Il museo delle mummie di Borgo Cerreto si trova all’interno del Centro di documentazione “Baronzio Vincenzi”, un polo scientifico e culturale nato su una prima raccolta di reperti archeologici legati alla vita del medico omonimo.

Il museo è ospitato all’interno di un edificio cinquecentesco, un tempo chiesa della famiglia Vincenzi, ed è diviso su tre piani: una sala polivalente nel piano a livello stradale, due sale espositive che conservano i reperti antropologici che si trovano al livello delle cripte e, nella parte più bassa, un laboratorio permanente per lo studio dei reperti.

Il Museo delle mummie presenta una serie di aspetti della vita di Cerreto di Spoleto attraverso i corpi mummificati di alcuni suoi abitanti rinvenuti nelle cripte della Chiesa e oggi ospitati all’interno delle sale del museo; lo studio delle mummie ha permesso agli antropologi di ricostruire particolari della vita quotidiana, dell’alimentazione, dell’abbigliamento e delle pratiche chirurgiche della comunità di Borgo Cerreto.

La mostra permanente si articola in due sezioni, una didattica (18 pannelli descrittivi con testi e immagini) ed una espositiva (due mummie e tre crani che testimoniano l’attività chirurgica di Baronzio Vincenzi).

Lo spazio espositivo, inaugurato il 27 agosto 2011 apre ogni domenica dalle ore 15.30 alle ore 19.30 (fino a settembre 2012); l’ingresso è gratuito.

The museum of the mummies of Borgo Cerreto is situated within the Documentation Centre “Baronzio Vincenzi”, a scientific and cultural point, birth on a first collection of archaeological finds related to the life of doctor Baronzio Vincenzi.

The museum is housed in a sixteenth-century building, once a church of Vincenzi family , and is divided on three floors: a multipurpose room in the floor at street level, two exhibition halls holding the anthropological artifacts found at the level of the crypts and, in the lower part, a permanent laboratory for the study of the finds.

The Museum of the mummies has a number of aspects of the life of Cerreto di Spoleto through the mummified bodies of some of its inhabitants found in the crypt of the Church and now housed within the halls of the museum, the study of mummies has allowed anthropologists to reconstruct details of daily life, food, clothing and surgical practices of the community of Borgo Cerreto.

The permanent exhibition is divided into two sections, a didactics section (18 panels with descriptive text and images) and an exhibition (two mummies and three skulls which demonstrate the surgical activity of Baronzio Vincenzi).

The exhibition space, opened August 27, 2011 open every Sunday from 15.30 to 19.30 (up to September 2012), admission is free.

The museum of the mummies of Borgo Cerreto is situated within the Documentation Centre “Baronzio Vincenzi”, a scientific and cultural point, birth on a first collection of archaeological finds related to the life of doctor Baronzio Vincenzi.

The museum is housed in a sixteenth-century building, once a church of Vincenzi family , and is divided on three floors: a multipurpose room in the floor at street level, two exhibition halls holding the anthropological artifacts found at the level of the crypts and, in the lower part, a permanent laboratory for the study of the finds.

The Museum of the mummies has a number of aspects of the life of Cerreto di Spoleto through the mummified bodies of some of its inhabitants found in the crypt of the Church and now housed within the halls of the museum, the study of mummies has allowed anthropologists to reconstruct details of daily life, food, clothing and surgical practices of the community of Borgo Cerreto.

The permanent exhibition is divided into two sections, a didactics section (18 panels with descriptive text and images) and an exhibition (two mummies and three skulls which demonstrate the surgical activity of Baronzio Vincenzi).

The exhibition space, opened August 27, 2011 open every Sunday from 15.30 to 19.30 (up to September 2012), admission is free.

The museum of the mummies of Borgo Cerreto is situated within the Documentation Centre “Baronzio Vincenzi”, a scientific and cultural point, birth on a first collection of archaeological finds related to the life of doctor Baronzio Vincenzi.

The museum is housed in a sixteenth-century building, once a church of Vincenzi family , and is divided on three floors: a multipurpose room in the floor at street level, two exhibition halls holding the anthropological artifacts found at the level of the crypts and, in the lower part, a permanent laboratory for the study of the finds.

The Museum of the mummies has a number of aspects of the life of Cerreto di Spoleto through the mummified bodies of some of its inhabitants found in the crypt of the Church and now housed within the halls of the museum, the study of mummies has allowed anthropologists to reconstruct details of daily life, food, clothing and surgical practices of the community of Borgo Cerreto.

The permanent exhibition is divided into two sections, a didactics section (18 panels with descriptive text and images) and an exhibition (two mummies and three skulls which demonstrate the surgical activity of Baronzio Vincenzi).

The exhibition space, opened August 27, 2011 open every Sunday from 15.30 to 19.30 (up to September 2012), admission is free.

The museum of the mummies of Borgo Cerreto is situated within the Documentation Centre “Baronzio Vincenzi”, a scientific and cultural point, birth on a first collection of archaeological finds related to the life of doctor Baronzio Vincenzi.

The museum is housed in a sixteenth-century building, once a church of Vincenzi family , and is divided on three floors: a multipurpose room in the floor at street level, two exhibition halls holding the anthropological artifacts found at the level of the crypts and, in the lower part, a permanent laboratory for the study of the finds.

The Museum of the mummies has a number of aspects of the life of Cerreto di Spoleto through the mummified bodies of some of its inhabitants found in the crypt of the Church and now housed within the halls of the museum, the study of mummies has allowed anthropologists to reconstruct details of daily life, food, clothing and surgical practices of the community of Borgo Cerreto.

The permanent exhibition is divided into two sections, a didactics section (18 panels with descriptive text and images) and an exhibition (two mummies and three skulls which demonstrate the surgical activity of Baronzio Vincenzi).

The exhibition space, opened August 27, 2011 open every Sunday from 15.30 to 19.30 (up to September 2012), admission is free.