Collevalenza è una piccola frazione di Todi (PG) celebre soprattutto perché vi sorge il Santuario dell’Amore Misericordioso di Gesù, noto anche come Santuario di Collevalenza, tra le più moderne costruzioni sacre al mondo.
L’edificazione del Santuario, di un sito che fosse luogo di ritrovo e di riferimento spirituale per i fedeli di tutto il mondo, fu fortemente voluto e realizzato da Madre Speranza. Si trattò infatti di un progetto che per lei rappresentava la volontà stessa di Dio, al quale dedicò con impegno e amore la sua intera vita. Essa affermava infatti di voler:
“far conoscere a tutti che Dio è un Padre che ama, perdona, dimentica e non tiene in conto i peccati dei suoi figli quando li vede pentiti”

Il Santuario di Collevalenza: la “piccola Lourdes”
Quella di Collevalenza è una struttura molto ampia e diversificata, importante esempio di architettura moderna. Nel suo insieme, il complesso è considerato tra le espressioni più significative dell’architettura sacra del XX secolo. Disegnato dall’architetto madrileno Julio Lafuente, il nucleo centrale del santuario è costituito dalla grande chiesa consacrata nel 1962 e dalla Cappella dell’Amore Misericordioso, voluta proprio da Madre Speranza nel 1955.
Una lunga scalinata conduce fino all’ingresso del Santuario, con un portico caratterizzato da un’enorme pensilina sovrastata da un’altrettanto ampia vetrata e una torre campanaria che svetta verso l’alto. L’imponente insieme ha un effetto volutamente austero, quasi schiacciante, poiché intende far allusione al peso che il pellegrino in visita al Santuario porta sulle sue spalle all’arrivo, e dal quale è invitato a liberarsi proprio entrando in questo luogo spirituale.
Accanto al corpo principale, si trovano la Casa del Pellegrino, la Casa per il clero infermo, la Casa della Giovane che accoglie le Suore dell’Amore Misericordioso, il Pozzo e la Fontana. L’acqua è un elemento importante e ricorrente al Santuario, sono infatti presenti anche delle piscine presso le quali il pellegrino può dissetarsi e rinfrescarsi, e nelle quali l’ammalato bisognoso di cure può immergersi. Queste piscine, o vasche, purificatrici sono simili a quelle che si trovano presso il Santuario di Lourdes in Francia e si tratta delle uniche ufficialmente riconosciute e approvate dalla Chiesa Cattolica.
Il Santuario è inoltre immerso nel verde: è possibile seguire un percorso di circa 800 mt per la Via Crucis. Lungo il viale alberato che dalla reception giunge fino alla Casa del Pellegrino sono presenti le 14 stazioni della Passione di Cristo.

All’interno del Santuario di Collevalenza
La Chiesa presenta un corpo a navata unica con sei cappelle per lato, costituite da cilindri che per metà sono inseriti nella navata stessa. L’effetto che si ha entrando è simile a quella dell’ingresso in un bosco, con la luce radente sui mattoni che penetra tra gli spazi delle file di cilindri, che la caratterizzano accentuando le cavità e le ombre.
L’area del presbiterio è rialzata di alcuni gradini rispetto al resto dell’edificio e presenta un rivestimento in marmo bianco. Qui la luce è concentrata e intensa, riflettendo sul bianco e illuminando l’area anche grazie alla grande croce del soffitto.
A ridosso della parete di fondo della chiesa, si trova il bellissimo organo a canne Tamburini opus 531, restaurato tra nel 2012-2013 e risalente al 1966.

Molto suggestiva è la Cripta, parzialmente interrata ed illuminata dalla stessa luce dell’area sovrastante attraverso grandi aperture ad asola ai piedi dei cilindri stessi. La Cripta è il luogo ideale per immergersi nella preghiera e in una atmosfera più intima e raccolta. Qui si trova inoltre la tomba di Madre Speranza, morta a Collevalenza nel 1983.

Nel santuario riceveva ogni giorno più di cento persone, ascoltando e infondendo speranza a ciascuno.
On a hill that gently slopes towards the valley, about 6 km from Todi, the Sanctuary of Collevalenza, dedicated to the Merciful Love of Jesus. It was here that on the 18th August 1951, by a special disposition of Divine Providence, Mother Speranza, with some of her sisters and the first Sons of Merciful Love, came to settle.
>> Do you want to visit the Sanctuary? Contact now the best farmhouse near Collevalenza and discover their offers!
Designed by the architect Giulio Lafuente Madrid in 1965, the Sanctuary of Merciful Love is one of the boldest examples of modern architecture. The view of the imposing facade deliberately offers the visitor a severe impact , crushing , alluding to the weight that the pilgrim who goes in and there he was invited to testify. The interior of the church has a nave with six side chapels. The wall is with exposed brick. The presbytery is made entirely of white marble and is home to the center of the altar. Close to the bottom wall of the basilica, on the right, there is the Tamburini organ opus 531, built in 1966. The visitor who is looking for a place to dive into more intimate prayer can go down into the crypt, where the body of Mother Hope was buried in 1983.
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In addition to the Sanctuary you will find the Casa del Pellegrino, the House of Young, the Well and the fountain fed by the Well. The recurring element in the Sanctuary of Collevalenza is water. There are, in fact, the pools where the sick, in need of care, plunges. The Sanctuary was awarded the title of Basilica by Pope John Paul II in 1982.
>> If you’ve decided to see the Sanctuary of Merciful Love you should contact now houses in its vicinity >> click this link
On a hill that gently slopes towards the valley, about 6 km from Todi, the Sanctuary of Collevalenza, dedicated to the Merciful Love of Jesus. It was here that on the 18th August 1951, by a special disposition of Divine Providence, Mother Speranza, with some of her sisters and the first Sons of Merciful Love, came to settle.
>> Do you want to visit the Sanctuary? Contact now the best farmhouse near Collevalenza and discover their offers!
Designed by the architect Giulio Lafuente Madrid in 1965, the Sanctuary of Merciful Love is one of the boldest examples of modern architecture. The view of the imposing facade deliberately offers the visitor a severe impact , crushing , alluding to the weight that the pilgrim who goes in and there he was invited to testify. The interior of the church has a nave with six side chapels. The wall is with exposed brick. The presbytery is made entirely of white marble and is home to the center of the altar. Close to the bottom wall of the basilica, on the right, there is the Tamburini organ opus 531, built in 1966. The visitor who is looking for a place to dive into more intimate prayer can go down into the crypt, where the body of Mother Hope was buried in 1983.
>> There are offers in deadline! Click and consult list of the best hotels near Collevalenza!
In addition to the Sanctuary you will find the Casa del Pellegrino, the House of Young, the Well and the fountain fed by the Well. The recurring element in the Sanctuary of Collevalenza is water. There are, in fact, the pools where the sick, in need of care, plunges. The Sanctuary was awarded the title of Basilica by Pope John Paul II in 1982.
>> If you’ve decided to see the Sanctuary of Merciful Love you should contact now houses in its vicinity >> click this link
On a hill that gently slopes towards the valley, about 6 km from Todi, the Sanctuary of Collevalenza, dedicated to the Merciful Love of Jesus. It was here that on the 18th August 1951, by a special disposition of Divine Providence, Mother Speranza, with some of her sisters and the first Sons of Merciful Love, came to settle.
>> Do you want to visit the Sanctuary? Contact now the best farmhouse near Collevalenza and discover their offers!
Designed by the architect Giulio Lafuente Madrid in 1965, the Sanctuary of Merciful Love is one of the boldest examples of modern architecture. The view of the imposing facade deliberately offers the visitor a severe impact , crushing , alluding to the weight that the pilgrim who goes in and there he was invited to testify. The interior of the church has a nave with six side chapels. The wall is with exposed brick. The presbytery is made entirely of white marble and is home to the center of the altar. Close to the bottom wall of the basilica, on the right, there is the Tamburini organ opus 531, built in 1966. The visitor who is looking for a place to dive into more intimate prayer can go down into the crypt, where the body of Mother Hope was buried in 1983.
>> There are offers in deadline! Click and consult list of the best hotels near Collevalenza!
In addition to the Sanctuary you will find the Casa del Pellegrino, the House of Young, the Well and the fountain fed by the Well. The recurring element in the Sanctuary of Collevalenza is water. There are, in fact, the pools where the sick, in need of care, plunges.
The Sanctuary of Merciful Love was awarded the title of Basilica by Pope John Paul II in 1982.
>> If you’ve decided to see the Sanctuary of Merciful Love you should contact now houses in its vicinity >>click this link
On a hill that gently slopes towards the valley, about 6 km from Todi, the Sanctuary of Collevalenza, dedicated to the Merciful Love of Jesus. It was here that on the 18th August 1951, by a special disposition of Divine Providence, Mother Speranza, with some of her sisters and the first Sons of Merciful Love, came to settle.
>> Do you want to visit the Sanctuary? Contact now the best farmhouse near Collevalenza and discover their offers!
Designed by the architect Giulio Lafuente Madrid in 1965, the Sanctuary of Merciful Love is one of the boldest examples of modern architecture. The view of the imposing facade deliberately offers the visitor a severe impact , crushing , alluding to the weight that the pilgrim who goes in and there he was invited to testify. The interior of the church has a nave with six side chapels. The wall is with exposed brick. The presbytery is made entirely of white marble and is home to the center of the altar. Close to the bottom wall of the basilica, on the right, there is the Tamburini organ opus 531, built in 1966. The visitor who is looking for a place to dive into more intimate prayer can go down into the crypt, where the body of Mother Hope was buried in 1983.
>> There are offers in deadline! Click and consult list of the best hotels near Collevalenza!
In addition to the Sanctuary you will find the Casa del Pellegrino, the House of Young, the Well and the fountain fed by the Well. The recurring element in the Sanctuary of Collevalenza is water. There are, in fact, the pools where the sick, in need of care, plunges. The Sanctuary was awarded the title of Basilica by Pope John Paul II in 1982.
>> If you’ve decided to see the Sanctuary of Merciful Love you should contact now houses in its vicinity >>click this link
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