La City è uno storico locale umbro situato nella famosa Città della Domenica, una vasta area in cima alle colline di Perugia che comprende la sezione zoologica e una serie di intrattenimenti per bambini e famiglie.

L’antica struttura datata 1963, da sempre luogo di culto della musica commerciale nel 2011 subisce un’importante rivoluzione con l’inclusione di una pizzeria e un locale notturno di alto livello che offre spettacolo ogni sabato notte.

La City is a local Umbrian town located in the famous  “Città della Domenica”, a large area on top of the hills of Perugia, which includes the zoological section and a host of entertainment for children and families.

The original structure dated 1963, has always been a place of worship of the music business in 2011 underwent a major revolution with the inclusion of a pizza restaurant and nightclub that offers high-level performance every Saturday night.

La City is a local Umbrian town located in the famous  “Città della Domenica”, a large area on top of the hills of Perugia, which includes the zoological section and a host of entertainment for children and families.

The original structure dated 1963, has always been a place of worship of the music business in 2011 underwent a major revolution with the inclusion of a pizza restaurant and nightclub that offers high-level performance every Saturday night.

La City is a local Umbrian town located in the famous  “Città della Domenica”, a large area on top of the hills of Perugia, which includes the zoological section and a host of entertainment for children and families.

The original structure dated 1963, has always been a place of worship of the music business in 2011 underwent a major revolution with the inclusion of a pizza restaurant and nightclub that offers high-level performance every Saturday night.

La City is a local Umbrian town located in the famous  “Città della Domenica”, a large area on top of the hills of Perugia, which includes the zoological section and a host of entertainment for children and families.

The original structure dated 1963, has always been a place of worship of the music business in 2011 underwent a major revolution with the inclusion of a pizza restaurant and nightclub that offers high-level performance every Saturday night.