Zero7cinque è un locale sito a Perugia, nella piccola località di Via Settevalli. Aperto nel 2007, il locale durante il giorno dispone di una sala e una cucina che prepara ottimi piatti, dalle insalate alle pizze, dai secondi di carne e pesce ai contorni, è aperto dal lunedì al venerdì a pranzo e dal martedì alla domenica a cena.
Di notte, lo Zero7cinque si scatena con musica disco o concerti, mostrando il lato trendy del locale.

Il design del locale ricorda i colori del capoluogo umbro, le tinte del rosso, del bianco e del nero si fondono insieme per creare atmosfere minimal tutte le sere.
Il locale dispone di molti parcheggi nelle aree circostanti, una zona fumatori esterna e un terrazzino all’aperto sul tetto per il periodo estivo.

Zero7cinque is a local site in Perugia, in the small town of Via Settevalli. Opened in 2007, the room during the day has a lounge and a kitchen that prepares delicious dishes, from salads to pizzas, meat dishes and fish from the edges, is open from Monday to Friday for lunch and dinner from Tuesday to Sunday.

At night, the Zero7cinque breaks out with disco music and concerts, showing the trendy side of the room.
The design of the room recalls the colors of the Umbrian capital, the hues of red, white and black blend together to create a minimalist atmosphere every night.

The restaurant has many parking lots in surrounding areas, a smoking area outside and an outdoor rooftop terrace for the summer.

Zero7cinque is a local site in Perugia, in the small town of Via Settevalli. Opened in 2007, the room during the day has a lounge and a kitchen that prepares delicious dishes, from salads to pizzas, meat dishes and fish from the edges, is open from Monday to Friday for lunch and dinner from Tuesday to Sunday.

At night, the Zero7cinque breaks out with disco music and concerts, showing the trendy side of the room.
The design of the room recalls the colors of the Umbrian capital, the hues of red, white and black blend together to create a minimalist atmosphere every night.

The restaurant has many parking lots in surrounding areas, a smoking area outside and an outdoor rooftop terrace for the summer.

Zero7cinque is a local site in Perugia, in the small town of Via Settevalli. Opened in 2007, the room during the day has a lounge and a kitchen that prepares delicious dishes, from salads to pizzas, meat dishes and fish from the edges, is open from Monday to Friday for lunch and dinner from Tuesday to Sunday.

At night, the Zero7cinque breaks out with disco music and concerts, showing the trendy side of the room.
The design of the room recalls the colors of the Umbrian capital, the hues of red, white and black blend together to create a minimalist atmosphere every night.

The restaurant has many parking lots in surrounding areas, a smoking area outside and an outdoor rooftop terrace for the summer.

Zero7cinque is a local site in Perugia, in the small town of Via Settevalli. Opened in 2007, the room during the day has a lounge and a kitchen that prepares delicious dishes, from salads to pizzas, meat dishes and fish from the edges, is open from Monday to Friday for lunch and dinner from Tuesday to Sunday.

At night, the Zero7cinque breaks out with disco music and concerts, showing the trendy side of the room.
The design of the room recalls the colors of the Umbrian capital, the hues of red, white and black blend together to create a minimalist atmosphere every night.

The restaurant has many parking lots in surrounding areas, a smoking area outside and an outdoor rooftop terrace for the summer.