Tartufi umbri pregiati: il tartufo dal bosco profumi e sapori
Oltre ai tartufi bianchi ed al tartufo nero pregiato, esistono in Umbria almeno altre sette-otto specie di tartufi capaci di adescare il nostro palato lungo tutto l’arco dell’anno. L’Umbria, con il suo dolce paesaggio collinare di cui il bosco costituisce una parte predominante, è un’immensa tartufaia: questa regione contrappone alla fine sapidità del rugoso tartufo nero, l’inconfondibile acutezza di profumi dell’aristocratico tartufo bianco e va ad aggiungersi, insieme a tutta una serie di tartufi di “media stagione”, la curiosa fragranza dello Scorzone estivo.
La raccolta avviene solo in determinati periodi dell’anno, cioè a spore mature, e con l’ausilio dei cani onde evitare un inutile “zappamento” del terreno che comprometterebbe il prezioso “micelio”. Il corpo fruttifero deve essere estratto in perfette condizioni di maturazione: l’esemplare acerbo manca totalmente di profumo.
Il tartufo nero pregiato umbro (Tuber Melanosporum Vittadini) è la qualità prevalente. Matura da novembre a marzo; la sua area di diffusione comprende i territori che fiancheggiano il corso del Nera, del Corno e del Sordo, le mezze coste delle montagne spoletine, i monti martani, i monti di Trevi e il Subasio. La sua grandezza può variare da quella di una noce per arrivare a una mela o un’arancia. La scorza è nerastra o direttamente nera e rugosa. La sua polpa è di colore nero-violaceo, attraversata da sottili vene di colore bianco che ai lati prendono colorazioni bruno-rosseggianti. E’ presente ad un’altitudine che può andare dai 250-300 metri sino ai 900-1000.
>> Vuoi gustare il tartufo umbro? Consulta ora le offerte dei migliori agriturismi nelle vicinanze di Norcia.
Il tartufo bianco è ancor più raro e pregiato. Il nome scientifico è Tuber Magnatum Pico. La zona di produzione è individuata nell’alta Valle del Tevere, nell’Eugubino Gualdese e nell’Orvietano. Giunge a maturazione da ottobre sino a tutto dicembre, ma in zone particolarmente riparate lo si può trovare sino a tutto il mese di gennaio. Vegeta ad una profondità superiore rispetto ad altri tartufi. Predilige il rapporto con alcune piante superiori: il pioppo, il salice, l’albanella, pur vivendo in simbiosi con altre piante quali la quercia, il cerro e il carpino.
>> Ci sono offerte in scadenza per agriturismi nella zona di Gubbio! Clicca e consultale subito.
Il fascino del tartufo bianco ha molte componenti: il profumo acuto, inconfondibile e assoluto, la grandezza e la forma, che deve essere la più regolare e arrotondata possibile, il sapore ineguagliabile che si esprime al meglio servito crudo senza bisogno di salse o di condimenti. La grandezza può variare da quella di una piccola noce a quella di un grosso arancio e si presenta in forma subsferica variamente arrotondata con corni emergenti. La sua polpa ha colore che va dal nocciola al marrone scuro a seconda del grado di maturazione. Talvolta, quando la pianta con la quale vive in simbiosi è un tiglio o una quercia, essa è rosa, tendente al rosso vinaccio.
Il bianco si serve tagliato a fettine sottilissime. Per il suo aroma più deciso si esalta maggiormente su piatti semplici, caldi, che ne risaltano l’aroma. Non bisogna dimenticare che anche a ferragosto la terra umbra invita all’assaggio del meno conosciuto, ma non meno gustoso e saporito, Tuber aestivum (lo Scorzone).
>>Se hai deciso di gustare i deliziosi piatti umbri a base di tartufo ti consigliamo di contattare ora i migliori ristoranti in Valnerina>> clicca questo link.
Umbrian flavours and fragrances
In addition to the White and to the Valued Black, there are at least other seven-eight species of truffle in Umbria to favour every recipe. This region, with its sweet hilly landscape of which the forest is a predominant part, is a big truffle-ground: only this region can oppose to the fine sapidity of the wrinkly black truffles, the unique acuteness of perfumes of the aristocratic white truffles, and we should add, together with an entire serie of “in-between season” truffles, the particular fragance of the summer “Scorzone”. The Umbrian Valued Black Truffle Ripens from November to March; its area of diffusion includes all the territories bordering the course of the Nera, of the Corno and of the Sordo rivers, the hillsides of the mountains of Spoleto, the martani Mounts, the Mounts of Trevi and the Subasio.
Its size can vary from the size of a nut to the one of an apple or an orange. The bark is blackish or directly black but, even it is wrinkly. Its pulp is of colour black-purplish, with fine veins of white colour which, are taking colourations brown-reddish. This species is present at an altitude than can go from 250-300 meters up to 900-1000. The picking is made only in precise periods of the year, which is at ripe spore, and exclusively with the help of the dogs, in order to avoid a useless “hoeing” of the land that would compromise forever the precious “mycelium”. The white truffle is even rarer and more valued. The production area is the Tevere Valley, the regions of Gubbio, Gualdo and Orvieto. It arrives to maturation from October until all December, but in areas particularly protected from the frost we can find it during the entire month of January. It vegetates at a higher depth than other truffle. It prefers the contact with some higher plants such as the poplar, the willow and the harrier. The fascination of the white truffle has a lot of components: the sharp perfume, the size and the form, which has to be as regular and rounded as possible, the matchless savour that best expresses itself served raw without the need for salt or seasonings. The size can vary from the size of a small nut to the one of a big orange and presents itself in a subspherical form variously rounded with pimples and emergent horns. Its pulp has a colour going from light brown to dark brown. Sometimes, when the plant with which it is living in symbiosis is a lime-tree or a oak, it is pink, with a tendency towards red. Is served cut in very thin slices. Because its aroma is more decisive it is better to serve it with simple warm dishes that enhance the aroma.
Umbrian flavours and fragrances
In addition to the White and to the Valued Black, there are at least other seven-eight species of truffle in Umbria to favour every recipe. This region, with its sweet hilly landscape of which the forest is a predominant part, is a big truffle-ground: only this region can oppose to the fine sapidity of the wrinkly black truffles, the unique acuteness of perfumes of the aristocratic white truffles, and we should add, together with an entire serie of “in-between season” truffles, the particular fragance of the summer “Scorzone”. The Umbrian Valued Black Truffle Ripens from November to March; its area of diffusion includes all the territories bordering the course of the Nera, of the Corno and of the Sordo rivers, the hillsides of the mountains of Spoleto, the martani Mounts, the Mounts of Trevi and the Subasio.
Its size can vary from the size of a nut to the one of an apple or an orange. The bark is blackish or directly black but, even it is wrinkly. Its pulp is of colour black-purplish, with fine veins of white colour which, are taking colourations brown-reddish. This species is present at an altitude than can go from 250-300 meters up to 900-1000. The picking is made only in precise periods of the year, which is at ripe spore, and exclusively with the help of the dogs, in order to avoid a useless “hoeing” of the land that would compromise forever the precious “mycelium”. The white truffle is even rarer and more valued. The production area is the Tevere Valley, the regions of Gubbio, Gualdo and Orvieto. It arrives to maturation from October until all December, but in areas particularly protected from the frost we can find it during the entire month of January. It vegetates at a higher depth than other truffle. It prefers the contact with some higher plants such as the poplar, the willow and the harrier. The fascination of the white truffle has a lot of components: the sharp perfume, the size and the form, which has to be as regular and rounded as possible, the matchless savour that best expresses itself served raw without the need for salt or seasonings. The size can vary from the size of a small nut to the one of a big orange and presents itself in a subspherical form variously rounded with pimples and emergent horns. Its pulp has a colour going from light brown to dark brown. Sometimes, when the plant with which it is living in symbiosis is a lime-tree or a oak, it is pink, with a tendency towards red. Is served cut in very thin slices. Because its aroma is more decisive it is better to serve it with simple warm dishes that enhance the aroma.
Umbrian flavours and fragrances
In addition to the White and to the Valued Black, there are at least other seven-eight species of truffle in Umbria to favour every recipe. This region, with its sweet hilly landscape of which the forest is a predominant part, is a big truffle-ground: only this region can oppose to the fine sapidity of the wrinkly black truffles, the unique acuteness of perfumes of the aristocratic white truffles, and we should add, together with an entire serie of “in-between season” truffles, the particular fragance of the summer “Scorzone”. The Umbrian Valued Black Truffle Ripens from November to March; its area of diffusion includes all the territories bordering the course of the Nera, of the Corno and of the Sordo rivers, the hillsides of the mountains of Spoleto, the martani Mounts, the Mounts of Trevi and the Subasio.
Its size can vary from the size of a nut to the one of an apple or an orange. The bark is blackish or directly black but, even it is wrinkly. Its pulp is of colour black-purplish, with fine veins of white colour which, are taking colourations brown-reddish. This species is present at an altitude than can go from 250-300 meters up to 900-1000. The picking is made only in precise periods of the year, which is at ripe spore, and exclusively with the help of the dogs, in order to avoid a useless “hoeing” of the land that would compromise forever the precious “mycelium”. The white truffle is even rarer and more valued. The production area is the Tevere Valley, the regions of Gubbio, Gualdo and Orvieto. It arrives to maturation from October until all December, but in areas particularly protected from the frost we can find it during the entire month of January. It vegetates at a higher depth than other truffle. It prefers the contact with some higher plants such as the poplar, the willow and the harrier. The fascination of the white truffle has a lot of components: the sharp perfume, the size and the form, which has to be as regular and rounded as possible, the matchless savour that best expresses itself served raw without the need for salt or seasonings. The size can vary from the size of a small nut to the one of a big orange and presents itself in a subspherical form variously rounded with pimples and emergent horns. Its pulp has a colour going from light brown to dark brown. Sometimes, when the plant with which it is living in symbiosis is a lime-tree or a oak, it is pink, with a tendency towards red. Is served cut in very thin slices. Because its aroma is more decisive it is better to serve it with simple warm dishes that enhance the aroma.
Umbrian flavours and fragrances
In addition to the White and to the Valued Black, there are at least other seven-eight species of truffle in Umbria to favour every recipe. This region, with its sweet hilly landscape of which the forest is a predominant part, is a big truffle-ground: only this region can oppose to the fine sapidity of the wrinkly black truffles, the unique acuteness of perfumes of the aristocratic white truffles, and we should add, together with an entire serie of “in-between season” truffles, the particular fragance of the summer “Scorzone”. The Umbrian Valued Black Truffle Ripens from November to March; its area of diffusion includes all the territories bordering the course of the Nera, of the Corno and of the Sordo rivers, the hillsides of the mountains of Spoleto, the martani Mounts, the Mounts of Trevi and the Subasio.
Its size can vary from the size of a nut to the one of an apple or an orange. The bark is blackish or directly black but, even it is wrinkly. Its pulp is of colour black-purplish, with fine veins of white colour which, are taking colourations brown-reddish. This species is present at an altitude than can go from 250-300 meters up to 900-1000. The picking is made only in precise periods of the year, which is at ripe spore, and exclusively with the help of the dogs, in order to avoid a useless “hoeing” of the land that would compromise forever the precious “mycelium”. The white truffle is even rarer and more valued. The production area is the Tevere Valley, the regions of Gubbio, Gualdo and Orvieto. It arrives to maturation from October until all December, but in areas particularly protected from the frost we can find it during the entire month of January. It vegetates at a higher depth than other truffle. It prefers the contact with some higher plants such as the poplar, the willow and the harrier. The fascination of the white truffle has a lot of components: the sharp perfume, the size and the form, which has to be as regular and rounded as possible, the matchless savour that best expresses itself served raw without the need for salt or seasonings. The size can vary from the size of a small nut to the one of a big orange and presents itself in a subspherical form variously rounded with pimples and emergent horns. Its pulp has a colour going from light brown to dark brown. Sometimes, when the plant with which it is living in symbiosis is a lime-tree or a oak, it is pink, with a tendency towards red. Is served cut in very thin slices. Because its aroma is more decisive it is better to serve it with simple warm dishes that enhance the aroma.
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