Ultima tappa del viaggio del documentario, che torna a “casa” per presentarsi al pubblico in una proiezione presentata dal team di #UmbriaNascosta .

L’arrivo di un treno – sulle tracce della #SpoletoNorcia è l’ultimo lavoro della Philms, un team di giovani professionisti umbri che ha già fatto parlare di sé per il progetto #UmbriaNascosta in cui rientra anche il docufilm sulla ferrovia dismessa. Coordinati da Filippo Fagioli operatori, fotografi e sì, anche sceneggiatori, si sono messi all’opera nel luglio scorso raccogliendo testimonianze, ricostruendo la storia e particolari ingegneristici, come quella delle gallerie elicoidali, ma anche compiendo con l’ausilio di un drone una serie di riprese aree di viadotti e ponti particolarmente suggestive e interamente inedite.
Circa cinquanta minuti di docufilm per raccontare l’errore commesso nella lontana estate del 1968 quando, in fretta e furia, fu smantellata l’ex ferrovia Spoleto-Norcia e sottratta al territorio un’occasione di sviluppo turistico che oggi si prova, con continui intoppi, a recuperare, trasformando il tracciato in un percorso dedicato alla mobilità dolce.
Nel video compariranno anche cittadini che hanno offerto ricordi e racconti relativi al periodo in cui la ferrovia era ancora in esercizio. Dalla certosina ricerca compiuta dal team di Umbria Nascosta sono emersi aneddoti singolari come quelli raccontati dal 92enne certo di essere stato il primo ad avvistare nel lontano 1926 la locomotiva o quello della donna incinta che ha rotto le acque nel vagone.
Il trailer del documentario si trova sul canale Youtube di Philms.
10 Marzo 2014 – Perugia
Centro Congressi Capitini ore 21.00
Serata conclusiva
Ingresso libero per tutte le proiezioni
Last leg of the journey of the documentary, which comes back “home” to present to the public in a projection produced by #UmbriaNascosta .

“The arrival of a train” is the latest work produced by Philms, a team of young professionals in Umbria that has already made headlines for the project # UmbriaNascosta which also includes the documentary film on the disused railway.
About fifty-minute documentary film to tell the error made in the distant summer of 1968 when, in a hurry, the former railroad was dismantled and removed from Spoleto-Norcia territory an opportunity for tourism development which is now evidence, continue smoothly with , to recover, turning the path into a path dedicated to soft mobility.
10th March 2014 Perugia
Centro Congressi Capitini ore 21.00
Serata conclusiva
Free entry.
Last leg of the journey of the documentary, which comes back “home” to present to the public in a projection produced by #UmbriaNascosta .

“The arrival of a train” is the latest work produced by Philms, a team of young professionals in Umbria that has already made headlines for the project # UmbriaNascosta which also includes the documentary film on the disused railway.
About fifty-minute documentary film to tell the error made in the distant summer of 1968 when, in a hurry, the former railroad was dismantled and removed from Spoleto-Norcia territory an opportunity for tourism development which is now evidence, continue smoothly with , to recover, turning the path into a path dedicated to soft mobility.
10th March 2014 Perugia
Centro Congressi Capitini ore 21.00
Serata conclusiva
Free entry.
Last leg of the journey of the documentary, which comes back “home” to present to the public in a projection produced by #UmbriaNascosta .

“The arrival of a train” is the latest work produced by Philms, a team of young professionals in Umbria that has already made headlines for the project # UmbriaNascosta which also includes the documentary film on the disused railway.
About fifty-minute documentary film to tell the error made in the distant summer of 1968 when, in a hurry, the former railroad was dismantled and removed from Spoleto-Norcia territory an opportunity for tourism development which is now evidence, continue smoothly with , to recover, turning the path into a path dedicated to soft mobility.
10th March 2014 Perugia
Centro Congressi Capitini ore 21.00
Serata conclusiva
Free entry.
10 Marzo 2014 ��” Perugia
Centro Congressi Capitini ore 21.00
Serata conclusiva
Ingresso libero per tutte le proiezioni
>>Se hai deciso di partecipare alla serata conclusiva organizzata da #UmbriaNascosta , ti consigliamo di contattare ora i migliori agriturismi di Perugia >> clicca questo link.
Last leg of the journey of the documentary, which comes back “home” to present to the public in a projection produced by #UmbriaNascosta .

“The arrival of a train” is the latest work produced by Philms, a team of young professionals in Umbria that has already made headlines for the project # UmbriaNascosta which also includes the documentary film on the disused railway.
About fifty-minute documentary film to tell the error made in the distant summer of 1968 when, in a hurry, the former railroad was dismantled and removed from Spoleto-Norcia territory an opportunity for tourism development which is now evidence, continue smoothly with , to recover, turning the path into a path dedicated to soft mobility.
10 March 2014 Perugia
Centro Congressi Capitini ore 21.00
Serata conclusiva
Free entry.
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