Adiacente all’agriturismo Casa Nuova di Assisi, poco distante da Perugia, si trova la Mostra degli Antichi Mestieri e della Civiltà Contadina.
La mostra nasce dalla grande passione della famiglia Fortini per gli oggetti antichi di ogni genere e tipo, legati in particolar modo al mondo artigianale e rurale dell’Umbria e dell’ Italia centrale.
La passione della famiglia,ha permesso nell’arco temporale di 30 anni di raccogliere e collezionare oltre 3000 pezzi.
>>Vuoi visitare la Mostra degli Antichi Mestieri e della Civiltà Contadina? Contatta ora l’Agriturismo Casanuova e scopri le offerte!
La mostra si divide in sezioni tematiche che si differenziano a seconda della tipologia e della funzionalità degli oggetti: alcune ricostruiscono gli antichi mestieri, altre fanno rivivere le atmosfere del lavoro e delle case contadine, con tutto il loro corredo di oggetti di ogni tipo, fatti a mano.
All’interno della mostra di particolare rilievo e interesse e la sezione dedicata alla ricostruzione di una vecchia aula scolastica di inizi ‘900, con le cartelle, i libri, i banchi, le penne e i calamai.
La mostra, una vera e propria fattoria didattica, propone visite guidate da personale qualificato durante tutto l’anno.
Le visite, su prenotazione, sono aperte a tutti, in particolare alle scuole di ogni ordine e grado.
The Exhibition of Ancient Crafts and Rural Life, next to ‘Casa Nuova’ farmhouse in Assisi, near Perugia, thanks to the Fortini family and their passion for ancient things, especially related to the rural world and craft of Umbria (Italy). A passion that, in 30 years, made it possible to gather and collect more than 3000 pieces.
>> Do you want to visit the The Exhibition of Ancient Crafts and Rural Life? Contact now Casanuova Farm and discover the offers!
The exhibition brings together objects by type and function, thus creating various thematic sections: some reconstruct the ancient crafts, others are reviving the atmosphere of labour and peasant houses, with all their accompanying objects of all kinds made by hand. Especially interesting is the reconstruction of an old classroom beginning of 1900, whit folders, books, desks, pens and ink.
The visits, by appointment, are open to all, especially to schools of all levels.
The Exhibition of Ancient Crafts and Rural Life, next to ‘Casa Nuova’ farmhouse in Assisi, near Perugia, thanks to the Fortini family and their passion for ancient things, especially related to the rural world and craft of Umbria (Italy). A passion that, in 30 years, made it possible to gather and collect more than 3000 pieces.
>> Do you want to visit the The Exhibition of Ancient Crafts and Rural Life? Contact now Casanuova Farm and discover the offers!
The exhibition brings together objects by type and function, thus creating various thematic sections: some reconstruct the ancient crafts, others are reviving the atmosphere of labour and peasant houses, with all their accompanying objects of all kinds made by hand. Especially interesting is the reconstruction of an old classroom beginning of 1900, whit folders, books, desks, pens and ink.
The visits, by appointment, are open to all, especially to schools of all levels.
The Exhibition of Ancient Crafts and Rural Life, next to ‘Casa Nuova’ farmhouse in Assisi, near Perugia, thanks to the Fortini family and their passion for ancient things, especially related to the rural world and craft of Umbria (Italy). A passion that, in 30 years, made it possible to gather and collect more than 3000 pieces.
>> Do you want to visit the The Exhibition of Ancient Crafts and Rural Life? Contact now Casanuova Farm and discover the offers!
The exhibition brings together objects by type and function, thus creating various thematic sections: some reconstruct the ancient crafts, others are reviving the atmosphere of labour and peasant houses, with all their accompanying objects of all kinds made by hand. Especially interesting is the reconstruction of an old classroom beginning of 1900, whit folders, books, desks, pens and ink.
The visits, by appointment, are open to all, especially to schools of all levels.
The Exhibition of Ancient Crafts and Rural Life, next to ‘Casa Nuova’ farmhouse in Assisi, near Perugia, thanks to the Fortini family and their passion for ancient things, especially related to the rural world and craft of Umbria (Italy). A passion that, in 30 years, made it possible to gather and collect more than 3000 pieces.
>> Do you want to visit the The Exhibition of Ancient Crafts and Rural Life? Contact now Casanuova Farm and discover the offers!
The exhibition brings together objects by type and function, thus creating various thematic sections: some reconstruct the ancient crafts, others are reviving the atmosphere of labour and peasant houses, with all their accompanying objects of all kinds made by hand. Especially interesting is the reconstruction of an old classroom beginning of 1900, whit folders, books, desks, pens and ink.
The visits, by appointment, are open to all, especially to schools of all levels.
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