Dal 27 Febbraio 2016 a Spoleto si aprirà la mostra “De Chirico: La Ricostruzione”, curata da Carlo Strinati. L’esposizione raccoglie una selezione di capolavori del maestro e pittore italiano, che rimarranno esposti fino al 5 Giugno 2016.
La mostra sarà ospitata nel seicentesco Palazzo Bufalini di Spoleto, in piazza Duomo, all’interno dello spazio espositivo MAG MetaMorfosi Art Gallery. Nuova realtà dedicata all’arte, la MAR MetaMorfosi si compone di un’area di 200 metri quadri dalla posizione unica, con le finestre e la magnifica terrazza del palazzo dalle quali si può ammirare la bellezza del Duomo di Spoleto.

Principale esponente della corrente artistica della pittura metafisica, Giorgio De Chirico (1888 – 1978) realizzò, in particolare a partire dagli anni ’10 del XX secolo, una serie di opere caratterizzate da prospettive non realistiche, immerse in un’atmosfera di trascendenza.
Oltre alla ricorrenza di architetture essenziali, le opere presentavano oggetti dipinti con totale minuzia e attenzione ai particolari, ma incongrui rispetto al contesto, così da creare un preciso effetto di allontanamento dal loro stesso realismo.
Scrive De Chirico a questo proposito nel suo lavoro Statues, meubles et généraux (1927):
“È già stato osservato più di una volta l’aspetto curioso che riescono ad acquistare letti, armadi, specchiere, divani, tavoli, quando ce li troviamo improvvisamente dinnanzi sulla strada, in uno scenario nel quale non siamo abituati a vederli […] I mobili sottratti all’atmosfera che regna nelle nostre case ed esposti all’aperto suscitano in noi un’emozione che ci fa vedere anche la strada sotto una luce nuova”

L’esposizione è visitabile nei seguenti orari:
Per ulteriori informazioni, è possibile contattare lo 0743 222889
Dopo il debutto con la mostra dedicata a De Chirico, lo spazio espositivo MAG MetaMorfosi Art Gallery proseguirà la sua attività con una ricca programmazione, collaborando con fondazioni e istituzioni culturali nazionali e internazionali, allo scopo di portare a Spoleto i maggiori esponenti del mondo dell’arte classica e moderna.
La città si conferma così centro dinamico e punto di riferimento della dimensione artistica a 360°, in linea con lo scenario di eccellenza già consolidato con il Festival dei Due Mondi di Spoleto, evento di risonanza mondiale.
From 27th February 2016 in Spoleto there will be the exhibition “De Chirico: The Reconstruction”, curated by Carlo Strinati. The exhibition reaps a selection of masterpieces of this italian painter and Maestro, that will remain exposed until 5th June 2016.
The exhibition will be housed in the seventeenth century Palazzo Bufalini of Spoleto, in Piazza Duomo, inside the exhibit space MAG MetaMorfosi Art Galley.
A new reality dedicated to the art, the MAG MetaMorfosi consists of an area of 200 square meters that has a unique position, with the windows and the magnificent terrace of the building from which the visitors can admire the beauty of the Duomo of Spoleto.

Main exponent of the art movement of metaphysical painting, Giorgio De Chirico (1888 – 1978) has realized, especially since the 1910, a series of works characterized by unrealistic prospects, immersed in an atmosphere of transcendence.
In addition to the recurring essential architectures, the works exhibit objects that were painted with a total meticulousness and attention to the details, but incongruous with the context, so as to create a definite effect of removal from their own realism.
De Chirico wrote about this, in his work Statues, meubles et généraux (1927), the following words:
“It has already been noted more than once the curious aspect that manage to have beds, wardrobes, dressing tables, sofas, tables, when we suddenly find them on the road, in a scenario in which we are not used to seeing them […] The furniture, taken from the atmosphere that reigns in our homes and exposed outdoor, arouse in us an emotion that let us to look the way in a new different light”.

The exhibition “De Chirico: The Reconstruction” will be open at the following times:
10.30 am – 1.00 pm
3 pm – 6.00 pm
For more informations, it is possible to call at 0743 222889.
After this debut with the exhibit dedicated to De Chirico, the exhibition space MAG MEtaMorfosi Art Gallery will carry on its activities with a rich program, collaborating with fundations and national and international cultural institutions, in order to bring in Spoleto the greatest exponents of the world of the classic and modern art.
The city thus confirms itself as a dynamic center and a point of reference of the artistic dimension, in line with the context of excellence already established with the Festival dei Due Mondi in Spoleto, a world-renowned event.
From 27th February 2016 in Spoleto there will be the exhibition “De Chirico: The Reconstruction”, curated by Carlo Strinati. The exhibition reaps a selection of masterpieces of this italian painter and Maestro, that will remain exposed until 5th June 2016.
The exhibition will be housed in the seventeenth century Palazzo Bufalini of Spoleto, in Piazza Duomo, inside the exhibit space MAG MetaMorfosi Art Galley.
A new reality dedicated to the art, the MAG MetaMorfosi consists of an area of 200 square meters that has a unique position, with the windows and the magnificent terrace of the building from which the visitors can admire the beauty of the Duomo of Spoleto.

Main exponent of the art movement of metaphysical painting, Giorgio De Chirico (1888 – 1978) has realized, especially since the 1910, a series of works characterized by unrealistic prospects, immersed in an atmosphere of transcendence.
In addition to the recurring essential architectures, the works exhibit objects that were painted with a total meticulousness and attention to the details, but incongruous with the context, so as to create a definite effect of removal from their own realism.
De Chirico wrote about this, in his work Statues, meubles et généraux (1927), the following words:
“It has already been noted more than once the curious aspect that manage to have beds, wardrobes, dressing tables, sofas, tables, when we suddenly find them on the road, in a scenario in which we are not used to seeing them […] The furniture, taken from the atmosphere that reigns in our homes and exposed outdoor, arouse in us an emotion that let us to look the way in a new different light”.

The exhibition “De Chirico: The Reconstruction” will be open at the following times:
10.30 am – 1.00 pm
3 pm – 6.00 pm
For more informations, it is possible to call at 0743 222889.
After this debut with the exhibit dedicated to De Chirico, the exhibition space MAG MEtaMorfosi Art Gallery will carry on its activities with a rich program, collaborating with fundations and national and international cultural institutions, in order to bring in Spoleto the greatest exponents of the world of the classic and modern art.
The city thus confirms itself as a dynamic center and a point of reference of the artistic dimension, in line with the context of excellence already established with the Festival dei Due Mondi in Spoleto, a world-renowned event.
From 27th February 2016 in Spoleto there will be the exhibition “De Chirico: The Reconstruction”, curated by Carlo Strinati. The exhibition reaps a selection of masterpieces of this italian painter and Maestro, that will remain exposed until 5th June 2016.
The exhibition will be housed in the seventeenth century Palazzo Bufalini of Spoleto, in Piazza Duomo, inside the exhibit space MAG MetaMorfosi Art Galley.
A new reality dedicated to the art, the MAG MetaMorfosi consists of an area of 200 square meters that has a unique position, with the windows and the magnificent terrace of the building from which the visitors can admire the beauty of the Duomo of Spoleto.

Main exponent of the art movement of metaphysical painting, Giorgio De Chirico (1888 – 1978) has realized, especially since the 1910, a series of works characterized by unrealistic prospects, immersed in an atmosphere of transcendence.
In addition to the recurring essential architectures, the works exhibit objects that were painted with a total meticulousness and attention to the details, but incongruous with the context, so as to create a definite effect of removal from their own realism.
De Chirico wrote about this, in his work Statues, meubles et généraux (1927), the following words:
“It has already been noted more than once the curious aspect that manage to have beds, wardrobes, dressing tables, sofas, tables, when we suddenly find them on the road, in a scenario in which we are not used to seeing them […] The furniture, taken from the atmosphere that reigns in our homes and exposed outdoor, arouse in us an emotion that let us to look the way in a new different light”.

The exhibition “De Chirico: The Reconstruction” will be open at the following times:
10.30 am – 1.00 pm
3 pm – 6.00 pm
For more informations, it is possible to call at 0743 222889.
After this debut with the exhibit dedicated to De Chirico, the exhibition space MAG MEtaMorfosi Art Gallery will carry on its activities with a rich program, collaborating with fundations and national and international cultural institutions, in order to bring in Spoleto the greatest exponents of the world of the classic and modern art.
The city thus confirms itself as a dynamic center and a point of reference of the artistic dimension, in line with the context of excellence already established with the Festival dei Due Mondi in Spoleto, a world-renowned event.
From 27th February 2016 in Spoleto there will be the exhibition “De Chirico: The Reconstruction”, curated by Carlo Strinati. The exhibition reaps a selection of masterpieces of this italian painter and Maestro, that will remain exposed until 5th June 2016.
The exhibition will be housed in the seventeenth century Palazzo Bufalini of Spoleto, in Piazza Duomo, inside the exhibit space MAG MetaMorfosi Art Galley.
A new reality dedicated to the art, the MAG MetaMorfosi consists of an area of 200 square meters that has a unique position, with the windows and the magnificent terrace of the building from which the visitors can admire the beauty of the Duomo of Spoleto.

Main exponent of the art movement of metaphysical painting, Giorgio De Chirico (1888 – 1978) has realized, especially since the 1910, a series of works characterized by unrealistic prospects, immersed in an atmosphere of transcendence.
In addition to the recurring essential architectures, the works exhibit objects that were painted with a total meticulousness and attention to the details, but incongruous with the context, so as to create a definite effect of removal from their own realism.
De Chirico wrote about this, in his work Statues, meubles et généraux (1927), the following words:
“It has already been noted more than once the curious aspect that manage to have beds, wardrobes, dressing tables, sofas, tables, when we suddenly find them on the road, in a scenario in which we are not used to seeing them […] The furniture, taken from the atmosphere that reigns in our homes and exposed outdoor, arouse in us an emotion that let us to look the way in a new different light”.

The exhibition “De Chirico: The Reconstruction” will be open at the following times:
10.30 am – 1.00 pm
3 pm – 6.00 pm
For more informations, it is possible to call at 0743 222889.
After this debut with the exhibit dedicated to De Chirico, the exhibition space MAG MEtaMorfosi Art Gallery will carry on its activities with a rich program, collaborating with fundations and national and international cultural institutions, in order to bring in Spoleto the greatest exponents of the world of the classic and modern art.
The city thus confirms itself as a dynamic center and a point of reference of the artistic dimension, in line with the context of excellence already established with the Festival dei Due Mondi in Spoleto, a world-renowned event.
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