In cerca di idee per trascorrere il ponte del 25 Aprile ?! 

Con l’arrivo della primavera l’Umbria si carica di odori e colori, passeggiate ed escursioni sotto il sole dolce di Aprile, accompagnate dalla leggera brezza primaverile, hanno tutto un altro sapore e vi permetteranno di godere a pieno delle bellezze naturali e paesaggistiche della regione. 

Una gita al Lago Trasimeno, alle Cascate delle Marmore e all’adiacente Lago di Piediluco, possiedono sempre un fascino unico, del quale approfittare in ogni momento. Ogni giorno è una scoperta, in ogni visita si colgono particolari e sfumature nuove ed emozionanti.

Il 25 Aprile cade quest’anno di Lunedi, permettendo quindi di organizzare anche un ponte lungo. Per tutta la settimana l’Umbria ospita tanti eventi speciali che ben si prestano ad una gita nella regione: ne presentiamo alcuni molto interessanti, che potranno soddisfare sia gli amanti della natura, sia gli appassionati d’arte, cultura e tradizione.

Scopri i nostri migliori suggerimenti ed organizza le tue vacanze in Umbria!

>> Ci sono molte offerte in scadenza per soggiornare in Umbria! Clicca qui per consultarle tutte e trovare quella più adatta a te!

Pic & Nic a Trevi

Il borgo storico di Trevi torna a celebrare l’arrivo della primavera con “Pic & Nic. Arte, Musica e Merende tra gli Olivi”, l’ormai consolidato appuntamento dedicato a natura, paesaggio e prodotti alimentari tipici che animerà la cittadina umbra e le sue campagne

Simboleggiato dal tradizionale sportino a quadrettoni bianchi e rossi, Pic & Nic rappresenta da anni la migliore occasione per chi vuole trascorrere un fine settimana in Umbria, all’aria aperta, nella quiete del paesaggio olivato, unendo il piacere della scoperta di luoghi incantati e integri alla possibilità di degustare prodotti alimentari di qualità. Nel fine settimana del Pic & Nic si alterneranno trekking naturalistici, passeggiate per grandi e bambini tra le migliaia di ulivi che impreziosiscono il paesaggio trevano, degustazioni d’olio e prodotti tipici, la caratteristica caccia al tartufo, mercatini del contadino e dell’antiquariato.

Per sapere di più sull’evento e per conoscere il programma completo, vai al nostro articolo Pic & Nic 2019 a Trevi

 >> Il borgo di Trevi è una piccola perla umbra, la natura circostante regala paesaggi e scorci unici nella natura più pura… Cosa aspetti?! Consulta subito i migliori hotel, B&B e agriturismi a Trevi e nell’area circostante

Spettacolo degli Sbandieratori di Gubbio

Il 25 Aprile è l’occasione perfetta per visitare il magnifico centro storico di Gubbio e, allo stesso tempo, ammirare le variopinte coreografie del noto gruppo del Sbandieratori eugubini. Gli Sbandieratori si esibiranno nella cornice della Piazza Grande di Gubbio, il cuore del centro storico, considerata una delle più maestose e ardite realizzazioni urbanistiche medievali poiché si tratta a tutti gli effetti di una piazza pensile risalente al 1300. Il gruppo degli Sbandieratori è strettamente legato alla città: nei loro stendardi, essi portano impressi infatti i vessilli locali. Costituiscono inoltre un motivo di orgogli o promozione turistica locale, portando avanti una tradizione antica legata alla storia e al folklore eugubino.

L’esibizione si concluderà con la caratteristica sonata del Campanone del Palazzo dei Consoli, che sarà effettuata alla maniera antica dalla Compagnia dei Campanari: la grande campana dal peso di circa 20 quintali sarà azionata attraverso i piedi, alla vecchia maniera, offrendo anche qui uno spettacolo unico da ammirare per la notevole altezza alla quale la campana è situata.

Todi, Città degli Arcieri

La città di Todi si prepara a un vero e proprio salto nel Medioevo: nel fine settimana del 27 e 8 Aprile infatti Todi si trasforma nella “Città degli Arcieri”, grazie all’associazione Arcus Tuder e alla X edizione del Torneo del Tiro, che richiama arcieri in foggia storica da ogni parte d’Italia. In Piazza del Popolo e sotto i voltoni comunali si svolgerà inoltre la mostra mercato “Tipico Todi”, con tanti prodotti gastronomici e artigianali di produzione locale.

Nella due giorni di eventi potrete allora ammirare gli arcieri in costume medievale sfidarsi a suon di frecce scoccate, curiosare tra i banchi della mostra-mercato, partecipare ai laboratori artigiani dedicati alle arti e ai mestieri medievali e sorprendervi con gli spettacoli degli sbandieratori, i concerti, i combattimenti medievali. Per chi vorrà inoltre ammirare più da vicino lo splendido centro storico e saperne di più sulla sua storia e le sue curiosità, sarà possibile partecipare a visite guidate organizzate da Coopculture, con guide locali che vi accompagneranno alla scoperta del centro storico, delle cisterne romane, del museo pinacoteca.

Tutti i dettagli sul programma nell’articolo dedicato alla Città degli Arcieri 2019

Se siete amanti della gastronomia umbra, vi consigliamo anche alcune tra le sagre più interessanti e gustose che si terranno nella settimana tra il 25 Aprile e il 1° Maggio:

Montecastrilli – Sagra della Chianina e del “Suino Umbria” 

Quest’importante sagra, dedicata alla promozione dei prodotti tipici della regione e in particolare alla valorizzazione della qualità della chianina e del suino umbri, si unisce ai tanti eventi previsti dalla 64° edizione della storica Festa del Trattore.

Stand espositivi, musica, intrattenimento e eventi speciali come la Mostra della Civiltà Contadina e soprattutto la tipica “Corsa delle Carrette”. Senza dimenticare appunto la gastronomia: tra le tante specialità servite nella taverna locale allestita per l’occasione, potrete gustare carpaccio di chianina, gnocchi al ragù, tagliata di chianina con rucola e grana… Buon appetito!

Festa della Vernaccia di Cannara

Cannara torna a fare da cornice alla Festa della Vernaccia, evento dedicato a questo particolare vino Igt passito, prodotto dalle speciali uve dei vitigni locali. I vitigni sono chiamati anche Cornetta per la forma simile ad un piccolo corno che l’uva non ancora matura sembra avere, mentre il nome “vernaccia” farebbe riferimento al fatto che le uve vengono vinificate tra dicembre e gennaio, quindi in inverno (gergalmente, “verno”).

Venite dunque a degustare la Vernaccia e le altre specialità locali a base di questo vino, oltre ad approfittare delle tante iniziative che animeranno la piccola cittadina, primo tra tutti il raduno di auto e modo d’epoca!

Buon 25 Aprile in Umbria!


Are you looking for what to do on the weekend of the 25th April 2018 ?! 

With the Spring that is coming, Umbria becomes full of smells and colors. Walks and excursions under the nice sun of April, accompanied by the light spring breeze, have a completely different flavor and allow you to fully enjoy the natural and panoramic beauties of the region. 

A trip to the Trasimeno Lake, to the Marmore Falls and the adjacent Piediluco Lake, always have a unique charm, of which take advantage at any time. Every day is a discovery, in each visit you can capture new and exciting details or shades.

On the long weekend of 25th of April 2018, the Umbrian region will also host many special events that are well suited to an excursion in the region. We present you some of them, really interesting, which will satisfy both lovers of nature, both lovers of art, culture and tradition.

Discover our best suggestions and start to organize your holidays in Umbria !

>> There are many offers to stay in Umbria! Click here to look at them and to find the best one for you!

Pic & Nic in Trevi 2018

21nd-22th April 2018

The historic village of Trevi is ready to celebrate the arrival of Spring with the 11th edition of Pic & Nic, the famous appointment dedicated to the nature, landscapes and typical gastronomy that will liven up the Umbrian town from 21nd to 22th of April.

The symbol of the event is the traditional red and white checkered “sportino”, and Pic & Nic represents the best opportunity for those who want to spend a week end in Umbria, in the open air, in the quiet of a landscape of olive trees , combining the pleasure of the discovery of enchanted places and the chance of quality food tasting, first of all the precious extra virgin olive oil DOP Umbria.

During the three days of Pic & Nic, there will be naturalistic hiking, bike riders with “Gira l’Umbria”, horse or mule excursions for adults and children among the thousands of olive trees that adorn the panorama of Trevi, tasting of oil and typical products, the characteristic truffle hunting, an other local excellence, the farmer’s markets, the guided tours “Segui Le Orme” to discover the historical center.

The main theme of Pic & Nic, besides the contact with the nature and the promotion of local products, will be also the concept of “Know How”, which will be declined in the suggestions of craft and recycling workshops, in the usual appointment with #artigianinnovatori, an exhibition dedicated to young Umbrian artisans and not only who will share their ideas and creations, in the delivery of the prize “Trevi fa Impresa” to some local business realities and, last but not least, in the bakery and pizza laboratories proposed by the Molino Sul Clitunnio di Trevi, that will test the new blends of flour “PrimoPane” for the occasion.

For more informations, visit the official site of the event

 >> Trevi is an Umbrian pearl, where the surrounding nature give you unique panoramas and views… What are you waiting for?! Look at our hotels, B&B and farmhouses in the area of Trevi

“Sbandieratori” of Gubbio Show

25th April 2018

Il 25 Aprile è l’occasione perfetta per visitare il magnifico centro storico di Gubbio e, allo stesso tempo, ammirare le variopinte coreografie del noto gruppo del Sbandieratori eugubini. Gli Sbandieratori si esibiranno alle 11:30 nella cornice della Piazza Grande di Gubbio, il cuore del centro storico, considerata una delle più maestose e ardite realizzazioni urbanistiche medievali poiché si tratta a tutti gli effetti di una piazza pensile risalente al 1300. Il gruppo degli Sbandieratori è strettamente legato alla città: nei loro stendardi, essi portano impressi infatti i vessilli locali. Costituiscono inoltre un motivo di orgogli o promozione turistica locale, portando avanti una tradizione antica legata alla storia e al folklore eugubino.

L’esibizione si concluderà con la caratteristica sonata del Campanone del Palazzo dei Consoli, che sarà effettuata alla maniera antica dalla Compagnia dei Campanari: la grande campana dal peso di circa 20 quintali sarà azionata attraverso i piedi, alla vecchia maniera, offrendo anche qui uno spettacolo unico da ammirare per la notevole altezza alla quale la campana è situata.

Al via Gelati d’Italia a Orvieto

24 Aprile – 1 Maggio

L’estate si avvicina e a Orvieto si conferma una golosa e interessante manifestazione dedicata al mondo del gelato. Dal 24 Aprile, prende il via la 6° Edizione della Festa dei Gelati d’Italia, evento incentrato su quest’alimento diffuso e amato in tutto il mondo ma ancora poco rappresentato nelle fiere agroalimentari.

Partecipare alla manifestazione significa compiere un vero e proprio viaggio sensoriale, assaporando sapori e ingredienti di tutto il mondo. Il focus è sempre la qualità delle materia prime e l’artigianalità della produzione gelatiera, anche attraverso il racconto dei gusti più apprezzati e delle sperimentazioni di gelateria gastronomica sempre più diffuse.

Per sapere di più sull’evento, vai al nostro articolo di approfondimento I Gelati d’Italia


Buon 25 Aprile in Umbria!



Are you looking for what to do on the weekend of the 25th April 2016 ?! 

With the Spring that is coming, Umbria becomes full of smells and colors. Walks and excursions under the nice sun of April, accompanied by the light spring breeze, have a completely different flavor and allow you to fully enjoy the natural and panoramic beauties of the region. 

A trip to the Trasimeno Lake, to the Marmore Falls and the adjacent Piediluco Lake, or to the plains of Castelluccio di Norcia, always have a unique charm, of which take advantage at any time. Every day is a discovery, in each visit you can capture new and exciting details or shades.

On the weekend of 23th, 24th and 25th of April 2016, the Umbrian region will also host many special events that are well suited to an excursion in the region. We present you some of them, really interesting, which will satisfy both lovers of nature, both lovers of art, culture and tradition.

Discover our best suggestions and start to organize your holidays in Umbria !

>> There are many offers to stay in Umbria ! Click here to look at them and to find the best one for you !

Visit the “Madonna della Cintola” of Montefalco

Exhibit extended until 30th April 2016

Why not take advantage of the weekend of 25th April for a trip in Montefalco?! The splendid town is situated in a particularly suggestive and panoramic position, on the top of a hill surrounded by vineyards and olive groves. During the full of light days, the view spans at 360 grades on the whole surrounding valley, offering a unique panorama.

In addition to a tour in the green countryside and a walk in the picturesque streets of the town, you can visit the Museum Complex of St. Francis and the exhibition of the famous “Madonna della Cintola”, extraordinary paintings of Benozzo Gozzoli.

Because of his great success, with as many as 30.000 visitors, the exhibition has been extended until the 30th April 2016 so as to give everyone the opportunity to admire this masterpiece. Recognized as one of the best restoration projects of the 2015, with the precious work of the laboratories of Vatican Museums, the work Madonna della Cintola has returned after 167 years in Montefalco, where there is the Renaissance fresco cycle realized by maestro Gozzoli.

For more informations, look at our article at this link 

>> Dont’ miss a visit to the beautiful Montefalco and to the precious “Madonna della Cintola” ! Start to organize your holiday, we suggest you the best hotels, b&b and farmhouses in Montefalco

Pic & Nic in Trevi 2016

23th-24th-25th April 2016

The historic village of Trevi is ready to celebrate the arrival of Spring with the 9th edition of Pic & Nic, the famous appointment dedicated to the nature, landscapes and typical gastronomy that will liven up the Umbrian town from 23th to 25th of April.

The symbol of the event is the traditional red and white checkered “sportino”, and Pic & Nic represents the best opportunity for those who want to spend a week end in Umbria, in the open air, in the quiet of a landscape of olive trees , combining the pleasure of the discovery of enchanted places and the chance of quality food tasting, first of all the precious extra virgin olive oil DOP Umbria.

Space also to the knowledge of the wild herbs that you will gather at the hills with walks accompanied by expert botanists. A news of this year, the presence of Popa Simply Food, alias Barbara Grimoldi, a vegetarian and vegan chef with a passion for pastry, specialized in breakfasts and brunches, that will teach how store and use the peasant herbs in the kitchen.

During the three days of Pic & Nic, there will be naturalistic hiking, bike riders with “Gira l’Umbria”, horse or mule excursions for adults and children among the thousands of olive trees that adorn the panorama of Trevi, tasting of oil and typical products, the characteristic truffle hunting, an other local excellence, the farmer’s markets, the guided tours “Segui Le Orme” to discover the historical center.

The main theme of Pic & Nic, besides the contact with the nature and the promotion of local products, will be also the concept of “Know How”, which will be declined in the suggestions of craft and recycling workshops, in the usual appointment with #artigianinnovatori, an exhibition dedicated to young Umbrian artisans and not only who will share their ideas and creations, in the delivery of the prize “Trevi fa Impresa” to some local business realities and, last but not least, in the bakery and pizza laboratories proposed by the Molino Sul Clitunnio di Trevi, that will test the new blends of flour “PrimoPane” for the occasion.

For more informations, visit the official site of the event

 >> Trevi is an Umbrian pearl, where the surrounding nature give you unique panoramas and views… What are you waiting for?! Look at our hotels, B&B and farmhouses in the area of Trevi

Todi, City of Archers

23th-24th-25th April 2016

The town of Todi is preparing to a real trip back in the Middle Ages, giving to citizens and tourists the emotion of admiring one of the most beautiful historical center of Italy in all its splendor.

During the week end of 25th April, in fact, Todi will become the “City of the Archers” thanks to the organization of the VII Arcus Competition, with the participation of groups of archers in historical fashion from all over Italy. And then also the Group Medieval Dance of Todi, the “flag wavers” and the musicians of Gutti, the traditional sports and games edited by Tashunka Tribe.

Piazza del Popolo and Piazza Garibaldi will host in simultaneous the III Edition of the market-exhibit “Typical Todi”, with local traditional products, crafts, hobbies and collectibles.

For those who want to learn more about the history of the beauties of Todi, there will be the opportunity to participate in guided tours organized by historical center, Pongelli Palace and Vescovile Palace illustrated by the touristic guides of Todi.

 >> Todi has a precious charme, and the event “City of the Archers” is a special occasion to appreciate his historical-medieval center. Click here to discover all the hotels, B&B and farmhouses of the area of Todi and organize your holiday for the weekend of 25th April!


Are you looking for what to do on the weekend of the 25th April 2016 ?! 

With the Spring that is coming, Umbria becomes full of smells and colors. Walks and excursions under the nice sun of April, accompanied by the light spring breeze, have a completely different flavor and allow you to fully enjoy the natural and panoramic beauties of the region. 

A trip to the Trasimeno Lake, to the Marmore Falls and the adjacent Piediluco Lake, or to the plains of Castelluccio di Norcia, always have a unique charm, of which take advantage at any time. Every day is a discovery, in each visit you can capture new and exciting details or shades.

On the weekend of 23th, 24th and 25th of April 2016, the Umbrian region will also host many special events that are well suited to an excursion in the region. We present you some of them, really interesting, which will satisfy both lovers of nature, both lovers of art, culture and tradition.

Discover our best suggestions and start to organize your holidays in Umbria !

>> There are many offers to stay in Umbria ! Click here to look at them and to find the best one for you !

Visit the “Madonna della Cintola” of Montefalco

Exhibit extended until 30th April 2016

Why not take advantage of the weekend of 25th April for a trip in Montefalco?! The splendid town is situated in a particularly suggestive and panoramic position, on the top of a hill surrounded by vineyards and olive groves. During the full of light days, the view spans at 360 grades on the whole surrounding valley, offering a unique panorama.

In addition to a tour in the green countryside and a walk in the picturesque streets of the town, you can visit the Museum Complex of St. Francis and the exhibition of the famous “Madonna della Cintola”, extraordinary paintings of Benozzo Gozzoli.

Because of his great success, with as many as 30.000 visitors, the exhibition has been extended until the 30th April 2016 so as to give everyone the opportunity to admire this masterpiece. Recognized as one of the best restoration projects of the 2015, with the precious work of the laboratories of Vatican Museums, the work Madonna della Cintola has returned after 167 years in Montefalco, where there is the Renaissance fresco cycle realized by maestro Gozzoli.

For more informations, look at our article at this link 

>> Dont’ miss a visit to the beautiful Montefalco and to the precious “Madonna della Cintola” ! Start to organize your holiday, we suggest you the best hotels, b&b and farmhouses in Montefalco

Pic & Nic in Trevi 2016

23th-24th-25th April 2016

The historic village of Trevi is ready to celebrate the arrival of Spring with the 9th edition of Pic & Nic, the famous appointment dedicated to the nature, landscapes and typical gastronomy that will liven up the Umbrian town from 23th to 25th of April.

The symbol of the event is the traditional red and white checkered “sportino”, and Pic & Nic represents the best opportunity for those who want to spend a week end in Umbria, in the open air, in the quiet of a landscape of olive trees , combining the pleasure of the discovery of enchanted places and the chance of quality food tasting, first of all the precious extra virgin olive oil DOP Umbria.

Space also to the knowledge of the wild herbs that you will gather at the hills with walks accompanied by expert botanists. A news of this year, the presence of Popa Simply Food, alias Barbara Grimoldi, a vegetarian and vegan chef with a passion for pastry, specialized in breakfasts and brunches, that will teach how store and use the peasant herbs in the kitchen.

During the three days of Pic & Nic, there will be naturalistic hiking, bike riders with “Gira l’Umbria”, horse or mule excursions for adults and children among the thousands of olive trees that adorn the panorama of Trevi, tasting of oil and typical products, the characteristic truffle hunting, an other local excellence, the farmer’s markets, the guided tours “Segui Le Orme” to discover the historical center.

The main theme of Pic & Nic, besides the contact with the nature and the promotion of local products, will be also the concept of “Know How”, which will be declined in the suggestions of craft and recycling workshops, in the usual appointment with #artigianinnovatori, an exhibition dedicated to young Umbrian artisans and not only who will share their ideas and creations, in the delivery of the prize “Trevi fa Impresa” to some local business realities and, last but not least, in the bakery and pizza laboratories proposed by the Molino Sul Clitunnio di Trevi, that will test the new blends of flour “PrimoPane” for the occasion.

For more informations, visit the official site of the event

 >> Trevi is an Umbrian pearl, where the surrounding nature give you unique panoramas and views… What are you waiting for?! Look at our hotels, B&B and farmhouses in the area of Trevi

Todi, City of Archers

23th-24th-25th April 2016

The town of Todi is preparing to a real trip back in the Middle Ages, giving to citizens and tourists the emotion of admiring one of the most beautiful historical center of Italy in all its splendor.

During the week end of 25th April, in fact, Todi will become the “City of the Archers” thanks to the organization of the VII Arcus Competition, with the participation of groups of archers in historical fashion from all over Italy. And then also the Group Medieval Dance of Todi, the “flag wavers” and the musicians of Gutti, the traditional sports and games edited by Tashunka Tribe.

Piazza del Popolo and Piazza Garibaldi will host in simultaneous the III Edition of the market-exhibit “Typical Todi”, with local traditional products, crafts, hobbies and collectibles.

For those who want to learn more about the history of the beauties of Todi, there will be the opportunity to participate in guided tours organized by historical center, Pongelli Palace and Vescovile Palace illustrated by the touristic guides of Todi.

 >> Todi has a precious charme, and the event “City of the Archers” is a special occasion to appreciate his historical-medieval center. Click here to discover all the hotels, B&B and farmhouses of the area of Todi and organize your holiday for the weekend of 25th April!


Are you looking for what to do on the weekend of the 25th April 2016 ?! 

With the Spring that is coming, Umbria becomes full of smells and colors. Walks and excursions under the nice sun of April, accompanied by the light spring breeze, have a completely different flavor and allow you to fully enjoy the natural and panoramic beauties of the region. 

A trip to the Trasimeno Lake, to the Marmore Falls and the adjacent Piediluco Lake, or to the plains of Castelluccio di Norcia, always have a unique charm, of which take advantage at any time. Every day is a discovery, in each visit you can capture new and exciting details or shades.

On the weekend of 23th, 24th and 25th of April 2016, the Umbrian region will also host many special events that are well suited to an excursion in the region. We present you some of them, really interesting, which will satisfy both lovers of nature, both lovers of art, culture and tradition.

Discover our best suggestions and start to organize your holidays in Umbria !

>> There are many offers to stay in Umbria ! Click here to look at them and to find the best one for you !

Visit the “Madonna della Cintola” of Montefalco

Exhibit extended until 30th April 2016

Why not take advantage of the weekend of 25th April for a trip in Montefalco?! The splendid town is situated in a particularly suggestive and panoramic position, on the top of a hill surrounded by vineyards and olive groves. During the full of light days, the view spans at 360 grades on the whole surrounding valley, offering a unique panorama.

In addition to a tour in the green countryside and a walk in the picturesque streets of the town, you can visit the Museum Complex of St. Francis and the exhibition of the famous “Madonna della Cintola”, extraordinary paintings of Benozzo Gozzoli.

Because of his great success, with as many as 30.000 visitors, the exhibition has been extended until the 30th April 2016 so as to give everyone the opportunity to admire this masterpiece. Recognized as one of the best restoration projects of the 2015, with the precious work of the laboratories of Vatican Museums, the work Madonna della Cintola has returned after 167 years in Montefalco, where there is the Renaissance fresco cycle realized by maestro Gozzoli.

For more informations, look at our article at this link 

>> Dont’ miss a visit to the beautiful Montefalco and to the precious “Madonna della Cintola” ! Start to organize your holiday, we suggest you the best hotels, b&b and farmhouses in Montefalco

Pic & Nic in Trevi 2016

23th-24th-25th April 2016

The historic village of Trevi is ready to celebrate the arrival of Spring with the 9th edition of Pic & Nic, the famous appointment dedicated to the nature, landscapes and typical gastronomy that will liven up the Umbrian town from 23th to 25th of April.

The symbol of the event is the traditional red and white checkered “sportino”, and Pic & Nic represents the best opportunity for those who want to spend a week end in Umbria, in the open air, in the quiet of a landscape of olive trees , combining the pleasure of the discovery of enchanted places and the chance of quality food tasting, first of all the precious extra virgin olive oil DOP Umbria.

Space also to the knowledge of the wild herbs that you will gather at the hills with walks accompanied by expert botanists. A news of this year, the presence of Popa Simply Food, alias Barbara Grimoldi, a vegetarian and vegan chef with a passion for pastry, specialized in breakfasts and brunches, that will teach how store and use the peasant herbs in the kitchen.

During the three days of Pic & Nic, there will be naturalistic hiking, bike riders with “Gira l’Umbria”, horse or mule excursions for adults and children among the thousands of olive trees that adorn the panorama of Trevi, tasting of oil and typical products, the characteristic truffle hunting, an other local excellence, the farmer’s markets, the guided tours “Segui Le Orme” to discover the historical center.

The main theme of Pic & Nic, besides the contact with the nature and the promotion of local products, will be also the concept of “Know How”, which will be declined in the suggestions of craft and recycling workshops, in the usual appointment with #artigianinnovatori, an exhibition dedicated to young Umbrian artisans and not only who will share their ideas and creations, in the delivery of the prize “Trevi fa Impresa” to some local business realities and, last but not least, in the bakery and pizza laboratories proposed by the Molino Sul Clitunnio di Trevi, that will test the new blends of flour “PrimoPane” for the occasion.

For more informations, visit the official site of the event

 >> Trevi is an Umbrian pearl, where the surrounding nature give you unique panoramas and views… What are you waiting for?! Look at our hotels, B&B and farmhouses in the area of Trevi

Todi, City of Archers

23th-24th-25th April 2016

The town of Todi is preparing to a real trip back in the Middle Ages, giving to citizens and tourists the emotion of admiring one of the most beautiful historical center of Italy in all its splendor.

During the week end of 25th April, in fact, Todi will become the “City of the Archers” thanks to the organization of the VII Arcus Competition, with the participation of groups of archers in historical fashion from all over Italy. And then also the Group Medieval Dance of Todi, the “flag wavers” and the musicians of Gutti, the traditional sports and games edited by Tashunka Tribe.

Piazza del Popolo and Piazza Garibaldi will host in simultaneous the III Edition of the market-exhibit “Typical Todi”, with local traditional products, crafts, hobbies and collectibles.

For those who want to learn more about the history of the beauties of Todi, there will be the opportunity to participate in guided tours organized by historical center, Pongelli Palace and Vescovile Palace illustrated by the touristic guides of Todi.

 >> Todi has a precious charme, and the event “City of the Archers” is a special occasion to appreciate his historical-medieval center. Click here to discover all the hotels, B&B and farmhouses of the area of Todi and organize your holiday for the weekend of 25th April!
