Musica, tradizioni popolari, prodotti tipici e l’incontro tra diverse culture. Tutto questo nel centro storico di Orvieto. Tutto questo grazie all’ Umbria Folk Festival.

Umbria Folk Festival è uno degli appuntamenti più importanti dell’estate musicale su territorio umbro e nazionale, legando musica, enogastronomia, tradizioni popolari e culture diverse in una formula ormai collaudata e vincente.

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Martedì 18 agosto, apertura in compagnia di Paolo Jannacci & Band in concerto con “Enzo 2015”. Del padre Enzo, Paolo è stato prima di tutto accompagnatore straordinariamente affettuoso e poi compagno di palco. Ha finito così per accumulare un’esperienza preziosa che ora gli consente di muoversi liberamente fra il jazz, che resta il suo grande amore, e il repertorio paterno.

Nella prima serata del Festival, anche il musicista e cantante tunisino Dhafer Youssef. Le radici della sua musica affondano nella tradizione Sufi e nella musica mistica, Youssef costituisce una delle espressioni più importanti sulla scena musicale dove continua ad incorporare il lirismo arabo, la potenza ritmica, la forza della visione e l’improvvisazione contaminata da influenze multiculturali e jazzistiche.

Mercoledì 19 agosto con Raiz & Fausto Mesolella. Raiz, una delle voci più intense e personali della musica italiana, voce storica degli Almamegretta, ha intrapreso un cammino di ricerca personale che l’ha portato all’incontro con Fausto Mesolella, chitarrista personale ed eclettico degli Avion Travel. Un excursus eclettico tra canzone napoletana, rock, reggae con qualche suggestione etnica mediterranea.

Sempre nella serata del 19 agosto: il “griot bianco” Sandro Joyeux, musicista francese giramondo, enciclopedia musicale e culturale che non s’incontra comunemente. Ha percorso più di mezzo milione di chilometri con la chitarra sulle spalle per raccogliere tradizioni, dialetti e suoni del Sud del mondo. Canta in francese, inglese, italiano, arabo e in svariati dialetti.

Giovedì 20 agosto con i Street Clerks, formazione dalle sonorità ’50-’60 con arrangiamenti moderni e reinterpretazioni d’eccezione. Nei loro concerti si respira l’energia del rock’n’roll di Elvis Presley e Jerry Lee Lewis, toccando virtuosismi jazzy, country, folk e blues. Ciò che rende il loro show ancora più fresco e originale sono la melodia e gli arrangiamenti vocali a 4 voci.

A seguire il concerto di Niccolò Fabi, accompagnato dal GnuQuartet. Linguaggio acustico e stile del quartetto strumentale, per la rilettura del proprio repertorio cantautorale attraverso ritmi e suoni inediti.

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Protagonista assoluto del 21 agosto è Mauro Pagani con “Creuza de Ma Live 2015”. L’album, scritto a quattro mani da Fabrizio De Andrè e Mauro Pagani, è ormai universalmente riconosciuto come una delle pietre miliari della cultura musicale italiana. La Fondazione De Andrè e Mauro Pagani hanno deciso di remixare l’album, partendo dai nastri analogici originali e utilizzando al meglio le più moderne tecnologie digitali. Il nuovo tour porta in giro per l’Italia i vecchi e nuovi mix dell’album, oltre ad alcuni brani storici frutto della collaborazione di Pagani con De Andrè e alcuni inediti. Da non perdere.

Il 22 agosto è la serata della Festa della Terra e del progetto Ballo! che vede il coinvolgimento di tutti coloro che avranno partecipato ai laboratori proposti tra le varie attività collaterali del Festival, il tutto per una serata all’insegna dell’energia e del divertimento, con un’esibizione collettiva vivace e coinvolgente. A capitanare il progetto è Ambrogio Sparagna. L’apertura della serata è affidata alla voce di Roberta Carrese, finalista del talent The Voice of Italy 2015.

La nona edizione si chiude il 23 agosto con la tradizionale Festa della Trebbiatura. L’ospite d’eccezione dell’ultima serata è Ron, che si esibisce con alcuni brani scelti tra cui un omaggio a Lucio Dalla.

Ulteriori informazioni: sito internet

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Music, folk traditions, local products and the encounter between different cultures. All this in the inner city of Orvieto (TR). All this thanks to the sixth edition of Umbria Folk Festival, “La Festa della Terra” (The Feast of the Earth), from August 21st to 26th, 2012.

2012 Umbria Folk Festival al will begin August 21st, 2012 at 20:00 at the Palco Largo San Leonardo with Juredurè. But the first big name on the bill is Goran Bregovic and his Wedding & Funeral Band with their Champagne for Gypsies tour at Piazza del Popolo. To open their concert, by 21:00, the Orchestraccia, touring folk-rock group of Rome featuring actors, bloggers, songwriters, musicians and performers.

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012 space to the songs and dances of the Umbrian tradition thanks to, from 21:30, Agilla & Trasimeno, Organicanto and Cantamaggio Ficulle. After them Ambrogio Sparagna will conduct the Youth Orchestra of Popular Music of Umbria Folk Festival, accompanied by Lucilla Galeazzi and Raffaello Simeoni.

Thursday, August 23rd, 2012 from 21:30 on the main stage will perform the Roman folk singer Alessandro Mannarino with his Supersantos Tour.

The protagonist of August 24th will be, at 21:00, Peppe Barra, whose songs, full of magic and folklore, guard in a, indisputable manner the entire cultural heritage of Naples. Afterwards, go up on stage the Nuova Compagnia di Canto Popolare, historical Neapolitan music group formed with the express purpose of spreading the true values of the tradition of the people of Campania.

Saturday, August 25th, 2012 big double rendezvous starting at 21:00: opening the evening will again be the Youth Orchestra of Popular Music of Umbria Folk Festival directed by Ambrogio Sparagna with Lucilla Galeazzi; to follow the concert Vola Vola Vola – Canti popolari e canzoni that will feature the same Ambrogio Sparagna and the Orchestra Popolare Italiana with the extraordinary participation of Francesco De Gregori, who also will compete, as well as performing some of his most famous songs, in a brief re-reading of Dante to the rhythm of the “pizzica”. An “open” concert, so that will be attended by the Coro Popolare directed by Annarita Colaianni and the voice of Maria Nazionale.

The day of August 26th, closing day of the Festival, will be a little different, themed. Will be Occitana Day, dedicated to the culture and traditions of those regions (most of southern France, Val d’Aran in Catalonia, the Occitan Valleys in Piedmont, Guardia Piemontese, in Calabria) where they speak Occitan, the langue d’oc. On the stage in Piazza del Popolo at 21:00 the Dance Group Escarton/Beatrice Pignolo will anticipate the concert of the Gai Saber (who will go live on Isoradio, ed), a group that combines the music of Occitan dance and medieval music with the sounds of music of today.

But 2012 Umbria Folk Festival, as always, will be much more than the big evening bill name:

  • five bands under 35 years of Italian folk will perform from August 22nd to 26th in the National contest Umbria Folk Festival Band Emergenti under 35, by MEI (Meeting of Independent Labels) in collaboration with Isoradio. At 20:00 at the Largo San Leonardo stage;
  • Taverna Folk, space for tastings of typical products managed by the Al San Francesco restaurant – Gruppo Cramst at Piazza del Popolo. The Folk Tavern will organize, from August 22nd to 26th, 2012 at noon at the San Leonardo’s church, FolkDoc, one of the novelties of this edition, food and wine tastings in music. In addition returns the FolkCena (Folk Dinner), starting from 20 hours every day of the festival in Piazza del Popolo. The dinners of August 25th and 26th, 2012 will have special menus as will be Cena della Terra e Cena Occitana (Dinner of the Heart and Occitan Dinner). For info and reservations, tel (+39) 338 6671201;
  • FolkFiera, 3rd Market of the Earth and of the Arts. From August 23rd to 26th traveling path between Piazza del Duomo and Piazza della Repubblica to the discovery of the regional food excellences and traditional and folk crafts. Stands open at 10:00 am, closing at the end of the concerts;
  • Lezioni di Folk (Folk Lessons) by Valentino Paparelli (Piazza del Popolo, the Church of San Leonardo, 21, 23, 24 and August 25 at 18) and Umbrian Traditional Dance Workshop by Agilla & Trasimeno. From August 22nd to 25th hours 15:00-18:00 at the Sala Etrusca at the Palazzo del Popolo;
  • other novelty of this edition will be the FolkTrekking. On August 22nd, starting at 19:00 Ambrogio Sparagna will take you on a walk around the rupe (cliff) of Orvieto with music touring by the Youth Orchestra of Popular Music of Umbria Folk Festival and animated breaks in some archaeological sites;
  • photographic exhibition and of the farming traditions in the churches of San Rocco and San Leonardo. Last news from Umbria Folk Festival will be the tales of the folk tradition and a laboratory of popular games targeted at children.


Paid concerts are those by Goran Bregovic and Alessandro Mannarino (10 euros + 2 euros presale until the day before the concerts, 15 euros on the day of the concerts. Seat numbered adding 8 euros per ticket). For the concerts of Peppe Barra, of the Nuova Compagnia di Canto Popolare and for the Ambrogio Sparagna/Orchestra Popolare Italiana with the special appearance by Francesco De Gregori admission is free, but there will also be tickets for numbered seats at a cost of 8 euros + 2 euros presale.
Presale on TicketOne You can also purchase tickets at the Teatro Mancinelli Cafè in Orvieto (from Tuesday to Saturday and from 10 to 18, Sunday hours 16 – 20). The day of the concerts tickets will be available at the Theatre Cafè and, starting at 17:00, at the ticket office in Piazza del Popolo.

Attached the full programme. For more info and reservations, please consult the official website of Umbria Folk Festival.

Fabrizio Galeazzi 

Music, folk traditions, local products and the encounter between different cultures. All this in the inner city of Orvieto (TR). All this thanks to the sixth edition of Umbria Folk Festival, “La Festa della Terra” (The Feast of the Earth), from August 21st to 26th, 2012.

2012 Umbria Folk Festival al will begin August 21st, 2012 at 20:00 at the Palco Largo San Leonardo with Juredurè. But the first big name on the bill is Goran Bregovic and his Wedding & Funeral Band with their Champagne for Gypsies tour at Piazza del Popolo. To open their concert, by 21:00, the Orchestraccia, touring folk-rock group of Rome featuring actors, bloggers, songwriters, musicians and performers.

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012 space to the songs and dances of the Umbrian tradition thanks to, from 21:30, Agilla & Trasimeno, Organicanto and Cantamaggio Ficulle. After them Ambrogio Sparagna will conduct the Youth Orchestra of Popular Music of Umbria Folk Festival, accompanied by Lucilla Galeazzi and Raffaello Simeoni.

Thursday, August 23rd, 2012 from 21:30 on the main stage will perform the Roman folk singer Alessandro Mannarino with his Supersantos Tour.

The protagonist of August 24th will be, at 21:00, Peppe Barra, whose songs, full of magic and folklore, guard in a, indisputable manner the entire cultural heritage of Naples. Afterwards, go up on stage the Nuova Compagnia di Canto Popolare, historical Neapolitan music group formed with the express purpose of spreading the true values of the tradition of the people of Campania.

Saturday, August 25th, 2012 big double rendezvous starting at 21:00: opening the evening will again be the Youth Orchestra of Popular Music of Umbria Folk Festival directed by Ambrogio Sparagna with Lucilla Galeazzi; to follow the concert Vola Vola Vola – Canti popolari e canzoni that will feature the same Ambrogio Sparagna and the Orchestra Popolare Italiana with the extraordinary participation of Francesco De Gregori, who also will compete, as well as performing some of his most famous songs, in a brief re-reading of Dante to the rhythm of the “pizzica”. An “open” concert, so that will be attended by the Coro Popolare directed by Annarita Colaianni and the voice of Maria Nazionale.

The day of August 26th, closing day of the Festival, will be a little different, themed. Will be Occitana Day, dedicated to the culture and traditions of those regions (most of southern France, Val d’Aran in Catalonia, the Occitan Valleys in Piedmont, Guardia Piemontese, in Calabria) where they speak Occitan, the langue d’oc. On the stage in Piazza del Popolo at 21:00 the Dance Group Escarton/Beatrice Pignolo will anticipate the concert of the Gai Saber (who will go live on Isoradio, ed), a group that combines the music of Occitan dance and medieval music with the sounds of music of today.

But 2012 Umbria Folk Festival, as always, will be much more than the big evening bill name:

  • five bands under 35 years of Italian folk will perform from August 22nd to 26th in the National contest Umbria Folk Festival Band Emergenti under 35, by MEI (Meeting of Independent Labels) in collaboration with Isoradio. At 20:00 at the Largo San Leonardo stage;
  • Taverna Folk, space for tastings of typical products managed by the Al San Francesco restaurant – Gruppo Cramst at Piazza del Popolo. The Folk Tavern will organize, from August 22nd to 26th, 2012 at noon at the San Leonardo’s church, FolkDoc, one of the novelties of this edition, food and wine tastings in music. In addition returns the FolkCena (Folk Dinner), starting from 20 hours every day of the festival in Piazza del Popolo. The dinners of August 25th and 26th, 2012 will have special menus as will be Cena della Terra e Cena Occitana (Dinner of the Heart and Occitan Dinner). For info and reservations, tel (+39) 338 6671201;
  • FolkFiera, 3rd Market of the Earth and of the Arts. From August 23rd to 26th traveling path between Piazza del Duomo and Piazza della Repubblica to the discovery of the regional food excellences and traditional and folk crafts. Stands open at 10:00 am, closing at the end of the concerts;
  • Lezioni di Folk (Folk Lessons) by Valentino Paparelli (Piazza del Popolo, the Church of San Leonardo, 21, 23, 24 and August 25 at 18) and Umbrian Traditional Dance Workshop by Agilla & Trasimeno. From August 22nd to 25th hours 15:00-18:00 at the Sala Etrusca at the Palazzo del Popolo;
  • other novelty of this edition will be the FolkTrekking. On August 22nd, starting at 19:00 Ambrogio Sparagna will take you on a walk around the rupe (cliff) of Orvieto with music touring by the Youth Orchestra of Popular Music of Umbria Folk Festival and animated breaks in some archaeological sites;
  • photographic exhibition and of the farming traditions in the churches of San Rocco and San Leonardo. Last news from Umbria Folk Festival will be the tales of the folk tradition and a laboratory of popular games targeted at children.


Paid concerts are those by Goran Bregovic and Alessandro Mannarino (10 euros + 2 euros presale until the day before the concerts, 15 euros on the day of the concerts. Seat numbered adding 8 euros per ticket). For the concerts of Peppe Barra, of the Nuova Compagnia di Canto Popolare and for the Ambrogio Sparagna/Orchestra Popolare Italiana with the special appearance by Francesco De Gregori admission is free, but there will also be tickets for numbered seats at a cost of 8 euros + 2 euros presale.
Presale on TicketOne You can also purchase tickets at the Teatro Mancinelli Cafè in Orvieto (from Tuesday to Saturday and from 10 to 18, Sunday hours 16 – 20). The day of the concerts tickets will be available at the Theatre Cafè and, starting at 17:00, at the ticket office in Piazza del Popolo.

Attached the full programme. For more info and reservations, please consult the official website of Umbria Folk Festival.

Fabrizio Galeazzi 

Music, folk traditions, local products and the encounter between different cultures. All this in the inner city of Orvieto (TR). All this thanks to the sixth edition of Umbria Folk Festival, “La Festa della Terra” (The Feast of the Earth), from August 21st to 26th, 2012.

2012 Umbria Folk Festival al will begin August 21st, 2012 at 20:00 at the Palco Largo San Leonardo with Juredurè. But the first big name on the bill is Goran Bregovic and his Wedding & Funeral Band with their Champagne for Gypsies tour at Piazza del Popolo. To open their concert, by 21:00, the Orchestraccia, touring folk-rock group of Rome featuring actors, bloggers, songwriters, musicians and performers.

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012 space to the songs and dances of the Umbrian tradition thanks to, from 21:30, Agilla & Trasimeno, Organicanto and Cantamaggio Ficulle. After them Ambrogio Sparagna will conduct the Youth Orchestra of Popular Music of Umbria Folk Festival, accompanied by Lucilla Galeazzi and Raffaello Simeoni.

Thursday, August 23rd, 2012 from 21:30 on the main stage will perform the Roman folk singer Alessandro Mannarino with his Supersantos Tour.

The protagonist of August 24th will be, at 21:00, Peppe Barra, whose songs, full of magic and folklore, guard in a, indisputable manner the entire cultural heritage of Naples. Afterwards, go up on stage the Nuova Compagnia di Canto Popolare, historical Neapolitan music group formed with the express purpose of spreading the true values of the tradition of the people of Campania.

Saturday, August 25th, 2012 big double rendezvous starting at 21:00: opening the evening will again be the Youth Orchestra of Popular Music of Umbria Folk Festival directed by Ambrogio Sparagna with Lucilla Galeazzi; to follow the concert Vola Vola Vola – Canti popolari e canzoni that will feature the same Ambrogio Sparagna and the Orchestra Popolare Italiana with the extraordinary participation of Francesco De Gregori, who also will compete, as well as performing some of his most famous songs, in a brief re-reading of Dante to the rhythm of the “pizzica”. An “open” concert, so that will be attended by the Coro Popolare directed by Annarita Colaianni and the voice of Maria Nazionale.

The day of August 26th, closing day of the Festival, will be a little different, themed. Will be Occitana Day, dedicated to the culture and traditions of those regions (most of southern France, Val d’Aran in Catalonia, the Occitan Valleys in Piedmont, Guardia Piemontese, in Calabria) where they speak Occitan, the langue d’oc. On the stage in Piazza del Popolo at 21:00 the Dance Group Escarton/Beatrice Pignolo will anticipate the concert of the Gai Saber (who will go live on Isoradio, ed), a group that combines the music of Occitan dance and medieval music with the sounds of music of today.

But 2012 Umbria Folk Festival, as always, will be much more than the big evening bill name:

  • five bands under 35 years of Italian folk will perform from August 22nd to 26th in the National contest Umbria Folk Festival Band Emergenti under 35, by MEI (Meeting of Independent Labels) in collaboration with Isoradio. At 20:00 at the Largo San Leonardo stage;
  • Taverna Folk, space for tastings of typical products managed by the Al San Francesco restaurant – Gruppo Cramst at Piazza del Popolo. The Folk Tavern will organize, from August 22nd to 26th, 2012 at noon at the San Leonardo’s church, FolkDoc, one of the novelties of this edition, food and wine tastings in music. In addition returns the FolkCena (Folk Dinner), starting from 20 hours every day of the festival in Piazza del Popolo. The dinners of August 25th and 26th, 2012 will have special menus as will be Cena della Terra e Cena Occitana (Dinner of the Heart and Occitan Dinner). For info and reservations, tel (+39) 338 6671201;
  • FolkFiera, 3rd Market of the Earth and of the Arts. From August 23rd to 26th traveling path between Piazza del Duomo and Piazza della Repubblica to the discovery of the regional food excellences and traditional and folk crafts. Stands open at 10:00 am, closing at the end of the concerts;
  • Lezioni di Folk (Folk Lessons) by Valentino Paparelli (Piazza del Popolo, the Church of San Leonardo, 21, 23, 24 and August 25 at 18) and Umbrian Traditional Dance Workshop by Agilla & Trasimeno. From August 22nd to 25th hours 15:00-18:00 at the Sala Etrusca at the Palazzo del Popolo;
  • other novelty of this edition will be the FolkTrekking. On August 22nd, starting at 19:00 Ambrogio Sparagna will take you on a walk around the rupe (cliff) of Orvieto with music touring by the Youth Orchestra of Popular Music of Umbria Folk Festival and animated breaks in some archaeological sites;
  • photographic exhibition and of the farming traditions in the churches of San Rocco and San Leonardo. Last news from Umbria Folk Festival will be the tales of the folk tradition and a laboratory of popular games targeted at children.


Paid concerts are those by Goran Bregovic and Alessandro Mannarino (10 euros + 2 euros presale until the day before the concerts, 15 euros on the day of the concerts. Seat numbered adding 8 euros per ticket). For the concerts of Peppe Barra, of the Nuova Compagnia di Canto Popolare and for the Ambrogio Sparagna/Orchestra Popolare Italiana with the special appearance by Francesco De Gregori admission is free, but there will also be tickets for numbered seats at a cost of 8 euros + 2 euros presale.
Presale on TicketOne You can also purchase tickets at the Teatro Mancinelli Cafè in Orvieto (from Tuesday to Saturday and from 10 to 18, Sunday hours 16 – 20). The day of the concerts tickets will be available at the Theatre Cafè and, starting at 17:00, at the ticket office in Piazza del Popolo.

Attached the full programme. For more info and reservations, please consult the official website of Umbria Folk Festival.

Fabrizio Galeazzi