Il Pocoloco Disco Dinner nasce nel 1994 e si rinnova nel 2000 diventando un punto di aggregazione del mondo della notte umbra più esclusivi; ha ospitato negli anni prestigiosi ospiti, vocalist e dj internazionali grazie anche alla collaborazione con le più importanti discoteche della riviera romagnola.

La serata cloù del Pocoloco è senz’altro il venerdì, iniziando dalla Cena Spettacolo il locale si trasforma dopo la mezzanotte grazie alla musica house remixata dai migliori Dj e vengono serviti ottimi drink nel caratteristico bar circolare.

The Pocoloco Disco Dinner was founded in 1994 and renewed in 2000, becoming a rallying point of the world’s most exclusive night umbra; over the years has hosted prestigious guests, international vocalists and DJs, thanks to the collaboration with the leading clubs of the Riviera.

The evening’s highlight is undoubtedly Pocoloco on Friday, starting at the dinner show the place turns after midnight due to house music remixed by top DJs and drinks are served in the characteristic circular bar.

The Pocoloco Disco Dinner was founded in 1994 and renewed in 2000, becoming a rallying point of the world’s most exclusive night umbra; over the years has hosted prestigious guests, international vocalists and DJs, thanks to the collaboration with the leading clubs of the Riviera.

The evening’s highlight is undoubtedly Pocoloco on Friday, starting at the dinner show the place turns after midnight due to house music remixed by top DJs and drinks are served in the characteristic circular bar.

The Pocoloco Disco Dinner was founded in 1994 and renewed in 2000, becoming a rallying point of the world’s most exclusive night umbra; over the years has hosted prestigious guests, international vocalists and DJs, thanks to the collaboration with the leading clubs of the Riviera.

The evening’s highlight is undoubtedly Pocoloco on Friday, starting at the dinner show the place turns after midnight due to house music remixed by top DJs and drinks are served in the characteristic circular bar.

The Pocoloco Disco Dinner was founded in 1994 and renewed in 2000, becoming a rallying point of the world’s most exclusive night umbra; over the years has hosted prestigious guests, international vocalists and DJs, thanks to the collaboration with the leading clubs of the Riviera.

The evening’s highlight is undoubtedly Pocoloco on Friday, starting at the dinner show the place turns after midnight due to house music remixed by top DJs and drinks are served in the characteristic circular bar.