Vasi di ceramica
I vasi di ceramica, tanto utilizzati come vasi da fiori quanto come vasi, artistici per l’ arredamento, sono realizzati con grande cura dai più esperti artigiani in ceramiche dipinte della regione.
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Piatti di ceramica
Gli oggetti di ceramica italiana per la tavola, come ad esempio un piatto in ceramica, o un piatto da portata, vengono pensati dai maestri della ceramica italiana come superfici ideali per le decorazioni più complesse.
Tazze di ceramica
La tazza di ceramica può essere un semplice oggetto di uso comune, come nel caso della tazza ci ceramica per il caffè, ma anche una raffinata tazza di porcellana.
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Pentole in ceramica
Una pentola o una teiera in ceramica sono oggetti di uso comune, destinati alla cottura dei cibi e dove quindi la ceramica esprime al meglio le sue proprietà termiche. Tuttavia, gli artigiani dell’ Umbria hanno fatto sia della pentola di ceramica sia della teiera di ceramica, sia degli altri oggetti per la cucina veri prodotti d’arte.
Lampade di ceramica
Una lampada in ceramica è un oggetto di grande valore artistico non soltanto un qualsiasi complemento d’arredo. La lampada di ceramica arreda essa stessa un’ambiente grazie alla ricchezza del suo decoro e per la particolare diffusione luminosa che la porcellana definisce.
Ciotole e coppe di ceramica
Le ciotole e le coppe di ceramica sono fra gli accessori per la tavola più semplici da realizzare, non per questo , però, il decoro sarà meno raffinato e pregiato. Le coppe infatti realizzate dai maestri italiani hanno forma e decori molto particolari, tanto da essere sicure protagoniste in ogni tavola imbandita.
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Flower Vase
The ceramic vases, used as vases for flowers but also as artistic vases for the ornament of the house, are realized with great care from the most expert craftsmen of the region.
Ceramic plates dish and Ceramic tableware
The Italian tableware, like for example a ceramic dish and plates or a tray, are studied by the maestro of the Italian ceramic as ideal superficies for the most complicated decorations
Ceramic mug
The ceramic mug can be a simple object of common use, like in the case of the ceramic coffee mug, but also a refined porcelain mug.
Ceramic pot and Ceramic teapot
A ceramic pot and a ceramic teapot are objects of common use, intended for cooking of food and therefore where the ceramic expresses in the best way its thermal properties. However, the Umbrian craftsmen have made of the ceramic pot and of the ceramic teapot, but also of the other kitchenware, real artistic products.
Ceramic lamp
A ceramic lamp is an object of great artistic value, not only an ordinary complement of furnishing. The ceramic lamp is furnishing by itself the room thanks to its rich ornament and to its particular luminous diffusion that is given by the porcelain.
Ceramic bowls
The basins and the ceramic bowls are among the easiest tableware accessories to realize, but this does not mean that the decoration will be less refined and precious. In effect, the ceramic bowls realized by Italian maestro have very particular forms and ornaments, so that they are true protagonists in every dressed table.
Flower Vase
The ceramic vases, used as vases for flowers but also as artistic vases for the ornament of the house, are realized with great care from the most expert craftsmen of the region.
Ceramic plates dish and Ceramic tableware
The Italian tableware, like for example a ceramic dish and plates or a tray, are studied by the maestro of the Italian ceramic as ideal superficies for the most complicated decorations
Ceramic mug
The ceramic mug can be a simple object of common use, like in the case of the ceramic coffee mug, but also a refined porcelain mug.
Ceramic pot and Ceramic teapot
A ceramic pot and a ceramic teapot are objects of common use, intended for cooking of food and therefore where the ceramic expresses in the best way its thermal properties. However, the Umbrian craftsmen have made of the ceramic pot and of the ceramic teapot, but also of the other kitchenware, real artistic products.
Ceramic lamp
A ceramic lamp is an object of great artistic value, not only an ordinary complement of furnishing. The ceramic lamp is furnishing by itself the room thanks to its rich ornament and to its particular luminous diffusion that is given by the porcelain.
Ceramic bowls
The basins and the ceramic bowls are among the easiest tableware accessories to realize, but this does not mean that the decoration will be less refined and precious. In effect, the ceramic bowls realized by Italian maestro have very particular forms and ornaments, so that they are true protagonists in every dressed table.
Flower Vase
The ceramic vases, used as vases for flowers but also as artistic vases for the ornament of the house, are realized with great care from the most expert craftsmen of the region.
Ceramic plates dish and Ceramic tableware
The Italian tableware, like for example a ceramic dish and plates or a tray, are studied by the maestro of the Italian ceramic as ideal superficies for the most complicated decorations
Ceramic mug
The ceramic mug can be a simple object of common use, like in the case of the ceramic coffee mug, but also a refined porcelain mug.
Ceramic pot and Ceramic teapot
A ceramic pot and a ceramic teapot are objects of common use, intended for cooking of food and therefore where the ceramic expresses in the best way its thermal properties. However, the Umbrian craftsmen have made of the ceramic pot and of the ceramic teapot, but also of the other kitchenware, real artistic products.
Ceramic lamp
A ceramic lamp is an object of great artistic value, not only an ordinary complement of furnishing. The ceramic lamp is furnishing by itself the room thanks to its rich ornament and to its particular luminous diffusion that is given by the porcelain.
Ceramic bowls
The basins and the ceramic bowls are among the easiest tableware accessories to realize, but this does not mean that the decoration will be less refined and precious. In effect, the ceramic bowls realized by Italian maestro have very particular forms and ornaments, so that they are true protagonists in every dressed table.
Flower Vase
The ceramic vases, used as vases for flowers but also as artistic vases for the ornament of the house, are realized with great care from the most expert craftsmen of the region.
Ceramic plates dish and Ceramic tableware
The Italian tableware, like for example a ceramic dish and plates or a tray, are studied by the maestro of the Italian ceramic as ideal superficies for the most complicated decorations
Ceramic mug
The ceramic mug can be a simple object of common use, like in the case of the ceramic coffee mug, but also a refined porcelain mug.
Ceramic pot and Ceramic teapot
A ceramic pot and a ceramic teapot are objects of common use, intended for cooking of food and therefore where the ceramic expresses in the best way its thermal properties. However, the Umbrian craftsmen have made of the ceramic pot and of the ceramic teapot, but also of the other kitchenware, real artistic products.
Ceramic lamp
A ceramic lamp is an object of great artistic value, not only an ordinary complement of furnishing. The ceramic lamp is furnishing by itself the room thanks to its rich ornament and to its particular luminous diffusion that is given by the porcelain.
Ceramic bowls
The basins and the ceramic bowls are among the easiest tableware accessories to realize, but this does not mean that the decoration will be less refined and precious. In effect, the ceramic bowls realized by Italian maestro have very particular forms and ornaments, so that they are true protagonists in every dressed table.
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