In Piazza della Repubblica a Foligno si trova Palazzo Trinci, complesso monumentale costituito dall’accorpamento di case e torri, oggi divenuto Museo della città. Negli spazi espositivi sono collocate la Pinacoteca, il Museo Archeologico e quello dei Tornei, delle Giostre e dei Giochi.

Il Museo Archeologico di Foligno è diviso in due sezioni:

  • Prima sezione: ospita i reperti più antichi come utensili in ceramica e bronzo e frammenti di strutture architettoniche, provenienti dalle zone limitrofe alla città, appartenenti ad un periodo che va dal VII-VI secolo a.C. al II-I secolo a.C.;
  • Seconda sezione: raccoglie  reperti archeologici del periodo compreso tra il I al III secolo d.C. come urne e frammenti di oggetti di uso comune.

Orario apertura: dal martedì alla domenica, ore 10 – 13 e 15 – 19

Chiusura: tutti i lunedì non festivi, il 25 dicembre ed il 1° gennaio

Biglietto: € 6,00; ridotto € 3,00.

In Piazza della Repubblica in Foligno, there’s Palazzo Trinci a monumental complex consisting of a merger of houses and towers, now became the Museum of the cit. In the exhibition spaces are located the Art Museum, the Museum of Archaeological and Tournaments, Rides and Games.

The Archaeological Museum of Foligno is divided into two sections:

  • First section: hosts the most ancient tools such as ceramic and bronze and fragments of architecture, from the areas surrounding the city, belonging to aperiod from seventh to sixth century BC the II-I century BC;
  • Second section: contains archaeological remains of the period from I to III centuryAD as urns and fragments of everyday objects.

Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 10 am – 13 and 15 to 19

Closed: Mondays, 25 December and 1 January

Admission: € 6.00; reduced € 3.00.

In Piazza della Repubblica in Foligno, there’s Palazzo Trinci a monumental complex consisting of a merger of houses and towers, now became the Museum of the cit. In the exhibition spaces are located the Art Museum, the Museum of Archaeological and Tournaments, Rides and Games.

The Archaeological Museum of Foligno is divided into two sections:

  • First section: hosts the most ancient tools such as ceramic and bronze and fragments of architecture, from the areas surrounding the city, belonging to aperiod from seventh to sixth century BC the II-I century BC;
  • Second section: contains archaeological remains of the period from I to III centuryAD as urns and fragments of everyday objects.

Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 10 am – 13 and 15 to 19

Closed: Mondays, 25 December and 1 January

Admission: € 6.00; reduced € 3.00.

In Piazza della Repubblica in Foligno, there’s Palazzo Trinci a monumental complex consisting of a merger of houses and towers, now became the Museum of the cit. In the exhibition spaces are located the Art Museum, the Museum of Archaeological and Tournaments, Rides and Games.

The Archaeological Museum of Foligno is divided into two sections:

  • First section: hosts the most ancient tools such as ceramic and bronze and fragments of architecture, from the areas surrounding the city, belonging to aperiod from seventh to sixth century BC the II-I century BC;
  • Second section: contains archaeological remains of the period from I to III centuryAD as urns and fragments of everyday objects.

Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 10 am – 13 and 15 to 19

Closed: Mondays, 25 December and 1 January

Admission: € 6.00; reduced € 3.00.

In Piazza della Repubblica in Foligno, there’s Palazzo Trinci a monumental complex consisting of a merger of houses and towers, now became the Museum of the cit. In the exhibition spaces are located the Art Museum, the Museum of Archaeological and Tournaments, Rides and Games.

The Archaeological Museum of Foligno is divided into two sections:

  • First section: hosts the most ancient tools such as ceramic and bronze and fragments of architecture, from the areas surrounding the city, belonging to aperiod from seventh to sixth century BC the II-I century BC;
  • Second section: contains archaeological remains of the period from I to III centuryAD as urns and fragments of everyday objects.

Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 10 am – 13 and 15 to 19

Closed: Mondays, 25 December and 1 January

Admission: € 6.00; reduced € 3.00.