Serendipity è un club che ospita le più svariate forme artistiche, un locale dove sperimentare la propria creatività e un ambiente ristorazione e bar dov’è possibile mangiare piatti caldi e freddi, antipasti, pizza e panini. L’ambiente ospitale ed è anche possibile ascoltare concerti e musica dal vivo sia rock che tecno.

Il locale ha pensato ad una tessera annuale, la Serendipity Plus, che permette di usufruire di molti sconti sia sul prezzo di ingresso, sul ristorante e persino sul merchandising online.

Serendipity is a club that hosts a wide variety of art forms, a place where creativity and experience the dining room and bar where you can eat hot and cold dishes, appetizers, pizza and sandwiches. The friendly atmosphere and you can also enjoy concerts and live music both rock and techno.

The restaurant has created an annual card, the Serendipity Plus, which allows you to take advantage of many discounts on both the price of admission, the restaurant and even on online merchandising.

Serendipity is a club that hosts a wide variety of art forms, a place where creativity and experience the dining room and bar where you can eat hot and cold dishes, appetizers, pizza and sandwiches. The friendly atmosphere and you can also enjoy concerts and live music both rock and techno.

The restaurant has created an annual card, the Serendipity Plus, which allows you to take advantage of many discounts on both the price of admission, the restaurant and even on online merchandising.

Serendipity is a club that hosts a wide variety of art forms, a place where creativity and experience the dining room and bar where you can eat hot and cold dishes, appetizers, pizza and sandwiches. The friendly atmosphere and you can also enjoy concerts and live music both rock and techno.

The restaurant has created an annual card, the Serendipity Plus, which allows you to take advantage of many discounts on both the price of admission, the restaurant and even on online merchandising.

Serendipity is a club that hosts a wide variety of art forms, a place where creativity and experience the dining room and bar where you can eat hot and cold dishes, appetizers, pizza and sandwiches. The friendly atmosphere and you can also enjoy concerts and live music both rock and techno.

The restaurant has created an annual card, the Serendipity Plus, which allows you to take advantage of many discounts on both the price of admission, the restaurant and even on online merchandising.