This wood angel polychrome sculpture was realized by a disciple of Nino Pisano during the last quarter of the 14th century. The sculpture is 88 centimeters high and is kept in the Collezioni Comunali di Cascia. It is thought to be the work of an Umbrian sculptor; the angel has reached the Communal Collections of Cascia after the disintegration of the religious corporations after the unification of Italy, the origin is unknown.The work is mentioned neither in the inventories of the churches of Cascia nor in historic sources.The whole is made of a basement having an octagonal form and of the sculpture of the angel, that has been sculpted in an unique trunk emptied inside except for the base.About the execution technique, one should note the exceptional care of the contours that has allowed the non use of the application of stucco to refine the plastic definitions of the sculpture; the preparation of the glue and of the plaster perfectly follows the development of the support.The hair was probably covered by gold, as are the borders of the neckline and the sleeves and the hem of the jacket, decorated by a motive of punched flowers, also present on the candelabra and on the decorations of the coat.The basement is treated as false red marble.Works of this artist are also kept in Tokyo, Dublin, Copenhagen, New York, Los Angeles, Moscow, Darmstadt, Spoleto, City of the Vatican and other.

Bella Umbria thanks Mr.Massimo Eugenio Micanti, from the Centro Restauro Terni, for the collaboration for the realization of this article.