La discoteca LEXBB di Narni Scalo riapre dopo anni di attesa. L’ex Abacab, discoteca che ha fatto ballare tutti gli studenti della conca ternana, cambia nome e si rinnova. Un sabato sera al mese offre la possibilità di cena e danza fino a tarda notte.

C’è la possibilità di arrivare al LexBB Club, che si trova all’uscita Sangemini dell’E45, da Terni con il servizio navetta gratuito.

The disco LEXBB of Narni Scalo reopens after years of waiting. L’ex Abacab, disco dancing that has made all the students in Terni, name changes and renews itself. One Saturday evening a month offers the option of dinner and dancing until late at night.

There is the possibility of arriving at LexBB Club, located at the exit Sangemini-E45 from Terni with free shuttle service.

The disco LEXBB of Narni Scalo reopens after years of waiting. L’ex Abacab, disco dancing that has made all the students in Terni, name changes and renews itself. One Saturday evening a month offers the option of dinner and dancing until late at night.

There is the possibility of arriving at LexBB Club, located at the exit Sangemini-E45 from Terni with free shuttle service.

The disco LEXBB of Narni Scalo reopens after years of waiting. L’ex Abacab, disco dancing that has made all the students in Terni, name changes and renews itself. One Saturday evening a month offers the option of dinner and dancing until late at night.

There is the possibility of arriving at LexBB Club, located at the exit Sangemini-E45 from Terni with free shuttle service.

The disco LEXBB of Narni Scalo reopens after years of waiting. L’ex Abacab, disco dancing that has made all the students in Terni, name changes and renews itself. One Saturday evening a month offers the option of dinner and dancing until late at night.

There is the possibility of arriving at LexBB Club, located at the exit Sangemini-E45 from Terni with free shuttle service.