nel Tempio, che racconterà con particolare accortezza gli incontri angelici della giovane.
Ogni anno il Presepe nel Pozzo propone un nuovo allestimento con un tema conduttore sempre diverso, mescolando testi sacri e tradizioni, verità storiche e miti senza tempo. D’altronde la tradizione riserva all’asino un’importanza primaria, poiché vuole che siano i soli, assieme agli umani, a poter vedere gli angeli. In particolare la tradizione ebraica narra che quando gli asini si bloccano all’improvviso, non volendo più procedere avanti, è perché stanno assistendo ad una visione.
Novità 2018: ogni 5 anni, un angelo d’eccezione
Ogni 5 anni il Presepe del Pozzo presenta una speciale novità nel suo allestimento: un angelo appositamente realizzato a testimonianza del rapporto tra creature angeliche e umane. L’angelo viene sistemato da esperti speleologi all’interno della cavità, sospeso a circa 30 metri di strapiombo, regalando un effetto davvero suggestivo ai visitatori.

Il Presepe del Pozzo e il fascino della rappresentazione storica
Il mistero dei sotterranei e dei ritrovamenti archeologici che li accompagnano, dagli Etruschi al Medioevo e dal Rinascimento fino alla ristrutturazione più recente, si uniscono con il Presepe del Pozzo alla bellezza della ricostruzione storica.
Costumi, suppellettili, elementi scenografici… tutti gli elementi del Presepe nel Pozzo sono realizzati in modo da rispettare quanto più possibile gli originali, per creare una rappresentazione davvero vicina alla realtà della Palestina al tempo di Gesù Cristo. Varie firme e nomi emergenti del trucco o della scenografia si sono avvicinati negli anni al Presepe del Pozzo e e hanno contribuito a delinearne i personaggi.
La rappresentazione è inoltre ricca di effetti speciali, con diorami e scene popolate da personaggi a grandezza naturale, alcuni animati da congegni meccanici che li rendono particolarmente realistici.
Per saperne di più sul Pozzo della Cava, i suoi sotterranei e la sua storia, leggi anche Il Pozzo della Cava di Orvieto

30th Edition of the Nativity in the Well
From 23th December 2018 to 13 January 2019, don’t miss the traditional Nativity-Event of Orvieto, located in the basements of the Cava Well.
To allow the visit at the Nativity, extraordinary opening every day from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm (last entrance at 7:45 pm).

Come to visit the Nativity in the Well and Orvieto, discover here the best hotels and farm houses
A walk in the underground of the cave
The extraordinary nature of the Nativity in the Well is certainly his unique location, inside the archeological complex of the Cava Well, in the medieval heart of the city of Orvieto.
The Cava Well is an exceptional place of its kind, rich in archeological discoveries, tunnels and beautiful caves. In particular, in the last big room, an Etruscan cave of 14 meters of height, you can find a spiral pattern from the bottom to the top that let you admire the Nativity scenes in all theirs grandeur.
This is a very original visit, a charming experience in addition to an unusual discovery of Orvieto’s Undergrounds and all the centuries of history that crossed it.

The Nativity of the Well, Orvieto and many others beauties to explore from one of the surrounding hotels or farm houses
Visiting the Nativity in the Well
The Nativity in the Well and the theme of 2018
In addition to the evocative location, another important feature of this Nativity is the choice of a different theme for the preparation for each year. The Nativity Scene is in fact prepared according to a very specific theme, certainly linked to Christmas, but which a combination of sacred texts, historical truths and traditions in an original way.
2018 will be the third year of the “Witnesses”, a scenographic and narrative cycle in which the Nativity is told by secondary characters, based on their specific and often unusual point of view. This 30th staging will then follow the narration of Raziel, the angel of the segereti of God from whose hands Maria ate in the Temple, who will tell with particular care the angelic encounters of the young Maria.
The charme of the historical representation
The mystery of the undergrounds and the archeological findings, from the Etruscans to the Middle Age, from the Renaissance until the last recent renovation, is combined in the Nativity of the Well with the beauty of the historical reconstruction .
Costumes, ornaments, settings… all the elements of the Nativity of the Well are made in order to comply as much as possible the original one, and to create a representation very close to the reality of Palestine at the time of Jesus Christ.
In addition, this year the performance will be full of special effects, with dioramas and scenes populated by mechanical characters at eye level that will be very realistic.

All the special offers to stay in Umbria
27th Edition of the Nativity in the Well
From 23th December 2015 to 10 January 2016, don’t miss the traditional Nativity-Event of Orvieto, located in the basements of the Cava Well.
To allow the visit at the Nativity, extraordinary opening every day from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm.

The Nativity in the Well between the events of the Jubilee
This year the exhibition is inserted between the events of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, and it follows the theme of the Scandal Man: the Nativity scenes retrace the life of Jesus and they use compassion as a key to interpretate the most important episodes of his life, told backwards by himself.
The extraordinary nature of the Nativity in the Well is certainly his unique location, inside the archeological complex of the Cava Well, in the medieval heart of the city of Orvieto.

The Cava Well is an exceptional place of its kind, rich in archeological discoveries, tunnels and beautiful caves. In particular, in the last big room, an Etruscan cave of 14 meters of height, you can find a spiral pattern from the bottom to the top that let you admire the Nativity scenes in all theirs grandeur.
This is a very original visit, a charming experience in addition to an unusual discovery of Orvieto’s Undergrounds and all the centuries of history that crossed it.

The charme of the historical representation
The mystery of the undergrounds and the archeological findings, from the Etruscans to the Middle Age, from the Renaissance until the last recent renovation, is combined in the Nativity of the Well with the beauty of the historical reconstruction .
Costumes, ornaments, settings… all the elements of the Nativity of the Well are made in order to comply as much as possible the original one, and to create a representation very close to the reality of Palestine at the time of Jesus Christ.
In addition, this year the performance will be full of special effects, with dioramas and scenes populated by mechanical characters at eye level that will be very realistic.
For more information, visit the official site !
27th Edition of the Nativity in the Well
From 23th December 2015 to 10 January 2016, don’t miss the traditional Nativity-Event of Orvieto, located in the basements of the Cava Well.
To allow the visit at the Nativity, extraordinary opening every day from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm.

The Nativity in the Well between the events of the Jubilee
This year the exhibition is inserted between the events of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, and it follows the theme of the Scandal Man: the Nativity scenes retrace the life of Jesus and they use compassion as a key to interpretate the most important episodes of his life, told backwards by himself.
The extraordinary nature of the Nativity in the Well is certainly his unique location, inside the archeological complex of the Cava Well, in the medieval heart of the city of Orvieto.

The Cava Well is an exceptional place of its kind, rich in archeological discoveries, tunnels and beautiful caves. In particular, in the last big room, an Etruscan cave of 14 meters of height, you can find a spiral pattern from the bottom to the top that let you admire the Nativity scenes in all theirs grandeur.
This is a very original visit, a charming experience in addition to an unusual discovery of Orvieto’s Undergrounds and all the centuries of history that crossed it.

The charme of the historical representation
The mystery of the undergrounds and the archeological findings, from the Etruscans to the Middle Age, from the Renaissance until the last recent renovation, is combined in the Nativity of the Well with the beauty of the historical reconstruction .
Costumes, ornaments, settings… all the elements of the Nativity of the Well are made in order to comply as much as possible the original one, and to create a representation very close to the reality of Palestine at the time of Jesus Christ.
In addition, this year the performance will be full of special effects, with dioramas and scenes populated by mechanical characters at eye level that will be very realistic.
For more information, visit the official site !
27th Edition of the Nativity in the Well
From 23th December 2015 to 10 January 2016, don’t miss the traditional Nativity-Event of Orvieto, located in the basements of the Cava Well.
To allow the visit at the Nativity, extraordinary opening every day from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm.

The Nativity in the Well between the events of the Jubilee
This year the exhibition is inserted between the events of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, and it follows the theme of the Scandal Man: the Nativity scenes retrace the life of Jesus and they use compassion as a key to interpretate the most important episodes of his life, told backwards by himself.
The extraordinary nature of the Nativity in the Well is certainly his unique location, inside the archeological complex of the Cava Well, in the medieval heart of the city of Orvieto.

The Cava Well is an exceptional place of its kind, rich in archeological discoveries, tunnels and beautiful caves. In particular, in the last big room, an Etruscan cave of 14 meters of height, you can find a spiral pattern from the bottom to the top that let you admire the Nativity scenes in all theirs grandeur.
This is a very original visit, a charming experience in addition to an unusual discovery of Orvieto’s Undergrounds and all the centuries of history that crossed it.

The charme of the historical representation
The mystery of the undergrounds and the archeological findings, from the Etruscans to the Middle Age, from the Renaissance until the last recent renovation, is combined in the Nativity of the Well with the beauty of the historical reconstruction .
Costumes, ornaments, settings… all the elements of the Nativity of the Well are made in order to comply as much as possible the original one, and to create a representation very close to the reality of Palestine at the time of Jesus Christ.
In addition, this year the performance will be full of special effects, with dioramas and scenes populated by mechanical characters at eye level that will be very realistic.
For more information, visit the official site !
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