La prima pietra della Basilica di Santa Rita da Cascia fu posta il 20 giugno del 1937, solo dieci anni più tardi, il 18 maggio del 1947, l’edificio fu consacrato. L’aspetto attuale tuttavia si deve alla volontà di Papa Pio XII ed all’opera prima del Mons. Spirito Chiapetta e poi degli architetti Martinenghi e Calori. Non va tuttavia dimenticato l’apporto economico dei tanti devoti di Santa Rita da Cascia sparsi nel mondo e l’opera incessante della badessa Madre Teresa Fasce.
La Basilica, rivestita di travertino bianco tipico delle cave di Tivoli, presenta un’impianto a croce greca con quattro grandi absidi laterali e cupola centrale a dominare il presbiterio. L’artista Eros Pellini ha scolpito sul portale principale alcuni episodi della vita di Santa Rita da Cascia ed all’interno, in marmo di Carrara, le tappe della Via Crucis.
>>Vuoi visitare i luoghi di Santa Rita? Consulta ora le offerte dei migliori agriturismi nelle vicinanze di Cascia.
Altri artisti moderni di indiscutibile fama hanno partecipato alla realizzazione dell’edificio e degli arredi; le mura sono affrescate fra gli altri da Luigi Montanarini, Luigi Filocamo, Silvio Consadori e Gisberto Ceracchini, le suppellettili sacre e l’altare maggiore sono opera di Giacomo Manzù. Cesarino Vincenzi di Bologna è l’autore del quadro ad olio della Maddalena, dell’affresco del San Giuseppe nell’ingresso della Basilica e del bel soffitto ad affresco della sagrestia. Le spoglia terrene di Santa Rita riposano oggi protette dalla cancellata di sinistra ancora perfettamente conservate.
La Santa nata nel 1381 nella vicina Roccaporena e battezzata con il nome di “Margherita”, per il volere del padre si sposò rinunciando, in un primo tempo, ad entrare in un convento Agostiniano secondo quelle che erano invece le sue più intime aspirazioni.
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Dopo 18 anni di un matrimonio travagliato e violento, la sua esemplare condotta spinse il marito a convertirsi. In un periodo di lotte comunali intestine il marito fu ucciso dalla famiglia dei Casciani; “Margherita” per evitare sanguinose e infinite vendette trasversali, perdonò i propri compaesani e trovò accoglienza nel Monastero delle Suore Agostiniane di Maria Maddalena. Nel 1442, la notte del Venerdì Santo, ricevette le stimmate da una spina della corona del Crocefisso, che secondo la tradizione, le si conficcò in fronte. Si spense il 22 maggio del 1447, e benché fosse oggetto di venerazione già negli ultimi anni della sua vita, solo nel 1628 fu beatificata da Papa Urbano VIII e solo il 24 maggio del 1900 fu santificata da Papa Leone XIII.
Santa Rita viene oggi celebrata durante il mese di maggio (in concomitanza con l’anniversario della sua morte) a Cascia con una festa di 10 giorni (Celebrazioni Ritiane – Festa di Santa Rita) in cui viene ripercorsa la storia e la tradizione della Santa.
>>Se hai deciso di vedere i luoghi di Santa Rita da Cascia ti consigliamo di contattare ora gli agriturismi della Valnerina>> clicca questo link.
The foundation stone of the church of Saint Rita of Cascia was laid on June 20th 1937, only ten years later, on May 18th 1947, the building was consecrated. The actual aspect however is the fruit of the desire of Pope Pio XII and of the work of first his Eminence Spirito Chiapetta and then of the architects Martinenghi and Calori. Nevertheless we should not forget the economic contribution of so many people devoted to the Saint all over the world and the unceasing work of the abbess Mother Teresa Fasce. The basilica, covered with a white travertine typical of the cellars of Tivoli, presents a Greek cross plan with fours large lateral apses and central cupola dominating the presbytery.
The artist Eros Pellini has sculpted on the main portal some episodes of the life of Saint Rita and inside, in Carrara marble, the stops of the Via Crucis. Other modern artists of important fame have participated to the realization of the edifice and the ornaments; the walls are covered with frescos from, among others, Luigi Montanarini, Luigi Filocamo, Silvio Consadori and Gisberto Ceracchini, the sacred “suppellettili” and the main altar are the work of Giacomo Manzù. The remains of Saint Rita are laying nowadays protected by the left gate still perfectly preserved.
The Saint born in 1381 in the near Roccaporena and baptized with the name of “Margherita”, on desire of the father got married renouncing, in a first time, to enter in an Augustinian convent according to what were really her most intimate aspirations. After 18 years of a difficult and violent wedding, her exemplary conduct led the husband to convert himself. In a period of communal battles the husband was killed by the family of the Casciani; “Margherita”, in order to avoid bloody and never ending vendetta, forgave her proper compatriots and was welcomed in the Monastery of the Augustinian Sisters of Santa Maria Maddalena. In 1442, during the night of Holy Friday, she received the stigmata from a thornbush of the crown of the Crucifix , that according to the tradition, embedded itself in her forehead.
She died on May 22nd 1447, and despite the fact that she was the object of veneration already during the last years of her life, it is only in 1628 that she was beatified by Pope Urbano VIII and only on May 24th 1900 she was sanctified by Pope Leone XIII.
Santa Rita is nowday celebrated during the month of May (to coincide with the anniversary of his death) at Cascia with a feast of 10 days (Ritiane Celebrations – Feast of Santa Rita) in which traces the history and tradition of the Holy.
The foundation stone of the church of Saint Rita of Cascia was laid on June 20th 1937, only ten years later, on May 18th 1947, the building was consecrated. The actual aspect however is the fruit of the desire of Pope Pio XII and of the work of first his Eminence Spirito Chiapetta and then of the architects Martinenghi and Calori. Nevertheless we should not forget the economic contribution of so many people devoted to the Saint all over the world and the unceasing work of the abbess Mother Teresa Fasce. The basilica, covered with a white travertine typical of the cellars of Tivoli, presents a Greek cross plan with fours large lateral apses and central cupola dominating the presbytery.
The artist Eros Pellini has sculpted on the main portal some episodes of the life of Saint Rita and inside, in Carrara marble, the stops of the Via Crucis. Other modern artists of important fame have participated to the realization of the edifice and the ornaments; the walls are covered with frescos from, among others, Luigi Montanarini, Luigi Filocamo, Silvio Consadori and Gisberto Ceracchini, the sacred “suppellettili” and the main altar are the work of Giacomo Manzù. The remains of Saint Rita are laying nowadays protected by the left gate still perfectly preserved.
>> Vous voulez visiter Cascia? Consulte maintenant les meilleures agrotourismes à sa proximité.
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The Saint born in 1381 in the near Roccaporena and baptized with the name of “Margherita”, on desire of the father got married renouncing, in a first time, to enter in an Augustinian convent according to what were really her most intimate aspirations. After 18 years of a difficult and violent wedding, her exemplary conduct led the husband to convert himself. In a period of communal battles the husband was killed by the family of the Casciani; “Margherita”, in order to avoid bloody and never ending vendetta, forgave her proper compatriots and was welcomed in the Monastery of the Augustinian Sisters of Santa Maria Maddalena. In 1442, during the night of Holy Friday, she received the stigmata from a thornbush of the crown of the Crucifix , that according to the tradition, embedded itself in her forehead. She died on May 22nd 1447, and despite the fact that she was the object of veneration already during the last years of her life, it is only in 1628 that she was beatified by Pope Urbano VIII and only on May 24th 1900 she was sanctified by Pope Leone XIII.
Santa Rita is nowday celebrated during the month of May (to coincide with the anniversary of his death) at Cascia with a feast of 10 days (Ritiane Celebrations – Feast of Santa Rita) in which traces the history and tradition of the Holy.
>> Si vous avez décidé de visiter Cascia vous devriez contacter maintenant dès agrotourismes et hôtels dans ses environs >> cliquez sur ce lien.
The foundation stone of the church of Saint Rita of Cascia was laid on June 20th 1937, only ten years later, on May 18th 1947, the building was consecrated. The actual aspect however is the fruit of the desire of Pope Pio XII and of the work of first his Eminence Spirito Chiapetta and then of the architects Martinenghi and Calori. Nevertheless we should not forget the economic contribution of so many people devoted to the Saint all over the world and the unceasing work of the abbess Mother Teresa Fasce. The basilica, covered with a white travertine typical of the cellars of Tivoli, presents a Greek cross plan with fours large lateral apses and central cupola dominating the presbytery.
The artist Eros Pellini has sculpted on the main portal some episodes of the life of Saint Rita and inside, in Carrara marble, the stops of the Via Crucis. Other modern artists of important fame have participated to the realization of the edifice and the ornaments; the walls are covered with frescos from, among others, Luigi Montanarini, Luigi Filocamo, Silvio Consadori and Gisberto Ceracchini, the sacred “suppellettili” and the main altar are the work of Giacomo Manzù. The remains of Saint Rita are laying nowadays protected by the left gate still perfectly preserved.
The Saint born in 1381 in the near Roccaporena and baptized with the name of “Margherita”, on desire of the father got married renouncing, in a first time, to enter in an Augustinian convent according to what were really her most intimate aspirations. After 18 years of a difficult and violent wedding, her exemplary conduct led the husband to convert himself. In a period of communal battles the husband was killed by the family of the Casciani; “Margherita”, in order to avoid bloody and never ending vendetta, forgave her proper compatriots and was welcomed in the Monastery of the Augustinian Sisters of Santa Maria Maddalena. In 1442, during the night of Holy Friday, she received the stigmata from a thornbush of the crown of the Crucifix , that according to the tradition, embedded itself in her forehead. She died on May 22nd 1447, and despite the fact that she was the object of veneration already during the last years of her life, it is only in 1628 that she was beatified by Pope Urbano VIII and only on May 24th 1900 she was sanctified by Pope Leone XIII.
Santa Rita is nowday celebrated during the month of May (to coincide with the anniversary of his death) at Cascia with a feast of 10 days (Ritiane Celebrations – Feast of Santa Rita) in which traces the history and tradition of the Holy.
The foundation stone of the church of Saint Rita of Cascia was laid on June 20th 1937, only ten years later, on May 18th 1947, the building was consecrated. The actual aspect however is the fruit of the desire of Pope Pio XII and of the work of first his Eminence Spirito Chiapetta and then of the architects Martinenghi and Calori. Nevertheless we should not forget the economic contribution of so many people devoted to the Saint all over the world and the unceasing work of the abbess Mother Teresa Fasce. The basilica, covered with a white travertine typical of the cellars of Tivoli, presents a Greek cross plan with fours large lateral apses and central cupola dominating the presbytery.
The artist Eros Pellini has sculpted on the main portal some episodes of the life of Saint Rita and inside, in Carrara marble, the stops of the Via Crucis. Other modern artists of important fame have participated to the realization of the edifice and the ornaments; the walls are covered with frescos from, among others, Luigi Montanarini, Luigi Filocamo, Silvio Consadori and Gisberto Ceracchini, the sacred “suppellettili” and the main altar are the work of Giacomo Manzù. The remains of Saint Rita are laying nowadays protected by the left gate still perfectly preserved.
The Saint born in 1381 in the near Roccaporena and baptized with the name of “Margherita”, on desire of the father got married renouncing, in a first time, to enter in an Augustinian convent according to what were really her most intimate aspirations. After 18 years of a difficult and violent wedding, her exemplary conduct led the husband to convert himself. In a period of communal battles the husband was killed by the family of the Casciani; “Margherita”, in order to avoid bloody and never ending vendetta, forgave her proper compatriots and was welcomed in the Monastery of the Augustinian Sisters of Santa Maria Maddalena. In 1442, during the night of Holy Friday, she received the stigmata from a thornbush of the crown of the Crucifix , that according to the tradition, embedded itself in her forehead. She died on May 22nd 1447, and despite the fact that she was the object of veneration already during the last years of her life, it is only in 1628 that she was beatified by Pope Urbano VIII and only on May 24th 1900 she was sanctified by Pope Leone XIII.
Santa Rita is nowday celebrated during the month of May (to coincide with the anniversary of his death) at Cascia with a feast of 10 days (Ritiane Celebrations – Feast of Santa Rita) in which traces the history and tradition of the Holy.
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