Nel periodo pasquale, la pittura delle uova fa parte delle tradizioni tipiche di molte aree d’Italia, tra cui la nostra Umbria.
In particolare, un piccolo borgo umbro ha fatto del dipingere uova un vero e proprio appuntamento annuale, con un concorso cui partecipano ogni anno artisti e dilettanti pronti a mettere in atto tutta la propria creatività, e un museo permanente appositamente dedicato.

>> Approfitta delle vacanze pasquali per visitare l’Umbria, ci sono tante offerte in scadenza! Consultale ora!
Concorso Ovo Pinto 2019
Stiamo parlando di Civitella del Lago, nei pressi di Orvieto: grazie all’Associazione Culturale Ovo Pinto, infatti, in questa suggestiva cittadina è possibile prendere parte ad un concorso unico nel suo genere.
C’è tempo fino al 24 Marzo 2019 per iscriversi al Concorso Nazionale per la Mostra Ovo Pinto 2019, concorso aperto a tutti e basato sulla decorazione di gusci d’uova di qualsiasi specie animale, dipinti con tutte le tecniche di esecuzione. Le migliori creazioni saranno premiate con una somma in denaro nelle rispettive categorie, artisti professionisti e dilettanti.
Le uova partecipanti al concorso saranno in mostra dal giorno di Pasqua, che quest’anno cade Domenica 21 Aprile, fino al 1° Maggio 2019, con chiusura ufficiale e la premiazione dei vincitori del concorso.
Le opere resteranno poi in esposizione permanente presso il locale museo: a Civitella del Lago, infatti, è possibile ammirare tutto l’anno il Museo dell’Ovo Pinto con decine e decine di magnifiche uova di ogni forma e colore, decorate nel corso degli anni.

Tema del Concorso Ovo Pinto 2019
Per un 2019 dedicato al genio di Leonardo Da Vinci
L’Associazione Culturale Ovo Pinto elegge ogni anno un tema speciale e particolarmente significativo al quale i partecipanti al concorso possono ispirarsi per realizzare le proprie opere. Per l’edizione 2019, si intende valorizzare uno dei protagonisti del Rinascimento italiano: Leonardo Da Vinci. Lo slogan scelto quest’anno è infatti “Omaggio al Genio del Rinascimento: Leonardo Da Vinci”. A tutti partecipanti che sceglieranno di cimentarsi con questo tema nelle loro decorazioni, verrà assegnato un premio speciale unico tra tutte le categorie (esclusi i già vincitori delle stesse).
Quella della tematica per il concorso è una tradizione che si rinnova ogni anno per le decorazioni delle uova di Civitella del Lago, per omaggiare appunto un personaggio o per valorizzare un prodotto legato al territorio.
I Temi del Concorso nelle precedenti edizioni
Nel 2016, l’Associazione culturale Ovo Pinto aveva deciso di celebrare l’anniversario della morte di Luigi Pirandello, dedicando alla sua figura il tema centrale del concorso. Nel 2017, invece, aveva cambiato rotta scegliendo uno speciale tema piccante: l’associazione aveva infatti voluto promuovere il consolidato legame tra Civitella del Lago e il peperoncino, dedicando il tema centrale “Omaggio a Sua Maestà il peperoncino: cultura, eros, cucina, fuoco, tradizioni e magia” e celebrando così con l’Accademia Italiana del Peperoncino il 25° anno del Peperoncino Festival di Diamante (CS). Lo scorso anno, si è voluto promuovere un sodalizio tra il paesaggio umbro l’olio d’oliva, uno dei prodotti più tipici della regione e più legato al territorio stesso di Civitella del Lago.

Per maggiori informazioni sul concorso e per partecipare, guarda l’allegato qui sotto!
During Easter, the eggs painting is one of the typical traditions of many areas of Italy, including our Umbria.
In particular, a small Umbrian village has made of painting eggs a real annual appointment, with a competition involving every year artists and amateurs who implement all their creativity, and a permanent museum specially dedicated.

>> Enjoy your Easter holidays and visit Umbria, there are many offers for you! Look at them here!
2019 Ovo Pinto
We are talking about Civitella Del Lago, close to Orvieto: thanks to the Ovo Pinto Cultural Association, in fact, in this picturesque town you can take part in a unique competition.
Until 24th March 2019, you can enter the competition for the 2019 National Ovo Pinto Show, a contest open to all and based on the decoration of the eggshells of any animal species, painted with all the techniques of execution. The best creation will be rewarded with a cash prize in the respective category, professional artists or amateurs.
You can admire the decorated eggs from Easter to the 1st May 2019, when there will be the awards ceremony of winners.
Then, the works will remain on permanent display at the local museum: in Civitella Del Lago, it is possible all year enjoy the Ovo Pinto Museum, with dozens of magnificent eggs of all shapes and colors, decorated during the years.

Annual Theme of Ovo Pinto
A 2019 dedicated to Leonardo Da Vinci
The Ovo Pinto Cultural Association choose every year a special theme to inspire the participants. This year, they wants to promote the most important figure of the Italian Renaissance: Leonardo Da Vinci. In fact, the 2019 slogan is “A Tribute to the Genius of Renaissance: Leonardo Da Vinci”.
To all participants who will choose this theme in their decorations, a unique special prize will be awarded to all categories (excluding the winners of the same categories).
A theme for the competition is a tradition that is renewed every year for the decorations of the eggs of Civitella del Lago, to pay homage to a character or to enhance a product linked to the territory.
Previos Editions Themes
In 2016, the Ovo Pinto Cultural Association promoted the anniversary of the death of Luigi Pirandello. In 2017, they decided to propose a completely different (and spicy) theme to the participants. In fact, the Association wanted to promote chili pepper, dedicating to this plant the main theme and celebrating in this way the 25° year of Chili Peppers Festival of Diamante (CS) together with the Italian Academy of Chili Pepper. In fact, the 2017 special theme had the following title: “A tribute to chili pepper: culture, eros, food, fire, traditions and magic”.
Last year, instead, Ovo Pinto wanted to promote the established link between Civitella del Lago and the olive oil, one of the most typical products of its land, following the slogan “Olive Ovo” (literally L’Ovo d’Oliva).

For more informations about the competition, look at the attachment below!
During Easter, the eggs painting is one of the typical traditions of many areas of Italy, including our Umbria.
In particular, a small Umbrian village has made of painting eggs a real annual appointment, with a competition involving every year artists and amateurs who implement all their creativity, and a permanent museum specially dedicated.

>> Enjoy your Easter holidays and visit Umbria, there are many offers for you! Look at them here!
2019 Ovo Pinto
We are talking about Civitella Del Lago, close to Orvieto: thanks to the Ovo Pinto Cultural Association, in fact, in this picturesque town you can take part in a unique competition.
Until 24th March 2019, you can enter the competition for the 2019 National Ovo Pinto Show, a contest open to all and based on the decoration of the eggshells of any animal species, painted with all the techniques of execution. The best creation will be rewarded with a cash prize in the respective category, professional artists or amateurs.
You can admire the decorated eggs from Easter to the 1st May 2019, when there will be the awards ceremony of winners.
Then, the works will remain on permanent display at the local museum: in Civitella Del Lago, it is possible all year enjoy the Ovo Pinto Museum, with dozens of magnificent eggs of all shapes and colors, decorated during the years.

Annual Theme of Ovo Pinto
A 2019 dedicated to Leonardo Da Vinci
The Ovo Pinto Cultural Association choose every year a special theme to inspire the participants. This year, they wants to promote the most important figure of the Italian Renaissance: Leonardo Da Vinci. In fact, the 2019 slogan is “A Tribute to the Genius of Renaissance: Leonardo Da Vinci”.
To all participants who will choose this theme in their decorations, a unique special prize will be awarded to all categories (excluding the winners of the same categories).
A theme for the competition is a tradition that is renewed every year for the decorations of the eggs of Civitella del Lago, to pay homage to a character or to enhance a product linked to the territory.
Previos Editions Themes
In 2016, the Ovo Pinto Cultural Association promoted the anniversary of the death of Luigi Pirandello. In 2017, they decided to propose a completely different (and spicy) theme to the participants. In fact, the Association wanted to promote chili pepper, dedicating to this plant the main theme and celebrating in this way the 25° year of Chili Peppers Festival of Diamante (CS) together with the Italian Academy of Chili Pepper. In fact, the 2017 special theme had the following title: “A tribute to chili pepper: culture, eros, food, fire, traditions and magic”.
Last year, instead, Ovo Pinto wanted to promote the established link between Civitella del Lago and the olive oil, one of the most typical products of its land, following the slogan “Olive Ovo” (literally L’Ovo d’Oliva).

For more informations about the competition, look at the attachment below!
During Easter, the eggs painting is one of the typical traditions of many areas of Italy, including our Umbria.
In particular, a small Umbrian village has made of painting eggs a real annual appointment, with a competition involving every year artists and amateurs who implement all their creativity, and a permanent museum specially dedicated.

>> Enjoy your Easter holidays and visit Umbria, there are many offers for you! Look at them here!
2019 Ovo Pinto
We are talking about Civitella Del Lago, close to Orvieto: thanks to the Ovo Pinto Cultural Association, in fact, in this picturesque town you can take part in a unique competition.
Until 24th March 2019, you can enter the competition for the 2019 National Ovo Pinto Show, a contest open to all and based on the decoration of the eggshells of any animal species, painted with all the techniques of execution. The best creation will be rewarded with a cash prize in the respective category, professional artists or amateurs.
You can admire the decorated eggs from Easter to the 1st May 2019, when there will be the awards ceremony of winners.
Then, the works will remain on permanent display at the local museum: in Civitella Del Lago, it is possible all year enjoy the Ovo Pinto Museum, with dozens of magnificent eggs of all shapes and colors, decorated during the years.

Annual Theme of Ovo Pinto
A 2019 dedicated to Leonardo Da Vinci
The Ovo Pinto Cultural Association choose every year a special theme to inspire the participants. This year, they wants to promote the most important figure of the Italian Renaissance: Leonardo Da Vinci. In fact, the 2019 slogan is “A Tribute to the Genius of Renaissance: Leonardo Da Vinci”.
To all participants who will choose this theme in their decorations, a unique special prize will be awarded to all categories (excluding the winners of the same categories).
A theme for the competition is a tradition that is renewed every year for the decorations of the eggs of Civitella del Lago, to pay homage to a character or to enhance a product linked to the territory.
Previos Editions Themes
In 2016, the Ovo Pinto Cultural Association promoted the anniversary of the death of Luigi Pirandello. In 2017, they decided to propose a completely different (and spicy) theme to the participants. In fact, the Association wanted to promote chili pepper, dedicating to this plant the main theme and celebrating in this way the 25° year of Chili Peppers Festival of Diamante (CS) together with the Italian Academy of Chili Pepper. In fact, the 2017 special theme had the following title: “A tribute to chili pepper: culture, eros, food, fire, traditions and magic”.
Last year, instead, Ovo Pinto wanted to promote the established link between Civitella del Lago and the olive oil, one of the most typical products of its land, following the slogan “Olive Ovo” (literally L’Ovo d’Oliva).

For more informations about the competition, look at the attachment below!
During Easter, the eggs painting is one of the typical traditions of many areas of Italy, including our Umbria.
In particular, a small Umbrian village has made of painting eggs a real annual appointment, with a competition involving every year artists and amateurs who implement all their creativity, and a permanent museum specially dedicated.

>> Enjoy your Easter holidays and visit Umbria, there are many offers for you! Look at them here!
2019 Ovo Pinto
We are talking about Civitella Del Lago, close to Orvieto: thanks to the Ovo Pinto Cultural Association, in fact, in this picturesque town you can take part in a unique competition.
Until 24th March 2019, you can enter the competition for the 2019 National Ovo Pinto Show, a contest open to all and based on the decoration of the eggshells of any animal species, painted with all the techniques of execution. The best creation will be rewarded with a cash prize in the respective category, professional artists or amateurs.
You can admire the decorated eggs from Easter to the 1st May 2019, when there will be the awards ceremony of winners.
Then, the works will remain on permanent display at the local museum: in Civitella Del Lago, it is possible all year enjoy the Ovo Pinto Museum, with dozens of magnificent eggs of all shapes and colors, decorated during the years.

Annual Theme of Ovo Pinto
A 2019 dedicated to Leonardo Da Vinci
The Ovo Pinto Cultural Association choose every year a special theme to inspire the participants. This year, they wants to promote the most important figure of the Italian Renaissance: Leonardo Da Vinci. In fact, the 2019 slogan is “A Tribute to the Genius of Renaissance: Leonardo Da Vinci”.
To all participants who will choose this theme in their decorations, a unique special prize will be awarded to all categories (excluding the winners of the same categories).
A theme for the competition is a tradition that is renewed every year for the decorations of the eggs of Civitella del Lago, to pay homage to a character or to enhance a product linked to the territory.
Previos Editions Themes
In 2016, the Ovo Pinto Cultural Association promoted the anniversary of the death of Luigi Pirandello. In 2017, they decided to propose a completely different (and spicy) theme to the participants. In fact, the Association wanted to promote chili pepper, dedicating to this plant the main theme and celebrating in this way the 25° year of Chili Peppers Festival of Diamante (CS) together with the Italian Academy of Chili Pepper. In fact, the 2017 special theme had the following title: “A tribute to chili pepper: culture, eros, food, fire, traditions and magic”.
Last year, instead, Ovo Pinto wanted to promote the established link between Civitella del Lago and the olive oil, one of the most typical products of its land, following the slogan “Olive Ovo” (literally L’Ovo d’Oliva).

For more informations about the competition, look at the attachment below!
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