Lunedì 3 Dicembre 2012 il Teatro Morlacchi di Perugia ospiterà, con un doppio spettacolo (ore 18:00 ed ore 21:00), il prestigioso Balletto Russo di Anna Ivanova, Mosca, che sul palco dello storico teatro si esibirà in “Don Chisciotte“.
Il Teatro del Balletto Russo di Anna Ivanova, conosciuto ed apprezzato in tutto il mondo, si rifà alla tradizione della scuola del balletto russo in tutti i suoi aspetti:
- repertorio fatto di grandi classici come: “Il lago dei cigni”; “La Bella Addormentata”; “Lo Schiaccianoci”; “Giselle”; “Romeo e Giulietta”;
- costumi creati appositamente per il tour italiano, sulla base dei canoni artistici del Grande Teatro Imperiale Russo;
- anche le coreografie e le scenografie seguono la tradizione sovietica, rispettando le regole tecniche e grafiche di M. Petipa;
- infine, i coreografi e gli artisti si ispirano ai migliori maestri russi come M.T. Semenova, M.L. Jacobson e L.I. Semenyaka.
Come già anticipato, il Balletto Russo di Mosca si cimenterà nel capolavoro di Miguel de Cervantes.
Don Chisciotte, un eccentrico gentiluomo di campagna, si ritiene legittimo successore dei cavalieri erranti medievali, sui quali ha letto moltissimo, forse troppo. Ormai sogna soltanto la sua nobile dama Ducinea, per la quale combatterà le sue battaglie. I suoi sogni sono però bruscamente interrotti dal suo vicino Sancho Panza, che sta fuggendo dopo aver rubato un pollo, inseguito da alcune serve. Don Chisciotte lo nomina immediatamente suo scudiero ed insieme a lui parte per avventure cavalleresche di guerra e amore. Le pittoresche scenografie del Balletto Russo di Anna Ivanova ed i costumi ispirati al folklore iberico, rendono ancor più classico un balletto tardo-romantico basato sull’elegante tecnica accademica, cui si affiancano danze di carattere ispirate al folklore iberico, la tradizionale presenza dell’atto bianco con il sogno di Don Chisciotte e l’atto finale dedicato al puro divertissement che contiene il celebre pirotecnico passo a due. L’episodio dell’amore contrastato tra Basilio e Quiteria (Kitri), tratto dal Don Chisciotte, è la base su cui si sviluppa la coreografia fornendo così lo sfondo pittoresco ed esotico caro al pubblico dell’epoca e di oggi.
Scheda Tecnica
balletto in quattro atti ed otto scene
Musiche di: L. Minkus
Scenografie: M. Petipa
Scenografie: Tony Fanciullo
Solisti: Anna Ivanova, Aleksandr Alikin
Biglietti in vendita presso Botteghino Teatro Morlacchi, per informazioni tel. 075 5722555 – 334 1891173.
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Monday, December 3rd, 2012 the Teatro Morlacchi of Perugia will host, with a double bill (18:00 and 21:00), the prestigious Russian Ballet by Anna Ivanova, Moscow, which on the stage of the historic theater will perform in “Don Chisciotte” (“Don Quixote“).
The Russian Ballet Theatre by Anna Ivanova, known and appreciated all over the world, draws on the tradition of the school of Russian ballet in all its aspects:
- repertoire of great classics like “Swan Lake”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “The Nutcracker”, “Giselle”, “Romeo and Juliet”;
- costumes created especially for the Italian tour, on the basis of artistic canons of the Great Russian Imperial Theatre;
- also the choreography and the sets follow the Soviet tradition, respecting the technical and graphical rules by M. Petipa;
- lastly, the choreographers and artists are inspired by the best Russian masters as M.T. Semenova, M.L. Jacobson, and L.I. Semenyaka.
As already mentioned, the Russian Ballet of Moscow will compete in the masterpiece of Miguel de Cervantes.
Don Quixote, an eccentric country gentleman, thinks he’s legitimate successor of the medieval knights, on which he read a lot, maybe too much. By now he only dreams his noble lady Ducinea, for which will fight his battles. His dreams are brusquely interrupted by his neighbor Sancho Panza, who is fleeing after stealing a chicken, followed by some servant girls. Don Quixote immediately appoint him his squire and with him depart for knightly adventures of war and love. The picturesque scenographies of the Russian Ballet by Anna Ivanova and the costumes inspired by the Iberian folklore, makes it even more a classic late-Romantic ballet based on the elegant cademic technique, to which are added character dances inspired by the Iberian folklore, the traditional presence of the white act white with the dream of Don Quixote and the final act dedicated to pure entertainment that contains the famous pyrotechnic pas de deux. The episode of the thwarted love between Basilio and Quiteria (Kitri), taken from Don Quixote, is the base on which it develops the choreography thus providing a picturesque and exotic backdrop dear to the public at the time and today.
Technical Specifications
ballet in four acts and eight scenes
Music by: L. Minkus
Choreography: M. Petipa
Art Director: Tony Fanciullo
Soloists: Anna Ivanova, Aleksandr Alikin
Tickets available at Morlacchi Theatre Box Office, for information tel. (+39) 075 5722555 – (+39) 334 1891173.
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Monday, December 3rd, 2012 the Teatro Morlacchi of Perugia will host, with a double bill (18:00 and 21:00), the prestigious Russian Ballet by Anna Ivanova, Moscow, which on the stage of the historic theater will perform in “Don Chisciotte” (“Don Quixote“).
The Russian Ballet Theatre by Anna Ivanova, known and appreciated all over the world, draws on the tradition of the school of Russian ballet in all its aspects:
- repertoire of great classics like “Swan Lake”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “The Nutcracker”, “Giselle”, “Romeo and Juliet”;
- costumes created especially for the Italian tour, on the basis of artistic canons of the Great Russian Imperial Theatre;
- also the choreography and the sets follow the Soviet tradition, respecting the technical and graphical rules by M. Petipa;
- lastly, the choreographers and artists are inspired by the best Russian masters as M.T. Semenova, M.L. Jacobson, and L.I. Semenyaka.
As already mentioned, the Russian Ballet of Moscow will compete in the masterpiece of Miguel de Cervantes.
Don Quixote, an eccentric country gentleman, thinks he’s legitimate successor of the medieval knights, on which he read a lot, maybe too much. By now he only dreams his noble lady Ducinea, for which will fight his battles. His dreams are brusquely interrupted by his neighbor Sancho Panza, who is fleeing after stealing a chicken, followed by some servant girls. Don Quixote immediately appoint him his squire and with him depart for knightly adventures of war and love. The picturesque scenographies of the Russian Ballet by Anna Ivanova and the costumes inspired by the Iberian folklore, makes it even more a classic late-Romantic ballet based on the elegant cademic technique, to which are added character dances inspired by the Iberian folklore, the traditional presence of the white act white with the dream of Don Quixote and the final act dedicated to pure entertainment that contains the famous pyrotechnic pas de deux. The episode of the thwarted love between Basilio and Quiteria (Kitri), taken from Don Quixote, is the base on which it develops the choreography thus providing a picturesque and exotic backdrop dear to the public at the time and today.
Technical Specifications
ballet in four acts and eight scenes
Music by: L. Minkus
Choreography: M. Petipa
Art Director: Tony Fanciullo
Soloists: Anna Ivanova, Aleksandr Alikin
Tickets available at Morlacchi Theatre Box Office, for information tel. (+39) 075 5722555 – (+39) 334 1891173.
News provided by
Monday, December 3rd, 2012 the Teatro Morlacchi of Perugia will host, with a double bill (18:00 and 21:00), the prestigious Russian Ballet by Anna Ivanova, Moscow, which on the stage of the historic theater will perform in “Don Chisciotte” (“Don Quixote“).
The Russian Ballet Theatre by Anna Ivanova, known and appreciated all over the world, draws on the tradition of the school of Russian ballet in all its aspects:
- repertoire of great classics like “Swan Lake”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “The Nutcracker”, “Giselle”, “Romeo and Juliet”;
- costumes created especially for the Italian tour, on the basis of artistic canons of the Great Russian Imperial Theatre;
- also the choreography and the sets follow the Soviet tradition, respecting the technical and graphical rules by M. Petipa;
- lastly, the choreographers and artists are inspired by the best Russian masters as M.T. Semenova, M.L. Jacobson, and L.I. Semenyaka.
As already mentioned, the Russian Ballet of Moscow will compete in the masterpiece of Miguel de Cervantes.
Don Quixote, an eccentric country gentleman, thinks he’s legitimate successor of the medieval knights, on which he read a lot, maybe too much. By now he only dreams his noble lady Ducinea, for which will fight his battles. His dreams are brusquely interrupted by his neighbor Sancho Panza, who is fleeing after stealing a chicken, followed by some servant girls. Don Quixote immediately appoint him his squire and with him depart for knightly adventures of war and love. The picturesque scenographies of the Russian Ballet by Anna Ivanova and the costumes inspired by the Iberian folklore, makes it even more a classic late-Romantic ballet based on the elegant cademic technique, to which are added character dances inspired by the Iberian folklore, the traditional presence of the white act white with the dream of Don Quixote and the final act dedicated to pure entertainment that contains the famous pyrotechnic pas de deux. The episode of the thwarted love between Basilio and Quiteria (Kitri), taken from Don Quixote, is the base on which it develops the choreography thus providing a picturesque and exotic backdrop dear to the public at the time and today.
Technical Specifications
ballet in four acts and eight scenes
Music by: L. Minkus
Choreography: M. Petipa
Art Director: Tony Fanciullo
Soloists: Anna Ivanova, Aleksandr Alikin
Tickets available at Morlacchi Theatre Box Office, for information tel. (+39) 075 5722555 – (+39) 334 1891173.
News provided by
Monday, December 3rd, 2012 the Teatro Morlacchi of Perugia will host, with a double bill (18:00 and 21:00), the prestigious Russian Ballet by Anna Ivanova, Moscow, which on the stage of the historic theater will perform in “Don Chisciotte” (“Don Quixote“).
The Russian Ballet Theatre by Anna Ivanova, known and appreciated all over the world, draws on the tradition of the school of Russian ballet in all its aspects:
- repertoire of great classics like “Swan Lake”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “The Nutcracker”, “Giselle”, “Romeo and Juliet”;
- costumes created especially for the Italian tour, on the basis of artistic canons of the Great Russian Imperial Theatre;
- also the choreography and the sets follow the Soviet tradition, respecting the technical and graphical rules by M. Petipa;
- lastly, the choreographers and artists are inspired by the best Russian masters as M.T. Semenova, M.L. Jacobson, and L.I. Semenyaka.
As already mentioned, the Russian Ballet of Moscow will compete in the masterpiece of Miguel de Cervantes.
Don Quixote, an eccentric country gentleman, thinks he’s legitimate successor of the medieval knights, on which he read a lot, maybe too much. By now he only dreams his noble lady Ducinea, for which will fight his battles. His dreams are brusquely interrupted by his neighbor Sancho Panza, who is fleeing after stealing a chicken, followed by some servant girls. Don Quixote immediately appoint him his squire and with him depart for knightly adventures of war and love. The picturesque scenographies of the Russian Ballet by Anna Ivanova and the costumes inspired by the Iberian folklore, makes it even more a classic late-Romantic ballet based on the elegant cademic technique, to which are added character dances inspired by the Iberian folklore, the traditional presence of the white act white with the dream of Don Quixote and the final act dedicated to pure entertainment that contains the famous pyrotechnic pas de deux. The episode of the thwarted love between Basilio and Quiteria (Kitri), taken from Don Quixote, is the base on which it develops the choreography thus providing a picturesque and exotic backdrop dear to the public at the time and today.
Technical Specifications
ballet in four acts and eight scenes
Music by: L. Minkus
Choreography: M. Petipa
Art Director: Tony Fanciullo
Soloists: Anna Ivanova, Aleksandr Alikin
Tickets available at Morlacchi Theatre Box Office, for information tel. (+39) 075 5722555 – (+39) 334 1891173.
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