Tara è un’azienda agricola di 7 ettari, in cui i campi di girasoli, grano, orzo riempiono lo sguardo a seconda delle stagioni e della produzione in corso.

“L’Olio di Tara” è un olio extravergine di oliva ottenuto con passione direttamente dalle varietà Frantoio, Leccino, Moraiolo che crescono nell’uliveto dell’agriturismo Tara di Amelia.
Degustazione su prenotazione.
Vendita di confezioni in vari formati. Disponibili anche confezioni regalo con tessuti pregiati ricamati a mano.

Tara is a farm of 7 hectares, where fields of sunflowers, wheat, barley fill the gaze according to the seasons and the current production.

“Oil of Tara” is an extra virgin olive oil obtained directly from the passion Frantoio, Leccino, Moraiolo growing grove farm Tara Amelia.
Tasting by appointment.
Sale of packaging in various formats. Also available in gift boxes with hand-embroidered fabrics.

Tara is a farm of 7 hectares, where fields of sunflowers, wheat, barley fill the gaze according to the seasons and the current production.

“Oil of Tara” is an extra virgin olive oil obtained directly from the passion Frantoio, Leccino, Moraiolo growing grove farm Tara Amelia.
Tasting by appointment.
Sale of packaging in various formats. Also available in gift boxes with hand-embroidered fabrics.

Tara is a farm of 7 hectares, where fields of sunflowers, wheat, barley fill the gaze according to the seasons and the current production.

“Oil of Tara” is an extra virgin olive oil obtained directly from the passion Frantoio, Leccino, Moraiolo growing grove farm Tara Amelia.
Tasting by appointment.
Sale of packaging in various formats. Also available in gift boxes with hand-embroidered fabrics.

Tara is a farm of 7 hectares, where fields of sunflowers, wheat, barley fill the gaze according to the seasons and the current production.

“Oil of Tara” is an extra virgin olive oil obtained directly from the passion Frantoio, Leccino, Moraiolo growing grove farm Tara Amelia.
Tasting by appointment.
Sale of packaging in various formats. Also available in gift boxes with hand-embroidered fabrics.