Il percorso dell’ex ferrovia che collegava Spoleto a Norcia è oggi un sentiero di circa 45 km in mezzo al verde, percorribile a piedi, in bicicletta o a cavallo.
The route of the former railway that connected Spoleto to Norcia is now a path of about 45 km in the open, walking, cycling or horse riding.
The route of the former railway that connected Spoleto to Norcia is now a path of about 45 km in the open, walking, cycling or horse riding.
The route of the former railway that connected Spoleto to Norcia is now a path of about 45 km in the open, walking, cycling or horse riding.
The route of the former railway that connected Spoleto to Norcia is now a path of about 45 km in the open, walking, cycling or horse riding.