Anche la chiesa abbaziale di Vallingegno potrebbe avere origini pagane, si parla di un tempietto dedicato al dio Genio, al quale è possibile riferire alcuni frammenti lapidei, riutilizzati come arredi dell’abbazia.
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All’imponente struttura ben visibile anche da lontano sono legati molti fatti della vita di Francesco. Molto accreditata è la ricostruzione che fa coincidere l’abbazia con il luogo in cui Francesco cerca rifugio, dopo essere stato aggredito nei pressi di Caprignone. L’accoglienza del priore non è delle migliori: i monaci si trovano davanti un mendicante sporco, intirizzito, lacero e gli riservano le mansioni di sguattero. “Chiede l’elemosina come un mendico e la riceve come uno spregevole sconosciuto”,scrive San Bonaventura. Anni dopo, quando la sua fama diventa grande in tutto il territorio, il priore torna a chiedergli perdono. Così nei frequenti passaggi verso La Verna, Francesco riceverà spesso ospitalità proprio a Vallingegno.
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L’abbazia, una delle maggiori della zona, è costituita da un’aula rettangolare e da strutture preesistenti come la cripta a pianta quadrata con pilastro centrale. Le case coloniche, nate posteriormente intorno alla corte, hanno occupato i grandi ambienti che originariamente ospitavano le officine del monastero. Documentato dagli inizi del XIV secolo, ma presumibilmente ancor più antico, sorge, a poca distanza, il castello di Vallingegno; la posizione arroccata e l’estensione della vista sulla vallata, fino alla strada, agevolano la sua funzione di tutela della zona. Tuttora sono in buono stato di conservazione sia la cinta muraria a merli guelfi sia la torre maestra.
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Also the abbey church of Vallingegno could have pagan origins, we are talking about a small temple dedicated to the God Genio (Genius), to whom we can refer some rock fragments, used again as ornaments for the abbey.
The abbey, one of the most important of the area, is made of a rectangular chamber and of pre-existing structures such as the crypt with square plan and with central pillar. The colonial houses, born afterwards around the court, have occupied the large environments that were originally hosting the workrooms of the monastery. We have documents dating back to the beginning of the 14th century, but presumably even more antique, that testify of the existence, nearby, of the castle of Vallingegno; the castled position and the extension of the view over the valley, up to the road, facilitate his function of protection of the area. Nowadays are still in a good state of preservation the boundary guelph crenel walls and the maestro tower.
Also the abbey church of Vallingegno could have pagan origins, we are talking about a small temple dedicated to the God Genio (Genius), to whom we can refer some rock fragments, used again as ornaments for the abbey.
The abbey, one of the most important of the area, is made of a rectangular chamber and of pre-existing structures such as the crypt with square plan and with central pillar. The colonial houses, born afterwards around the court, have occupied the large environments that were originally hosting the workrooms of the monastery. We have documents dating back to the beginning of the 14th century, but presumably even more antique, that testify of the existence, nearby, of the castle of Vallingegno; the castled position and the extension of the view over the valley, up to the road, facilitate his function of protection of the area. Nowadays are still in a good state of preservation the boundary guelph crenel walls and the maestro tower.
Also the abbey church of Vallingegno could have pagan origins, we are talking about a small temple dedicated to the God Genio (Genius), to whom we can refer some rock fragments, used again as ornaments for the abbey.
The abbey, one of the most important of the area, is made of a rectangular chamber and of pre-existing structures such as the crypt with square plan and with central pillar. The colonial houses, born afterwards around the court, have occupied the large environments that were originally hosting the workrooms of the monastery. We have documents dating back to the beginning of the 14th century, but presumably even more antique, that testify of the existence, nearby, of the castle of Vallingegno; the castled position and the extension of the view over the valley, up to the road, facilitate his function of protection of the area. Nowadays are still in a good state of preservation the boundary guelph crenel walls and the maestro tower.
Also the abbey church of Vallingegno could have pagan origins, we are talking about a small temple dedicated to the God Genio (Genius), to whom we can refer some rock fragments, used again as ornaments for the abbey.
The abbey, one of the most important of the area, is made of a rectangular chamber and of pre-existing structures such as the crypt with square plan and with central pillar. The colonial houses, born afterwards around the court, have occupied the large environments that were originally hosting the workrooms of the monastery. We have documents dating back to the beginning of the 14th century, but presumably even more antique, that testify of the existence, nearby, of the castle of Vallingegno; the castled position and the extension of the view over the valley, up to the road, facilitate his function of protection of the area. Nowadays are still in a good state of preservation the boundary guelph crenel walls and the maestro tower.
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