La chiesa di Santa Maria di Rivotorto, nota come il “Santuario di Rivotorto“, sorge presso l’omonimo abitato pochi chilometri a sud del paese di Santa Maria degli Angeli.
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L’edificio, oggi affidato alle cure dell’Ordine dei Frati Minori Conventuali, nasce con lo scopo di preservare le strutture del Sacro Tugurio, ovvero il luogo dove San Francesco riunì i suoi seguaci prima di ottenere dall’Ordine dei monaci Benedettini il possesso della
Porziuncola. La costruzione attuale di stile neo gotico, eretta a seguito del terremoto del 1854 d.C., che distrusse la chiesa del XVI secolo, si compone di tre navate alle quali si accede da altrettanti portali.
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La facciata è decorata con la rappresentazione del miracolo che la storia vuole sia accaduto in questi luoghi: San Francesco, infatti, sarebbe apparso su un carro di fuoco che volava sopra Rivotorto quando nella realtà risulta che egli fosse ad Assisi in attesa di ricevere udienza dal Vescovo Guido II.
L’interno, oltre dalla suggestiva vista del Tugurio, è impreziosito da dodici tele del’600, dipinte da Cesare Permei, che raffigurano alcuni episodi della vita di San Francesco durante il periodo trascorso a Rivotorto.
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The church of Santa Maria of Rivotorto, famous as the “Sanctuary of Rivotorto“, is located in the homonymous village, a few kilometres south of the city of Santa Maria degli Angeli. The edifice, nowadays under the care of the Order of the “Frati Minori Conventuali” (Convent of the Minor Friars), was born with the aim of preserving the structures of the Sacred Tugurio, which is the place where San Francesco gathered together his followers before he obtained from the Order of the Benedictine Monks the ownership of the Porziuncola.
The actual building in neo gothic style, built after the earthquake of 1854 after Christ that destroyed the church dating from the 16th century, is made of three bays one can reach through three doors. The façade is decorated with the representation of the miracle that the story says happened in theses places: San Francesco, in fact, would have appeared on a carriage of fire that was flying above Rivotorto when in reality he was in Assisi waiting for an audience of the Bishop Guido II.
Inside, in addition to the suggestive view of the Tugurio, one can admire twelve paintings dating back to the 17th century, painted by Cesare Permei, representing some moments of the life of San Francesco during the period he spent in Rivotorto.
The church of Santa Maria of Rivotorto, famous as the “Sanctuary of Rivotorto“, is located in the homonymous village, a few kilometres south of the city of Santa Maria degli Angeli. The edifice, nowadays under the care of the Order of the “Frati Minori Conventuali” (Convent of the Minor Friars), was born with the aim of preserving the structures of the Sacred Tugurio, which is the place where San Francesco gathered together his followers before he obtained from the Order of the Benedictine Monks the ownership of the Porziuncola.
The actual building in neo gothic style, built after the earthquake of 1854 after Christ that destroyed the church dating from the 16th century, is made of three bays one can reach through three doors. The façade is decorated with the representation of the miracle that the story says happened in theses places: San Francesco, in fact, would have appeared on a carriage of fire that was flying above Rivotorto when in reality he was in Assisi waiting for an audience of the Bishop Guido II.
Inside, in addition to the suggestive view of the Tugurio, one can admire twelve paintings dating back to the 17th century, painted by Cesare Permei, representing some moments of the life of San Francesco during the period he spent in Rivotorto.
The church of Santa Maria of Rivotorto, famous as the “Sanctuary of Rivotorto“, is located in the homonymous village, a few kilometres south of the city of Santa Maria degli Angeli. The edifice, nowadays under the care of the Order of the “Frati Minori Conventuali” (Convent of the Minor Friars), was born with the aim of preserving the structures of the Sacred Tugurio, which is the place where San Francesco gathered together his followers before he obtained from the Order of the Benedictine Monks the ownership of the Porziuncola.
The actual building in neo gothic style, built after the earthquake of 1854 after Christ that destroyed the church dating from the 16th century, is made of three bays one can reach through three doors. The façade is decorated with the representation of the miracle that the story says happened in theses places: San Francesco, in fact, would have appeared on a carriage of fire that was flying above Rivotorto when in reality he was in Assisi waiting for an audience of the Bishop Guido II.
Inside, in addition to the suggestive view of the Tugurio, one can admire twelve paintings dating back to the 17th century, painted by Cesare Permei, representing some moments of the life of San Francesco during the period he spent in Rivotorto.
The church of Santa Maria of Rivotorto, famous as the “Sanctuary of Rivotorto“, is located in the homonymous village, a few kilometres south of the city of Santa Maria degli Angeli. The edifice, nowadays under the care of the Order of the “Frati Minori Conventuali” (Convent of the Minor Friars), was born with the aim of preserving the structures of the Sacred Tugurio, which is the place where San Francesco gathered together his followers before he obtained from the Order of the Benedictine Monks the ownership of the Porziuncola.
The actual building in neo gothic style, built after the earthquake of 1854 after Christ that destroyed the church dating from the 16th century, is made of three bays one can reach through three doors. The façade is decorated with the representation of the miracle that the story says happened in theses places: San Francesco, in fact, would have appeared on a carriage of fire that was flying above Rivotorto when in reality he was in Assisi waiting for an audience of the Bishop Guido II.
Inside, in addition to the suggestive view of the Tugurio, one can admire twelve paintings dating back to the 17th century, painted by Cesare Permei, representing some moments of the life of San Francesco during the period he spent in Rivotorto.
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