Musica che avvolge, musica che coinvolge! Si parla ancora tanto di musica in questa estate umbra, perché dopo l’Umbria Jazz di Perugia è ora la volta di un altro celeberrimo festival della nostra regione, tra le più importanti kermesse musicali dedicate alla musica blues in Italia: il Trasimeno Blues, in programma dal 25 Luglio al 3 Agosto 2019.
L’area del lago e i tanti borghi del Trasimeno si animano delle calde sonorità blues e delle sue innumerevoli miscele e contaminazioni, grazie alla formula itinerante che da sempre lo contraddistingue.

L’edizione 2019 del Trasimeno Blues
Questa edizione 2019 toccherà in particolare 4 comuni del comprensorio del Trasimeno, i bellissimi borghi di Castiglione del Lago, Panicale, Passignano e Tuoro sul Trasimeno. Saranno allestiti un totale di 9 palchi calcati dai nomi più noti del panorama blues internazionale, in un viaggio che spazia tra:
“le sfumature della Black Music, dalle radici del Blues alle avanguardie musicali più innovative; dal Blues acustico a quello elettrico, dal Desert Blues al Rock, al Soul e al Funk, dallo Swing al Jazz, alCountry e al Folk, dall’ Afro-Beat, al Reggae e al Nu-Soul.”
Questo perché, come spiegano gli organizzatori:
“Trasimeno Blues promuove il dialogo interculturale attraverso il linguaggio della musica, presentando le diverse anime di quella che i bianchi chiamavano la musica del diavolo: l’anima africana e quella americana, i ritmi e i suoni degli africani liberi e quelli dei nipoti che attraversarono l’Oceano in catene”.

>> Vuoi vedere Trasimeno Blues? Consulta ora le offerte dei migliori hotel al Lago Trasimeno
Concerti 2019 al Trasimeno Blues
Ecco allora il cartellone delle serate previste in questa edizione 2019:
Venerdì 25 Luglio 2019
21:30 Panicale
Piazza Umberto I free
Sabato 26 Luglio 2019
18:30 Castiglione del Lago
Piazza Mazzini free
21:30 Castiglione del Lago
Rocca Medievale free
00:00 Castiglione del Lago
Darsena Live Music free
Domenica 27 Luglio 2019
17:30 Castiglione del Lago
Palazzo della Corgna free
18:30 Castiglione del Lago
Piazza Mazzini free
21:30 Castiglione del Lago
Rocca Medievale € 12,00
00:00 Castiglione del Lago
Darsena Live Music free
Domenica 28 Luglio 2019
17:30 Castiglione del Lago
Centro Storico free
20:00 Castiglione del Lago
Seidivino Landscape Restaurant cena – concerto – free
21:30 Castiglione del Lago
Piazza Mazzini free
00:00 Castiglione del Lago
Darsena Live Music free
Lunedì 29 Luglio 2019
22:00 Passignano sul Trasimeno
Onda Road Trasimeno Blues Restaurant free
Martedì 30 Luglio 2019
21:30 Tuoro – Loc. Vernazzano
Supernova ( ex Due Lune) € 5,00
Mercoledì 31 Luglio 2019
22:00 Passignano sul Trasimeno
Onda Road Trasimeno Blues Restaurant free
Giovedì 1 Agosto 2019
22:00 Tuoro sul Trasimeno – Loc. Vernazzano
Supernova (ex Due Lune) € 5,00
Venerdì 2 Agosto 2019
21:30 Passignano sul Trasimeno
Onda Road Trasimeno Blues Restaurant free
Sabat0 3 Agosto 2019
21:30 Tuoro sul Trasimeno – Loc. Vernazzano
Supernova (ex Due Lune) € 10,00

>> Se hai deciso di partecipare a Trasimeno Blues, ti consigliamo di contattare ora i migliori agriturismi al Lago Trasimeno!
Il Trasimeno Blues vi porta in gita al Lago!
Il Trasimeno Blues si caratterizza da sempre per essere un festival musicale di grande suggestione, capace di coinvolgere le realtà locali e di fondersi con esse per valorizzare un intero territorio attraverso la musica.
Sull’onda di questo spirito, un battello speciale navigherà il Trasimeno grazie all’evento “Buona Onda Sunset Cruise”. Salite a bordo e salpate sulle acque del lago, tra musica e prodotti gastronomici tipici, per vivere tutti i colori e i riflessi del lago durante il tramonto, ancor più suggestivi grazie alla musica. [EVENTO IN ATTESA DI RICONFERMA PER IL 2019]

Music that wraps, music which involves! We talk still about music in this Umbrian summer in July 2014.
After Perugia and the Umbria Jazz Festival is now the turn of the hamlets of Trasimeno: back, from 24 July to 3 August one of the most important festival of the Blues in Italy: Trasimeno Blues.
The music that we breathe comes from Africa in this edition and the trip is “from Mississippi to Mali”.
The Blues reached the charming villages
around the lake, with concerts, enjoyable from dusk to dawn, and a series of cultural events such as exhibitions, workshops and competitions.
The main protagonist is obviously the very best of Black Music in 23 concerts, on 13 different stages, for 11 days!

From acoustic Blues to electric, from Desert Blues to Rock, from Soul to Funk, from The Afro to Reggae.
In the program the Preview of Trasimeno Blues, the July 15 in Castiglione del Lago with the legendary collective Tinariwen, and innovation of their sound that combines blues, rock, psychedelia, world music and traditional Touareg.
Here are some of the artists who will be on stage:
the Desert Rock Blues recently appeared in the musical world of the Sahara: the Malian Tamikrest with their addictive blend of traditional Touareg music, Blues, Rock, Psychedelia, Dub and Funk; and then the absolute revelation of the year, directly from Nigeria, the virtuoso guitarist, an ethnic Tuareg Bombino.
The 100% of Blues we will see it with the Chicago Blues, Delta and West Coast Blues by Big Daddy Wilson and Kirk Fletcher with Guitar Ray & The Gamblers;
the Folk/Blues is signed instead Ian Siegal & Mike Sponza Band;
Luke Winslow King will give to the Trasimeno the Delta Blues, Ragtime and Southern Gospel;
and then, we remember, the explosive Funk/Soul by Leroy Emmanuel;
the Rythm’n’ blues by Johnny Mars Band;
the Soul by the intense talented Luca Sapio;
The Downhome Blues by Marco Pandolfi, Italian finalist at the European Blues Challenge 2014.
The Trasimeno Blues Festival is always characterized by being highly suggestive of a music festival that unites and promotes the cultural influences and that always gets a warm wind, peace and harmony.
In the musical tour of the Festival there will be a great event indeed, the extraordinary project “Playing For Change” which, after filling stadiums of the world, whit actors and spectators united in a single message of love and peace, finally arrives in Italy in the live version: a super show that brings together musicians from different cultures, countries and ethnic groups, on the same stage to launch one huge message of peace through music.
11 days not to be missed, including music, entertainment and the beautiful sunsets of Lake Trasimeno …
For complete program and in all the contact details – and visit the official event website
Music that wraps, music which involves! We talk still about music in this Umbrian summer in July 2014.
After Perugia and the Umbria Jazz Festival is now the turn of the hamlets of Trasimeno: back, from 24 July to 3 August one of the most important festival of the Blues in Italy: Trasimeno Blues.
The music that we breathe comes from Africa in this edition and the trip is “from Mississippi to Mali”.
The Blues reached the charming villages around the lake, with concerts, enjoyable from dusk to dawn, and a series of cultural events such as exhibitions, workshops and competitions.
The main protagonist is obviously the very best of Black Music in 23 concerts, on 13 different stages, for 11 days!

From acoustic Blues to electric, from Desert Blues to Rock, from Soul to Funk, from The Afro to Reggae.
In the program the Preview of Trasimeno Blues, the July 15 in Castiglione del Lago with the legendary collective Tinariwen, and innovation of their sound that combines blues, rock, psychedelia, world music and traditional Touareg.
Here are some of the artists who will be on stage:
the Desert Rock Blues recently appeared in the musical world of the Sahara: the Malian Tamikrest with their addictive blend of traditional Touareg music, Blues, Rock, Psychedelia, Dub and Funk; and then the absolute revelation of the year, directly from Nigeria, the virtuoso guitarist, an ethnic Tuareg Bombino.
The 100% of Blues we will see it with the Chicago Blues, Delta and West Coast Blues by Big Daddy Wilson and Kirk Fletcher with Guitar Ray & The Gamblers;
the Folk/Blues is signed instead Ian Siegal & Mike Sponza Band;
Luke Winslow King will give to the Trasimeno the Delta Blues, Ragtime and Southern Gospel;
and then, we remember, the explosive Funk/Soul by Leroy Emmanuel;
the Rythm’n’ blues by Johnny Mars Band;
the Soul by the intense talented Luca Sapio;
The Downhome Blues by Marco Pandolfi, Italian finalist at the European Blues Challenge 2014.
The Trasimeno Blues Festival is always characterized by being highly suggestive of a music festival that unites and promotes the cultural influences and that always gets a warm wind, peace and harmony.
In the musical tour of the Festival there will be a great event indeed, the extraordinary project “Playing For Change” which, after filling stadiums of the world, whit actors and spectators united in a single message of love and peace, finally arrives in Italy in the live version: a super show that brings together musicians from different cultures, countries and ethnic groups, on the same stage to launch one huge message of peace through music.
11 days not to be missed, including music, entertainment and the beautiful sunsets of Lake Trasimeno …
For complete program and in all the contact details – and visit the official event website
Music that wraps, music which involves! We talk still about music in this Umbrian summer in July 2014.
After Perugia and the Umbria Jazz Festival is now the turn of the hamlets of Trasimeno: back, from 24 July to 3 August one of the most important festival of the
Blues in Italy: Trasimeno Blues.
The music that we breathe comes from Africa in this edition and the trip is “from Mississippi to Mali”.
The Blues reached the charming villages around the lake, with concerts, enjoyable from dusk to dawn, and a series of cultural events such as exhibitions, workshops and competitions.
The main protagonist is obviously the very best of Black Music in 23 concerts, on 13 different stages, for 11 days!

From acoustic Blues to electric, from Desert Blues to Rock, from Soul to Funk, from The Afro to Reggae.
In the program the Preview of Trasimeno Blues, the July 15 in Castiglione del Lago with the legendary collective Tinariwen, and innovation of their sound that combines blues, rock, psychedelia, world music and traditional Touareg.
Here are some of the artists who will be on stage:
the Desert Rock Blues recently appeared in the musical world of the Sahara: the Malian Tamikrest with their addictive blend of traditional Touareg music, Blues, Rock, Psychedelia, Dub and Funk; and then the absolute revelation of the year, directly from Nigeria, the virtuoso guitarist, an ethnic Tuareg Bombino.
The 100% of Blues we will see it with the Chicago Blues, Delta and West Coast Blues by Big Daddy Wilson and Kirk Fletcher with Guitar Ray & The Gamblers;
the Folk/Blues is signed instead Ian Siegal & Mike Sponza Band;
Luke Winslow King will give to the Trasimeno the Delta Blues, Ragtime and Southern Gospel;
and then, we remember, the explosive Funk/Soul by Leroy Emmanuel;
the Rythm’n’ blues by Johnny Mars Band;
the Soul by the intense talented Luca Sapio;
The Downhome Blues by Marco Pandolfi, Italian finalist at the European Blues Challenge 2014.
The Trasimeno Blues Festival is always characterized by being highly suggestive of a music festival that unites and promotes the cultural influences and that always gets a warm wind, peace and harmony.
In the musical tour of the Festival there will be a great event indeed, the extraordinary project “Playing For Change” which, after filling stadiums of the world, whit actors and spectators united in a single message of love and peace, finally arrives in Italy in the live version: a super show that brings together musicians from different cultures, countries and ethnic groups, on the same stage to launch one huge message of peace through music.
11 days not to be missed, including music, entertainment and the beautiful sunsets of Lake Trasimeno …
For complete program and in all the contact details – and visit the official event website
Music that wraps, music which involves! We talk still about music in this Umbrian summer in July 2014.
After Perugia and the Umbria Jazz Festival is now the turn of the hamlets of Trasimeno: back, from 24 July to 3 August one of the most important festival of the Blues in Italy: Trasimeno Blues.
The music that we breathe comes from Africa in this edition and the trip is “from Mississippi to Mali”.
The Blues reached the charming villages around the lake, with concerts, enjoyable from dusk to dawn, and a series of cultural events such as exhibitions, workshops and competitions.
The main protagonist is obviously the very best of Black Music in 23 concerts, on 13 different stages, for 11 days!

From acoustic Blues to electric, from Desert Blues to Rock, from Soul to Funk, from The Afro to Reggae.
In the program the Preview of Trasimeno Blues, the July 15 in Castiglione del Lago with the legendary collective Tinariwen, and innovation of their sound that combines blues, rock, psychedelia, world music and traditional Touareg.
Here are some of the artists who will be on stage:
the Desert Rock Blues recently appeared in the musical world of the Sahara: the Malian Tamikrest with their addictive blend of traditional Touareg music, Blues, Rock, Psychedelia, Dub and Funk; and then the absolute revelation of the year, directly from Nigeria, the virtuoso guitarist, an ethnic Tuareg Bombino.
The 100% of Blues we will see it with the Chicago Blues, Delta and West Coast Blues by Big Daddy Wilson and Kirk Fletcher with Guitar Ray & The Gamblers;
the Folk/Blues is signed instead Ian Siegal & Mike Sponza Band;
Luke Winslow King will give to the Trasimeno the Delta Blues, Ragtime and Southern Gospel;
and then, we remember, the explosive Funk/Soul by Leroy Emmanuel;
the Rythm’n’ blues by Johnny Mars Band;
the Soul by the intense talented Luca Sapio;
The Downhome Blues by Marco Pandolfi, Italian finalist at the European Blues Challenge 2014.
The Trasimeno Blues Festival is always characterized by being highly suggestive of a music festival that unites and promotes the cultural influences and that always gets a warm wind, peace and harmony.
In the musical tour of the Festival there will be a great event indeed, the extraordinary project “Playing For Change” which, after filling stadiums of the world, whit actors and spectators united in a single message of love and peace, finally arrives in Italy in the live version: a super show that brings together musicians from different cultures, countries and ethnic groups, on the same stage to launch one huge message of peace through music.
11 days not to be missed, including music, entertainment and the beautiful sunsets of Lake Trasimeno …
For complete program and in all the contact details – and visit the official event website
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