Itineraries Umbria

Itineraries and tourist routes in Umbria

▌ Points of interest

Bevagna between handicraft and tradition

Umbria is a land that has always been deeply linked to its traditions, as evidenced by the many events and re-enactments that are held there throughout the year.

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The best places to go rafting in Umbria

Venite a scoprire i migliori luoghi dove fare rafting in Umbria con la nostra miniguida!
The green Umbria is perfect for outdoor adventures. Discover the best places for water rafting in Umbria!
The green Umbria is perfect for outdoor adventures. Discover the best places for water rafting in Umbria!
The green Umbria is perfect for outdoor adventures. Discover the best places for water rafting in Umbria!
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What to see at Città della Pieve

What are the best things to do in Città della Pieve? Come and discover the beauty of this small Umbrian village home to one of the most important painters of the Italian Renaissance Pietro Vannucci known as “Il Perugino”, teacher of Raphael.”

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What to see in Corciano in one day

Circondato dalle mura medievali del XIII-XIV secolo, il centro storico di Corciano è tutto un alternarsi di piccole salite e discese, di scalinate e nuovi angoli dove sbirciare, di case costruite in pietra calcarea e travertino.

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Cosa Vedere sul Lago Trasimeno in un giorno

Bella Umbria presents a mini-guide to help you know what are the best things to do, typical foods to eat and places to visit in Trasimeno Lake, a wonder of nature!

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