Il Pozzo Etrusco è una grandiosa costruzione del IV o III sec. a.C. dalle dimensioni eccezionali: 37 metri di profondité0 e diametro di 5,6 metri, percorribile grazie ad un geniale sistema di scale.
Pozzo Etrusco (Etruscan Well), an imposing construction of the fourth or third century BC which has exceptional dimensions : 37 meters deep and 5.6 meters in diameter , viable thanks to an ingenious system of stairs.
Pozzo Etrusco (Etruscan Well), an imposing construction of the fourth or third century BC which has exceptional dimensions : 37 meters deep and 5.6 meters in diameter , viable thanks to an ingenious system of stairs.
Pozzo Etrusco (Etruscan Well), an imposing construction of the fourth or third century BC which has exceptional dimensions : 37 meters deep and 5.6 meters in diameter , viable thanks to an ingenious system of stairs.
Pozzo Etrusco (Etruscan Well), an imposing construction of the fourth or third century BC which has exceptional dimensions : 37 meters deep and 5.6 meters in diameter , viable thanks to an ingenious system of stairs.