La Cappella del Transito è oggi accolta nel lato destro dell’abside della Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli, non lontano dalla chiesa della Porziuncola.
La piccola struttura, infatti, non era altro che linfermeria di quel gruppo di capanne in cui San Francesco aveva raccolto il primo gruppo di frati. Il Santo morì in questo luogo il 3 Ottobre del 1226 d.C. dopo aver composto gli ultimi versi del del Cantico delle creature, quelli dedicati a “sora morte”, e chiedendo espressamente di essere deposto sulla nuda terra.
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Ogni anno, il 3 ottobre, verso il tramonto, si celebra qui la Commemorazione Nazionale del Transito del Santo, Patrono d’Italia e il giorno 3 di ogni mese, al termine della celebrazione dei Vespri i Frati della Porziuncola si recano processionalmente alla Cappella del Transito per commemorare la nascita al Cielo del Poverello d’Assisi.
Sulla parete sinistra della cappella è rimasta la porta in legno del 1200 e sullaltare, deposto in un reliquario, il cingolo usato dal Santo; le pareti sono state affrescate intorno al 1520 d.C da Giovanni Spagna con le immagini di alcuni Santi francescani, e dei primi frati minori, mentre la statua di San Francesco che stringe in mano il Vangelo e la Croce in terracotta bianca smaltata fu realizzata intorno al 1490 d.C. da Andrea della Robbia.
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The Chapel of the Transit is nowadays located of the right part of the apse of the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli, not far away from the church of the Porziuncola.
The small structure, in fact, was nothing else than the first-aid room of the group of huts where San Francesco had welcome the first group of friars. The Saint died in this place on October 3rd 1226 after Christ, after he had composed the last verses of the Quantico of the creatures, the ones dedicated to “sora morte”, and where he was clearly asking to be deposited on the bare land. On the left wall of the chapel there is still the wood door of 1200 and on the altar, deposited in a reliquary, the track used by the Saint; the walls has been covered by frescoes around 1520 after Christ by Giovanni Spagna wit the pictures of some Franciscan saints and of the first minor friars, while the statue of San Francesco holding in his hand the Evangel and the Cross in white glazed terracotta was realized around 1490 after Christ by Andrea della Robbia.
The Chapel of the Transit is nowadays located of the right part of the apse of the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli, not far away from the church of the Porziuncola.
The small structure, in fact, was nothing else than the first-aid room of the group of huts where San Francesco had welcome the first group of friars. The Saint died in this place on October 3rd 1226 after Christ, after he had composed the last verses of the Quantico of the creatures, the ones dedicated to “sora morte”, and where he was clearly asking to be deposited on the bare land. On the left wall of the chapel there is still the wood door of 1200 and on the altar, deposited in a reliquary, the track used by the Saint; the walls has been covered by frescoes around 1520 after Christ by Giovanni Spagna wit the pictures of some Franciscan saints and of the first minor friars, while the statue of San Francesco holding in his hand the Evangel and the Cross in white glazed terracotta was realized around 1490 after Christ by Andrea della Robbia.
The Chapel of the Transit is nowadays located of the right part of the apse of the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli, not far away from the church of the Porziuncola.
The small structure, in fact, was nothing else than the first-aid room of the group of huts where San Francesco had welcome the first group of friars. The Saint died in this place on October 3rd 1226 after Christ, after he had composed the last verses of the Quantico of the creatures, the ones dedicated to “sora morte”, and where he was clearly asking to be deposited on the bare land. On the left wall of the chapel there is still the wood door of 1200 and on the altar, deposited in a reliquary, the track used by the Saint; the walls has been covered by frescoes around 1520 after Christ by Giovanni Spagna wit the pictures of some Franciscan saints and of the first minor friars, while the statue of San Francesco holding in his hand the Evangel and the Cross in white glazed terracotta was realized around 1490 after Christ by Andrea della Robbia.
The Chapel of the Transit is nowadays located of the right part of the apse of the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli, not far away from the church of the Porziuncola.
The small structure, in fact, was nothing else than the first-aid room of the group of huts where San Francesco had welcome the first group of friars. The Saint died in this place on October 3rd 1226 after Christ, after he had composed the last verses of the Quantico of the creatures, the ones dedicated to “sora morte”, and where he was clearly asking to be deposited on the bare land. On the left wall of the chapel there is still the wood door of 1200 and on the altar, deposited in a reliquary, the track used by the Saint; the walls has been covered by frescoes around 1520 after Christ by Giovanni Spagna wit the pictures of some Franciscan saints and of the first minor friars, while the statue of San Francesco holding in his hand the Evangel and the Cross in white glazed terracotta was realized around 1490 after Christ by Andrea della Robbia.
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