La Rocca Albornoziana di Spoleto è un’imponente fortezza che sorge sul Colle Sant’Elia, il punto più alto della città.
Edificata a partire dal 1359, fa parte del sistema di fortificazioni volute da Papa Innocenzo VI per ristabilire l’autorità del Pontefice nei territori dell’Italia centrale, in vista dell’ormai imminente ritorno della sede pontificia a Roma dopo i settanta anni circa di permanenza ad Avignone.
L’imponente costruzione, visibile in lontananza ben prima di giungere a Spoleto, ha subito recentemente anni di impegnativi restauri e dal 2007 ospita al suo interno il Museo Nazionale del Ducato di Spoleto.

>> Vuoi visitare la Rocca Albornoziana? Contatta ora i migliori agriturismi di Spoleto e scopri le offerte!
La Rocca Albornoz e Spoleto: Storia
I lavori di edificazione della rocca si svolsero negli anni tra il 1363 e il 1367. Il Papa affidò l’incarico di coordinare la realizzazione del suo progetto al potente Cardinale spagnolo Egidio Albornoz , dal quale la fortezza prende il nome, con la direzione dell’architetto Matteo di Giovannello da Gubbio detto “il Gattapone”.
Divenuta negli anni anche residenza dei governatori della città, la Rocca fino a metà del Settecento ospitò i maggiori personaggi dell’epoca e si arricchì di decorazioni ed affreschi. Molti di questi andarono però perduti quando la struttura venne trasformata in carcere. Dopo una fase di declino, accentuata dopo il 1764 dall’abbandono dei governatori a favore di residenze interne alla città, la struttura conobbe le prime manomissioni della struttura originaria. Divenne poi sede carceraria nel 1817, con un grande afflusso di detenuti e la costruzione di un ulteriore annesso, e mantenne tale funzione fino al 1982.

L’interno della Rocca Albornoz
Delimitata da un alto sistema di mura perimetrali alternate da sei torri squadrate, la Rocca Albornoz è il simbolo della città e si divide in due aree distinte:
- il Cortile d’Onore, riservato agli amministratori e ai governatori, con il Museo nazionale del Ducato e uno spazio polivalente per mostre, concerti e convegni;
- il Cortile delle Armi, originariamente sede della milizia armata, che comprende un teatro all’aperto.
Elemento di collegamento dei due cortili è un fornice decorato alla fine del ‘500 con affreschi raffiguranti sei città appartenenti allo Stato della Chiesa.
Il Salone d’Onore è l’ambiente più vasto della Rocca Albornoz, ed è destinato ad ospitare cerimonie e banchetti.
La testimonianza pittorica più importante è costituita dai due cicli di affreschi della prima metà del Quattrocento nella Camera Pinta, antico studio privato del pontefice o del suo vicario, situato nel piano nobile della Torre maestra. Metà della sala è dedicata a un Ciclo Cavalleresco riferibile a una bottega spoletina del 1420, la cui fonte letteraria non è stata ancora identificata con certezza. Nell’altra metà è affrescata una Allegoria della pesca, con altre allegorie, fra le quali una scena che sembra alludere al mito della Fontana di Giovinezza.

Visitare la Rocca Albornoz
L’ingresso è in Piazza Campello e la Rocca è visitabile tutti i giorni dal Martedì alla Domenica, dalle 09:30 alle 18:00 (il lunedì chiuso). Ultimo ingresso 45 minuti prima dell’orario di chiusura.
Il biglietto d’ingresso ha un costo di € 7,50 con riduzione a € 3,75 per ragazzi dai 18 ai 25 anni e ingresso gratuito fino a 17 anni. Inoltre, ogni prima domenica del mese l’ingresso è gratuito per tutti i visitatori.
L’ingresso alla Rocca permette di visitare l’intero monumento, compresi Salone d’Onore, Camera Pinta, Cortile d’Onore e le sale espositive del Museo Nazionale del Ducato, inaugurato nel 2007. Per approfondire leggi il nostro articolo dedicato al Museo di Spoleto

Buona visita alla Rocca Albornoz!
The Albornoz Fortress
The Albornoz Fortress of Spoleto is an impressive fortress located on the hill of Saint Elia, the highest point of the city.
Built starting in 1359, it is part of the fortifications system wanted by Pope Innocenzo VI to restore the authority of the Papal State in the territories of central Italy, in view of the return of the papacy to Rome after its seventy years in Avignone.
The majestic building, visible before reaching Spoleto on the horizon, has been restored for years. Since 2007, the National Museum of Spoleto Duchy has been set up inside it.

The Fortress and Spoleto: History
Construction works of the fortress finished in 1367. The Pope gave the task of coordinating the implementation of its project to the powerful Spanish Cardinal Egidio Albornoz – the fortress has his own name – with the direction of the architecte Matteo di Giovanello called “Il Gattaponte” from Gubbio.
The fortress became the residence of the governors of the city and it hosted many important and famous people of the past. In this period, it was enriched by decorations and frescoes, but many of them were lost because of the transformation in a prison. After a phase of declin, especially in 1764 when the governors moved in other residences inside the city and abandoned it, the fortress had had the first alterations of its original structure. In 1817 it became a prison, function it held until 1982.

Inside the Fortress Albornoz
Bordered by a high perimeter walls alternating with a system of six square towers, the Rocca Albornoz is the symbol of the city and it is divided into two distinct areas:
- the main courtyard, which is reserved to the directors and governors, with the National Museum of the Duchy and a multipurpose space for exhibitions, concerts and conferences
- the courtyard of arms, originally headquarters of the armed militia, which includes an outdoor theater.
A connection element of the two courtyards is a decorated archway of the end of the ‘500 with frescoes depicting six cities belonging to the State of the Church.
The Hall of Honor is the wider environment of the Rock, and is intended to accommodate ceremonies and banquets.
The testimony most important painting is made up of two cycles of frescoes from the first half of the fifteenth century in the Camera Pinta, an ancient private study of the pope or of his vicar, located on the main floor of the Tower teacher.

Visiting the Albornoz Fortress
The main entrance is in Campello Square. The fortress is open all days from Tuesday to Sunday, from 9:30 am to 6 pm (closed on Mondays). Last entrance about 45 minutes before the closing time.
With the ticket of entrance you will visit the Fortress and the National Museum of the Duchy of Spoleto.
The ticket costs € 7,50 (€ 3,75 for young between 18 and 25 years old). Free entrance for children and young under 17 years old. In addiction, free entrance for all the guests each first Sunday every month.

The Albornoz Fortress
The Albornoz Fortress of Spoleto is an impressive fortress located on the hill of Saint Elia, the highest point of the city.
Built starting in 1359, it is part of the fortifications system wanted by Pope Innocenzo VI to restore the authority of the Papal State in the territories of central Italy, in view of the return of the papacy to Rome after its seventy years in Avignone.
The majestic building, visible before reaching Spoleto on the horizon, has been restored for years. Since 2007, the National Museum of Spoleto Duchy has been set up inside it.

The Fortress and Spoleto: History
Construction works of the fortress finished in 1367. The Pope gave the task of coordinating the implementation of its project to the powerful Spanish Cardinal Egidio Albornoz – the fortress has his own name – with the direction of the architecte Matteo di Giovanello called “Il Gattaponte” from Gubbio.
The fortress became the residence of the governors of the city and it hosted many important and famous people of the past. In this period, it was enriched by decorations and frescoes, but many of them were lost because of the transformation in a prison. After a phase of declin, especially in 1764 when the governors moved in other residences inside the city and abandoned it, the fortress had had the first alterations of its original structure. In 1817 it became a prison, function it held until 1982.

Inside the Fortress Albornoz
Bordered by a high perimeter walls alternating with a system of six square towers, the Rocca Albornoz is the symbol of the city and it is divided into two distinct areas:
- the main courtyard, which is reserved to the directors and governors, with the National Museum of the Duchy and a multipurpose space for exhibitions, concerts and conferences
- the courtyard of arms, originally headquarters of the armed militia, which includes an outdoor theater.
A connection element of the two courtyards is a decorated archway of the end of the ‘500 with frescoes depicting six cities belonging to the State of the Church.
The Hall of Honor is the wider environment of the Rock, and is intended to accommodate ceremonies and banquets.
The testimony most important painting is made up of two cycles of frescoes from the first half of the fifteenth century in the Camera Pinta, an ancient private study of the pope or of his vicar, located on the main floor of the Tower teacher.

Visiting the Albornoz Fortress
The main entrance is in Campello Square. The fortress is open all days from Tuesday to Sunday, from 9:30 am to 6 pm (closed on Mondays). Last entrance about 45 minutes before the closing time.
With the ticket of entrance you will visit the Fortress and the National Museum of the Duchy of Spoleto.
The ticket costs € 7,50 (€ 3,75 for young between 18 and 25 years old). Free entrance for children and young under 17 years old. In addiction, free entrance for all the guests each first Sunday every month.

The Albornoz Fortress
The Albornoz Fortress of Spoleto is an impressive fortress located on the hill of Saint Elia, the highest point of the city.
Built starting in 1359, it is part of the fortifications system wanted by Pope Innocenzo VI to restore the authority of the Papal State in the territories of central Italy, in view of the return of the papacy to Rome after its seventy years in Avignone.
The majestic building, visible before reaching Spoleto on the horizon, has been restored for years. Since 2007, the National Museum of Spoleto Duchy has been set up inside it.

The Fortress and Spoleto: History
Construction works of the fortress finished in 1367. The Pope gave the task of coordinating the implementation of its project to the powerful Spanish Cardinal Egidio Albornoz – the fortress has his own name – with the direction of the architecte Matteo di Giovanello called “Il Gattaponte” from Gubbio.
The fortress became the residence of the governors of the city and it hosted many important and famous people of the past. In this period, it was enriched by decorations and frescoes, but many of them were lost because of the transformation in a prison. After a phase of declin, especially in 1764 when the governors moved in other residences inside the city and abandoned it, the fortress had had the first alterations of its original structure. In 1817 it became a prison, function it held until 1982.

Inside the Fortress Albornoz
Bordered by a high perimeter walls alternating with a system of six square towers, the Rocca Albornoz is the symbol of the city and it is divided into two distinct areas:
- the main courtyard, which is reserved to the directors and governors, with the National Museum of the Duchy and a multipurpose space for exhibitions, concerts and conferences
- the courtyard of arms, originally headquarters of the armed militia, which includes an outdoor theater.
A connection element of the two courtyards is a decorated archway of the end of the ‘500 with frescoes depicting six cities belonging to the State of the Church.
The Hall of Honor is the wider environment of the Rock, and is intended to accommodate ceremonies and banquets.
The testimony most important painting is made up of two cycles of frescoes from the first half of the fifteenth century in the Camera Pinta, an ancient private study of the pope or of his vicar, located on the main floor of the Tower teacher.

Visiting the Albornoz Fortress
The main entrance is in Campello Square. The fortress is open all days from Tuesday to Sunday, from 9:30 am to 6 pm (closed on Mondays). Last entrance about 45 minutes before the closing time.
With the ticket of entrance you will visit the Fortress and the National Museum of the Duchy of Spoleto.
The ticket costs € 7,50 (€ 3,75 for young between 18 and 25 years old). Free entrance for children and young under 17 years old. In addiction, free entrance for all the guests each first Sunday every month.

The Albornoz Fortress
The Albornoz Fortress of Spoleto is an impressive fortress located on the hill of Saint Elia, the highest point of the city.
Built starting in 1359, it is part of the fortifications system wanted by Pope Innocenzo VI to restore the authority of the Papal State in the territories of central Italy, in view of the return of the papacy to Rome after its seventy years in Avignone.
The majestic building, visible before reaching Spoleto on the horizon, has been restored for years. Since 2007, the National Museum of Spoleto Duchy has been set up inside it.

The Fortress and Spoleto: History
Construction works of the fortress finished in 1367. The Pope gave the task of coordinating the implementation of its project to the powerful Spanish Cardinal Egidio Albornoz – the fortress has his own name – with the direction of the architecte Matteo di Giovanello called “Il Gattaponte” from Gubbio.
The fortress became the residence of the governors of the city and it hosted many important and famous people of the past. In this period, it was enriched by decorations and frescoes, but many of them were lost because of the transformation in a prison. After a phase of declin, especially in 1764 when the governors moved in other residences inside the city and abandoned it, the fortress had had the first alterations of its original structure. In 1817 it became a prison, function it held until 1982.

Inside the Fortress Albornoz
Bordered by a high perimeter walls alternating with a system of six square towers, the Rocca Albornoz is the symbol of the city and it is divided into two distinct areas:
- the main courtyard, which is reserved to the directors and governors, with the National Museum of the Duchy and a multipurpose space for exhibitions, concerts and conferences
- the courtyard of arms, originally headquarters of the armed militia, which includes an outdoor theater.
A connection element of the two courtyards is a decorated archway of the end of the ‘500 with frescoes depicting six cities belonging to the State of the Church.
The Hall of Honor is the wider environment of the Rock, and is intended to accommodate ceremonies and banquets.
The testimony most important painting is made up of two cycles of frescoes from the first half of the fifteenth century in the Camera Pinta, an ancient private study of the pope or of his vicar, located on the main floor of the Tower teacher.

Visiting the Albornoz Fortress
The main entrance is in Campello Square. The fortress is open all days from Tuesday to Sunday, from 9:30 am to 6 pm (closed on Mondays). Last entrance about 45 minutes before the closing time.
With the ticket of entrance you will visit the Fortress and the National Museum of the Duchy of Spoleto.
The ticket costs € 7,50 (€ 3,75 for young between 18 and 25 years old). Free entrance for children and young under 17 years old. In addiction, free entrance for all the guests each first Sunday every month.

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