▌ Punti di interesse

Museo-Laboratorio di tessitura a mano Giuditta Brozzetti

Nei prestigiosi locali dell?ex-chiesa di San Francesco delle Donne a Perugia ha sede Il Museo Laboratorio “Giuditta Brozzetti”, uno degli ultimi laboratori di tessitura a mano rimasti in Italia.
The Giuditta Brozzetti artistic hand weaving laboratory was founded in 1921 by Giudittta Brozzetti and is one of the few remaining hand-weaving workshops in Italy today.
The Giuditta Brozzetti artistic hand weaving laboratory was founded in 1921 by Giudittta Brozzetti and is one of the few remaining hand-weaving workshops in Italy today.
The Giuditta Brozzetti artistic hand weaving laboratory was founded in 1921 by Giudittta Brozzetti and is one of the few remaining hand-weaving workshops in Italy today.
The Giuditta Brozzetti artistic hand weaving laboratory was founded in 1921 by Giudittta Brozzetti and is one of the few remaining hand-weaving workshops in Italy today.
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Collegio del Cambio

Il Collegio del Cambio che si trova all’interno del Palazzo dei Priori tra il 1452 e il 1457 fu sede di una potente corporazione denominata “Arte del Cambio” che riuniva i banchieri perugini

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Porta San Pietro

La cinta muraria medievale di Perugia, costruita per assecondare l’espansione della citté0, venne realizzata a cavallo tra il XIII ed il XIV secolo. Una delle porte più importanti è Porta San Pietro.
The medieval walls of Perugia were built at the turn of the thirteenth and fourteenth century to accommodate the expansion of the city. One of the most important gates of the medieval walls is Porta San Pietro.
The medieval walls of Perugia were built at the turn of the thirteenth and fourteenth century to accommodate the expansion of the city. One of the most important gates of the medieval walls is Porta San Pietro.
The medieval walls of Perugia were built at the turn of the thirteenth and fourteenth century to accommodate the expansion of the city. One of the most important gates of the medieval walls is Porta San Pietro.
The medieval walls of Perugia were built at the turn of the thirteenth and fourteenth century to accommodate the expansion of the city. One of the most important gates of the medieval walls is Porta San Pietro.
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Il Minimetrò

Il Minimetrü2 è il caratteristico mezzo di trasporto perugino, ecologico e innovativo, che permette di raggiungere il centro storico senza dover usare la macchina.
The Minimetrü2 is the characteristic means of transport Perugia ecological and innovative that allows you to reach the center without having to use the machine.
The Minimetrü2 is the characteristic means of transport Perugia ecological and innovative that allows you to reach the center without having to use the machine.
The Minimetrü2 is the characteristic means of transport Perugia ecological and innovative that allows you to reach the center without having to use the machine.
The Minimetrü2 is the characteristic means of transport Perugia ecological and innovative that allows you to reach the center without having to use the machine.
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Pozzo Etrusco

Il Pozzo Etrusco è una grandiosa costruzione del IV o III sec. a.C. dalle dimensioni eccezionali: 37 metri di profondité0 e diametro di 5,6 metri, percorribile grazie ad un geniale sistema di scale.
Pozzo Etrusco (Etruscan Well), an imposing construction of the fourth or third century BC which has exceptional dimensions : 37 meters deep and 5.6 meters in diameter , viable thanks to an ingenious system of stairs.
Pozzo Etrusco (Etruscan Well), an imposing construction of the fourth or third century BC which has exceptional dimensions : 37 meters deep and 5.6 meters in diameter , viable thanks to an ingenious system of stairs.
Pozzo Etrusco (Etruscan Well), an imposing construction of the fourth or third century BC which has exceptional dimensions : 37 meters deep and 5.6 meters in diameter , viable thanks to an ingenious system of stairs.
Pozzo Etrusco (Etruscan Well), an imposing construction of the fourth or third century BC which has exceptional dimensions : 37 meters deep and 5.6 meters in diameter , viable thanks to an ingenious system of stairs.
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