Da anni il Capodanno a Orvieto coincide con Umbria Jazz Winter, per un saluto al nuovo anno davvero speciale all’insegna della musica, grazie ai tantissimi appuntamenti in programma.

La manifestazione è un evento diffuso che coinvolge location storiche come il Teatro Mancinelli, il Palazzo del Popolo, il Palazzo dei Sette e il celebre Duomo di Orvieto, ma anche tanti locali e bistrot in tutto il centro storico.

Capodanno a Orvieto con Umbria Jazz Winter

La serata del 31 Dicembre per il Capodanno a Orvieto prende il via già alle 17:00 al Teatro Mancinelli con l’ultimo dei 3 appuntamenti previsti del Benny Harris Trio: la leggenda del jazz Benny Harris torna a Umbria Jazz alla veneranda età di 89 anni, di cui ben 84 passati al pianoforte; con lui sul palco due partner di generazioni diverse, Ben Street al basso e Lewis Nash alla batteria.

Sempre alle 18:00, il Palazzo dei Sette ospita la musica del quartetto di Claudio Jr De Rosa, sassofonista e polistrumentista classe ’92 che rappresenta le nuove leve del jazz italiano.

Alle ore 19:00 invece la musica anima il Palazzo del Popolo nella Sala 400, con l’ultima replica della performance “Mare Nostrum” di Paulo Fresu alla tromba, Richard Galliano alla fisarmonica e Jan Lundgren al pianoforte. Uno spettacolo che vede come protagonista centrale il Mar Mediterraneo, con l’incontro delle sue culture, genti e identità.

Musica, ma anche gastronomia! Per il Capodanno a Orvieto sono in programma 3 cenoni di Capodanno in altrettante splendide location, sempre accompagnati dal meglio della musica jazz e non solo:

  • Ristorante San Francesco, dalle 20:30 – WEE WILLIE WALKER & THE ANTHONY PAULE SOUL ORCHESTRA, band formata da specialisti del soul in una performance spettacolare e coinvolgnte
  • Il Malandrino Bistrot, dalle 21:00 – Gran cenone di fine anno in compagnia di THE HOUSE QUINTET, quintetto formato da Piero Odorici, Daniele Scannapieco, Andrea Pozza, Aldo Zunino e Anthony Pinciotti
  • Palazzo dei Sette, dalle ore 22:00 – Gran cenone di fine anno arricchito da tanta tanta musica con il CLAUDIO JR DE ROSA QUARTET, il NICK THE NIGHTFLY QUINTET e il  FILIPPO BIANCHINI QUARTET
Aspettando la mezzanotte, dalle 23:15 al Palazzo del Popolo ci si diverte in compagnia dell’innovativo THE BIG EASY TRIO, nato dall’incontro artistico tra la voce di Karima con la tromba di Mauro Ottolini e con il pianoforte di Oscar Marchioni, per uno spettacolo che spazia dalla musica blues e R&B fino al Jazz dalle origini ad oggi.
Dopo il brindisi di mezzanotte, l’appuntamento è invece al Teatro Mancinelli per il classico concerto gospel che da sempre saluta il nuovo anno a Orvieto. Quest’anno sul palco il NEW DIRECTION TENNESSEE STATE GOSPEL CHOIR, che mescola gospel contemporaneo e tradizionale, spiritual e canto religioso afroamericano rivisto in stile classico.

Umbria Jazz non finisce qui: la manifestazione è in programma a Orvieto dal 28 Dicembre e fino a tutta la giornata del 1 Gennaio 2019, trovi tutte le informazioni sul programma completo nel nostro articolo dedicato all’Umbria Jazz Winter

Buon Capodanno a Orvieto da Bella Umbria

Christmas in Umbria is special between the spirituality of Assisi, the magic of Perugia, the unique atmosphere of Narni and the decorations of Orvieto, not to mention the many smaller villages that come alive and give emotions all to be experienced.

But there is one place where Christmas in Umbria is even more special: Gubbio!

Events for young and old, illuminations, markets and many initiatives under the luminous aura of the magnificent Christmas Tree of Gubbio that shines and towers over the city throughout the Christmas season.

So let’s discover together all the events of Christmas in Gubbio!

Christmas in Gubbio, or rather: Gubbio is… Christmas!

From November to January Gubbio becomes the city of Christmas, with incredible attractions and initiatives that transform it into a magical space, even more so for this 2022 in which the Christmas Land Gubbio circuit has been organized.

The many initiatives are organized within the event with the significant name of Gubbio is… Christmas, precisely to emphasize that unique atmosphere that Gubbio Mayor Stirati defines with these words:

Gubbio excites. This means that beyond the beauty, clearly visible, of the ‘most beautiful medieval city,’ it knows how to tell an ancient story and gives visitors and tourists a deep soul that engages. Because everything is authentic. This is also felt by those who come to spend the Christmas and New Year festivities here and in crossing the squares, the narrow streets, among palaces and churches, breathtaking views and panoramas that have inspired writers and painters, they are caught by a feeling of magic.

Christmas markets in Gubbio

Not to be missed in Gubbio during the Christmas season are first and foremost the Christmas Markets, which are absolutely charming and perfect for those looking for the ideal gifts for their loved ones.

The typical markets are set up in the picturesque setting of the gardens of Piazza 40 Martiri, with many wooden stands in the best Christmas tradition. The Gubbio Christmas markets will be open continuously from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on the following days:

November 19/20, 2022
November 26/27, 2022
December 3/4, 2022
December 7/8/9/10/11, 2022
December 17/18, 2022
Every day from December 24, 2022 to January 8, 2023.

On December 25, December 27, January 1 and January 3, the Market will open at 3 pm.

Craft exhibitors, original creations, a Food area where you can taste the products of Umbrian gastronomy, Santa’s Little Train for a characteristic tour and Santa’s Sleigh pulled by horses for a truly alternative walk await you.

Throughout the Christmas period it will in fact be possible to walk the streets of the magnificent historic center of Gubbio in an original and fun way!

In fact, the Gubbio Express Christmas, the traditional tourist train perfect for immersing yourself in the Christmas atmosphere (stops in Piazza Grande and Piazza 40 Martiri) and the evocative horse-drawn Santa’s Sleigh will be active from Piazza 40 Martiri every day from November 19, 2022 to January 8, 2023.

Also not to be missed are the illuminations installed in some of the town’s most enchanting spots, thanks to a special Christmas lighting project curated by engineer and light designer Matteo Costantini. Eyes open then to admire the multicolored lights that make St. John’s Square, St. Peter’s Square, the Underground of Via della Gora and the Logge dei Tiratori magical.

Christmas Land for Christmas 2022 in Gubbio.

The big news for this 2022 is that Gubbio becomes Christmas Land, a Christmas circuit involving the entire historic center that can be accessed through a special “passport.” In order not to overcrowd the town, so as to make all the activities, games, workshops usable to the fullest and to ensure the viability itself among the streets of the center, daily entries are limited in number.

Walking in Christmas Land through the streets of the beautiful medieval historic center of Gubbio, you will discover unexpected places and fantastic attractions capable of leaving young and old open-mouthed! Let’s see then the locations of the circuit.

Christmas and St. Francis

The journey begins inside the rooms of the Convent of St. Francis, right in Piazza 40 Martiri. Here you will find the Children’s Bookshop and a special forest of a hundred fir trees inside which is hidden the Wishing Well. Framing it is the Wolf’s Labyrinth dedicated to discovering the very life of St. Francis. In addition to immersing yourself in these evocative settings, you will be able to admire a beautiful exhibition of Handcrafted Nativity Scenes and a photo exhibition centered precisely on the wolf.

The Magical World of Santa Claus

Ready for an incredible journey through lights and scenery? At the Captains’ Tavern on Baldassini Street you can visit The Magical World of Santa Claus, a real journey into the universe of Santa Claus and his magical world, among the elves and his helpers.

Igor and his gang of goblins live in a forest far away from the North Pole, but this does not stop them from plotting a plan to sabotage Santa Claus on the most magical night of the year… However, the gang of goblins will find Missy, who will do everything in her power to warn the inhabitants of the North Pole, on their way.


Inside the Exhibition Hall on Lucarelli Street it will be possible to take part in craft workshops for adults and children, perfect for putting your creativity to the test. Have fun creating beautiful Christmas items, you can make tree decorations, Christmas balls and garlands, brooms and plucked trees and much more. Also, admire the special display of vintage items decorated and arranged to bring them back to life. All workshops are limited in number and by reservation only.

The Magic of Chocolate

At the Palazzo dei Conti della Porta on Cavallotti Street, a real chocolate shop where you will find demonstrations by master chocolatiers, tastings, chocolate sculptures, themed games… a real feast for the sweet tooth! Open from 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., at a cost of €2.00.

Christmas Lights

The spectacle of Oderisi Square will leave you breathless: you will see real works of art in wax come to life before your eyes. To the delight of the little ones, there is also the characteristic enchanted merry-go-round in the square.

Fantasy Movie Experience

A plunge into intriguing and compelling fantasy dimension, in a historic town cinema inside which there is an exhibition of objects and costumes, as well as a whole series of curiosities concerning the behind-the-scenes of the most popular films and TV series of the fantasy genre.

Special Christmas in Gubbio from above

In Piazza 40 Martiri will be set up the beautiful Ferris Wheel, an original and new way to admire the city amid colorful lights and unique skyline. The wheel is open daily from November 19, 2022 to January 8, 2023, with paid admission and disabled access available.

If you want to go even higher than the Ferris Wheel, climb aboard the funicular that connects the city to Mount Ingino: in fact, the Colle Eletto Cable Car departs from the heart of Gubbio and goes up the mountain to the Basilica of Sant’Ubaldo, located at a height of 803 meters. Here you can visit the splendid basilica and especially what it holds inside: the urn of the Saint, an important relic of the city’s patron saint, and the famous Tre Ceri protagonists of the Corsa dei Ceri on May 15, which rest in this very place during the rest of the year.

After the ascent by cable car and the magnificent panorama of the city unfolding before your eyes, experience the thrill of the descent: walk down the narrow streets that cross the Christmas Tree of Gubbo, for an evocative walk with a view of and framed by the thousands of multicolored lights of the Tree.

The Gubbio Cable Car is open daily at the following times: 10 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

All the information for your Christmas in Gubbio.

Once you arrive in town, all information about Christmas in Gubbio will be provided to you at the Info Point and Ticket Office located in Piazza 40 Martiri.

It is possible to purchase tickets for the Christmas Land circuit directly in Gubbio at the ticket office, or to secure admission through presale on the TicketOne website. The full ticket is priced at €7.00, but there are many reductions for children and families. In addition, the Christmas Land passport ticket will also entitle you to a whole range of additional reductions:

discounts in the Palazzo dei Consoli Civic Museum circuit, the Diocesan Museum and the Extinction Dinosaur Exhibition.
Reductions for Gubbio Express Christmas, the Colle Eletto Cable Car, The Enchanted Carousel, Children’s Train, Santa’s Sleigh

Christmas Land will be open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2:20 p.m. to 7 p.m. on the following days:

Nov. 19/20, 2022
November 26/27, 2022
December 3/4, 2022
December 7/8/9/10/11, 2022
December 17/18, 2022
every day from December 24, 2022 to January 1, 2023.

December 25, 2022 and January 1, 2023 ChristmasLand will be closed in the morning and open from 2:30 p.m.

At the Gubbio Tourist Office in Via della Repubblica, you can also pick up a free practical and functional map of all the events in Gubbio is… Christmas in paper format.

Merry Christmas in Gubbio from Bella Umbria!

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)