All’estremità settentrionale di Piazza del Popolo, salotto della Todi bene, posta su un altura, si può ammirare la lunga scalinata d’accesso e la bella facciata romanica che caratterizzano il Duomo dell’Annunziata.

>>Vuoi visitare la Cattedrale della Santissima Annunziata? Contatta ora i migliori agriturismi di Todi e scopri le offerte!

Sorta probabilmente a partire dall’XI secolo sui resti di un tempio dedicato al dio Apollo, la chiesa assunse la forma attuale dopo il rovinoso incendio del 1190 mentre notevoli ricostruzioni vennero eseguite dopo il terremoto del 1246, modificando pesantemente la struttura originaria.

Solo in epoca molto più tarda venne aggiunta la quarta “navatina” di destra, il campanile e la facciata (inizi del XV secolo). Quest’ultima a coronamento orizzontale presenta caratteri umbro-abruzzesi ed è scandita da due lesene piatte che la dividono in tre parti ognuna delle quali ospita un portale. I tre portali sono ornati da splendidi fregi: sulla lunetta di quello centrale spicca il gruppo della Vergine col Bambino, attribuito a Giovanni Pisano, figlio di Nicola. Il rosone centrale è un vero gioiello del Cinquecento, è un capolavoro “condotto con la finezza della trina”. L’interno si presenta a tre navate, con pianta a croce latina, e una quarta navata costruita nel Trecento.

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Fra le pregevoli opere d’arte qui conservate all’interno della Cattedrale della Santissima Annunziata si possono ammirare: entrando, sulla controfacciata, un Giudizio Universale di Ferraù di Faenza, detto il Faenzone, della fine del XVI secolo; ai pilastri dell’abside, due tavole dello Spagna, e presso il fonte battesimale, un’altra tavola dello stesso Spagna, che raffigura la Trinità; tre statue della scuola di Giovanni Pisano; un duecentesco Crocifisso di scuola umbra, dipinto su tavola; uno stupendo coro ligneo, del 1530, intagliato ed intarsiato da Antonio e Sebastiano Bencivenni da Mercatello. La cripta del XII secolo conserva un Crocifisso ligneo del Settecento e numerose pietre tombali.

Nel braccio sinistro del transetto, si trova l’organo a canne. Lo strumento, che è stato costruito negli anni sessanta del XX secolo dalla ditta organaria Pinchi, riutilizza parte del materiale fonico di un precedente strumento, opera di Angelo Morettini, risalente al 1841

>>Se hai deciso di visitare Todi e di vedere la Cattedrale della Santissima Annunziata ti consigliamo di contattare ora gli agriturismi nelle sue vicinanze >> clicca questo link

Dedicated to Mary Most Holy of the Annunciation, the church was built in Gothic style on a Latin cross plan in the 12th century upon a pre-existing Roman temple.

Over the centuries, the façade underwent numerous restorations and refurbishments initially as a result of a fire in 1190, then a powerful earthquake in 1246 and finally the caving in of a part of the roof in 1322, disfiguring some of its more unique features.

>> Do you want to visit the Cathedral of the Annunciation? Contact now the best farmhouse in Todi and discover their offers!

A magnificent rose window opens up from overhead that was begun in 1515 under Bishop Basilio Moscardi and completed under his successor Aldighieri Biliotti (1517-1523). A band of acanthus ornament arches over the front entrance with an image of Christ Blessing in the centre. The inside of the Cathedral is subdivided into three large naves, with a small, elegant fourth nave to the extreme right housing a baptismal font added in 1358.  On the counter-façade, there is a large, striking fresco painted by Ferraù of Faenza (called “Il Faenzone”) depicting a Micheangelo-esque Universal Judgement.

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There is a giant fresco depicting the Universal Judgment by Ferraù Faenzone. The choir includes the Gothic altar and a wooden choir-enclosure with two floors.

>> If you’ve decided to visit Todi and to see the Cathedral of the Annunciation you should contact now houses in its vicinity >> click this link

Dedicated to Mary Most Holy of the Annunciation, the church was built in Gothic style on a Latin cross plan in the 12th century upon a pre-existing Roman temple.

Over the centuries, the façade underwent numerous restorations and refurbishments initially as a result of a fire in 1190, then a powerful earthquake in 1246 and finally the caving in of a part of the roof in 1322, disfiguring some of its more unique features.

>> Do you want to visit the Cathedral of the Annunciation? Contact now the best farmhouse in Todi and discover their offers!

A magnificent rose window opens up from overhead that was begun in 1515 under Bishop Basilio Moscardi and completed under his successor Aldighieri Biliotti (1517-1523). A band of acanthus ornament arches over the front entrance with an image of Christ Blessing in the centre. The inside of the Cathedral is subdivided into three large naves, with a small, elegant fourth nave to the extreme right housing a baptismal font added in 1358.  On the counter-façade, there is a large, striking fresco painted by Ferraù of Faenza (called “Il Faenzone”) depicting a Micheangelo-esque Universal Judgement.

>> There are offers in deadline! Click and consult list of the best hotels in Todi!

There is a giant fresco depicting the Universal Judgment by Ferraù Faenzone. The choir includes the Gothic altar and a wooden choir-enclosure with two floors.

>> If you’ve decided to visit Todi and to see the Cathedral of the Annunciation you should contact now houses in its vicinity >> click this link

Dedicated to Mary Most Holy of the Annunciation, the church was built in Gothic style on a Latin cross plan in the 12th century upon a pre-existing Roman temple.

Over the centuries, the façade underwent numerous restorations and refurbishments initially as a result of a fire in 1190, then a powerful earthquake in 1246 and finally the caving in of a part of the roof in 1322, disfiguring some of its more unique features.

>> Do you want to visit the Cathedral of the Annunciation? Contact now the best farmhouse in Todi and discover their offers!

A magnificent rose window opens up from overhead that was begun in 1515 under Bishop Basilio Moscardi and completed under his successor Aldighieri Biliotti (1517-1523). A band of acanthus ornament arches over the front entrance with an image of Christ Blessing in the centre. The inside of the Cathedral is subdivided into three large naves, with a small, elegant fourth nave to the extreme right housing a baptismal font added in 1358.  On the counter-façade, there is a large, striking fresco painted by Ferraù of Faenza (called “Il Faenzone”) depicting a Micheangelo-esque Universal Judgement.

>> There are offers in deadline! Click and consult list of the best hotels in Todi!

There is a giant fresco depicting the Universal Judgment by Ferraù Faenzone. The choir includes the Gothic altar and a wooden choir-enclosure with two floors.

>> If you’ve decided to visit Todi and to see the Cathedral of the Annunciation you should contact now houses in its vicinity >> click this link

Dedicated to Mary Most Holy of the Annunciation, the church was built in Gothic style on a Latin cross plan in the 12th century upon a pre-existing Roman temple.

Over the centuries, the façade underwent numerous restorations and refurbishments initially as a result of a fire in 1190, then a powerful earthquake in 1246 and finally the caving in of a part of the roof in 1322, disfiguring some of its more unique features.

>> Do you want to visit the Cathedral of the Annunciation? Contact now the best farmhouse in Todi and discover their offers!

A magnificent rose window opens up from overhead that was begun in 1515 under Bishop Basilio Moscardi and completed under his successor Aldighieri Biliotti (1517-1523). A band of acanthus ornament arches over the front entrance with an image of Christ Blessing in the centre. The inside of the Cathedral is subdivided into three large naves, with a small, elegant fourth nave to the extreme right housing a baptismal font added in 1358.  On the counter-façade, there is a large, striking fresco painted by Ferraù of Faenza (called “Il Faenzone”) depicting a Micheangelo-esque Universal Judgement.

>> There are offers in deadline! Click and consult list of the best hotels in Todi!

There is a giant fresco depicting the Universal Judgment by Ferraù Faenzone. The choir includes the Gothic altar and a wooden choir-enclosure with two floors.

>> If you’ve decided to visit Todi and to see the Cathedral of the Annunciation you should contact now houses in its vicinity >> click this link