Grazie alle donazioni dell’artista Alberto Burri delle prime 32 tele alla sua città natale nel 1978 è nata la Collezione Burri. Oggi essa espone circa 130 opere nella sede storica di Palazzo Albizzini e, dal 1990, in mostra negli ex essiccatoi del tabacco, 128 opere appartenenti ai cicli di grande formato realizzati dal maestro tifernate tra il 1979 ed il 1993.


1 aprile – 30 settembre
Dal martedì al sabato
Ore: 9.30 / 12.30   14.30 / 18.30
Domenica e Festivi
Ore: 10.30 / 12.30   15.00 / 19.00

1 ottobre – 31 marzo
Dal martedì al sabato
Ore: 9.30 / 13.00   14.30 / 18.00
Domenica e Festivi
Ore: 10.30 / 12.30   15.00 / 18.00

Chiusura settimale
Lunedì (quando non festivo)
Chiusura per feste
25 dicembre e 1 gennaio


Cumulativo Intero: € 10,00
Consente di avere la riduzione nei principali musei di Città di Castello
e all’Aboca Museum di Sansepolcro.

Cumulativo Ridotto: € 8,00
Vedi categorie e convenzioni per riduzioni

Cumulativo Ridotto: € 4,00
Studenti da 6 anni alle medie superiori e Gruppi scolastici dalle materne alle medie superiori

Thanks to donations by the artist Alberto Burri of the first 32 canvases to hishometown in 1978 was born Burri Collection. Today it displays about 130 worksin the historical Palazzo Albizzini and, since 1990, on display in the formertobacco drying, 128 works belonging to the cycles of large size made ​​by the master tifernate between 1979 and 1993.

Opening hours

April 1 to September 30
From Tuesday to Saturday
Hours: 9.30 / 12.30 14.30 / 18.30
Sundays and Holidays
Hours: 10.30 / 12.30 15.00 / 19.00

October 1 to March 31
From Tuesday to Saturday
Hours: 9.30 / 13.00 14.30 / 18.00
Sundays and Holidays
Hours: 10.30 / 12.30 15.00 / 18.00

closing settimale
Monday (unless holiday)
Closed for holidays
December 25 and January 1


Cumulative Full: € 10.00
Allows for the reduction in the principal museums of the City of Castle
all’Aboca and Museum in Sansepolcro.

Cumulative Discounted: € 8.00
View categories and conventions for cuts

Cumulative Discounted: € 4.00
Students from 6 years to high school and school groups from kindergarten to high school

Thanks to donations by the artist Alberto Burri of the first 32 canvases to hishometown in 1978 was born Burri Collection. Today it displays about 130 worksin the historical Palazzo Albizzini and, since 1990, on display in the formertobacco drying, 128 works belonging to the cycles of large size made ​​by the master tifernate between 1979 and 1993.

Opening hours

April 1 to September 30
From Tuesday to Saturday
Hours: 9.30 / 12.30 14.30 / 18.30
Sundays and Holidays
Hours: 10.30 / 12.30 15.00 / 19.00

October 1 to March 31
From Tuesday to Saturday
Hours: 9.30 / 13.00 14.30 / 18.00
Sundays and Holidays
Hours: 10.30 / 12.30 15.00 / 18.00

closing settimale
Monday (unless holiday)
Closed for holidays
December 25 and January 1


Cumulative Full: € 10.00
Allows for the reduction in the principal museums of the City of Castle
all’Aboca and Museum in Sansepolcro.

Cumulative Discounted: € 8.00
View categories and conventions for cuts

Cumulative Discounted: € 4.00
Students from 6 years to high school and school groups from kindergarten to high school

Thanks to donations by the artist Alberto Burri of the first 32 canvases to hishometown in 1978 was born Burri Collection. Today it displays about 130 worksin the historical Palazzo Albizzini and, since 1990, on display in the formertobacco drying, 128 works belonging to the cycles of large size made ​​by the master tifernate between 1979 and 1993.

Opening hours

April 1 to September 30
From Tuesday to Saturday
Hours: 9.30 / 12.30 14.30 / 18.30
Sundays and Holidays
Hours: 10.30 / 12.30 15.00 / 19.00

October 1 to March 31
From Tuesday to Saturday
Hours: 9.30 / 13.00 14.30 / 18.00
Sundays and Holidays
Hours: 10.30 / 12.30 15.00 / 18.00

closing settimale
Monday (unless holiday)
Closed for holidays
December 25 and January 1


Cumulative Full: € 10.00
Allows for the reduction in the principal museums of the City of Castle
all’Aboca and Museum in Sansepolcro.

Cumulative Discounted: € 8.00
View categories and conventions for cuts

Cumulative Discounted: € 4.00
Students from 6 years to high school and school groups from kindergarten to high school

Thanks to donations by the artist Alberto Burri of the first 32 canvases to hishometown in 1978 was born Burri Collection. Today it displays about 130 worksin the historical Palazzo Albizzini and, since 1990, on display in the formertobacco drying, 128 works belonging to the cycles of large size made ​​by the master tifernate between 1979 and 1993.

Opening hours

April 1 to September 30
From Tuesday to Saturday
Hours: 9.30 / 12.30 14.30 / 18.30
Sundays and Holidays
Hours: 10.30 / 12.30 15.00 / 19.00

October 1 to March 31
From Tuesday to Saturday
Hours: 9.30 / 13.00 14.30 / 18.00
Sundays and Holidays
Hours: 10.30 / 12.30 15.00 / 18.00

closing settimale
Monday (unless holiday)
Closed for holidays
December 25 and January 1


Cumulative Full: € 10.00
Allows for the reduction in the principal museums of the City of Castle
all’Aboca and Museum in Sansepolcro.

Cumulative Discounted: € 8.00
View categories and conventions for cuts

Cumulative Discounted: € 4.00
Students from 6 years to high school and school groups from kindergarten to high school