▌ Points of interest

What to see in San Gemini in one day

Cosa vedere a San Gemini in un giorno? Scoprite con la nostra mini guida l'antico borgo medievale immerso nell’incantevole paesaggio umbro, rinomato per le qualità benefiche delle sue acque minerali, [...]
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Narnia places

Amongst the several similarities between C.S. Lewis’ Narnia and the actual Umbrian Narni we can find a castle, overlooking the valley from the top of the hill: the imposing Albornoz Fortress (dating back to 14th century).

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Lands of Narnia

The roar of the Great Aslan, the lion, has finally reached the Umbrian Narnia. The old town of Naharna  overlooks the valley from its rocky spur, where the river Nahar (today known as Nera) flows.

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Obelisk Lancia di Luce

The brilliant intuition of the work is anterior of ten years to the final realization, completed in 1995, after a long series of problems and bureaucratic difficulties.

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San Cassiano Abbey, Narni

The San Cassiano Abbey is completely immersed in the woods of the Valnerina, between Narni and the Nera Gorges which open towards Stifone. It is a Benedictine abbey of the tenth century, particular for its location and rich in artistic and architectural testimonies.

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