Dal 24 Gennaio (vernissage ore 19:00, a seguire aperitivo) fino al 17 Aprile 2013 L’Officina Ristorante Culturale di Borgo XX Giugno, Perugia, ospiterà la mostra “Solstizi di fragilità sentimentali”, personale dell’artista anconetana Alessandra Pierelli.

Tema di questa esposizione, veicolato attraverso dipinti e LED box, sarà il “segno grafico” che origina uno dei simboli più sfruttati della contemporaneità: il cuore. Consacrato negli ex voto e nelle immagini sacre ed oltremodo banalizzato in migliaia di modi differenti nel resto del tessuto sociale, questo simbolo parla del sentimento umano in tutte le sue sfaccettature, sebbene sia la fragilità quello che più interessa Pierelli, che trasferisce sulla tela i propri stati d’animo senza negare l’evidenza di una condizione tormentata dal brivido delle emozioni, espletata attraverso l’arte quale luogo prediletto di espressione interiore.

La mostra, visitabile tutti i giorni dalle 12:00 alle 15:00 e dalle 18:30 alle 24:00, fa parte del cartellone “Live Exhibition 2012-2013 – Live Arte” approntato dall’associazione Osmosi dei Sensi, in collaborazione con Archi’s Comunicazione e L’Officina Ristorante Culturale.

From January 24th (vernissage at 19:00, followed by an aperitif) until April 17th, 2013 L’Officina Ristorante Culturale (Cultural Restaurant) of Borgo XX GiugnoPerugia will host the exhibition “Solstizi di fragilità sentimentali” (“Solstices of emotionals fragility”), solo exhibit by the Ancona artist Alessandra Pierelli.

The theme of this exhibition, vehiculated  through paintings and LED boxes, it will be the “graphic sign” which originates one of the most exploited symbol of the contemporaneity: il cuore, the heart. Consecrated in the ex voto and in the sacred images and exceedingly trivialized in thousands of different ways in the rest of the social fabric, this symbol speaks of the human emotion in all its facets, although the fragility is the most interested for Pierelli, which transfers to canvas her own moods without denying the evidence of a condition tormented by the thrill of the emotions, carried out through art as favorite place of inner expression.

The exhibition, open daily from 12:00 to 15:00 and 18:30 to 24:00, is part of the “2012-2013” Live Exhibition – Live Arte” prepared by the Osmosi dei Sensi association, in collaboration with Archi’s Comunicazione and L’Officina Cultural Restaurant.

Fabrizio Galeazzi

From January 24th (vernissage at 19:00, followed by an aperitif) until April 17th, 2013 L’Officina Ristorante Culturale (Cultural Restaurant) of Borgo XX Giugno of Perugia will host the exhibition “Solstizi di fragilità sentimentali” (“Solstices of emotional fragility”), solo exhibition by the Ancona artist Alessandra Pierelli.

The theme of this exhibition, vehiculated  through paintings and LED box, it will be the “graphic sign” which originates one of the most exploited symbol of the contemporaneity: il cuore, the heart. Consecrated in the ex voto and in the sacred images and exceedingly trivialized in thousands of different ways in the rest of the social fabric, this symbol speaks of the human emotion in all its facets, although the fragility is the most interested for Pierelli, which transfers to canvas her own moods without denying the evidence of a condition tormented by the thrill of the emotions, carried out through art as favorite place of inner expression.

The exhibition, open daily from 12:00 to 15:00 and 18:30 to 24:00, is part of the “2012-2013” Live Exhibition – Live Arte” prepared by the Osmosi dei Sensi association, in collaboration with Archi’s Comunicazione and L’Officina Cultural Restaurant.

Fabrizio Galeazzi

From January 24th (vernissage at 19:00, followed by an aperitif) until April 17th, 2013 L’Officina Ristorante Culturale (Cultural Restaurant) of Borgo XX Giugno of Perugia will host the exhibition “Solstizi di fragilità sentimentali” (“Solstices of emotional fragility”), solo exhibition by the Ancona artist Alessandra Pierelli.

The theme of this exhibition, vehiculated  through paintings and LED box, it will be the “graphic sign” which originates one of the most exploited symbol of the contemporaneity: il cuore, the heart. Consecrated in the ex voto and in the sacred images and exceedingly trivialized in thousands of different ways in the rest of the social fabric, this symbol speaks of the human emotion in all its facets, although the fragility is the most interested for Pierelli, which transfers to canvas her own moods without denying the evidence of a condition tormented by the thrill of the emotions, carried out through art as favorite place of inner expression.

The exhibition, open daily from 12:00 to 15:00 and 18:30 to 24:00, is part of the “2012-2013” Live Exhibition – Live Arte” prepared by the Osmosi dei Sensi association, in collaboration with Archi’s Comunicazione and L’Officina Cultural Restaurant.

Fabrizio Galeazzi

From January 24th (vernissage at 19:00, followed by an aperitif) until April 17th, 2013 L’Officina Ristorante Culturale (Cultural Restaurant) of Borgo XX Giugno of Perugia will host the exhibition “Solstizi di fragilità sentimentali” (“Solstices of emotional fragility”), solo exhibition by the Ancona artist Alessandra Pierelli.

The theme of this exhibition, vehiculated  through paintings and LED box, it will be the “graphic sign” which originates one of the most exploited symbol of the contemporaneity: il cuore, the heart. Consecrated in the ex voto and in the sacred images and exceedingly trivialized in thousands of different ways in the rest of the social fabric, this symbol speaks of the human emotion in all its facets, although the fragility is the most interested for Pierelli, which transfers to canvas her own moods without denying the evidence of a condition tormented by the thrill of the emotions, carried out through art as favorite place of inner expression.

The exhibition, open daily from 12:00 to 15:00 and 18:30 to 24:00, is part of the “2012-2013” Live Exhibition – Live Arte” prepared by the Osmosi dei Sensi association, in collaboration with Archi’s Comunicazione and L’Officina Cultural Restaurant.

Fabrizio Galeazzi