Inaugurato nel maggio del 2000, il Teatro Lyrick di Santa Maria degli Angeli ” Assisi, venne realizzato su iniziativa del magnate americano Richard Leach.
L’ex tipografo diventato ricco per aver ideato e prodotto il cartone animato “Burney il dinosauro”, innamoratosi di Assisi durante una visita insieme alla moglie Rose, decise di produrre un musical sulla vita di San Francesco per rendere omaggio al Santo e alla cittadina. Non esistendo ad Assisi un teatro abbastanza grande e capiente per il progetto, Richard Leach ne fece costruire uno nuovo.
>>Vuoi visitare il Teatro Lyrick? Contatta ora i migliori agriturismi di Assisi e scopri le offerte!
Un budget di 24 miliardi venne stanziato dal produttore per la creazione del Teatro Lyrick, una delle strutture più moderne e funzionali d’Italia, ricavata nell’ex reparto chimico industriale della Montedison, progettato negli anni ’50 dall’architetto Morandi, della scuola dell’ingegnere Pier Luigi Nervi.
Così nel 2003 nacque “Francesco, il musical”, la commedia musicale scritta da Vincenzo Cerami (sceneggiatore del film Oscar “La vita è bella” di Roberto Benigni), con le musiche del canadese Benoit Jutras, con la regia di Claudio Insegno e Fabrizio Angelini.
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Il Lyrick di Assisi è una struttura moderna, confortevole sia per il pubblico che per gli addetti ai lavori, dotata di impianti residenti audio e luci di elevatissimo standard.
È composto da una sala ad anfiteatro costituita da un’unica platea in grado di ospitare 1000 spettatori sistemati in cinque settori e un palco all’avanguardia tecnologica in grado di offrire una vasta gamma di supporti tecnici per la realizzazione e la rappresentazione di ogni tipo di spettacolo ed attività teatrali e musicali.
Da oltre 10 anni il palcoscenico del teatro Lyrick ospita le migliori produzioni del panorama nazionale ed internazionale.
Il teatro è di proprietà e gestione del Comune di Assisi, che ha conferito la cittadinanza onoraria alla memoria del cittadino statunitense Mr. Richard Leach, per aver stretto un forte legame con Assisi, nel nome dell’amore per San Francesco.
>>Se hai deciso di vedere Assisi e di visitare il Teatro Lyrick ti consigliamo di contattare ora gli agriturismi nelle sue vicinanze >> clicca questo link
The Lyrick Theatre in Santa Maria degli Angeli (Assisi) is a one of the most modern and functional theatres in Italy which has an “amphitheatre” hall (1.000 seats).
The Lyrick Theatre was donated to the municipal administration by the patron Richard Leach, a famous american television producer, who decided to produce a musical about the life of Saint Francis of Assisi.
>> Do you want to visit Lyrick Theater? Contact now the best farmhouse in Assisi and discover their offers!
The specificity of the Lyrick Theatre ” Pala Events Centre of Assisi lies in the fact that the buildings were obtained from a former Montedison chemical plant designed by the architect Riccardo Morandi, disciple of Pier Luigi Nervi’s school.
Morandi is a globally recognized personality and for this reason this work is protected by the Ministry of the Cultural Heritage and Activities.
The structure is technologically modern and completely equipped to satisfy the most exacting requirements, with a complete range of services as well as the most modern and advanced equipment.
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The new cultural centre – Lyrick Theatre – Pala Events Centre, offers a wide range of technical support for hosting conferences,exhibitions, meetings, shows, seminars, cultural activities and for the representation of diverse types of music and drama. UNESCO Giornate della Dieta Mediterranea.
>>If you’ve decided to see and Assisi to visit the Lyrick Theater you should contact now B&B in its vicinity >>click this link
The Lyrick Theatre in Santa Maria degli Angeli (Assisi) is a one of the most modern and functional theatres in Italy which has an “amphitheatre” hall (1.000 seats).
The Lyrick Theatre was donated to the municipal administration by the patron Richard Leach, a famous american television producer, who decided to produce a musical about the life of Saint Francis of Assisi.
>> Do you want to visit Lyrick Theater? Contact now the best farmhouse in Assisi and discover their offers!
The specificity of the Lyrick Theatre ” Pala Events Centre of Assisi lies in the fact that the buildings were obtained from a former Montedison chemical plant designed by the architect Riccardo Morandi, disciple of Pier Luigi Nervi’s school.
Morandi is a globally recognized personality and for this reason this work is protected by the Ministry of the Cultural Heritage and Activities.
The structure is technologically modern and completely equipped to satisfy the most exacting requirements, with a complete range of services as well as the most modern and advanced equipment.
>> There are offers in deadline! Click and consult list of the best hotels in Assisi!
The new cultural centre – Lyrick Theatre – Pala Events Centre, offers a wide range of technical support for hosting conferences,exhibitions, meetings, shows, seminars, cultural activities and for the representation of diverse types of music and drama. UNESCO Giornate della Dieta Mediterranea.
>>If you’ve decided to see and Assisi to visit the Lyrick Theater you should contact now B&B in its vicinity >>click this link
The Lyrick Theatre in Santa Maria degli Angeli (Assisi) is a one of the most modern and functional theatres in Italy which has an “amphitheatre” hall (1.000 seats).
The Lyrick Theatre was donated to the municipal administration by the patron Richard Leach, a famous american television producer, who decided to produce a musical about the life of Saint Francis of Assisi.
>> Do you want to visit Lyrick Theater? Contact now the best farmhouse in Assisi and discover their offers!
The specificity of the Lyrick Theatre ” Pala Events Centre of Assisi lies in the fact that the buildings were obtained from a former Montedison chemical plant designed by the architect Riccardo Morandi, disciple of Pier Luigi Nervi’s school.
Morandi is a globally recognized personality and for this reason this work is protected by the Ministry of the Cultural Heritage and Activities.
The structure is technologically modern and completely equipped to satisfy the most exacting requirements, with a complete range of services as well as the most modern and advanced equipment.
>> There are offers in deadline! Click and consult list of the best hotels in Assisi!
The new cultural centre – Lyrick Theatre – Pala Events Centre, offers a wide range of technical support for hosting conferences,exhibitions, meetings, shows, seminars, cultural activities and for the representation of diverse types of music and drama. UNESCO Giornate della Dieta Mediterranea.
>>If you’ve decided to see and Assisi to visit the Lyrick Theater you should contact now B&B in its vicinity >>click this link
The Lyrick Theatre in Santa Maria degli Angeli (Assisi) is a one of the most modern and functional theatres in Italy which has an “amphitheatre” hall (1.000 seats).
The Lyrick Theatre was donated to the municipal administration by the patron Richard Leach, a famous american television producer, who decided to produce a musical about the life of Saint Francis of Assisi.
>> Do you want to visit Lyrick Theater? Contact now the best farmhouse in Assisi and discover their offers!
The specificity of the Lyrick Theatre ” Pala Events Centre of Assisi lies in the fact that the buildings were obtained from a former Montedison chemical plant designed by the architect Riccardo Morandi, disciple of Pier Luigi Nervi’s school.
Morandi is a globally recognized personality and for this reason this work is protected by the Ministry of the Cultural Heritage and Activities.
The structure is technologically modern and completely equipped to satisfy the most exacting requirements, with a complete range of services as well as the most modern and advanced equipment.
>> There are offers in deadline! Click and consult list of the best hotels in Assisi!
The new cultural centre – Lyrick Theatre – Pala Events Centre, offers a wide range of technical support for hosting conferences,exhibitions, meetings, shows, seminars, cultural activities and for the representation of diverse types of music and drama. UNESCO Giornate della Dieta Mediterranea.
>>If you’ve decided to see and Assisi to visit the Lyrick Theater you should contact now B&B in its vicinity >>click this link
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