Religious and spiritual points of interest in Umbria

Umbria is a region known historically as the land related to religion and spirituality,the phenomenon dates back to ancient times when Christianity was not yet common in our country, and in many parts of the Umbria, thriving intellectual centers of worship and related pagan religions of various kinds.

Just think of places like Todi, where he worshiped the God Mars or Gubbio (Iguvium), where in pre-Roman times the ancient Umbrians celebrate religious ceremonies in honor of the city-state.

With the advent of Christianity in Umbria is crucial that became the center of Christian spirituality and gave birth to many saints and important figures like St. Francis, St. Clare, St. Valentine, St. Scholastica and St. Rita of Cascia.

Over time, the Umbria has become the cradle of spiritual and devotional movements that have helped to build places of celebration of great importance, including churches, monasteries and convents.

Bella Umbria offers the greatest places of religious and spiritual in Umbria.

▌ Points of interest

Convent of Scarzuola

Secondo la tradizione, San Francesco d'Assisi fondò il Convento della Scarzuola nel 1218 in prossimità del Montegiove, operando un miracolo. Una fontana scaturì dal luogo dove aveva piantato una rosa ed un [...]
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Church of Sant’Angelo

La Chiesa di Sant'Angelo, originaria del V-VI secolo d.C., è una delle più antiche d'Italia. Con ogni probabilità è stata edificata sui resti di un tempio romano, nel periodo in [...]
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Spoleto Cathedral (Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta)

Il Duomo di Spoleto è uno dei più bei esempi di stile romanico italiano e rappresenta un vero e proprio simbolo della città, soprattutto nel periodo del Festival dei 2 Mondi quando [...]
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Church of St. Eufemia

It is necessary to attraverse the courtyard of the archbishop’s palace in order to visit the church of St. Eufemia, whose apsis area, which is decorated with small hanging arches and pilaster strips, looks out on the stairway which leads to the Cathedral.

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Basilica of St. Peter

Although the origins of the Basilica of St. Peter go back to the 5th century, the present appearance of the building is definitely the result of interventions during the 12th century on the facade and during the 18th century in the interior. 

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