Piediluco è un pittoresco centro il cui nome significa “ai piedi del bosco sacro”. Con un assetto rimasto quello del medio evo, con le sue basse casette colorate, è in realtà dislocato nello stretto lembo di terra che corre tra il lago ed il monte.
Il Lago di Piediluco che prende il nome dal paese, è tanto irregolare da sembrare un lago alpino. Molto suggestivo, è circondato da rilievi boscosi, tra i quali è caratteristica per la sua forma di largo cono la montagna dell’Eco. Questa montagna deve il suo nome al fatto che è in grado di rimandare un intero endecasillabo in maniera perfetta.
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Alle spalle del paese domina la Rocca, dell’XI secolo. Ormai in parte diruta, rimane pur sempre superba ed imponente. La sua posizione strategica ne fece spesso oggetto di contese tra i signori dei centri limitrofi.Il lago, sede di manifestazioni di canottaggio di carattere mondiale, è un frequentato centro turistico, ed offre la possibilità di praticare vari sport lacustri. Ogni anno, sul lago si svolge la festa delle acque, di antichissima origine, durante la quale è possibile vedere una sfilata notturna di barche addobbate e illuminate, giochi pirotecnici. Da vari anni, ormai, si svolgono dei Master musicali di pianoforte e violino, a cui fanno seguito i concerti tenuti dai partecipanti e dai Maestri nella Chiesa di San Francesco. Durante la stagione estiva è possibile assistere a spettacoli teatrali ed anche concerti di musica Jazz all’aperto con ingresso gratuito.
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Piediluco is a picturesque town whose name means “at the foot of the montain”. With its appearance which has remained unchanged since the Middle Ages, with its low, small and coloured houses, it is really dislocated in the narrow stretch of land which lies between the lake and the mountain.
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Lake Piediluco which takes its name from that of the town is so irregular in shape that it could be an Alpine lake. It is very charming, and surrounded wooded hills. Among these, “Echo Mountain”, is distinctive because of its shape which resembles a large cone. This mountain owes its name to the fact that it is able to perfectly throw back a voice.
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The back of the village is dominated by the Castle (11th century). Although it is in part in ruins, it remains proud and impressive. Its strategic position often made it the object of disputes between the lords of the adjacent towns.The lake, where canoeing displays on a world-class level take place, is also a much frequented tourist resort, and offers the possibility of practicing various water sports. Every year the “Festa delle Acque” (Feast of the Waters), of ancient origin, during which it is possibile to see a nocturnal procession of decorated and illuminated boats, fire-works, concerts of classical music and theater spectacles.
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Piediluco is a picturesque town whose name means “at the foot of the montain”. With its appearance which has remained unchanged since the Middle Ages, with its low, small and coloured houses, it is really dislocated in the narrow stretch of land which lies between the lake and the mountain.
Lake Piediluco which takes its name from that of the town is so irregular in shape that it could be an Alpine lake. It is very charming, and surrounded wooded hills. Among these, “Echo Mountain”, is distinctive because of its shape which resembles a large cone. This mountain owes its name to the fact that it is able to perfectly throw back a voice.
The back of the village is dominated by the Castle (11th century). Although it is in part in ruins, it remains proud and impressive. Its strategic position often made it the object of disputes between the lords of the adjacent towns.The lake, where canoeing displays on a world-class level take place, is also a much frequented tourist resort, and offers the possibility of practicing various water sports. Every year the “Festa delle Acque” (Feast of the Waters), of ancient origin, during which it is possibile to see a nocturnal procession of decorated and illuminated boats, fire-works, concerts of classical music and theater spectacles.
Piediluco is a picturesque town whose name means “at the foot of the montain”. With its appearance which has remained unchanged since the Middle Ages, with its low, small and coloured houses, it is really dislocated in the narrow stretch of land which lies between the lake and the mountain.
Lake Piediluco which takes its name from that of the town is so irregular in shape that it could be an Alpine lake. It is very charming, and surrounded wooded hills. Among these, “Echo Mountain”, is distinctive because of its shape which resembles a large cone. This mountain owes its name to the fact that it is able to perfectly throw back a voice.
The back of the village is dominated by the Castle (11th century). Although it is in part in ruins, it remains proud and impressive. Its strategic position often made it the object of disputes between the lords of the adjacent towns.The lake, where canoeing displays on a world-class level take place, is also a much frequented tourist resort, and offers the possibility of practicing various water sports. Every year the “Festa delle Acque” (Feast of the Waters), of ancient origin, during which it is possibile to see a nocturnal procession of decorated and illuminated boats, fire-works, concerts of classical music and theater spectacles.
Piediluco is a picturesque town whose name means “at the foot of the montain”. With its appearance which has remained unchanged since the Middle Ages, with its low, small and coloured
houses, it is really dislocated in the narrow stretch of land which lies between the lake and the mountain.
Lake Piediluco which takes its name from that of the town is so irregular in shape that it could be an Alpine lake. It is very charming, and surrounded wooded hills. Among these, “Echo Mountain”, is distinctive because of its shape which resembles a large cone. This mountain owes its name to the fact that it is able to perfectly throw back a voice.
The back of the village is dominated by the Castle (11th century). Although it is in part in ruins, it remains proud and impressive. Its strategic position often made it the object of disputes between the lords of the adjacent towns.The lake, where canoeing displays on a world-class level take place, is also a much frequented tourist resort, and offers the possibility of practicing various water sports. Every year the “Festa delle Acque” (Feast of the Waters), of ancient origin, during which it is possibile to see a nocturnal procession of decorated and illuminated boats, fire-works, concerts of classical music and theater spectacles.
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