Il pomeriggio di giovedì 30 ottobre, sarà il giorno inaugurale della XXXVI Mostra Mercato Nazionale del Tartufo Bianco di Città di Castello, iniziativa promossa del medesimo Comune e dalla Comunità Montana Alta Umbria, la vetrina del Buono e del Sano Prodotto dell’ AltoTevere Umbro.

Saranno protagonisti i prodotti del bosco e  le eccellenze alimentari quali olio e vino e quest’anno il tutto sarà condito anche dallo spettacolo della cucina!

>> Vuoi visitare la XXXV Mostra Mercato Nazionale del Tartufo Bianco di Città di Castello? Consulta ora le migliori offerte dei migliori agriturismi di Città di Castello e dintorni!

Il programma dell’ Edizione 2015 prevede i Mercati – Sapori di Tartufo, Sapori d’Italia, Sapori del Territorio,  i Piatti della Tradizione,  I Saloni del Vino e della Degustazione del Sigaro, dell’Olio, il Salone della Biodiversità dedicato a cereali e legumi…E poi ancora Laboratori, Eventi Principali, Eventi Collaterali…

>> Se hai deciso di partecipare alla XXXV Mostra Mercato Nazionale del Tartufo Bianco di Città di Castello, consulta le proposte di soggiorno delle migliori strutture della zona di Città di Castello e dintorni.

Durante la Mostra Mercato si daranno anche spettacoli di cucina. Verranno proposte anche corsi di cucina, fino ad arrivare a gare nel saper cucinare questo rinomato ingrediente.

La Mostra Mercato si svolgerà dal 30  ottobre al 01 novembre 2015 nelle vie e piazze del centro storico cittadino.

Obiettivi della mostra sono:

  • valorizzare il tartufo bianco,

  • riscoprire e conoscere la cucina tipica dell’Alta Umbria.

Verranno ospitati, inoltre, 70 operatori che potranno esporre tartufi, funghi, castagne, olio di oliva, salumi e formaggi tipici, vini locali dolci e secchi.

Anche in questa edizione sarà possibile prendere parte a laboratori del gusto, laboratori didattici, visite guidate, mostre e spettacoli, ci sarà la possibilità di degustare prodotti locali acquistando l’apposito ticket.

On Thursday, October 30th, will be the opening day of the XXXVI National Exhibition of the Città di Castello’s White Truffle, an initiative promoted by the same City and Comunità Montana Alta Umbria..

They will feature the products of the forest and the excellent food such as oil and wine, and this year all will be well seasoned by the spectacle of the kitchen!

>> Would you like to visit the XXXV National Exhibition of the Città di Castello’s White Truffle? See the best offers of the best farms houses of Città di Castello and its surroundings!

The program of the 2015 provides the Markets – of truffle Flavors, of Flavors of Italy, Taste of the Land, the Dishes of the tradition, I Saloni, of Wine and of Cigar tasting, of Oil, the Hall of Biodiversity dedicated to cereals and legumes… And then Laboratories, Main Events, Side Events …

>> If you have decided to participate in the XXXVI National Exhibition of the Città di Castello’s White Truffle, see the proposed stay of the best facilities in the area of Città di Castello and the surrounding.

In this day there will also be cooking shows, Will be offered Cooking courses, up to a race to cook this renowned ingredient.

The Exhibition will take place from October 30 to November 1, 2015 in the streets and squares of the old town.

Objectives of the exhibition are:

  • enhance the white truffle,

  • discover and learn about the typical Umbria.

Will accommodate 70 traders that will expose truffles, mushrooms, chestnuts, olive oil, meats and cheeses, local wines sweet and dry.

Also in this edition you will be able to take part in taste workshops, educational workshops, guided tours, exhibitions and performances, there will be the opportunity to taste local produce buying the proper ticket.

On Thursday, October 30th, will be the opening day of the XXXVI National Exhibition of the Città di Castello’s White Truffle, an initiative promoted by the same City and Comunità Montana Alta Umbria..

They will feature the products of the forest and the excellent food such as oil and wine, and this year all will be well seasoned by the spectacle of the kitchen!

>> Would you like to visit the XXXV National Exhibition of the Città di Castello’s White Truffle? See the best offers of the best farms houses of Città di Castello and its surroundings!

The program of the 2015 provides the Markets – of truffle Flavors, of Flavors of Italy, Taste of the Land, the Dishes of the tradition, I Saloni, of Wine and of Cigar tasting, of Oil, the Hall of Biodiversity dedicated to cereals and legumes… And then Laboratories, Main Events, Side Events …

>> If you have decided to participate in the XXXVI National Exhibition of the Città di Castello’s White Truffle, see the proposed stay of the best facilities in the area of Città di Castello and the surrounding.

In this day there will also be cooking shows, Will be offered Cooking courses, up to a race to cook this renowned ingredient.

The Exhibition will take place from October 30 to November 1, 2015 in the streets and squares of the old town.

Objectives of the exhibition are:

  • enhance the white truffle,

  • discover and learn about the typical Umbria.

Will accommodate 70 traders that will expose truffles, mushrooms, chestnuts, olive oil, meats and cheeses, local wines sweet and dry.

Also in this edition you will be able to take part in taste workshops, educational workshops, guided tours, exhibitions and performances, there will be the opportunity to taste local produce buying the proper ticket.

On Thursday, October 30th, will be the opening day of the XXXVI National Exhibition of the Città di Castello’s White Truffle, an initiative promoted by the same City and Comunità Montana Alta Umbria..

They will feature the products of the forest and the excellent food such as oil and wine, and this year all will be well seasoned by the spectacle of the kitchen!

>> Would you like to visit the XXXV National Exhibition of the Città di Castello’s White Truffle? See the best offers of the best farms houses of Città di Castello and its surroundings!

The program of the 2015 provides the Markets – of truffle Flavors, of Flavors of Italy, Taste of the Land, the Dishes of the tradition, I Saloni, of Wine and of Cigar tasting, of Oil, the Hall of Biodiversity dedicated to cereals and legumes… And then Laboratories, Main Events, Side Events …

>> If you have decided to participate in the XXXVI National Exhibition of the Città di Castello’s White Truffle, see the proposed stay of the best facilities in the area of Città di Castello and the surrounding.

In this day there will also be cooking shows, Will be offered Cooking courses, up to a race to cook this renowned ingredient.

The Exhibition will take place from October 30 to November 1, 2015 in the streets and squares of the old town.

Objectives of the exhibition are:

  • enhance the white truffle,

  • discover and learn about the typical Umbria.

Will accommodate 70 traders that will expose truffles, mushrooms, chestnuts, olive oil, meats and cheeses, local wines sweet and dry.

Also in this edition you will be able to take part in taste workshops, educational workshops, guided tours, exhibitions and performances, there will be the opportunity to taste local produce buying the proper ticket.

On Thursday, October 30th, will be the opening day of the XXXVI National Exhibition of the Città di Castello’s White Truffle, an initiative promoted by the same City and Comunità Montana Alta Umbria..

They will feature the products of the forest and the excellent food such as oil and wine, and this year all will be well seasoned by the spectacle of the kitchen!

>> Would you like to visit the XXXV National Exhibition of the Città di Castello’s White Truffle? See the best offers of the best farms houses of Città di Castello and its surroundings!

The program of the 2015 provides the Markets – of truffle Flavors, of Flavors of Italy, Taste of the Land, the Dishes of the tradition, I Saloni, of Wine and of Cigar tasting, of Oil, the Hall of Biodiversity dedicated to cereals and legumes… And then Laboratories, Main Events, Side Events …

>> If you have decided to participate in the XXXVI National Exhibition of the Città di Castello’s White Truffle, see the proposed stay of the best facilities in the area of Città di Castello and the surrounding.

In this day there will also be cooking shows, Will be offered Cooking courses, up to a race to cook this renowned ingredient.

The Exhibition will take place from October 30 to November 1, 2015 in the streets and squares of the old town.

Objectives of the exhibition are:

  • enhance the white truffle,

  • discover and learn about the typical Umbria.

Will accommodate 70 traders that will expose truffles, mushrooms, chestnuts, olive oil, meats and cheeses, local wines sweet and dry.

Also in this edition you will be able to take part in taste workshops, educational workshops, guided tours, exhibitions and performances, there will be the opportunity to taste local produce buying the proper ticket.