Il Museo della Porziuncola si trova nel comune di Assisi, all’interno del percorso di visita del santuario di Santa Maria degli Angeli, l’itinerario che ripercorre i luoghi legati alla vicenda umana e spirituale di san Francesco.
Il Museo è diviso in 5 diverse sale che ospitano opere divise secondo un percorso cronologico dalla vita alla morte del santo:
- Sala A: ospita un plastico, in scala 1:25.000, che riproduce le presenze religiose nella Valle Spoletana ai tempi di San Francesco;
- Sala B: ospita la Croce di Giunta Pisano, primo esempio in Italia di “crocifisso patiens” caraterizzato da una particolare iconografia, nata nell’Oriente Bizantino tra il IX e l’XI secolo, molto cara ai Francescani che ne sono stati i principali diffusori in Europa, all’interno della sala è anche ospitata l’icona del Maestro di San Francesco ritenuta la più antica immagine del Santo che la tradizione vuole essere stata ricavata dal legno del tavolo sopra cui Francesco solitamente dormiva ;
- Sala C: questa sala ospita il pulpito ligneo detto di San Bernardino e i monogrammi del Nome di Gesù (IHS), che ricordano la pratica devozionale di San Francesco;
- Sala D: in questa sala sono conservate le testimonianze relative all’immagine di Maria alla Porziuncola come la Madonna del Latte, scultura in pietra policroma della fine del XIV – inizi del XV secolo, e la Madonna col Bambino di Sano di Pietro;
- Sala E: questa sala ospita le riproduzioni di testimonianze grafiche sullo sviluppo della Basilica, paramenti e argenteria oltre all’iconografia relativa a Francesco e ai santi dell’Ordine.
Nel percorso di visita è inserito anche l’*Antico Conventino*, ciò che resta delle celle primitive dei frati: esse restaurate di recente, sono attualmente utilizzate per ospitare mostre temporanee di arte sacra.
– dalle 9.30 alle 12.30
– ora solare: dalle 15:00 alle 18:30
– ora legale: dalle 15.30 alle 19.00
Chiusura settimanale il mercoledì
Biglietto Intero: € 3,00
Biglietto Ridotto A: € 2,00
(per gruppi superiori a 15 persone; visitatori dagli 11 ai 18 anni; studenti universitari; visitatori muniti di biglietto di altro Museo della Rete Museale Ecclesiastica umbra)
Ridotto B: € 1,50 (per gruppi di scolaresche)
Gratuito: (bambini inferiori a 10 anni; accompagnatori di gruppi e di disabili; sacerdoti e religiosi)
The Porziuncola Museum is located in the municipality of Assisi and it is part of the guided itinerary of the sanctuary of Santa Maria degli Angeli. The tour concerns the places related to the human and spiritual life of St. Francis.
The Museum is divided into 5 different rooms, which containing works divided in chronological order from birth to death of the Saint of Assisi:
- Hall A: it has a scale model, scale 1:25.000, which reproduces the religious life in the Spoleto Valley at the time of St. Francis;
- Hall B: it contains the Cross of Giunta Pisano, the first example in Italy of “crucified patiens” main characteristic a particular iconography, born in the East Byzantine Empire between the ninth and eleventh centuries, very dear to the Franciscans who were the main speakers in Europe, within the room also houses the icon of the Master of St. Francis is considered the most ancient image of the Holy Tradition has it that have been made from the wood of the table upon which Francis usually slept;
- Hall C: this room hosts the wooden pulpit said San Bernardino and monograms of the name of Jesus (IHS), reminiscent of the devotional practice of St. Francis;
- Hall D: in this room are preserved the evidence relating to the image of Mary at Portiuncula as the Madonna del Latte, polychrome stone sculpture of the late XIV -early fifteenth century, and the Madonna and Child by Sano di Pietro;
- Hall E: this room contains reproductions of graphic testimony on the development of the Basilica, vestments and silverware as well iconography relating to Francis and to the saints of the Order.
– From 9:30 am to 12.30 am
– Winter time: from 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm
– Daylight Saving Time: from 3:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Weekly closed on Wednesdays
Full price: € 3,00
A Ticket-Reduced: € 2.00
(Groups over 15 people, visitors from 11 to 18 years, university students and other visitors to ticketed Museum Network Museum of Ecclesiastical umbra)
B Ticket-Reduced: € 1.50 (school groups)
Free: (children under 10 years, accompanying groups and disabled people, priests and religious)
The Porziuncola Museum is located in the municipality of Assisi and it is part of the guided itinerary of the sanctuary of Santa Maria degli Angeli. The tour concerns the places related to the human and spiritual life of St. Francis.
The Museum is divided into 5 different rooms, which containing works divided in chronological order from birth to death of the Saint of Assisi:
- Hall A: it has a scale model, scale 1:25.000, which reproduces the religious life in the Spoleto Valley at the time of St. Francis;
- Hall B: it contains the Cross of Giunta Pisano, the first example in Italy of “crucified patiens” main characteristic a particular iconography, born in the East Byzantine Empire between the ninth and eleventh centuries, very dear to the Franciscans who were the main speakers in Europe, within the room also houses the icon of the Master of St. Francis is considered the most ancient image of the Holy Tradition has it that have been made from the wood of the table upon which Francis usually slept;
- Hall C: this room hosts the wooden pulpit said San Bernardino and monograms of the name of Jesus (IHS), reminiscent of the devotional practice of St. Francis;
- Hall D: in this room are preserved the evidence relating to the image of Mary at Portiuncula as the Madonna del Latte, polychrome stone sculpture of the late XIV -early fifteenth century, and the Madonna and Child by Sano di Pietro;
- Hall E: this room contains reproductions of graphic testimony on the development of the Basilica, vestments and silverware as well iconography relating to Francis and to the saints of the Order.
– From 9:30 am to 12.30 am
– Winter time: from 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm
– Daylight Saving Time: from 3:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Weekly closed on Wednesdays
Full price: € 3,00
A Ticket-Reduced: € 2.00
(Groups over 15 people, visitors from 11 to 18 years, university students and other visitors to ticketed Museum Network Museum of Ecclesiastical umbra)
B Ticket-Reduced: € 1.50 (school groups)
Free: (children under 10 years, accompanying groups and disabled people, priests and religious)
The Porziuncola Museum is located in the municipality of Assisi and it is part of the guided itinerary of the sanctuary of Santa Maria degli Angeli. The tour concerns the places related to the human and spiritual life of St. Francis.
The Museum is divided into 5 different rooms, which containing works divided in chronological order from birth to death of the Saint of Assisi:
- Hall A: it has a scale model, scale 1:25.000, which reproduces the religious life in the Spoleto Valley at the time of St. Francis;
- Hall B: it contains the Cross of Giunta Pisano, the first example in Italy of “crucified patiens” main characteristic a particular iconography, born in the East Byzantine Empire between the ninth and eleventh centuries, very dear to the Franciscans who were the main speakers in Europe, within the room also houses the icon of the Master of St. Francis is considered the most ancient image of the Holy Tradition has it that have been made from the wood of the table upon which Francis usually slept;
- Hall C: this room hosts the wooden pulpit said San Bernardino and monograms of the name of Jesus (IHS), reminiscent of the devotional practice of St. Francis;
- Hall D: in this room are preserved the evidence relating to the image of Mary at Portiuncula as the Madonna del Latte, polychrome stone sculpture of the late XIV -early fifteenth century, and the Madonna and Child by Sano di Pietro;
- Hall E: this room contains reproductions of graphic testimony on the development of the Basilica, vestments and silverware as well iconography relating to Francis and to the saints of the Order.
– From 9:30 am to 12.30 am
– Winter time: from 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm
– Daylight Saving Time: from 3:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Weekly closed on Wednesdays
Full price: € 3,00
A Ticket-Reduced: € 2.00
(Groups over 15 people, visitors from 11 to 18 years, university students and other visitors to ticketed Museum Network Museum of Ecclesiastical umbra)
B Ticket-Reduced: € 1.50 (school groups)
Free: (children under 10 years, accompanying groups and disabled people, priests and religious)
The Porziuncola Museum is located in the municipality of Assisi and it is part of the guided itinerary of the sanctuary of Santa Maria degli Angeli. The tour concerns the places related to the human and spiritual life of St. Francis.
The Museum is divided into 5 different rooms, which containing works divided in chronological order from birth to death of the Saint of Assisi:
- Hall A: it has a scale model, scale 1:25.000, which reproduces the religious life in the Spoleto Valley at the time of St. Francis;
- Hall B: it contains the Cross of Giunta Pisano, the first example in Italy of “crucified patiens” main characteristic a particular iconography, born in the East Byzantine Empire between the ninth and eleventh centuries, very dear to the Franciscans who were the main speakers in Europe, within the room also houses the icon of the Master of St. Francis is considered the most ancient image of the Holy Tradition has it that have been made from the wood of the table upon which Francis usually slept;
- Hall C: this room hosts the wooden pulpit said San Bernardino and monograms of the name of Jesus (IHS), reminiscent of the devotional practice of St. Francis;
- Hall D: in this room are preserved the evidence relating to the image of Mary at Portiuncula as the Madonna del Latte, polychrome stone sculpture of the late XIV -early fifteenth century, and the Madonna and Child by Sano di Pietro;
- Hall E: this room contains reproductions of graphic testimony on the development of the Basilica, vestments and silverware as well iconography relating to Francis and to the saints of the Order.
– From 9:30 am to 12.30 am
– Winter time: from 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm
– Daylight Saving Time: from 3:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Weekly closed on Wednesdays
Full price: € 3,00
A Ticket-Reduced: € 2.00
(Groups over 15 people, visitors from 11 to 18 years, university students and other visitors to ticketed Museum Network Museum of Ecclesiastical umbra)
B Ticket-Reduced: € 1.50 (school groups)
Free: (children under 10 years, accompanying groups and disabled people, priests and religious)
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