Torna a Foligno, per la 9a volta, il jazz “di nuova generazione”, fatto da e per le “nuove generazioni”, dello Young Jazz Festival. Una manifestazione cresciuta negli anni e che ormai è un punto di riferimento nazionale ed internazionale per gli astri nascenti ed appassionati della versione contemporanea di questo genere musicale.

Lo Young Jazz Festival 13 si svolgerà dal 22 al 26 Maggio 2013. Ed, oltre ai concerti del cartello principale, proporrà anche gastronomia, buon bere e riflessioni legate alle tematiche sociali del territorio di Foligno:

  • cartellone principale. Primo concerto giovedì 23 Maggio, dalle ore 18:30 presso la Corte di Palazzo Deli, con il Quartetto Arcelli. Il sassofonista perugino proporrà la sua ultima fatica “Brooks” (ingresso gratuito). Dalle 21:30, Palazzo dei Trinci (ingresso € 10,00), i Guano Padano, Danilo Gallo al basso, Alessandro “Asso” Stefana chitarra e Zeno De Rossi alla batteria. Dalle 23:00 alla Taverna del Rione Ammanniti, celebre per la Giostra della Quintana, Mauro Ottolini e Trio Marrano per i cento anni dalla nascita di Gorni Kramer (€ 5,00).
    Grande spazio sarà riservato al jazz norvegese, grazie alla collaborazione con l’Ambasciata della Norvegia, tanto che il 24 Maggio 2013 sarà “NorwegianDay“. Il primo ad esibirsi sarà Steinar Raksen con il suo Quartetto in “Stillhouse”, presso Piazza Don Minzoni – Conad Stage, in 2 set, alle 18:30 ed alle 23:00 (ingresso libero). Dalle 21:30 doppio concerto al Palazzo dei Trinci (ingresso € 10,00), con Arve Henriksen / Jan Bang Duo + Sidsel Endresen / Jan Bang / Erik Honoré Trio. A chiudere la giornata di venerdì dalle 23:59 l’incontro, alla Taverna Rione Ammaniti, tra lo Young Jazz Festival ed il Dancity Festival con il DJ Set di Bjørn Torske, celebre produttore e dj norvegese conosciuto anche per il duo Röyksopp (€ 5,00).
    Si riparte sabato 25 dalle 12:00, Taverna Rione Ammanniti, con il chitarrista di Miami Rainer Davies ed il suo Trio. A partire dalle 18:30 nuovo doppio set, sempre Piazza Don Minzoni, con l’originalità dei 7 membri del Dinamitri Jazz Folklore.
    A chiudere lo Young Jazz 2013, domenica 26 Maggio 2013, un altro incontro, questa volta con Cantine Aperte in Umbria 2013. Dalle 17:00 presso la Cantina Scacciadiavoli di Montefalco la “misteriosa” band americana Jellico;

  •  “Jazz Community“. Il jazz incontra il territorio e le sue tematiche sociali, come disabilità ed integrazione. Giezzisti.2, spettacolo teatrale il 22 Maggio 2013 alle ore 21:00 Auditorium San Domenico (ingresso € 10,00). La P-Funking Band ed i “giochi di primavera” per bambini con lo Spring Jazz, dalle 16:00 alle 18:00 di sabato 25 Maggio tra il Parco dei Canapè ed il centro storico. Ancora il 25, Auditorium San Domenico (€ 10,00) e dalle 21:30, la Liberorchestra capitanata da Giovanni Guidi e Dan Kinzelman;

  • parlavamo anche di enogastronomia. Al Wine Bar Dieci e Dieci ogni sera, escluso l’ultimo giorno, a partire dalle 19:30 aperitivo + DJ set YJ Feeling. La Taverna del Rione Ammanniti ospiterà l’Osteria delle 7 Spighe dell’Antifestival di Trevi, che proporrà un punto ristoro con cucina e prodotti a km 0, accompagnati da buona musica. Il 23, 24 e 25 Maggio a partire dalle 19:30 Dinner around Jazz Dj set. Sabato 25 Maggio, 13:30, anche Jazz Lunch DJ set. Ed anche concerti, come già detto, ed una Jam Session il 25 Maggio a partire dalle 23:59;

  • eventi collaterali. Presso Palazzo Candiotti mercoledì 22 Maggio 2013, dalle 17:30, verrà inaugurata la mostra “It’s a jungle in here” (opere grafiche militanti e oltre) di Andrea Pinchi e curata da Francesca Briganti. Venerdì 24 workshop, curato dal docente Sandro Paradisi, “Legislazione dello spettacolo“;
  • Jazz Zone“. I commercianti aderenti di via Gramsci (Via del Jazz) e zone limitrofe offriranno biglietti, pass ed abbonamenti ai clienti che acquisteranno, dal 2 al 21 Maggio 2013.

Abbonamenti a tutti gli spettacoli € 20,00, € 15,00 per under 18. Per ulteriori informazioni, Mail

Fabrizio Galeazzi

Back in Foligno, for the 9th time, the “new generation” jazz, made by and for the “new generations”, by Young Jazz Festival. An event grew over the years and is now a National and International reference point for the rising stars and fans of the contemporary version of this musical genre.

The Young Jazz Festival 13 will be held from May 22nd to 26th, 2013. And, in addition to the main program of concerts, will also feature food & wine and reflections related to the social issues of the area of Foligno:

  • the Main Program. First concert Thursday, May 23rd, at 18:30 at the Corte of Palazzo Deli, with the Cristiano Arcelli Quartet. The Perugino Saxophonist propose his latest work “Brooks” (free admission). From 21:30, Palazzo dei Trinci (admission € 10,00), the Guano Padano, Danilo Gallo on bass, Alessandro “Asso” Stefana guitar and Zeno De Rossi on drums. From 23:00 at Taverna del Rione Ammanniti, famous for the Giostra della Quintana, Mauro Ottolini & Trio Marrano for the centenary of the birth of Gorni Kramer (€ 5,00).
    Great space will be reserved for the Norwegian Jazz, thanks to the collaboration with the Embassy of Norway, so much so that May 24th will be NorwegianDay. The first on stage will be Steinar Raksen with his quartet in “Stillhouse” at Piazza Don Minzoni – Conad Stage, in 2 sets, at 18:30 and 23:00 (free admission). From 21:30 double concert at the Palazzo dei Trinci (admission € 10,00), with Arve Henriksen / Jan Bang Duo + Sidsel Endresen / Jan Bang / Erik Honoré Trio. To close the Friday day from 23:59 the encounter, at the Taverna Rione Ammanniti, between the Young Jazz Festival and the Dancity Festival with the DJ Set by Bjørn Torske, a famous Norwegian producer and DJ also known for the duo Röyksopp (€ 5,00).
    Starting over Saturday 25th from 12:00, Taverna Rione Ammanniti, with the guitarist of Miami Rainer Davies and his Trio. Starting from 18:30 new double set, always at Piazza Don Minzoni, with the originality of the 7 members of the Dinamitri Jazz Folklore.
    To close the Young Jazz 2013, Sunday, May 26th, 2013, another encounter, this time with Cantine Aperte (Open Wineries) in Umbria 2013. From 17:00 at the Cantina Scacciadiavoli in Montefalco the “mysterious” American band Jellico;

  • Jazz Community“. The jazz meets the territory and its social issues, such as disability and integration. Giezzisti.2, theatre play on May 22nd, 2013 at 21:00, Auditorium San Domenico (admission € 10,00). The P-Funking Band and the “games of Spring” for children with Spring Jazz, from 16:00 to 18:00 on Saturday, May 25th between the dei Canapè Park and the historic center. Still 25th, Auditorium San Domenico (€ 10,00) and from 21:30, the Liberorchestra captained by Giovanni Guidi and Dan Kinzelman;

  • we also talked about Food & Wine. At the Dieci e Dieci Wine Bar every night, except on the last day, from 19:30 aperitif + DJ set YJ Feeling. The Taverna del Rione Ammanniti will host the “Osteria delle 7 Spighe” of the Trevi Antifestival, which will offer a refreshment stand with cooking and products at 0 km, accompanied by good music. On May 23rd, 24th and 25th starting around 19:30 Dinner Jazz DJ sets. Saturday, May 25th, 13:30, also Jazz Lunch DJ set. And also concerts, as mentioned above, and a Jam Session starting at 23:59 on May 25th;

  • side events. At Palazzo Candiotti Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013, from 17:30, will open the exhibit “It’s a jungle in here” (opere grafiche militanti e oltre) by Andrea Pinchi and curated by Francesca Briganti. Friday, 24th workshop, curated by Sandro Paradisi, “Legislazione dello spettacolo“;
  • Jazz Zone“.  Participating retailers in Via Gramsci (Via del Jazz) and surrounding areas offer tickets, passes and subscriptions to customers who purchase, from May 2nd to 21st, 2013.

Subscriptions to all shows € 20,00, € 15,00 for under 18. For more information, E-Mail

Fabrizio Galeazzi

Back in Foligno, for the 9th time, the “new generation” jazz, made by and for the “new generations”, by Young Jazz Festival. An event grew over the years and is now a National and International reference point for the rising stars and fans of the contemporary version of this musical genre.

The Young Jazz Festival 13 will be held from May 22nd to 26th, 2013. And, in addition to the main program of concerts, will also feature food & wine and reflections related to the social issues of the area of Foligno:

  • the Main Program. First concert Thursday, May 23rd, at 18:30 at the Corte of Palazzo Deli, with the Cristiano Arcelli Quartet. The Perugino Saxophonist propose his latest work “Brooks” (free admission). From 21:30, Palazzo dei Trinci (admission € 10,00), the Guano Padano, Danilo Gallo on bass, Alessandro “Asso” Stefana guitar and Zeno De Rossi on drums. From 23:00 at Taverna del Rione Ammanniti, famous for the Giostra della Quintana, Mauro Ottolini & Trio Marrano for the centenary of the birth of Gorni Kramer (€ 5,00).
    Great space will be reserved for the Norwegian Jazz, thanks to the collaboration with the Embassy of Norway, so much so that May 24th will be NorwegianDay. The first on stage will be Steinar Raksen with his quartet in “Stillhouse” at Piazza Don Minzoni – Conad Stage, in 2 sets, at 18:30 and 23:00 (free admission). From 21:30 double concert at the Palazzo dei Trinci (admission € 10,00), with Arve Henriksen / Jan Bang Duo + Sidsel Endresen / Jan Bang / Erik Honoré Trio. To close the Friday day from 23:59 the encounter, at the Taverna Rione Ammanniti, between the Young Jazz Festival and the Dancity Festival with the DJ Set by Bjørn Torske, a famous Norwegian producer and DJ also known for the duo Röyksopp (€ 5,00).
    Starting over Saturday 25th from 12:00, Taverna Rione Ammanniti, with the guitarist of Miami Rainer Davies and his Trio. Starting from 18:30 new double set, always at Piazza Don Minzoni, with the originality of the 7 members of the Dinamitri Jazz Folklore.
    To close the Young Jazz 2013, Sunday, May 26th, 2013, another encounterg, this time with with Cantine Aperte (Open Wineries) in Umbria 2013. From 17:00 at the Cantina Scacciadiavoli in Montefalco the “mysterious” American band Jellico;

  • Jazz Community“. The jazz meets the territory and its social issues, such as disability and integration. Giezzisti.2, theatre play on May 22nd, 2013 at 21:00, Auditorium San Domenico (admission € 10,00). The P-Funking Band and the “games of Spring” for children with Spring Jazz, from 16:00 to 18:00 on Saturday, May 25th between the dei Canapè Park and the historic center. Still 25th, Auditorium San Domenico (€ 10,00) and from 21:30, the Liberorchestra captained by Giovanni Guidi and Dan Kinzelman;

  • we also talked about Food & Wine. At the Dieci e Dieci Wine Bar every night, except on the last day, from 19:30 aperitif + DJ set YJ Feeling. The Taverna del Rione Ammanniti will host the “Osteria delle 7 Spighe” of the Trevi Antifestival, which will offer a refreshment stand with cooking and products at 0 km, accompanied by good music. On May 23rd, 24th and 25th starting around 19:30 Dinner Jazz DJ sets. Saturday, May 25th, 13:30, also Jazz Lunch DJ set. And also concerts, as mentioned above, and a Jam Session starting at 23:59 on May 25th;

  • side events. At Palazzo Candiotti Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013, from 17:30, will open the exhibit “It’s a jungle in here” (opere grafiche militanti e oltre) by Andrea Pinchi and curated by Francesca Briganti. Friday, 24thworkshop, curated by Sandro Paradisi, “Legislazione dello spettacolo“;
  • Jazz Zone“.  Participating retailers in Via Gramsci (Via del Jazz) and surrounding areas offer tickets, passes and subscriptions to customers who purchase, from May 2nd to 21st, 2013.

Subscriptions to all shows € 20,00, € 15,00 for under 18. For more information, E-Mail

Fabrizio Galeazzi

Back in Foligno, for the 9th time, the “new generation” jazz, made by and for the “new generations”, by Young Jazz Festival. An event grew over the years and is now a National and International reference point for the rising stars and fans of the contemporary version of this musical genre.

The Young Jazz Festival 13 will be held from May 22nd to 26th, 2013. And, in addition to the main program of concerts, will also feature food & wine and reflections related to the social issues of the area of Foligno:

  • the Main Program. First concert Thursday, May 23rd, at 18:30 at the Corte of Palazzo Deli, with the Cristiano Arcelli Quartet. The Perugino Saxophonist propose his latest work “Brooks” (free admission). From 21:30, Palazzo dei Trinci (admission € 10,00), the Guano Padano, Danilo Gallo on bass, Alessandro “Asso” Stefana guitar and Zeno De Rossi on drums. From 23:00 at Taverna del Rione Ammanniti, famous for the Giostra della Quintana, Mauro Ottolini & Trio Marrano for the centenary of the birth of Gorni Kramer (€ 5,00).
    Great space will be reserved for the Norwegian Jazz, thanks to the collaboration with the Embassy of Norway, so much so that May 24th will be NorwegianDay. The first on stage will be Steinar Raksen with his quartet in “Stillhouse” at Piazza Don Minzoni – Conad Stage, in 2 sets, at 18:30 and 23:00 (free admission). From 21:30 double concert at the Palazzo dei Trinci (admission € 10,00), with Arve Henriksen / Jan Bang Duo + Sidsel Endresen / Jan Bang / Erik Honoré Trio. To close the Friday day from 23:59 the encounter, at the Taverna Rione Ammanniti, between the Young Jazz Festival and the Dancity Festival with the DJ Set by Bjørn Torske, a famous Norwegian producer and DJ also known for the duo Röyksopp (€ 5,00).
    Starting over Saturday 25th from 12:00, Taverna Rione Ammanniti, with the guitarist of Miami Rainer Davies and his Trio. Starting from 18:30 new double set, always at Piazza Don Minzoni, with the originality of the 7 members of the Dinamitri Jazz Folklore.
    To close the Young Jazz 2013, Sunday, May 26th, 2013, another encounterg, this time with with Cantine Aperte (Open Wineries) in Umbria 2013. From 17:00 at the Cantina Scacciadiavoli in Montefalco the “mysterious” American band Jellico;

  • Jazz Community“. The jazz meets the territory and its social issues, such as disability and integration. Giezzisti.2, theatre play on May 22nd, 2013 at 21:00, Auditorium San Domenico (admission € 10,00). The P-Funking Band and the “games of Spring” for children with Spring Jazz, from 16:00 to 18:00 on Saturday, May 25th between the dei Canapè Park and the historic center. Still 25th, Auditorium San Domenico (€ 10,00) and from 21:30, the Liberorchestra captained by Giovanni Guidi and Dan Kinzelman;

  • we also talked about Food & Wine. At the Dieci e Dieci Wine Bar every night, except on the last day, from 19:30 aperitif + DJ set YJ Feeling. The Taverna del Rione Ammanniti will host the “Osteria delle 7 Spighe” of the Trevi Antifestival, which will offer a refreshment stand with cooking and products at 0 km, accompanied by good music. On May 23rd, 24th and 25th starting around 19:30 Dinner Jazz DJ sets. Saturday, May 25th, 13:30, also Jazz Lunch DJ set. And also concerts, as mentioned above, and a Jam Session starting at 23:59 on May 25th;

  • side events. At Palazzo Candiotti Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013, from 17:30, will open the exhibit “It’s a jungle in here” (opere grafiche militanti e oltre) by Andrea Pinchi and curated by Francesca Briganti. Friday, 24thworkshop, curated by Sandro Paradisi, “Legislazione dello spettacolo“;
  • Jazz Zone“.  Participating retailers in Via Gramsci (Via del Jazz) and surrounding areas offer tickets, passes and subscriptions to customers who purchase, from May 2nd to 21st, 2013.

Subscriptions to all shows € 20,00, € 15,00 for under 18. For more information, E-Mail

Fabrizio Galeazzi

Back in Foligno, for the 9th time, the “new generation” jazz, made by and for the “new generations”, by Young Jazz Festival. An event grew over the years and is now a National and International reference point for the rising stars and fans of the contemporary version of this musical genre.

The Young Jazz Festival 13 will be held from May 22nd to 26th, 2013. And, in addition to the main program of concerts, will also feature food & wine and reflections related to the social issues of the area of Foligno:

  • the Main Program. First concert Thursday, May 23rd, at 18:30 at the Corte of Palazzo Deli, with the Cristiano Arcelli Quartet. The Perugino Saxophonist propose his latest work “Brooks” (free admission). From 21:30, Palazzo dei Trinci (admission € 10,00), the Guano Padano, Danilo Gallo on bass, Alessandro “Asso” Stefana guitar and Zeno De Rossi on drums. From 23:00 at Taverna del Rione Ammanniti, famous for the Giostra della Quintana, Mauro Ottolini & Trio Marrano for the centenary of the birth of Gorni Kramer (€ 5,00).
    Great space will be reserved for the Norwegian Jazz, thanks to the collaboration with the Embassy of Norway, so much so that May 24th will be NorwegianDay. The first on stage will be Steinar Raksen with his quartet in “Stillhouse” at Piazza Don Minzoni – Conad Stage, in 2 sets, at 18:30 and 23:00 (free admission). From 21:30 double concert at the Palazzo dei Trinci (admission € 10,00), with Arve Henriksen / Jan Bang Duo + Sidsel Endresen / Jan Bang / Erik Honoré Trio. To close the Friday day from 23:59 the encounter, at the Taverna Rione Ammanniti, between the Young Jazz Festival and the Dancity Festival with the DJ Set by Bjørn Torske, a famous Norwegian producer and DJ also known for the duo Röyksopp (€ 5,00).
    Starting over Saturday 25th from 12:00, Taverna Rione Ammanniti, with the guitarist of Miami Rainer Davies and his Trio. Starting from 18:30 new double set, always at Piazza Don Minzoni, with the originality of the 7 members of the Dinamitri Jazz Folklore.
    To close the Young Jazz 2013, Sunday, May 26th, 2013, another encounterg, this time with with Cantine Aperte (Open Wineries) in Umbria 2013. From 17:00 at the Cantina Scacciadiavoli in Montefalco the “mysterious” American band Jellico;

  • Jazz Community“. The jazz meets the territory and its social issues, such as disability and integration. Giezzisti.2, theatre play on May 22nd, 2013 at 21:00, Auditorium San Domenico (admission € 10,00). The P-Funking Band and the “games of Spring” for children with Spring Jazz, from 16:00 to 18:00 on Saturday, May 25th between the dei Canapè Park and the historic center. Still 25th, Auditorium San Domenico (€ 10,00) and from 21:30, the Liberorchestra captained by Giovanni Guidi and Dan Kinzelman;

  • we also talked about Food & Wine. At the Dieci e Dieci Wine Bar every night, except on the last day, from 19:30 aperitif + DJ set YJ Feeling. The Taverna del Rione Ammanniti will host the “Osteria delle 7 Spighe” of the Trevi Antifestival, which will offer a refreshment stand with cooking and products at 0 km, accompanied by good music. On May 23rd, 24th and 25th starting around 19:30 Dinner Jazz DJ sets. Saturday, May 25th, 13:30, also Jazz Lunch DJ set. And also concerts, as mentioned above, and a Jam Session starting at 23:59 on May 25th;

  • side events. At Palazzo Candiotti Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013, from 17:30, will open the exhibit “It’s a jungle in here” (opere grafiche militanti e oltre) by Andrea Pinchi and curated by Francesca Briganti. Friday, 24thworkshop, curated by Sandro Paradisi, “Legislazione dello spettacolo“;
  • Jazz Zone“.  Participating retailers in Via Gramsci (Via del Jazz) and surrounding areas offer tickets, passes and subscriptions to customers who purchase, from May 2nd to 21st, 2013.

Subscriptions to all shows € 20,00, € 15,00 for under 18. For more information, E-Mail

Fabrizio Galeazzi