Per quest’anno, la Settimana Santa di Pasqua sarà dal 19 al 22 Aprile 2019. Mentre rinasce la primavera, con lo spettacolo della natura in fiore e le lunghe giornate, soleggiate e piacevoli, rinasce anche l’Umbria… pronta a regalarvi come sempre una vacanza unica.
Potrai non solo esplorare le regione e godere a pieno delle sue bellezze naturali, ma anche vivere i tanti appuntamenti con le tradizioni pasquali umbre, tutte da scoprire!
In questo speciale sulla Pasqua 2019 in Umbria ti proponiamo una rassegna delle principali celebrazioni religiose, in aggiornamento, per poi farti conoscere 3 eventi originali da non perdere.

>> Ci sono molte offerte in scadenza per Hotel, B&B e Agriturismi in tutto il territorio dell’Umbria, consulta la lista qui
Pasqua in Umbria: eventi religiosi
Partecipare ai tradizionali riti religiosi pasquali ad Assisi è certamente un’esperienza spirituale intensa. Si inizia il Giovedì Santo nella Cattedrale di San Rufino con la “Scavigliazione”, vale a dire la Deposizione del Crocefisso. La mattina del Venerdì Santo, si tiene la processione per il trasferimento del Cristo Morto verso la Basilica di San Francesco, mentre nel pomeriggio nella chiesa di Santa Maria Maggiore si celebrano “Tre Ore di Agonia”.
Nella serata del Venerdì, con la città illuminata dal bagliore delle fiaccole, prende il via la suggestiva Processione delle Confraternite a cui partecipano tutte le antiche confraternite assisiati, che si conclude con la Veglia e, in tarda serata, con la Messa in Cattedrale.
La Domenica di Pasqua, le funzioni religiose per celebrare la festa della Resurrezione si susseguono per tutta la mattinata fino al primo pomeriggio.
La processione serale di Gubbio è una rappresentazione simbolica della Passione di Cristo di forte suggestione, che si ripete da secoli secondo una tradizione che non ha mai conosciuto soste.
Organizzato dalla “Confraternita di Santa Croce della Foce”, il corteo è aperto da confratelli vestiti di sacco che suonano le ‘battistrangole’ (strumenti di legno percossi alternativamente su ogni lato da maniglie di ferro, che provocano un suono sordo e lugubre) ed altri che portano il teschio simboleggiante il Golgota, il ebraico il luogo della crocefissione, ed i simboli della Passione. Il ritmo dello strumento rompe il silenzio della città di pietra, aggiungendo ulteriore pathos alla processione.
Sfilano poi i simulacri del Cristo Morto e della Madonna Addolorata, pregevoli sculture lignee dell’artigianato locale. seguite dai cantori che intonano le note del canto penitenziale a più voci “Miserere”.
La processione percorre le principali vie della città, partendo all’imbrunire dalla Chiesa di San Domenico in Piazza Giordano Bruno, e durante il suo passaggio vengono accesi grandi fuochi in diversi punti del percorso. Fuochi e luminarie, simbolo di purificazione e della richiesta di perdono a Dio, rendono ancora più suggestiva la sacra rappresentazione.

Grande effetto e impatto scenico per la ricostruzione del percorso di Cristo che si avvia alla crocifissione a Marmore, venerdì 30 Marzo alle ore 21:00. I visitatori assieme a circa 100 figuranti di ogni fascia di età, in costume d’epoca, potranno “vivere” la passione di Cristo diventando parte integrante della manifestazione, che si svolgerà nel Parco dei Campacci.
Alcuni accorgimenti teatrali in un ambiente raccolto, vero, fatto dì natura e di architettura, di luce, di penombra, di buio, quasi sacro, creano quella suggestiva armonia di colori e luci che tanto colpisce lo spettatore, arricchita da idonee musiche che renderanno ancor più suggestivo tutto il percorso.
XIX Edizione della Via Crucis d’Autore per la Pasqua 2019 a Spello, tra gli eventi più particolari e suggestivi della regione. Il Venerdì Santo, 19 Aprile 2019 a partire dalle 20:45, la città farà da cornice ad un suggestivo itinerario religioso da percorrere per rievocare la Passione di Cristo e per scoprire l’arte dei pittori tra le piazzette e le vie del centro storico.
Le quattordici stazioni della Via Crucis diventeranno motivo d’ispirazione per artisti nazionali ed internazionali che per l’occasione realizzeranno dipinti da collocare in alcuni siti della città antica, trasformando Spello in una grande galleria d’arte. Le soste davanti ai quadri ad ascoltare il messaggio evangelico vogliono rappresentare un momento unico di spiritualità, emozione e partecipazione.
Storica processione che rievoca le scene della Passione, con sottofondo delle laudi sacre del ‘200
Solenne via crucis presso il Santuario della Madonna della Stella

Cosa fare a Pasqua in Umbria: qualche idea originale
- Città della Pieve – Quadri Viventi
Nella domenica e nel lunedì di Pasqua, rispettivamente domenica 21 e Lunedì 22 Aprile 2019, torna l’appuntamento con i suggestivi Quadri Viventi di Città della Pieve. Nello scenario dei sotterranei di Palazzo Orca, viene infatti organizzata dal Terziere Borgo Dentro la tradizionale rappresentazione dei temi della Passione, Morte e Resurrezione di Gesù, cui partecipano circa 40 figuranti.
Ogni sala riproduce una scena della vita di Gesù, incentrate in particolare su L’Ultima Cena, L’Orto del Getsemani, L’Ecce Homo, La Flagellazione, La Pietà sul Cristo Morto, La Resurrezione. Le scene, rese particolarmente coinvolgenti dalla scrupolosa ricostruzione storica, trovano ispirazione negli esempi della tradizione pittorica italiana, in particolar modo da quella cinque-seicentesca.
Varcata la soglia dei locali sotterranei, i visitatori si trovano di fronte uno scenario straordinario ed irreale, trasportati in un percorso mistico, pieno di emozioni particolari.

- Ferentillo – Festa De Lu Ciuccittu
La tradizionale manifestazione giunge quest’anno alla sua 49esima edizione. Oltre a degustare i prodotti enogastronomici locali, dall’olio ai formaggi alla frittata al tartufo, anche qui potrete divertivi con la tipica gara con le uova.
Si tratta di un’antica usanza contadina, risalente appunto al periodo pasquale, quando si svolgeva una sorta di “caccia all’uovo” per poi preparare la tipica Pizza di Pasqua, tanto più buona quante più uova conteneva. La gara riproposta in occasione della festa, consiste nel battere due uova punta contro punta: la vittoria sarà di chi mantiene intatto il proprio uovo. Nel borgo saranno allestiti spazi informativi e stand dove acquistare le uova e giocare, non vi resta che provare!

- Civitella del Lago – Mostra e Concorso Ovo Pinto
Ogni anno in questo piccolo borgo medievale viene organizzata la “Mostra Concorso nazionale Ovo Pinto”, che si rifa all’antica tradizione di dipingere le uova durante il periodo pasquale. Spazio alla creatività e all’immaginazione dunque, con artisti e non che possono presentare le proprie creazioni cimentandosi con le forme e tecniche più singolari.
Dal 2005, la cittadina ospita inoltre il museo dell’Ovo Pinto, dove sono esposte migliaia di uova dipinte, di tutte le forme e colori.
Per saperne di più, scopri tutte le informazioni sul Museo dell’Ovo Pinto e leggi il nostro articolo sull’edizione 2019

Lo staff di Bella Umbria vi augura una Buona e Serena Pasqua 2019
This year, the Holy Week of Easter will be from 19th to 22nd April 2019. While Spring is being revived, with the show of a blooming nature and long, sunny days, also Umbria is being revived… ready to give you a unique holiday.
You can not only explore the region and fully enjoy its natural beauties, but also live the appointments with the many Umbrian traditions of Easter, all to discover!
In this article about 2019 Easter in Umbria, we are proposing a review of the major religious celebrations, in update, and then we will talk about 3 original events not to be missed.

>> There are many offers for Hotels, B&B and Farmhouses in Umbria, look at them here
Easter in Umbria: religious events
Participate in traditional religious rituals of Easter is surely an intense spiritual experience. On Holy Thursday in the St Rufino Cathedral, there will be the “Scavigliazione”, that is the deposition of crucifix. On Friday in the morning, there will be the procession to transfer the Dead Christ till the St Francis Cathedral, while in the afternoon in the Church of St Maria Maggiore there will be the “Three Hours of Agony”.
On Friday in the evening, the city will be lighted by the glow of many torches and there will be the suggestive Procession of Confraternities, followed by the Watch and, later, by the Mass into the Cathedral.
On Easter Sunday, there will be many religious rituals to celebrate the Resurrection, throughout morning and until afternoon.
The evening Procession of Gubbio is a symbolic reenactment of the Passion of Christ of a great suggestion, for a tradition of the city dating by the XIII century.
Organized by the “Santa Croce della Foce Confraternity”, the parade is opened by men wearing with burlap dresses who play the “battistrangole” (wood instruments played alternately on every side from iron handles, that create a dull and lugubrious sound). Other men bring the skull that represents Golgota, in Hebrew the place of Crucifix, and the symbols of Passion. The rhythm of the instrument breaks the silence of the city, giving more pathos to the procession.
Then there are the simulacrum of Dead Christ and grieved Virgin Mary, precious statues of wood made by local crafts, followed by cantors that sing the notes of the penitential song “Miserere”.
The Procession goes through the main streets of the city, starting from the St Domenico Church in Giordano Bruno Square, and there will be many great fires during the path. Fires and lights, symbol of purification and of request of forgiveness to God, make even more suggestive the Holy reenactment.

A grandeur and a great scenic impact for the reenactment of Christ Crucifix in Marmore, on Friday 30th March. Guests, together with about 100 actors of every age, wearing ancient costumes, can take part of the manifestation that starts in the center of Marmore and arrives to the Parco dei Campacci.
Some theatrical tricks in an intimate, real environment, with nature and architecture, light, twilight, a dark almost sacred, creates that evocative harmony of colors and lights that is intense to the viewer, enhanced by appropriate musics that will make even more impressive all the way.
XIX Edition of the Via Crucis d’Autore, on Friday 19th April at 8:45 pm in Spello. On Holy Friday, the city will be the scenery of an impressive religious itinerary, where to discover the art of many painters among squares and streets of the historical center.
The 14th stages of Via Crucis will be the inspiration of national and international artists. For this occasion, they will realize works in many points of the city, transforming Spello in a great art gallery. To stay in front of the paintings, listening the religious messages, is a unique moment of spirituality, emotion and participation.
Historic procession that re-evokes the scenes of the Passion of Christ, with the background music of many sacred hymns of the XIII century
Solemn Via Crucis to the Madonna della Stella Sanctuary

What doing for Easter in Umbria: some original ideas
- Città della Pieve – Quadri Viventi
On Sunday and on Monday of Easter, this year on 21st and 22nd April, the appointment with the suggestive Quadri Viventi (literally “Living Paintings”) resumes in Città della Pieve. In the scenario of the undergrounds of the Palazzo Orca, in fact, it is organized by Terziere Borgo Dentro the traditional representation about Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ, involving about 40 participants.
Each room re-enacts a scene from the life of Christ, in particular The Last Supper, the Garden of Getsemani, the Ecce Homo, the Flagellation, the Pietà on the Dead Christ, the Resurrection. The scenes, made particularly captivating with a scrupulous historical reenactment, find inspiration in the examples of the Italian painting tradition, especially of the sixteenth and seventeenth century.
Crossing the threshold of the undergrouds, the visitors will face with an extraordinary and unreal scenario, and they will be transported in a mystical path full of special emotions.

- Ferentillo – “Lu Ciuccittu” Feast
The traditional event reaches this year his 49th edition. In addition to the tasting of local food and wines, from the oil to the omelette with cheeses and truffle, also here you can fun with the typical game with eggs.
It is an ancient country custom, that dates back to the Easter period when there was a kind of “egg hunting” and then they prepared the typical Easter PIzza, more good as more eggs there were inside it. The game that will revive on the occasion of the celebration consists about beating the two eggs, tip against tip: the victory will be of those who preserves his egg. In the town, informations stands and spaces will be setted, where you can buy eggs and play, let’s try it!
- Civitella del Lago – Ovo Pinto
Every year in this small medieval village is organized the “National Show and Competition Ovo Pinto”, which re-evokes the ancient tradition of paintings the eggs during the Easter period. Time to creativity and imagination, with artists or not that can present their creations, testing themselves with the forms and the techniques most exceptional.
Since 2005, the city has hosted also the Ovo Pinto Museum, with the exhibition of thousands of painted eggs, of all shapes and colors.
For more informations, look at our page about the Ovo Pinto Museum and read our article about the 2019 Edition.

Bella Umbria Staff wishes you a Happy Easter 2019
This year, the Holy Week of Easter will be from 13th to 178th April 2017. While Spring is being revived, with the show of a blooming nature and long, sunny days, also Umbria is being revived… ready to give you a unique holiday.
You can not only explore the region and fully enjoy its natural beauties, but also live the appointments with the many Umbrian traditions of Easter, all to discover!
In this article about 2017 Easter in Umbria, we are proposing a review of the major religious celebrations, in update, and then we will talk about 3 original events not to be missed.

Easter in Umbria: religious events
Participate in traditional religious rituals of Easter is surely an intense spiritual experience. On Holy Thursday in the St Rufino Cathedral, there will be the “Scavigliazione”, that is the deposition of crucifix. On Friday in the morning, there will be the procession to transfer the Dead Christ till the St Francis Cathedral, while in the afternoon in the Church of St Maria Maggiore there will be the “Three Hours of Agony”.
On Friday in the evening, the city will be lighted by the glow of many torches and there will be the suggestive Procession of Confraternities, followed by the Watch and, later, by the Mass into the Cathedral.
On Easter Sunday, there will be many religious rituals to celebrate the Resurrection, throughout morning and until afternoon.
The evening Procession of Gubbio is a symbolic reenactment of the Passion of Christ of a great suggestion, for a tradition of the city dating by the XIII century.
Organized by the “Santa Croce della Foce Confraternity”, the parade is opened by men wearing with burlap dresses who play the “battistrangole” (wood instruments played alternately on every side from iron handles, that create a dull and lugubrious sound). Other men bring the skull that represents Golgota, in Hebrew the place of Crucifix, and the symbols of Passion. The rhythm of the instrument breaks the silence of the city, giving more pathos to the procession.
Then there are the simulacrum of Dead Christ and grieved Virgin Mary, precious statues of wood made by local crafts, followed by cantors that sing the notes of the penitential song “Miserere”.
The Procession goes through the main streets of the city, starting from the St Domenico Church in Giordano Bruno Square, and there will be many great fires during the path. Fires and lights, symbol of purification and of request of forgiveness to God, make even more suggestive the Holy reenactment.

A grandeur and a great scenic impact for the reenactment of Christ Crucifix in Marmore, on Friday 14th April at 9 pm. Guests, together with about 100 actors of every age, wearing ancient costumes, can take part of the manifestation that starts in the center of Marmore and arrives to the Parco dei Campacci.
Some theatrical tricks in an intimate, real environment, with nature and architecture, light, twilight, a dark almost sacred, creates that evocative harmony of colors and lights that is intense to the viewer, enhanced by appropriate musics that will make even more impressive all the way.
XVII Edition of the Via Crucis d’Autore, on Friday 14th April at 9 pm in Spello. On Holy Friday, the city will be the scenery of an impressive religious itinerary, where to discover the art of many painters among squares and streets of the historical center.
The 14th stages of Via Crucis will be the inspiration of national and international artists. For this occasion, they will realize works in many points of the city, transforming Spello in a great art gallery. To stay in front of the paintings, listening the religious messages, is a unique moment of spirituality, emotion and participation.
Historic procession that re-evokes the scenes of the Passion of Christ, with the background music of many sacred hymns of the XIII century
Solemn Via Crucis to the Madonna della Stella Sanctuary

What doing for Easter in Umbria: some original ideas
- Città della Pieve – Quadri Viventi
On Sunday and on Monday of Easter, this year on 16th and 17th April, the appointment with the suggestive Quadri Viventi (literally “Living Paintings”) resumes in Città della Pieve. In the scenario of the undergrounds of the Palazzo Orca, in fact, it is organized by Terziere Borgo Dentro the traditional representation about Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ, involving about 40 participants.
Each room re-enacts a scene from the life of Christ, in particular The Last Supper, the Garden of Getsemani, the Ecce Homo, the Flagellation, the Pietà on the Dead Christ, the Resurrection. The scenes, made particularly captivating with a scrupulous historical reenactment, find inspiration in the examples of the Italian painting tradition, especially of the sixteenth and seventeenth century.
Crossing the threshold of the undergrouds, the visitors will face with an extraordinary and unreal scenario, and they will be transported in a mystical path full of special emotions.

- Pietralunga – “Tocciata” Game in the square
On Easter Monday, that this year is on 28th March, Pietralunga celebrates with boiled eggs. In the main square of the city, an ancient game of the Umbrian tradition will revive, the game of “Tocciata”. The players will be in a circle, each with his own boiled egg, and in turn they will beat their egg on the opponent egg: the player who remains with the intact egg continues the tour, the other is deleted. In the past, the tradition dictated that the winner could bring home all the eggs of the opponents defeated! The game is suitable for young and old, and a small corner will be organised to allow children to paint the eggs as they once did.
- Ferentillo – “Lu Ciuccittu” Feast
The traditional event reaches this year his 45th edition. In addition to the tasting of local food and wines, from the oil to the omelette with cheeses and truffle, also here you can fun with the typical game with eggs. It is an ancient country custom, that dates back to the Easter period when there was a kind of “egg hunting” and then they prepared the typical Easter PIzza, more good as more eggs there were inside it. The game that will revive on the occasion of the celebration consists about beating the two eggs, tip against tip: the victory will be of those who preserves his egg. In the town, informations stands and spaces will be setted, where you can buy eggs and play, let’s try it!
- Civitella del Lago – Mostra e Concorso Ovo Pinto
Every year in this small medieval village is organized the “National Show and Competition Ovo Pinto”, which re-evokes the ancient tradition of paintings the eggs during the Easter period. Time to creativity and imagination, with artists or not that can present their creations, testing themselves with the forms and the techniques most exceptional.
Since 2005, the city has hosted also the Ovo Pinto Museum, with the exhibition of thousands of painted eggs, of all shapes and colors.
For more informations, look at our page about the Ovo Pinto Museum and read our article about the 2017 Edition.

Bella Umbria Staff wishes you a Happy Easter 2017
This year, the Holy Week of Easter will be from 13th to 178th April 2017. While Spring is being revived, with the show of a blooming nature and long, sunny days, also Umbria is being revived… ready to give you a unique holiday.
You can not only explore the region and fully enjoy its natural beauties, but also live the appointments with the many Umbrian traditions of Easter, all to discover!
In this article about 2017 Easter in Umbria, we are proposing a review of the major religious celebrations, in update, and then we will talk about 3 original events not to be missed.

Easter in Umbria: religious events
Participate in traditional religious rituals of Easter is surely an intense spiritual experience. On Holy Thursday in the St Rufino Cathedral, there will be the “Scavigliazione”, that is the deposition of crucifix. On Friday in the morning, there will be the procession to transfer the Dead Christ till the St Francis Cathedral, while in the afternoon in the Church of St Maria Maggiore there will be the “Three Hours of Agony”.
On Friday in the evening, the city will be lighted by the glow of many torches and there will be the suggestive Procession of Confraternities, followed by the Watch and, later, by the Mass into the Cathedral.
On Easter Sunday, there will be many religious rituals to celebrate the Resurrection, throughout morning and until afternoon.
The evening Procession of Gubbio is a symbolic reenactment of the Passion of Christ of a great suggestion, for a tradition of the city dating by the XIII century.
Organized by the “Santa Croce della Foce Confraternity”, the parade is opened by men wearing with burlap dresses who play the “battistrangole” (wood instruments played alternately on every side from iron handles, that create a dull and lugubrious sound). Other men bring the skull that represents Golgota, in Hebrew the place of Crucifix, and the symbols of Passion. The rhythm of the instrument breaks the silence of the city, giving more pathos to the procession.
Then there are the simulacrum of Dead Christ and grieved Virgin Mary, precious statues of wood made by local crafts, followed by cantors that sing the notes of the penitential song “Miserere”. The Procession goes through the main streets of the city, starting from the St Domenico Church in Giordano Bruno Square, and there will be many great fires during the path. Fires and lights, symbol of purification and of request of forgiveness to God, make even more suggestive the Holy reenactment.

A grandeur and a great scenic impact for the reenactment of Christ Crucifix in Marmore, on Friday 14th April at 9 pm. Guests, together with about 100 actors of every age, wearing ancient costumes, can take part of the manifestation that starts in the center of Marmore and arrives to the Parco dei Campacci.
Some theatrical tricks in an intimate, real environment, with nature and architecture, light, twilight, a dark almost sacred, creates that evocative harmony of colors and lights that is intense to the viewer, enhanced by appropriate musics that will make even more impressive all the way.
XVII Edition of the Via Crucis d’Autore, on Friday 14th April at 9 pm in Spello. On Holy Friday, the city will be the scenery of an impressive religious itinerary, where to discover the art of many painters among squares and streets of the historical center.
The 14th stages of Via Crucis will be the inspiration of national and international artists. For this occasion, they will realize works in many points of the city, transforming Spello in a great art gallery. To stay in front of the paintings, listening the religious messages, is a unique moment of spirituality, emotion and participation.
Historic procession that re-evokes the scenes of the Passion of Christ, with the background music of many sacred hymns of the XIII century
Solemn Via Crucis to the Madonna della Stella Sanctuary

What doing for Easter in Umbria: some original ideas
- Città della Pieve – Quadri Viventi
On Sunday and on Monday of Easter, this year on 16th and 17th April, the appointment with the suggestive Quadri Viventi (literally “Living Paintings”) resumes in Città della Pieve. In the scenario of the undergrounds of the Palazzo Orca, in fact, it is organized by Terziere Borgo Dentro the traditional representation about Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ, involving about 40 participants.
Each room re-enacts a scene from the life of Christ, in particular The Last Supper, the Garden of Getsemani, the Ecce Homo, the Flagellation, the Pietà on the Dead Christ, the Resurrection. The scenes, made particularly captivating with a scrupulous historical reenactment, find inspiration in the examples of the Italian painting tradition, especially of the sixteenth and seventeenth century.
Crossing the threshold of the undergrouds, the visitors will face with an extraordinary and unreal scenario, and they will be transported in a mystical path full of special emotions.

- Pietralunga – “Tocciata” Game in the square
On Easter Monday, that this year is on 28th March, Pietralunga celebrates with boiled eggs. In the main square of the city, an ancient game of the Umbrian tradition will revive, the game of “Tocciata”. The players will be in a circle, each with his own boiled egg, and in turn they will beat their egg on the opponent egg: the player who remains with the intact egg continues the tour, the other is deleted. In the past, the tradition dictated that the winner could bring home all the eggs of the opponents defeated! The game is suitable for young and old, and a small corner will be organised to allow children to paint the eggs as they once did.
- Ferentillo – “Lu Ciuccittu” Feast
The traditional event reaches this year his 45th edition. In addition to the tasting of local food and wines, from the oil to the omelette with cheeses and truffle, also here you can fun with the typical game with eggs. It is an ancient country custom, that dates back to the Easter period when there was a kind of “egg hunting” and then they prepared the typical Easter PIzza, more good as more eggs there were inside it. The game that will revive on the occasion of the celebration consists about beating the two eggs, tip against tip: the victory will be of those who preserves his egg. In the town, informations stands and spaces will be setted, where you can buy eggs and play, let’s try it!

- Civitella del Lago – Mostra e Concorso Ovo Pinto
Every year in this small medieval village is organized the “National Show and Competition Ovo Pinto”, which re-evokes the ancient tradition of paintings the eggs during the Easter period. Time to creativity and imagination, with artists or not that can present their creations, testing themselves with the forms and the techniques most exceptional.
Since 2005, the city has hosted also the Ovo Pinto Museum, with the exhibition of thousands of painted eggs, of all shapes and colors.
For more informations, look at our page about the Ovo Pinto Museum and read our article about the 2017 Edition.

Bella Umbria Staff wishes you a Happy Easter 2017
This year, the Holy Week of Easter will be from 13th to 178th April 2017. While Spring is being revived, with the show of a blooming nature and long, sunny days, also Umbria is being revived… ready to give you a unique holiday.
You can not only explore the region and fully enjoy its natural beauties, but also live the appointments with the many Umbrian traditions of Easter, all to discover!
In this article about 2017 Easter in Umbria, we are proposing a review of the major religious celebrations, in update, and then we will talk about 3 original events not to be missed.

Easter in Umbria: religious events
Participate in traditional religious rituals of Easter is surely an intense spiritual experience. On Holy Thursday in the St Rufino Cathedral, there will be the “Scavigliazione”, that is the deposition of crucifix. On Friday in the morning, there will be the procession to transfer the Dead Christ till the St Francis Cathedral, while in the afternoon in the Church of St Maria Maggiore there will be the “Three Hours of Agony”.
On Friday in the evening, the city will be lighted by the glow of many torches and there will be the suggestive Procession of Confraternities, followed by the Watch and, later, by the Mass into the Cathedral.
On Easter Sunday, there will be many religious rituals to celebrate the Resurrection, throughout morning and until afternoon.
The evening Procession of Gubbio is a symbolic reenactment of the Passion of Christ of a great suggestion, for a tradition of the city dating by the XIII century.
Organized by the “Santa Croce della Foce Confraternity”, the parade is opened by men wearing with burlap dresses who play the “battistrangole” (wood instruments played alternately on every side from iron handles, that create a dull and lugubrious sound). Other men bring the skull that represents Golgota, in Hebrew the place of Crucifix, and the symbols of Passion. The rhythm of the instrument breaks the silence of the city, giving more pathos to the procession.
Then there are the simulacrum of Dead Christ and grieved Virgin Mary, precious statues of wood made by local crafts, followed by cantors that sing the notes of the penitential song “Miserere”. The Procession goes through the main streets of the city, starting from the St Domenico Church in Giordano Bruno Square, and there will be many great fires during the path. Fires and lights, symbol of purification and of request of forgiveness to God, make even more suggestive the Holy reenactment.

A grandeur and a great scenic impact for the reenactment of Christ Crucifix in Marmore, on Friday 14th April at 9 pm. Guests, together with about 100 actors of every age, wearing ancient costumes, can take part of the manifestation that starts in the center of Marmore and arrives to the Parco dei Campacci.
Some theatrical tricks in an intimate, real environment, with nature and architecture, light, twilight, a dark almost sacred, creates that evocative harmony of colors and lights that is intense to the viewer, enhanced by appropriate musics that will make even more impressive all the way.
XVII Edition of the Via Crucis d’Autore, on Friday 14th April at 9 pm in Spello. On Holy Friday, the city will be the scenery of an impressive religious itinerary, where to discover the art of many painters among squares and streets of the historical center.
The 14th stages of Via Crucis will be the inspiration of national and international artists. For this occasion, they will realize works in many points of the city, transforming Spello in a great art gallery. To stay in front of the paintings, listening the religious messages, is a unique moment of spirituality, emotion and participation.
Historic procession that re-evokes the scenes of the Passion of Christ, with the background music of many sacred hymns of the XIII century
Solemn Via Crucis to the Madonna della Stella Sanctuary

What doing for Easter in Umbria: some original ideas
- Città della Pieve – Quadri Viventi
On Sunday and on Monday of Easter, this year on 16th and 17th April, the appointment with the suggestive Quadri Viventi (literally “Living Paintings”) resumes in Città della Pieve. In the scenario of the undergrounds of the Palazzo Orca, in fact, it is organized by Terziere Borgo Dentro the traditional representation about Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ, involving about 40 participants.
Each room re-enacts a scene from the life of Christ, in particular The Last Supper, the Garden of Getsemani, the Ecce Homo, the Flagellation, the Pietà on the Dead Christ, the Resurrection. The scenes, made particularly captivating with a scrupulous historical reenactment, find inspiration in the examples of the Italian painting tradition, especially of the sixteenth and seventeenth century.
Crossing the threshold of the undergrouds, the visitors will face with an extraordinary and unreal scenario, and they will be transported in a mystical path full of special emotions.

- Pietralunga – “Tocciata” Game in the square
On Easter Monday, that this year is on 28th March, Pietralunga celebrates with boiled eggs. In the main square of the city, an ancient game of the Umbrian tradition will revive, the game of “Tocciata”. The players will be in a circle, each with his own boiled egg, and in turn they will beat their egg on the opponent egg: the player who remains with the intact egg continues the tour, the other is deleted. In the past, the tradition dictated that the winner could bring home all the eggs of the opponents defeated! The game is suitable for young and old, and a small corner will be organised to allow children to paint the eggs as they once did.
- Ferentillo – “Lu Ciuccittu” Feast
The traditional event reaches this year his 45th edition. In addition to the tasting of local food and wines, from the oil to the omelette with cheeses and truffle, also here you can fun with the typical game with eggs. It is an ancient country custom, that dates back to the Easter period when there was a kind of “egg hunting” and then they prepared the typical Easter PIzza, more good as more eggs there were inside it. The game that will revive on the occasion of the celebration consists about beating the two eggs, tip against tip: the victory will be of those who preserves his egg. In the town, informations stands and spaces will be setted, where you can buy eggs and play, let’s try it!
- Civitella del Lago – Mostra e Concorso Ovo Pinto
Every year in this small medieval village is organized the “National Show and Competition Ovo Pinto”, which re-evokes the ancient tradition of paintings the eggs during the Easter period. Time to creativity and imagination, with artists or not that can present their creations, testing themselves with the forms and the techniques most exceptional.
Since 2005, the city has hosted also the Ovo Pinto Museum, with the exhibition of thousands of painted eggs, of all shapes and colors.
For more informations, look at our page about the Ovo Pinto Museum and read our article about the 2017 Edition.

Bella Umbria Staff wishes you a Happy Easter 2017
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