La chiesa di San Damiano non riveste ovviamente una grande importanza dal punto di vista artistico, specie se la si mette a confronto con alcune delle basiliche di Assisi, tuttavia è un luogo a cui indissolubilmente sono legate le vicende terrene sia di San Francesco che di Santa Chiara.
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In questo oratorio campestre, appena fuori le mura del paese, nell’estate del 1205 d.C. San Francesco sentì il Crocifisso, che oggi viene custodito nellomonima cappella della chiesa di Santa Chiara, esortarlo a restaurare la Chiesa; nella grotta sotto l’edificio, il Santo si nascose dal padre che ne ostacolava la scelta monastica.Qui Santa Chiara trascorse la sua esperienza monastica a partire dal 1212 d.C. e fondò lordine delle Clarisse; nella “capannuccia di stuoie in un angolo della casa” San Francesco scrisse la prima bozza del Cantico delle Creature, e nel dormitorio di San Damiano, Basilica di Santa Chiara spirò l’11 Agosto del 1253 d.C. appena due giorni dopo la visita di Papa Innocenzo IV. Quello che maggiormente colpisce del luogo è il silenzio, ed il senso di distacco che chiunque avverte passando dal paese a questa chiesa; San Damiano dista, dopo tutto, poco più di un chilometro dalla Basilica di San Francesco, ma, forse per i campi di olivi che lo circondano, o forse perché è visitato più dai pellegrini in preghiera che dai semplici turisti, la distanza sembra molto maggiore.
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La facciata della chiesa è caratterizzata da un portico che permette laccesso sulla destra alla cappella di San Girolamo dove sono ospitati alcuni affreschi di Tiberio di Assisi databili fra il 1517 ed il 1522 d.C. L’interno ad una navata ed abside decorata di affreschi del XIV secolo contiene un coro ligneo dei primi anni del XVI secolo ed una copia delloriginale Crocifisso. All’interno del convento sono presenti una Crocifissione di Pier Antonio Mezzastris del 1482 d.C., nel refettorio alcuni affreschi di Dono Doni e, nel chiostro, le opere di Eusebio da San Giorgio del 1507 d.C. raffiguranti “San Francesco che riceve le stigmate” e “lannunciazione”.
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The church of San Damiano does not have a great importance under the artistic point of view, especially if you compare it with some of the basilicas of Assisi, however it is a place to which are indissolubly linked the stories of San Francesco and Santa Chiara.
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In this countryside oratory, just outside the walls of the village, during the summer of 1205 after Christ St. Francis feels the Crucifix, that nowadays is kept in the chapel of the same name of the Basilica of St. Clare, exhort him to restore the church; in the cave under the edifice, the Saint hided himself from his father who was obstructing his monastic choice. Here St. Clare spent her monastic experience from 1212 after Christ and founded the Order St. Clare; in the “small hut of linens in a corner of the house” San Francesco wrote the first draft of the Canticle of the Creatures, and in the dormitory of San Damiano, Santa Chiara died on August 11th of 1253 after Christ, just two days after the visit of Pope Innocent IV.
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What mostly moves of the place is the silence, and the sense of secondment that whoever feels going from the village to this church; San Damiano is only, after all, a little bit more than one kilometre away from the Basilica of San Francesco, but, maybe for the olive fields around it, or maybe because it is visited more from pilgrims praying than from simple tourists, the distance seems to be a lot longer.
The façade of the church is characterized by a portico that allows the access on the right side to the chapel of San Girolamo where are present some frescoes of Tiberio of Assisi dating back from 1517 and 1522 after Christ. The internal part, at one nave and apse decorated of frescoes from the 14th century, has a wooden choirs of the first years of the 16th century and a copy of the original Crucifix. Inside the convent are present a Crucifixion of Pier Antonio Mezzastris from 1482 after Christ, in the refectory some frescoes of Dono Doni and, in the cloister, the works of Eusebio da San Giorgio from 1507 after Christ representing “San Francesco receiving the stigmata” and “the annunciation”.
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The church of San Damiano does not have a great importance under the artistic point of view, especially if you compare it with some of the basilicas of Assisi, however it is a place to which are indissolubly linked the stories of San Francesco and Santa Chiara.
In this countryside oratory, just outside the walls of the village, during the summer of 1205 after Christ St. Francis feels the Crucifix, that nowadays is kept in the chapel of the same name of the Basilica of St. Clare, exhort him to restore the church; in the cave under the edifice, the Saint hided himself from his father who was obstructing his monastic choice. Here St. Clare spent her monastic experience from 1212 after Christ and founded the Order St. Clare; in the “small hut of linens in a corner of the house” San Francesco wrote the first draft of the Canticle of the Creatures, and in the dormitory of San Damiano, Santa Chiara died on August 11th of 1253 after Christ, just two days after the visit of Pope Innocent IV.What mostly moves of the place is the silence, and the sense of secondment that whoever feels going from the village to this church; San Damiano is only, after all, a little bit more than one kilometre away from the Basilica of San Francesco, but, maybe for the olive fields around it, or maybe because it is visited more from pilgrims praying than from simple tourists, the distance seems to be a lot longer.
The façade of the church is characterized by a portico that allows the access on the right side to the chapel of San Girolamo where are present some frescoes of Tiberio of Assisi dating back from 1517 and 1522 after Christ. The internal part, at one nave and apse decorated of frescoes from the 14th century, has a wooden choirs of the first years of the 16th century and a copy of the original Crucifix. Inside the convent are present a Crucifixion of Pier Antonio Mezzastris from 1482 after Christ, in the refectory some frescoes of Dono Doni and, in the cloister, the works of Eusebio da San Giorgio from 1507 after Christ representing “San Francesco receiving the stigmata” and “the annunciation”.
The church of San Damiano does not have a great importance under the artistic point of view, especially if you compare it with some of the basilicas of Assisi, however it is a place to which are indissolubly linked the stories of San Francesco and Santa Chiara.
In this countryside oratory, just outside the walls of the village, during the summer of 1205 after Christ St. Francis feels the Crucifix, that nowadays is kept in the chapel of the same name of the Basilica of St. Clare, exhort him to restore the church; in the cave under the edifice, the Saint hided himself from his father who was obstructing his monastic choice. Here St. Clare spent her monastic experience from 1212 after Christ and founded the Order St. Clare; in the “small hut of linens in a corner of the house” San Francesco wrote the first draft of the Canticle of the Creatures, and in the dormitory of San Damiano, Santa Chiara died on August 11th of 1253 after Christ, just two days after the visit of Pope Innocent IV.What mostly moves of the place is the silence, and the sense of secondment that whoever feels going from the village to this church; San Damiano is only, after all, a little bit more than one kilometre away from the Basilica of San Francesco, but, maybe for the olive fields around it, or maybe because it is visited more from pilgrims praying than from simple tourists, the distance seems to be a lot longer.
The façade of the church is characterized by a portico that allows the access on the right side to the chapel of San Girolamo where are present some frescoes of Tiberio of Assisi dating back from 1517 and 1522 after Christ. The internal part, at one nave and apse decorated of frescoes from the 14th century, has a wooden choirs of the first years of the 16th century and a copy of the original Crucifix. Inside the convent are present a Crucifixion of Pier Antonio Mezzastris from 1482 after Christ, in the refectory some frescoes of Dono Doni and, in the cloister, the works of Eusebio da San Giorgio from 1507 after Christ representing “San Francesco receiving the stigmata” and “the annunciation”.
The church of San Damiano does not have a great importance under the artistic point of view, especially if you compare it with some of the basilicas of Assisi, however it is a place to which are indissolubly linked the stories of San Francesco and Santa Chiara.
In this countryside oratory, just outside the walls of the village, during the summer of 1205 after Christ St. Francis feels the Crucifix, that nowadays is kept in the chapel of the same name of the Basilica of St. Clare, exhort him to restore the church; in the cave under the edifice, the Saint hided himself from his father who was obstructing his monastic choice. Here St. Clare spent her monastic experience from 1212 after Christ and founded the Order St. Clare; in the “small hut of linens in a corner of the house” San Francesco wrote the first draft of the Canticle of the Creatures, and in the dormitory of San Damiano, Santa Chiara died on August 11th of 1253 after Christ, just two days after the visit of Pope Innocent IV.What mostly moves of the place is the silence, and the sense of secondment that whoever feels going from the village to this church; San Damiano is only, after all, a little bit more than one kilometre away from the Basilica of San Francesco, but, maybe for the olive fields around it, or maybe because it is visited more from pilgrims praying than from simple tourists, the distance seems to be a lot longer.
The façade of the church is characterized by a portico that allows the access on the right side to the chapel of San Girolamo where are present some frescoes of Tiberio of Assisi dating back from 1517 and 1522 after Christ. The internal part, at one nave and apse decorated of frescoes from the 14th century, has a wooden choirs of the first years of the 16th century and a copy of the original Crucifix. Inside the convent are present a Crucifixion of Pier Antonio Mezzastris from 1482 after Christ, in the refectory some frescoes of Dono Doni and, in the cloister, the works of Eusebio da San Giorgio from 1507 after Christ representing “San Francesco receiving the stigmata” and “the annunciation”.
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