Il Museo San Francesco di Montefalco torna ad ospitare la celebre “Madonna della Cintola”, straordinaria opera pittorica dell’artista Benozzo Gozzoli.

In ragione successo di pubblico riscontrato, la mostra speciale visibile dallo scorso luglio è stata prorogata: c’è ancora tempo fino al 30 aprile 2016 per recarsi ad ammirare questo capolavoro del Rinascimento pittorico italiano.

>> Vieni ad ammirare la preziosa opera e soggiorna in uno degli agriturismi di Montefalco e della zona di Foligno, li trovi qui!


La Madonna della Cintola a Montefalco

Dopo 167 anni, infatti, l’opera abbandona temporaneamente la Pinacoteca del Vaticano per tornare a Montefalco e ricongiungersi al ciclo di affreschi realizzati dal maestro Gozzoli nella Chiesa di San Francesco.

La “Madonna della Cintola” ha subito un lungo restauro presso i laboratori dei Musei Vaticani, e può essere quindi ammirata nuovamente in tutto il suo splendore. In riferimento all’opera, il curatore della mostra Antonio Paolucci parla di “carpenteria lignea di straordinaria qualità, quasi un capolavoro di ingegneria strutturale, arrivato miracolosamente intatto fino ad oggi; cromia tenera e luminosa, sottigliezze fiamminghe degne dell’Angelico”.

D’altronde, Benozzo Gozzoli crebbe professionalmente proprio con gli insegnamenti di Beato Angelico, pittore protagonista del primo Rinascimento fiorentino. Ne divenne infatti collaboratore nelle maggiori opere, realizzate in particolare in Vaticano con dei cicli di affreschi nei Palazzi Vaticani e nella Basilica di San Pietro, e al Duomo di Orvieto.

>> Scopri tutti gli hotel e agriturismi di Montefalco e organizza la tua visita alla mostra e allo splendido borgo umbro


Il Museo San Francesco di Montefalco

Dal 1895, la Chiesa di San Francesco e il convento adiacente ospitano il museo civico di Montefalco. L’antica chiesa, che risale al 1300, conserva delle opere pittoriche di grande importanza storica e artistica, con affreschi realizzati tra il XIV e il XVI secolo.

In particolare, vi si trovano: “Le Storie della vita di san Francesco” (1452) di Benozzo Gozzoli, uno tra i cicli pittorici rinascimentali meglio conservati, e “L’Annunciazione con Eterno in gloria tra angeli e Natività” (1503) di Pietro Vannucci detto il Perugino.

Inoltre, la chiesa e gli ambienti annessi conservano dipinti minori, tessuti, e reperti archeologici provenienti dal territorio.

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Informazioni pratiche

E’ possibile visitare la mostra nei seguenti orari:

APERTURA: dal mercoledì alla domenica
ORARIO: 10:30 – 13:00 / 14:30 – 17:00

APERTURA: tutti i giorni della settimana
ORARIO: 10:30 – 18:00


Biglietto intero € 7.00

Biglietto ridotto € 5.00
Persone di età compresa tra i 18 e i 25 anni, soci TCI

Ingresso gratuito
Persone di età compresa tra 0 e i 17 anni, residenti a Montefalco, soci ICOM, Ordine Nazionale Giornalisti.

Possibilità di visite guidate e aperture straordinarie. Per maggiorni informazioni consultare il sito ufficiale del museo


The St Francis Museum of Montefalco hosts the famous work “Madonna della Cintola”, an extraordinary pictorial work of the artist Benozzo Gozzoli.

Because of his succes, the special exhibit has been extended: there is still time until the 30th of April 2016 to go in Montefalco and admire this masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance painting.

>> Come to admire this precious work and stay in one of the farmhouses of Montefalco and the area of Foligno


The Madonna della Cintola in Montefalco

In fact, after 167 years, the work temporarly abandons the Vatican Pinacoteca to come back in Montefalco and rejoin the cycle of frescos painted by the master Gozzoli in the St Francis Church.

The “Madonna della Cintola”, enriched with an exemplary restoration by the operators of the Vatican Museums, can be admired in all of his splendor. About the work, the curator of the exhibition Antonio Paolucci talks of “a wooden carpentry of extraordinary quality, almost a masterpiece of structural engineering, which is miraculously intact to date; tender and bright colour shades, Flemish subtleties worthy of Fra Angelico equalling the Tabernacle of the Linaioli and San Marco frescoes”.

Moreover, Benozzo Gozzoli grew professionally with the master Beato Angelico, painter protagonist of the first Florentine Renaissance. Gozzoli became his collaborator in the major works, especially in the Vatican with the cycle of frescos of the Vatican Palaces and of the St Peter Basilica, and in the Cathedral of Orvieto.

>> Discover all the hotels and farmhouses of Montefalco and organize your visit


The St Francis Museum complex

The St Francis Church has been the seat of the civic museum of Montefalco since 1895. The ancient church was built between 1335 and 1338, and it hosted a painting work-site of noticeable artistic and historical importance, with with frescoes realized between the 14th and the 16th century.

Above all, we remind “The Scenes from the life of St. Francis” (1542) of Benozzo Gozzoli, counted among the most well-maintained painting of the cycles of the Renaissance, and the “Annunciation with God the Father in Glory between Angels and the Nativity” (1503) of Pietro Vannucci, known as “Il Perugino”.

In addiction, paintings, sculptures, woven drapes, objects and archeological findings from the territory are on display in the St. Francis Church and the in attached Convent.

>> There are many offers to stay in Umbria, click here to look at them


Practical informations

You can visit the exhibit at the following opening hours:

January, February, March
OPENING: from Wednesday to Sunday
HOURS: 10:30 ��” 13:00 / 14:30 ��” 17:00

OPENING: every day of the week
HOURS: 10:30 ��” 18:00


Full ticket € 7.00

Reduced ticket € 5.00
Persons under 25 and over 18, TCI

Free entrance
Persons under 18, Icom members


Possibility of guided visits and especially opening. For more information visit the official site of the museum



The St Francis Museum of Montefalco hosts the famous work “Madonna della Cintola”, an extraordinary pictorial work of the artist Benozzo Gozzoli.

Because of his succes, the special exhibit has been extended: there is still time until the 30th of April 2016 to go in Montefalco and admire this masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance painting.

>> Come to admire this precious work and stay in one of the farmhouses of Montefalco and the area of Foligno


The Madonna della Cintola in Montefalco

In fact, after 167 years, the work temporarly abandons the Vatican Pinacoteca to come back in Montefalco and rejoin the cycle of frescos painted by the master Gozzoli in the St Francis Church.

The “Madonna della Cintola”, enriched with an exemplary restoration by the operators of the Vatican Museums, can be admired in all of his splendor. About the work, the curator of the exhibition Antonio Paolucci talks of “a wooden carpentry of extraordinary quality, almost a masterpiece of structural engineering, which is miraculously intact to date; tender and bright colour shades, Flemish subtleties worthy of Fra Angelico equalling the Tabernacle of the Linaioli and San Marco frescoes”.

Moreover, Benozzo Gozzoli grew professionally with the master Beato Angelico, painter protagonist of the first Florentine Renaissance. Gozzoli became his collaborator in the major works, especially in the Vatican with the cycle of frescos of the Vatican Palaces and of the St Peter Basilica, and in the Cathedral of Orvieto.

>> Discover all the hotels and farmhouses of Montefalco and organize your visit


The St Francis Museum complex

The St Francis Church has been the seat of the civic museum of Montefalco since 1895. The ancient church was built between 1335 and 1338, and it hosted a painting work-site of noticeable artistic and historical importance, with with frescoes realized between the 14th and the 16th century.

Above all, we remind “The Scenes from the life of St. Francis” (1542) of Benozzo Gozzoli, counted among the most well-maintained painting of the cycles of the Renaissance, and the “Annunciation with God the Father in Glory between Angels and the Nativity” (1503) of Pietro Vannucci, known as “Il Perugino”.

In addiction, paintings, sculptures, woven drapes, objects and archeological findings from the territory are on display in the St. Francis Church and the in attached Convent.

>> There are many offers to stay in Umbria, click here to look at them


Practical informations

You can visit the exhibit at the following opening hours:

January, February, March 
OPENING: from Wednesday to Sunday 
HOURS: 10:30 ��” 13:00 / 14:30 ��” 17:00

OPENING: every day of the week 
HOURS: 10:30 ��” 18:00


Full ticket € 7.00

Reduced ticket € 5.00
Persons under 25 and over 18, TCI

Free entrance
Persons under 18, Icom members


Possibility of guided visits and especially opening. For more information visit the official site of the museum



The St Francis Museum of Montefalco hosts the famous work “Madonna della Cintola”, an extraordinary pictorial work of the artist Benozzo Gozzoli.

Because of his succes, the special exhibit has been extended: there is still time until the 30th of April 2016 to go in Montefalco and admire this masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance painting.

>> Come to admire this precious work and stay in one of the farmhouses of Montefalco and the area of Foligno


The Madonna della Cintola in Montefalco

In fact, after 167 years, the work temporarly abandons the Vatican Pinacoteca to come back in Montefalco and rejoin the cycle of frescos painted by the master Gozzoli in the St Francis Church.

The “Madonna della Cintola”, enriched with an exemplary restoration by the operators of the Vatican Museums, can be admired in all of his splendor. About the work, the curator of the exhibition Antonio Paolucci talks of “a wooden carpentry of extraordinary quality, almost a masterpiece of structural engineering, which is miraculously intact to date; tender and bright colour shades, Flemish subtleties worthy of Fra Angelico equalling the Tabernacle of the Linaioli and San Marco frescoes”.

Moreover, Benozzo Gozzoli grew professionally with the master Beato Angelico, painter protagonist of the first Florentine Renaissance. Gozzoli became his collaborator in the major works, especially in the Vatican with the cycle of frescos of the Vatican Palaces and of the St Peter Basilica, and in the Cathedral of Orvieto.

>> Discover all the hotels and farmhouses of Montefalco and organize your visit


The St Francis Museum complex

The St Francis Church has been the seat of the civic museum of Montefalco since 1895. The ancient church was built between 1335 and 1338, and it hosted a painting work-site of noticeable artistic and historical importance, with with frescoes realized between the 14th and the 16th century.

Above all, we remind “The Scenes from the life of St. Francis” (1542) of Benozzo Gozzoli, counted among the most well-maintained painting of the cycles of the Renaissance, and the “Annunciation with God the Father in Glory between Angels and the Nativity” (1503) of Pietro Vannucci, known as “Il Perugino”.

In addiction, paintings, sculptures, woven drapes, objects and archeological findings from the territory are on display in the St. Francis Church and the in attached Convent.

>> There are many offers to stay in Umbria, click here to look at them


Practical informations

You can visit the exhibit at the following opening hours:

January, February, March 
OPENING: from Wednesday to Sunday 
HOURS: 10:30 – 13:00 / 14:30 – 17:00

OPENING: every day of the week 
HOURS: 10:30 – 18:00


Full ticket € 7.00

Reduced ticket € 5.00
Persons under 25 and over 18, TCI

Free entrance
Persons under 18, Icom members


Possibility of guided visits and especially opening. For more information visit the official site of the museum



The St Francis Museum of Montefalco hosts the famous work “Madonna della Cintola”, an extraordinary pictorial work of the artist Benozzo Gozzoli.

Because of his succes, the special exhibit has been extended: there is still time until the 30th of April 2016 to go in Montefalco and admire this masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance painting.

>> Come to admire this precious work and stay in one of the farmhouses of Montefalco and the area of Foligno


The Madonna della Cintola in Montefalco

In fact, after 167 years, the work temporarly abandons the Vatican Pinacoteca to come back in Montefalco and rejoin the cycle of frescos painted by the master Gozzoli in the St Francis Church.

The “Madonna della Cintola”, enriched with an exemplary restoration by the operators of the Vatican Museums, can be admired in all of his splendor. About the work, the curator of the exhibition Antonio Paolucci talks of “a wooden carpentry of extraordinary quality, almost a masterpiece of structural engineering, which is miraculously intact to date; tender and bright colour shades, Flemish subtleties worthy of Fra Angelico equalling the Tabernacle of the Linaioli and San Marco frescoes”.

Moreover, Benozzo Gozzoli grew professionally with the master Beato Angelico, painter protagonist of the first Florentine Renaissance. Gozzoli became his collaborator in the major works, especially in the Vatican with the cycle of frescos of the Vatican Palaces and of the St Peter Basilica, and in the Cathedral of Orvieto.

>> Discover all the hotels and farmhouses of Montefalco and organize your visit


The St Francis Museum complex

The St Francis Church has been the seat of the civic museum of Montefalco since 1895. The ancient church was built between 1335 and 1338, and it hosted a painting work-site of noticeable artistic and historical importance, with with frescoes realized between the 14th and the 16th century.

Above all, we remind “The Scenes from the life of St. Francis” (1542) of Benozzo Gozzoli, counted among the most well-maintained painting of the cycles of the Renaissance, and the “Annunciation with God the Father in Glory between Angels and the Nativity” (1503) of Pietro Vannucci, known as “Il Perugino”.

In addiction, paintings, sculptures, woven drapes, objects and archeological findings from the territory are on display in the St. Francis Church and the in attached Convent.

>> There are many offers to stay in Umbria, click here to look at them


Practical informations

You can visit the exhibit at the following opening hours:

January, February, March 
OPENING: from Wednesday to Sunday 
HOURS: 10:30 – 13:00 / 14:30 – 17:00

OPENING: every day of the week 
HOURS: 10:30 – 18:00


Full ticket € 7.00

Reduced ticket € 5.00
Persons under 25 and over 18, TCI

Free entrance
Persons under 18, Icom members


Possibility of guided visits and especially opening. For more information visit the official site of the museum