Squillino le trombe! Rullino i tamburi!
A Narni (Tr) dal 24 Aprile a domenica 14 Maggio 2017 si svolgerà la 49esima edizione della “Corsa all’Anello”, certamente una delle rievocazioni storiche più affascinante e più sentite dell’Umbria.
Fiaccole e bandiere coloreranno strade e piazze, le vie si riempiranno di suoni; si animeranno forni e taverne dove i visitatori saranno intenti a cogliere gli invitanti profumi e sapori; cortei e gare faranno rivivere le antiche competizioni tra i 3 Terzieri di Mezule, Fra Porta e Santa Maria.
Durante la Corsa i giovani dei Terzieri vestiranno i tradizionali costumi storici e, in sella ai cavalli al galoppo, dovranno infilare con la lancia un anello appeso a una sagoma. Alla vigilia della gara, che rappresenta l’apice della manifestazione, un imponente corteo storico sfilerà per le vie cittadine addobbate.
Per quest’edizione 2017, il cartellone è davvero ricco di eventi che spaziano da convegni e mostre, da spettacoli e rievocazioni, seguendo quattro aree tematiche principali: gastronomia, cultura, sport e bellezza. Per ogni area, un testimonial d’eccezione: il celebre cuoro Giorgione, umbro d’adozione, in onda su Gambero Rosso Channel col suo programma “Giorgione, Orto e Cucina”; Franco Cardini, saggista ed insigne docente universitario, legato alle tematiche del mondo medievale; Alessio Foconi, schermidore italiano specialista del fioretto, che nella sua carriera ha conquistato due medaglie di bronzo e un oro individuali ai campionati italiani assoluti oltre a tre medaglie d’oro e una di bronzo a squadre; Dalila Pasquariello, attrice e modella, finalista di Miss Italia nel 2011 e protagonista di “Don Matteo 10”.
Inoltre, due grandi novità in programma: una seconda edizione della Corsa all’Anello, che si svolgerà dal 17 al 24 Giugno 2017, e un’apposita pista in sabbia dove per la prima volta si disputeranno le giostre equestri.
Ricordate infine che nelle tipiche Hostarie, aperte in esclusiva per l’occasione, sarà possibile degustare anche piatti della tradizione medievale!

Il Gusto di Vivere La Storia
La Corsa All’Anello ha sempre cercato, nel corso della sua storia, di rimanere fedele alla propria tradizione e di mantenere vivi i legami con essa, distinguendosi per questo nel panorama delle feste storiche nazionali ed anche europee.
La manifestazione è difatti antichissima: affonda ufficialmente le sue radici al 1371 e a quegli statuti che codificarono gli antichi riti e i festeggiamenti che si svolgevano a Narni in onore del Santo Giovenale, primo vescovo della città.
Un’imponente processione accompagnata da canti e strumenti musicali, una solenne celebrazione religiosa nella Cattedrale, e poi spazio al carattere più ludico dell’evento con i tradizionali giochi equestri. La Corsa del Palio costituiva una gara di pura velocità, il cui premio finale era un palio di seta della lunghezza di circa sei metri. La Corsa All’Anello era invece riservata ai cavalieri narnesi, con l’obiettivo di infilare il bersaglio con la propria asta. In seguito, si aggiunsero altri giochi ed eventi entrati nella tradizione, come la lotta, la quintana o le commedie allestite dai giovani locali.
Motto della manifestazione, è difatti: Corsa All’Anello, il Gusto di Vivere La Storia.
E si aggiunge: “Tutto lo contado, vicino e lontano, è invitato ad assistere alla santa giostra!”

Narni, città da scoprire
Al di là della sfida e della rievocazione simbolica, la Corsa All’Anello è anche un’imperdibile occasione per visitare Narni e godere di tutto il suo splendore in un momento di particolare suggestione.
L’evento e i festeggiamenti che l’accompagnano regalano alla città un’aria unica, valorizzandone l’atmosfera medievale e facendo vivere ai visitatori un vero viaggio indietro nel tempo.
Dal fascino della Rocca Albornoz, antica fortezza edificata nella seconda metà del XVI secolo che domina la città, al suggestivo Ponte di Augusto, ponte sul Nera lungo 160 metri ed alto 30 costituito dall’arco superstite del manufatto romano del I secolo a.C.; dal mistero di Narni Sotterranea, con una visita ai locali sotterranei dell’antico complesso di San Domenico e i suoi annessi, alla bellezza del Museo Eroli dove sono conservati importanti reperti archeologici tra tracciano l’evoluzione artistica locale.
Per saperne di più, leggi il nostro articolo su Cosa Vedere a Narni in 1 Giorno

Ring the bells! Roll the drums!
In Narni (Tr) from the 24th April to 14th May 2017 there will be the 49th edition of “La Corsa All’Anello” (literally, the “The Race of the Ring”), surely one of the most charming and touching historical reenactment in Umbria.
Torches and flags will color the streets and the squares of Narni, the city center will be filled with sounds; there will be furnaces and taverns where the visitors will size inviting aromas and flavors; with parades and games, the ancient competitions between the 3 districts of Narni, called the 3 “Terzieri” of Mezule, Fra Porta and Santa Maria, will revive.
During the game, the young of the districts will have the traditional historical costumes and they will have to insert their lances in a ring hanging to a template. On the eve of the competition, that is the climax of the manifestation, an impressive historical parade will march through the decorated streets of the city.
For this edition 2017 there will be a lot of events, from exhibits to conferences, from shows to reenactments, looking at four main thematic areas: food, culture, sport, beauty. The organizators announced the presence of an exceptional guests and testimonials for each area: Giorgione, chef of the Tv show “Giorgione, Orto e Cucina” on Gambero Rosso Channel; Franco Cardini, writer and University professor; Alessio Foconi, Italian fencer and foil specialist; Dalila Pasquariello, actress and model, finalist of Miss Italia 2011 and protagonist of the Tv show “Don Matteo 10”.
There are also two important news: a second edition of the Corsa all’Anello, from the 17th to the 24th June 2017, and a special track of sand for the horses races.
In addiction, remember that at the typical taverns (“Hostarie”), open exclusively for the occasion, you will have the possibility to taste also many dishes of the medieval tradition!

The Taste of living History
The Race of the Ring is trying to remain loyal to its own traditions and to mantain its relation with them. This is an element that distinguishes it from many other historical celebration in Italy and also in Europe.
The event is in fact very ancient: officially it is rooted in 1371, with the codes about the ancient rites and celebrations that took place in Narni in honor of Saint Giovenale, the first bishop of the city.
An imposing procession accompanied by songs and musical instruments, a solemn religious celebration in the Cathedral, and then time dedicated to the more playful nature of the event with the traditional equestrian games. The Corsa del Palio was a race of pure speed, whose final prize was a silk woven with a length of about six meters. The Race of the Ring was instead reserved for knights of Narni, with the final aim of inserting the target with their rods. Later, they added more games and other events entered in the tradition, as the fight, the “quintana” or the comedies staged by local young.
The Slogan of the event is in fact: The Race of the Ring, the taste of living history.
And they add: “The whole countryside, near and far, is invited to attend the holy carousel!”

Narni, a city to discover
Beyond the race and the symbolic reenactment, the Race of the Ring is also an unmissable occasion to visit Narni and enjoy all its beauties in a moment of particular suggestion.
The events and the festivities that accompany it give to the city a unique atmosphere, enhancing the medieval aspects and offering to the visitors a real journey back in time.
The charm of the Albarnoz Fortress, an ancient fortress built in the second half of the XVI century overlooking the city; the suggestive Augustus Bridge, over the Nera river, a 160 meters of length and 30 of height bridge, consisted of a Roman arch surviving of the I century B.C.; the mystery of Narni Underground, with a visit to the subterranean halls of the complex of Saint Domenico and its annexes; the beauty of Eroli Museum with its important archaeological finds that trace the local artistic evolution.
To learn more about Narni, read our article about What to see in Narni in 1 day

Ring the bells! Roll the drums!
In Narni (Tr) from the 24th April to 14th May 2017 there will be the 49th edition of “La Corsa All’Anello” (literally, the “The Race of the Ring”), surely one of the most charming and touching historical reenactment in Umbria.
Torches and flags will color the streets and the squares of Narni, the city center will be filled with sounds; there will be furnaces and taverns where the visitors will size inviting aromas and flavors; with parades and games, the ancient competitions between the 3 districts of Narni, called the 3 “Terzieri” of Mezule, Fra Porta and Santa Maria, will revive.
During the game, the young of the districts will have the traditional historical costumes and they will have to insert their lances in a ring hanging to a template. On the eve of the competition, that is the climax of the manifestation, an impressive historical parade will march through the decorated streets of the city.
For this edition 2017 there will be a lot of events, from exhibits to conferences, from shows to reenactments, looking at four main thematic areas: food, culture, sport, beauty. The organizators announced the presence of an exceptional guests and testimonials for each area: Giorgione, chef of the Tv show “Giorgione, Orto e Cucina” on Gambero Rosso Channel; Franco Cardini, writer and University professor; Alessio Foconi, Italian fencer and foil specialist; Dalila Pasquariello, actress and model, finalist of Miss Italia 2011 and protagonist of the Tv show “Don Matteo 10”.
There are also two important news: a second edition of the Corsa all’Anello, from the 17th to the 24th June 2017, and a special track of sand for the horses races.
In addiction, remember that at the typical taverns (“Hostarie”), open exclusively for the occasion, you will have the possibility to taste also many dishes of the medieval tradition!

The Taste of living History
The Race of the Ring is trying to remain loyal to its own traditions and to mantain its relation with them. This is an element that distinguishes it from many other historical celebration in Italy and also in Europe.
The event is in fact very ancient: officially it is rooted in 1371, with the codes about the ancient rites and celebrations that took place in Narni in honor of Saint Giovenale, the first bishop of the city.
An imposing procession accompanied by songs and musical instruments, a solemn religious celebration in the Cathedral, and then time dedicated to the more playful nature of the event with the traditional equestrian games. The Corsa del Palio was a race of pure speed, whose final prize was a silk woven with a length of about six meters. The Race of the Ring was instead reserved for knights of Narni, with the final aim of inserting the target with their rods. Later, they added more games and other events entered in the tradition, as the fight, the “quintana” or the comedies staged by local young.
The Slogan of the event is in fact: The Race of the Ring, the taste of living history.
And they add: “The whole countryside, near and far, is invited to attend the holy carousel!”

Narni, a city to discover
Beyond the race and the symbolic reenactment, the Race of the Ring is also an unmissable occasion to visit Narni and enjoy all its beauties in a moment of particular suggestion.
The events and the festivities that accompany it give to the city a unique atmosphere, enhancing the medieval aspects and offering to the visitors a real journey back in time.
The charm of the Albarnoz Fortress, an ancient fortress built in the second half of the XVI century overlooking the city; the suggestive Augustus Bridge, over the Nera river, a 160 meters of length and 30 of height bridge, consisted of a Roman arch surviving of the I century B.C.; the mystery of Narni Underground, with a visit to the subterranean halls of the complex of Saint Domenico and its annexes; the beauty of Eroli Museum with its important archaeological finds that trace the local artistic evolution.
To learn more about Narni, read our article about What to see in Narni in 1 day

Ring the bells! Roll the drums!
In Narni (Tr) from the 24th April to 14th May 2017 there will be the 49th edition of “La Corsa All’Anello” (literally, the “The Race of the Ring”), surely one of the most charming and touching historical reenactment in Umbria.
Torches and flags will color the streets and the squares of Narni, the city center will be filled with sounds; there will be furnaces and taverns where the visitors will size inviting aromas and flavors; with parades and games, the ancient competitions between the 3 districts of Narni, called the 3 “Terzieri” of Mezule, Fra Porta and Santa Maria, will revive.
During the game, the young of the districts will have the traditional historical costumes and they will have to insert their lances in a ring hanging to a template. On the eve of the competition, that is the climax of the manifestation, an impressive historical parade will march through the decorated streets of the city.
For this edition 2017 there will be a lot of events, from exhibits to conferences, from shows to reenactments, looking at four main thematic areas: food, culture, sport, beauty. The organizators announced the presence of an exceptional guests and testimonials for each area: Giorgione, chef of the Tv show “Giorgione, Orto e Cucina” on Gambero Rosso Channel; Franco Cardini, writer and University professor; Alessio Foconi, Italian fencer and foil specialist; Dalila Pasquariello, actress and model, finalist of Miss Italia 2011 and protagonist of the Tv show “Don Matteo 10”.
There are also two important news: a second edition of the Corsa all’Anello, from the 17th to the 24th June 2017, and a special track of sand for the horses races.
In addiction, remember that at the typical taverns (“Hostarie”), open exclusively for the occasion, you will have the possibility to taste also many dishes of the medieval tradition!

The Taste of living History
The Race of the Ring is trying to remain loyal to its own traditions and to mantain its relation with them. This is an element that distinguishes it from many other historical celebration in Italy and also in Europe.
The event is in fact very ancient: officially it is rooted in 1371, with the codes about the ancient rites and celebrations that took place in Narni in honor of Saint Giovenale, the first bishop of the city.
An imposing procession accompanied by songs and musical instruments, a solemn religious celebration in the Cathedral, and then time dedicated to the more playful nature of the event with the traditional equestrian games. The Corsa del Palio was a race of pure speed, whose final prize was a silk woven with a length of about six meters. The Race of the Ring was instead reserved for knights of Narni, with the final aim of inserting the target with their rods. Later, they added more games and other events entered in the tradition, as the fight, the “quintana” or the comedies staged by local young.
The Slogan of the event is in fact: The Race of the Ring, the taste of living history.
And they add: “The whole countryside, near and far, is invited to attend the holy carousel!”

Narni, a city to discover
Beyond the race and the symbolic reenactment, the Race of the Ring is also an unmissable occasion to visit Narni and enjoy all its beauties in a moment of particular suggestion.
The events and the festivities that accompany it give to the city a unique atmosphere, enhancing the medieval aspects and offering to the visitors a real journey back in time.
The charm of the Albarnoz Fortress, an ancient fortress built in the second half of the XVI century overlooking the city; the suggestive Augustus Bridge, over the Nera river, a 160 meters of length and 30 of height bridge, consisted of a Roman arch surviving of the I century B.C.; the mystery of Narni Underground, with a visit to the subterranean halls of the complex of Saint Domenico and its annexes; the beauty of Eroli Museum with its important archaeological finds that trace the local artistic evolution.
To learn more about Narni, read our article about What to see in Narni in 1 day

Ring the bells! Roll the drums!
In Narni (Tr) from the 24th April to 14th May 2017 there will be the 49th edition of “La Corsa All’Anello” (literally, the “The Race of the Ring”), surely one of the most charming and touching historical reenactment in Umbria.
Torches and flags will color the streets and the squares of Narni, the city center will be filled with sounds; there will be furnaces and taverns where the visitors will size inviting aromas and flavors; with parades and games, the ancient competitions between the 3 districts of Narni, called the 3 “Terzieri” of Mezule, Fra Porta and Santa Maria, will revive.
During the game, the young of the districts will have the traditional historical costumes and they will have to insert their lances in a ring hanging to a template. On the eve of the competition, that is the climax of the manifestation, an impressive historical parade will march through the decorated streets of the city.
For this edition 2017 there will be a lot of events, from exhibits to conferences, from shows to reenactments, looking at four main thematic areas: food, culture, sport, beauty. The organizators announced the presence of an exceptional guests and testimonials for each area: Giorgione, chef of the Tv show “Giorgione, Orto e Cucina” on Gambero Rosso Channel; Franco Cardini, writer and University professor; Alessio Foconi, Italian fencer and foil specialist; Dalila Pasquariello, actress and model, finalist of Miss Italia 2011 and protagonist of the Tv show “Don Matteo 10”.
There are also two important news: a second edition of the Corsa all’Anello, from the 17th to the 24th June 2017, and a special track of sand for the horses races.
In addiction, remember that at the typical taverns (“Hostarie”), open exclusively for the occasion, you will have the possibility to taste also many dishes of the medieval tradition!

The Taste of living History
The Race of the Ring is trying to remain loyal to its own traditions and to mantain its relation with them. This is an element that distinguishes it from many other historical celebration in Italy and also in Europe.
The event is in fact very ancient: officially it is rooted in 1371, with the codes about the ancient rites and celebrations that took place in Narni in honor of Saint Giovenale, the first bishop of the city.
An imposing procession accompanied by songs and musical instruments, a solemn religious celebration in the Cathedral, and then time dedicated to the more playful nature of the event with the traditional equestrian games. The Corsa del Palio was a race of pure speed, whose final prize was a silk woven with a length of about six meters. The Race of the Ring was instead reserved for knights of Narni, with the final aim of inserting the target with their rods. Later, they added more games and other events entered in the tradition, as the fight, the “quintana” or the comedies staged by local young.
The Slogan of the event is in fact: The Race of the Ring, the taste of living history.
And they add: “The whole countryside, near and far, is invited to attend the holy carousel!”

Narni, a city to discover
Beyond the race and the symbolic reenactment, the Race of the Ring is also an unmissable occasion to visit Narni and enjoy all its beauties in a moment of particular suggestion.
The events and the festivities that accompany it give to the city a unique atmosphere, enhancing the medieval aspects and offering to the visitors a real journey back in time.
The charm of the Albarnoz Fortress, an ancient fortress built in the second half of the XVI century overlooking the city; the suggestive Augustus Bridge, over the Nera river, a 160 meters of length and 30 of height bridge, consisted of a Roman arch surviving of the I century B.C.; the mystery of Narni Underground, with a visit to the subterranean halls of the complex of Saint Domenico and its annexes; the beauty of Eroli Museum with its important archaeological finds that trace the local artistic evolution.
To learn more about Narni, read our article about What to see in Narni in 1 day

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