Golosi di tutto il mondo, siete pronti per Eurochocolate 2015 ?!
Giunto alla sua 22esima edizione, Eurochocolate è ormai un appuntamento imperdibile per tutti gli amanti del cioccolato.
Dal 16 al 25 Ottobre 2015, le vie di Perugia si trasformano in una cioccolateria a cielo aperto, con oltre 130 aziende del settore dolciario provenienti da tutta Italia e dal Mondo.
Dalle 9 alle 20 nelle vie del centro storico, tantissimi stand tra piccoli artigiani, medie e grandi imprese, offriranno assaggi, gadget, degustazioni e prezzi speciali sui prodotti.

#Mustachoc !
In omaggio al fascino senza tempo del baffo, il simbolo di questa edizione di Eurochocolate sono proprio due baffoni, giganti e golosi. Non a caso, quest’anno a Perugia si cercherà di battere il Guinness World Record creando i baffi di cioccolato più grandi del mondo.
Insomma, un’occasione da leccarsi i baffi !
Un’originale mostra ripercorrerà inoltre la storia ed il costume dei baffi, mentre i visitatori potranno partecipare ad un simpatico contest a tema e gareggiare nelle categorie baffo bianco, baffo fondente e baffo al latte !
Per l’edizione 2015, saranno disponibili anche delle golose creazione ad hoc, dai liquori alla Beerechina, speciale birra al cioccolato, oltre ai bellissimi gadgets a tema tutti da scoprire.

Degustazioni, laboratori e tanti eventi speciali
Anche quest’anno, non perdete il tradizionale appuntamento con l’evento Sculture di Cioccolato, a Corso Vannucci. Quattro enormi blocchi di cioccolato nero saranno infatti modellati dalle mani di abili scultori, fino ad essere trasformati in gigantesche opere di cioccolato !
In ogni giornata del festival, riscopri il piacere della lettura con l’evento Cioccolata con l’Autore: potrai prendere parte alle presentazioni letterarie accompagnando gli incontri con una golosa tazza di cioccolata calda.
A partire da ottobre, il calendario di Eurochocolate si fa fitto, tra degustazioni guidate, lezioni, approfondimenti e laboratori, ai quali ci si potrà iscrivere online gratuitamente. Il tema ? Tutti i segreti del cioccolato, naturalmente !

Tra gli tanti stand presenti, segnaliamo infine:
- Tutte le novità targate Milka, nello stand appositamente allestito in Piazza IV Novembre, dove il Milka Truck vi lascerà a bocca aperta !
- Il doppio spazio per la celebre Lindt: nello stand presso Piazza Italia, sarà presenta il suo tenero orsetto Lindt in versione gigante; a Piazza Matteotti, invece, sarà possibile osservare i maitres chocolatiers al lavoro e scoprire di più sulla produzione del cioccolato
Per il programma completo, visita il sito ufficiale di Eurochocolate
Lovers of sweets from all over the world, are you ready for Eurochocolate 2015 ?!
At his 22th Edition, Eurochocolate is an unmissable appointment for all the lovers of chocolate.
From 16th to 25th October 2015, the streets of Perugia is becoming an open-air chocolate shop, with more than 130 companies of the confectionery sector who come from all over the Italy and the world.
From 9 am to 8 pm, at the historical center of the city, there will be a lot of stands of artisan business, medium and big companies that will offer tastings, gadgets, and products with special prices.

#Mustachoc !
As a tribute to the timeless charm of the whiskers, the symbol of this Eurochocolate edition are two giant and gluttonous whiskers. It’s no coincidence that this year in Perugia they will try to enter in the Guinness World of Record with the creation of the biggest chocolate whiskers of the world.
Well, a mouth-watering prospect !
An original exhibition is recalling the history and the customs about the whiskers, while the visitors is having the possibility to partecipate at a funny thematic contest and to compete at the category of white whiskers, dark whiskers and milk whiskers !
For this 2015 edition, there will be also some sweet creations ad hoc, from the liqueur to the Beerechina, a special chocolate beer, in addiction to the beautiful thematic gadgets, all to discover.

Tasting, laboratory and a lot of special events
This year too, don’t miss the tradional appointment with the event Chocolate Sculptures, in Corso Vannucci. Four enormous blocks of black chocolate will be shaped from the hands of some expert sculptors, and they will be transformed into gigantic works of chocolate !
Every day during the festival, discover the pleasure of reading with the event Chocolate with the Author: you will take part to some reading and conferences that will be accompanied with a sweet cup of hot chocolate.
From October, the Eurochocolate calendar is becoming full of tastings, lessons, conferences and laboratoris, to whitch you can sign up online for free. The theme ? All the secrets of chocolate, of course !

Among all the stands, we suggest you:
- All the Milka news at the stand in Piazza IV Novembre, where the Milka Truck will leave you breathless
- The double spaces for the famous Lindt: at the stand in Piazza Italia, there will be the sweet Lindt teddy bear in a giant version; in Piazza Matteotti, in addition, you will have the opportunity to observe the maitres chocolatiers and to discover more about the chocolate production
For the complete program, visit the Eurochocolate official site
Lovers of sweets from all over the world, are you ready for Eurochocolate 2015 ?!
At his 22th Edition, Eurochocolate is an unmissable appointment for all the lovers of chocolate.
From 16th to 25th October 2015, the streets of Perugia is becoming an open-air chocolate shop, with more than 130 companies of the confectionery sector who come from all over the Italy and the world.
From 9 am to 8 pm, at the historical center of the city, there will be a lot of stands of artisan business, medium and big companies that will offer tastings, gadgets, and products with special prices.

#Mustachoc !
As a tribute to the timeless charm of the whiskers, the symbol of this Eurochocolate edition are two giant and gluttonous whiskers. It’s no coincidence that this year in Perugia they will try to enter in the Guinness World of Record with the creation of the biggest chocolate whiskers of the world.
Well, a mouth-watering prospect !
An original exhibition is recalling the history and the customs about the whiskers, while the visitors is having the possibility to partecipate at a funny thematic contest and to compete at the category of white whiskers, dark whiskers and milk whiskers !
For this 2015 edition, there will be also some sweet creations ad hoc, from the liqueur to the Beerechina, a special chocolate beer, in addiction to the beautiful thematic gadgets, all to discover.

Tasting, laboratory and a lot of special events
This year too, don’t miss the tradional appointment with the event Chocolate Sculptures, in Corso Vannucci. Four enormous blocks of black chocolate will be shaped from the hands of some expert sculptors, and they will be transformed into gigantic works of chocolate !
Every day during the festival, discover the pleasure of reading with the event Chocolate with the Author: you will take part to some reading and conferences that will be accompanied with a sweet cup of hot chocolate.
From October, the Eurochocolate calendar is becoming full of tastings, lessons, conferences and laboratoris, to whitch you can sign up online for free. The theme ? All the secrets of chocolate, of course !

Among all the stands, we suggest you:
- All the Milka news at the stand in Piazza IV Novembre, where the Milka Truck will leave you breathless
- The double spaces for the famous Lindt: at the stand in Piazza Italia, there will be the sweet Lindt teddy bear in a giant version; in Piazza Matteotti, in addition, you will have the opportunity to observe the maitres chocolatiers and to discover more about the chocolate production
For the complete program, visit the Eurochocolate official site
Lovers of sweets from all over the world, are you ready for Eurochocolate 2015 ?!
At his 22th Edition, Eurochocolate is an unmissable appointment for all the lovers of chocolate.
From 16th to 25th October 2015, the streets of Perugia is becoming an open-air chocolate shop, with more than 130 companies of the confectionery sector who come from all over the Italy and the world.
From 9 am to 8 pm, at the historical center of the city, there will be a lot of stands of artisan business, medium and big companies that will offer tastings, gadgets, and products with special prices.

#Mustachoc !
As a tribute to the timeless charm of the whiskers, the symbol of this Eurochocolate edition are two giant and gluttonous whiskers. It’s no coincidence that this year in Perugia they will try to enter in the Guinness World of Record with the creation of the biggest chocolate whiskers of the world.
Well, a mouth-watering prospect !
An original exhibition is recalling the history and the customs about the whiskers, while the visitors is having the possibility to partecipate at a funny thematic contest and to compete at the category of white whiskers, dark whiskers and milk whiskers !
For this 2015 edition, there will be also some sweet creations ad hoc, from the liqueur to the Beerechina, a special chocolate beer, in addiction to the beautiful thematic gadgets, all to discover.

Tasting, laboratory and a lot of special events
This year too, don’t miss the tradional appointment with the event Chocolate Sculptures, in Corso Vannucci. Four enormous blocks of black chocolate will be shaped from the hands of some expert sculptors, and they will be transformed into gigantic works of chocolate !
Every day during the festival, discover the pleasure of reading with the event Chocolate with the Author: you will take part to some reading and conferences that will be accompanied with a sweet cup of hot chocolate.
From October, the Eurochocolate calendar is becoming full of tastings, lessons, conferences and laboratoris, to whitch you can sign up online for free. The theme ? All the secrets of chocolate, of course !

Among all the stands, we suggest you:
- All the Milka news at the stand in Piazza IV Novembre, where the Milka Truck will leave you breathless
- The double spaces for the famous Lindt: at the stand in Piazza Italia, there will be the sweet Lindt teddy bear in a giant version; in Piazza Matteotti, in addition, you will have the opportunity to observe the maitres chocolatiers and to discover more about the chocolate production
For the complete program, visit the Eurochocolate official site
Lovers of sweets from all over the world, are you ready for Eurochocolate 2015 ?!
At his 22th Edition, Eurochocolate is an unmissable appointment for all the lovers of chocolate.
From 16th to 25th October 2015, the streets of Perugia is becoming an open-air chocolate shop, with more than 130 companies of the confectionery sector who come from all over the Italy and the world.
From 9 am to 8 pm, at the historical center of the city, there will be a lot of stands of artisan business, medium and big companies that will offer tastings, gadgets, and products with special prices.

#Mustachoc !
As a tribute to the timeless charm of the whiskers, the symbol of this Eurochocolate edition are two giant and gluttonous whiskers. It’s no coincidence that this year in Perugia they will try to enter in the Guinness World of Record with the creation of the biggest chocolate whiskers of the world.
Well, a mouth-watering prospect !
An original exhibition is recalling the history and the customs about the whiskers, while the visitors is having the possibility to partecipate at a funny thematic contest and to compete at the category of white whiskers, dark whiskers and milk whiskers !
For this 2015 edition, there will be also some sweet creations ad hoc, from the liqueur to the Beerechina, a special chocolate beer, in addiction to the beautiful thematic gadgets, all to discover.

Tasting, laboratory and a lot of special events
This year too, don’t miss the tradional appointment with the event Chocolate Sculptures, in Corso Vannucci. Four enormous blocks of black chocolate will be shaped from the hands of some expert sculptors, and they will be transformed into gigantic works of chocolate !
Every day during the festival, discover the pleasure of reading with the event Chocolate with the Author: you will take part to some reading and conferences that will be accompanied with a sweet cup of hot chocolate.
From October, the Eurochocolate calendar is becoming full of tastings, lessons, conferences and laboratoris, to whitch you can sign up online for free. The theme ? All the secrets of chocolate, of course !

Among all the stands, we suggest you:
- All the Milka news at the stand in Piazza IV Novembre, where the Milka Truck will leave you breathless
- The double spaces for the famous Lindt: at the stand in Piazza Italia, there will be the sweet Lindt teddy bear in a giant version; in Piazza Matteotti, in addition, you will have the opportunity to observe the maitres chocolatiers and to discover more about the chocolate production
For the complete program, visit the Eurochocolate official site
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