Points of natural interest in Umbria

Umbria is known as “the green heart of Italy”, and it is thanks to its scenery and its natural excellence that has earned this title, the morphological characteristics of the Umbrian territories make this region unique for the variety of places of high naturalistic interest.

Starting from Valnerina and going up to the High Tiber Valley, Umbria offers a series of suggestive points of interest related to nature and environment that make Umbria is famous all over the world, just mention the Marmora falls and lake Trasimeno.

But this region is rich in many other areas of exceptional beauty as nature reserves, rivers, lakes, mountains, parks and nature reserves; Bella Umbria offersthe most striking points of natural interest with information and insights to know the excellence of this territory.

▌ Points of interest

Polvese Island at Trasimeno Lake

L’Isola Polvese è la più grande delle tre isole del Lago Trasimeno e certamente tra le più ricche di bellezze da visitare.

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